Sunday, June 23, 2024

Ice Ribbon 6/23/2024 ~ After The Rain, Ribbon 2024

Ice Ribbon 6/23/2024 ~ After The Rain, Ribbon 2024

They have a great crowd on hand, easily the best crowd of the last two years. The stream for this is lagging like crazy as they probably have 10x more people watching this than usual.

The Ice Ribbon roster comes out and talks.  

Yappy and Miria Kouga vs Misa Kogura and Arisa Shinose

Yappy's team is attacked at the bell. Arisa and Misa corner splash Kouga then double elbow drop her. They then stand on her and pose. Misa hair throws Kouga. Kouga hits chest forearms and Misa drops her with one.

Kouga is thrown by the hair and footchoked. Misa slams and sentons Kouga. Arisa snapmares her then camel clutches her. Arisa pulls on her nostrils. Misa corner spears Kouga then elbow drops her for 2.

Kouga rolls her up off a giant swing attempt then dropkicks her. Yappy shoulders Misa over then drops Arisa on her. Yappy splashes both opponents for 2. Misa sits on Yappy's back and pulls on her arms.

Yappy catches Arisa's crossbody and Misa dropkicks them over. Arisa dropkicks Yappy for 2 then Yappy double crossbodies both opponents. Yappy butt drops Arisa for 2.

Arisa splashes Yappy then Yappy drops her on her chest. Yappy running lariats Arisa for 2. Kouga hits dropkicks on Arisa. Kouga and Arisa trade chest forearms. Yappy airplane spin drops Arisa then drops Kouga on her for 2.

Arisa shoulders Kouga over then crabs her. Kouga cradles Arisa then rolls her up for 2. Kouga backslides her for 2. Kouga takes a double suplex for 2. Arisa shining wizards Kouga and wins.

Thoughts: It went too long for an opener and was pretty basic with Kouga getting beaten up on as expected. It really wasn't that interesting.

Totoro Satsuki, Yuna Manase and Asuka Fujitaki vs Ancham, Nanae Furukawa and Tsukina Umino

Totoro and Umino start us off. Totoro is hit from behind then takes corner attacks. Totoro shoulders over her opponents then rolls her partners and the ref in a stupid moment.

Yuna shoulders over Nanae for 2. Nanae triangles Yuna over the top rope and boots her in the chest. Yuna slams Nanae then Nanae hits chest forearms. Nanae rolls up Yuna for 2 then slams her. An top rope crossbodies Yuna.

An rolls her then armbars her. An dropkicks Yuna against the ropes then Umino drive by dropkicks Yuna outside. Yuna hits lariats on her opponents then Asuka splashes and slams An. An flying headscissors Asuka for 2.

Asuka backracks her and throws her over. An tornado ddt's Asuka then basement dropkicks her for 2. Nanae basement dropkicks Asuka then flips onto her for 2. The trade chest forearms. Asuka hits a nice lariat on Nanae for 2. Asuka deadlift powerbombs her.

Yuna and Umino get in. Yuna corner lariats her then samoan drops her for 2. Umina flying headscissors Yuna then armbars her on the ropes. Yuna shoulders her over then running lariats her.

Yuna splashes Umino andTotoro in the corner. Totoro misses a splash. Totoro's team dogpiles on Umino with splashes, splashing each other in the process. Totoro chest forearms Umino then Umino does it back.

Totoro slams Umino then Umino crucifixes her. Umino boots her in the face then top rope dropkicks Totoro. Yuna corner meteora's Totoro. Yumino corner dropkicks Totoro. Totoro's team hits triple running attacks on all 3 opponents. Umin takes lariats from all 3 opponents and Totoro is busted open somehow. Umin takes a double powerbomb.

Yuna goes over the top then Nanae headbutts Asuka. Umino dropkicks Totoro for 2. Totoro hits a stiff lariat on her for 2. Umino hurricanrana's Totoro with help from a partner and wins.

Thoughts: Like the first match, it went on way too long and wasn't that great. They lost the plot in this one early and did dumb stuff like having partners attack each other and the ref.  

Arisa Nakajima & Makoto vs. Saran & Yoshiko Hasegawa

Yosh nails Arisa during her entrance. Arisa's team is irish whipped and they hit running boots. Yosh is booted around then double crossbodies her opponents. Saran christo's Makoto. Makoto sits on Saran in the corner.

