Tuesday, June 11, 2024

CMLL 6/10/2024 Arena Puebla

CMLL 6/10/2024 Arena Puebla

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/06/cmll-632024-arena-puebla.html

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/06/cmll-632024-arena-puebla.html

There will be a livesteam for this sometime Friday night on the Television Puebla youtube stream. I'll see if I can catch it. We have 3 fancammed matches here and part of a fourth match.

Hombre Bala Jr., Robin and Valiente Jr. vs El Perverso, Multy and Prayer

Perverso has the longer hair. Prayer has his hair short on the sides like a mohawk.

1st Fall - Robin and Perverso start us off. They do a greco roman knuckle rock and Robin headstands off of it. Robin cartwheels off a throw. Perv does an indian deathlock variation on Robin then Robin surfboards him. Perverse rolls him into a leglock/single leg crab. Robin armdrags him then rolls him into a crucifix for 2. Robin then headscissors him out.

Multy and Bala go at it. Multy takes him down and crucifixes him. They stand off. Bala armdrags him then is armdragged after some holds. They stand off and shake hands.

Prayer and Val go at it. Val armdrags him then headscissors him. Prayer back elbows him and val back elbows him. They then stand off. Val flying headscissors Perv and is dropkicked. Robin flying headscissors Perv then Multy flying headscissors him. Bala runs the ramp and slingshot shoulders Multy. Bala dropkicks him out. Bala dives through the ropes to hit a spear on the ramp. Val and Robin are then submitted together and lose the fall.

2nd Fall - The faces get hit from behind. Bala takes a double team then is tripped into a Multy basement dropkick. Robin is triple stomped. Robin takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker into an elbow drop and legdrop. Val is held for a chop from Perverso then Multy basement dropkicks Val in the corner.

Bala takes a double boot out. Robin is kicked in the leg then Robin flying headscissors. Robin is triple stomped. Prayer back body drops Robin. Bala is kicked in the leg. Bala topes Pervero outside and BVal tornillo splashes 2 opponents. Robin hits a top rope splash while Val hits a corner basement dropkick and the technicos win the fall.

3rd Fall - Bala flips over Perv's back then corkscrew headscissors him. Prayer dropkicks Multy on acicdent. Bala handstand corner pendulum double knees Multy then flying headbutts Prayer. Bala then poses. Val headscissors Perv then walks up the buckles and does a headscissors onto Prayer. Val monkey flips Multy.

Robin gets double teamed. He is thrown into the ropes, bounces off and does a headscissors. He headscissors Prayer and Perv after. Robin and Val get hit on the floor then Multy and Prayer do tope con hilos. Bala is dropped by Perv then rolled up and pinned. Perverso's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: This was solid lucha here with the two teams working well together and keeping it moving.

Guerrero Maya Jr., Stigma, Xelhua vs Brillante Jr., Max Star, Neón

1st Fall - Neon and Xel go at it. Xel shoulder throws him. Neon flips him over his back and armdrags him. Neon rolls him into a double arm submission. Xel does a cook leglock with a headscissors. Neon rolling hammerlocks him and turns it into an armbar.

Xel ties up Neon's arms then Neon STF's him. Xel does a really cool figure four on Neon. Xel armdrags him off the powerslam attempt and both tag out. Brill and Maya get in. Brill trips him into an ankle lock then Maya full nelsons him. Brill trips him then rolls him into a figure four variation. Brill wristlocks him and they trade holds on the mat.

Brill flips out of a wristlock using the ropes and armdrags Maya. Max and Stig go at it. Max flips Stig and armdrags him. Stig armdrags Max then shoulders him over. Max monkey flips him and Stig lands on his feet. Max rolls into a dropkick on him then topes him outside. 4 men fight in the ring. Neon messes up a double jump moonsault and gets the pin along with Brill. Neon's team wins the fall. 

2nd Fall - Stig and Brill go at it. Brill does a nice headscissors on Stig. Maya is pushed into Xel. Brill uses the ropes to armdrag Maya. Brill handstands and back rolls into a spinning headscissors on Xel. Neon and Stig go at it. Neon cartwheels and backslides over Stig as Stig slides at him. Neon double jump moonsaults over him then dropkicks him out.

Neon moonsaults over Maya then is thrown up into a headscissors on Xel. Neon does rope tricks into a double springboard dropkick on Maya. Max flying headscissors Stig. Max flips over Maya's back then 2nd rope hurricanrana's him. Max 2nd rope tornillo armdrags Xel.

Brill step up enzugiri's Maya then Maya dropkicks him out. Maya plancha's Brill. Xel and Stig do springboard armdrags then do stereo submissions and submit their opponents. Stigma's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Neon and Maya go at it. Maya shoulder throws him. Neon sunset flips him then Maya armdrags him. Maya hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on all 3 opponents. Xel flying headscissors Neon then superkicks Max. Xel tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Brill. Stig and Brill fight. Stig dropkicks him in the knee then spinning neckbreakers Max. Stig pop-up sitout powerbombs Neon.

Brill goes up and over and sunset flips Stig. Xel does a la rosa driver on an opponent. Max knees Xel in the gut then asai moonsaults into a standing moonsault on him. Maya chops Max then Maya does an abdominal stretch into a pin attempt on max. Neon sitout moonsaults Maya for 2. We get a tower of doom spot with Neon taking a double superplex. Stig springboard splashes Neon and Neon's team all kick out of pins together.

Brill is popped up into a double dropkick on Maya and Xel. Brill and Max do tope con hilos outside. Stig springboard crossbodies Neon. Neon double stomps him then inverted splashes him off the top to pin him. Neon's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts:  You couldn't ask for much more than what we got here. We got some dives, technical wrestling and fast-paced non-stop lucha. It was a good match and Neon's flying was really good here.

CMLL Light Heavyweight Title - Averno vs Esfinge

1st Fall  - Es wristlocks him and Ave reverses it. Ave does a nice takedown and armbars him. They then get up and stand off Es trips him and does a rolling double leg lock. Ave armlocks him then Es hooks the legs and goes for a sleeper. Es armdrags him and they stand off.

Ave trips and armdrags him. Es kips up and armdrags him. Es headscissors him and they stand off. Es shoulders him over then flying headscissors him. They go out of the ring and Es is legswept onto the apron. Ave chops him. Robin cheers Esfinge on as his second.

Ave is popped up into the buckles. Es monkey flips him twice then monkey flips him on the floor. Ave misses a corner splash then Es la magistrals him for 2. Es rolls him up out of the casadora then superkicks him. Es goes for a pin attempt and Ave gets out of it.

Es springboard armdrags him out and topes Perverso (Averno's second) when Averno moves. Av gets a 2 count on him. Es superkicks him in the gut then Av la magistrals him for 2. Av hits an elevated pedigree for 2.

Es trips him and tries to bridge but gets caught in the ropes. Es springboard dropkicks him then tope con hilos him outside. Es springboard codebreakers him for 2. Ave corner lariats him and corner punches him.
Ave's head is superkicked into the buckles then Es springboard dropkicks him for 2. Es corkscrew kicks Averno then springboard splashes his back. Es goes for another springboard splash and Ave gets his knees up. Ave does a figure four variation and bridge pins him off it to win the match.   

Thoughts: It went a little longer than it needed to. Esfinge tries but he's not super athletic or that great at anything. I thought they put out a good effort here but it probably would have been better with someone else in Esfinge's spot. Averno ended up winning here with the bridge pin that Esfinge tried all throughout.

Místico vs Ángel de Oro


1st Fall - Mist hurricanrana's him on the ramp and springboards on him. Oro stomps on Mistico