Arisa hair throws Saran and low dropkicks her. Arisa stands on her face in the corner and dropkicks her. Arisa sits on her for 2. Makoto slams Saran for 2 then camel clutches her.

Makoto shoulders over Arisa. Arisa boots Sarana and Sarana starts firing up. Saran slaps her then takes a facekick. Arisa hits knees to the head then spin kicks her in the chest. Arisa is tripped into the ropes. Saran misses a 619 and is german suplexed.

Yosh top rope crossbodies Arisa then dropkicks her. Yosh rolls her up and stretch mufflers her. Yosh crossbodies Arisa and Makoto against the bottom rope for 2. Arisa double armbars Yosh and Saran starts putting the boots to Arisa.

Arisa nails Saran then running facekicks Yosh. Arisa top rope dropkicks Yosh. Makoto pump kicks and axe kicks Yosh. Makoto then double knee drops her for 2. Yosh hits chest forearms on Makoto. Makoto facekicks her then Makoto is dragon screwed on the ropes. Yosh rolling sentons her for 2.

Saran dropkicks Makoto then Makoto hits chest clubs on her. Saran rolls up Makoto then gets on her back with a sleeper. Saran hits chest forearms on Makoto and is knee'd in the gut. Makoto bulldogs her for 2. 

Makoto double underhook suplexes Saran for 2. Yosh and Saran hit dropkicks on Makoto. Saran top rope dropkicks her then Arisa top rope dropkicks Makoto. Saran rolls up Makoto for 2. Makoto then taps out Saran with a facelock soon after.

Thoughts: I really liked the Saran vs Arisa sections. Those worked out great with Saran getting bullied and fighting back. Like the other two matches though, it went longer than it needed to. They also didn't follow up on the Saran vs Arisa stuff like they could have.

IWGP Women's Title Match - Mayu Iwatani (c) vs. Tsukasa Fujimoto

Yuji Nagata did the title proclamation. They front face lock each other on the mat and Mayu boots her away. Tsuka wristlocks her, Mayu reverses it and wraps her arm around the top rope. Tsuka side headlocks her.

They armdrag each other. Mayu ducks a kick and kips up. Tsuka boots and snapmares her. Tsuka kicks her in the back. Tsuka stands on Mayu's face. Tsuka puts her in an octopus. Tsuka dropkicks her while she's in the ropes and Mayu takes a hard fall out to the floor.

Tsuka misses a corner charge and takes a basement dropkick. Mayu hits kicks on Tsuka then kneels on her on the ropes. Mayu dropkicks Tsuka while she's in the ropes. Mayu kicks Tsuka in the back then lets Tsuka kick her in the back. They repeat this and Tsuka hits more back kicks.

They trade forearms. Tsuka double chops her then Mayu rolls her. Tsuka kicks her. Mayu is in tree of woe and Tsuka double stomps her from the top. Tsuka corner dropkicks her for 2. Tsuka heavenly locks her.

Mayu forearms her off the apron then topes her outside. Tsuka drops her off the electric chair down to the floor. Tsuka kicks her from the apron. Mayu cries outside and Tsuka throws her in.

Tsuka triangle kicks her off the ropes and ends up injuring herself. Mayu catches her body scissors then germans her hard. Mayu hits forearms and the ref stops the match. Tsuka's holding her elbow and is injured.

Thoughts: WHYYYYYYY? This sucks. I can't believe this happened at Ice's biggest show in years. It's really hard to rate a match that ended early. What we saw looked good but who knows how it would have turned out. I've been saying it for years - someone put a curse on Ice Ribbon. There is just no other explanation for the constant bad luck that this promotion goes through. This isn't even the only PPV that had a match end in injury as Hikari Minami got injured on a fall PPV last year.

Mayu gets on the mic after and someone literally throws a mic in at Tsuka, hitting her in the leg. Mayu talks to her, promising her another match and goes to shake her hand, but shakes her other hand instead as her elbow is messed up.

They basically go to break as they put the event logo up on the screen and play the Ice Ribbon theme for about 10 minutes.

Triangle Ribbon Title Match - Yuuki Mashiro (c) vs. Mio Shirai vs. Unagi Sayaka

Mio and Uangi stare down then hit each other. They grab each other. Yuuki tries to get in but is pushed away. Yuuki gets in the way on purpose and gets hit by both girls.

Yuuki is stomped, kicked and legdropped. Mio grabs Unagi by the chest then throws her. Unagi pushes her chest in Mio's face. Unagi has a band, gives it to the ref and snaps it in his face on accident. Yuuki puts Unagi and Mio on the ropes then snaps them both with bands.

Unagi and Yuuki trade forearms. Yuuki forearms her over then Yuuki dropkicks her. Mio is dropkicked off the apron. Mio holds Unagi and Yuuki on the ropes then headscissors them both over the ropes.

Mio PK's Unagi. Unagi catches her kick then swinging facebusters her. Unagi legdrops her for 2. Unagi goes for the backslide and Yuuki rolls both up. Unagi is put on Mio then Yuuki pulls on the legs and arms of her opponents together.

Yuuki double stomps Unagi. Mio and Yuuki take a double codebreaker then nagi legdrops both at the same time. Yuuki top rope planchas both opponents outside. Mio kicks Yuuki by stepping on Unagi's back. Mio hits angel's wings on Yuuki for 2.

Unagi superplexes Mio then Mio suplexes her. Unagi and Mio facekick each other. Yuuki eye pokes and spi kicks Mio. Yuuki dropkicks Mio. Mio hurricanrana's Unagi then they try pin attempts. Yuuki then gets the pin on Mio.

Thoughts: It was okay with some creative three person spots here. Not exactly great though and the finishing section could have been cleaner. It is a three way at the end of the day and these things are usually limited quality wise.

Yuuki, Mio and Unagi talk on the mic after.

ICExInfinity Title League Final Match - Hamuko Hoshi vs. YuuRI

Yuuri pulls away on the handshake. They lock up. Ham clean breaks her on the ropes. Ham side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Yuuri drops down and trips her then basement dropkicks her. Yuuri hits boots on the ropes.

Yuuri double axe handles her and Yuuri is sent into the post. They trade forearms outside and Yuuri ddt's her on the floor. Yuuri cannonballs her off the apron. Yuuri dropkicks Ham. Ham is tripped into the ropes and body blocks Yuuri. Ham rubs her stomach on Yuuri.

Ham corner splashes Yuuri and rams her with her butt. Yuuri flying neckbreakers her then headscissors her. Ham bulldogs Yuuri for 2. Ham crabs her then Yuuri ropebreaks. They trade chest forearms. Yuuri spin kicks her and 619's her. Yuuri top rope dropkicks Ham for 2. Ham overhead suplexes Yuuri twice. Ham release germans her then running lariats her.

They trade forearms. Yuuri runs at her and gets her back with a sleeper. They fight on the buckles and Ham superplexes Yuuri. Yuuri gets her feet up on Ham's top rope splash. Yuuri buzzsaw kicks her and back kicks her in the head. Yuuri fisherman suplexes her for 2. Yuuri tope swantons her for 2.

Yuuri hits boots and Ham grabs onto her leg. Ham dragon screws her. Hat hits her with her stomach. Ham does a shining stomach shot for 2. Ham top rope splashes her for 2. Ham clubs on her and is high kicked for 1. Yuuri back rolls her into a bridge for 2. Ham lariats her for 2. 

Ham back body drops her then steamrollers her but Yuuri reverses it. Yuuri la magistrals her and hits headkicks. Yuuri spin kicks her in the head for 2. Yuuri top rope swantons her twice and wins.

Thoughts: It got a lot of time but was just an average match. Not awful but nothing great here. Neither one of these girls are really main event talents but it's Ice and there's slim pickings. They tried to push Ham as the underdog in this one, which she was, and she ended up losing as expected.

Yuuri talks to Ham on the mic after. Tsukina Umino comes in and Yuuri seems to set up a match with her. 

The roster shakes hands with the fans then the wrestlers come out for a show ending speech.

Overall thoughts: It was a one match show on paper and the one match ended abruptly due to an injury. The first few matches went too long. The three-way was okay but not great and they tried in the main, but it was never going to be a classic. Ice Ribbon just doesn't have the roster to put on great shows like they used to and the show not being that great really wasn't a surprise. Ice Ribbon also continued their habit of having the worst luck of any promotion ever here. I would not recommend this one.

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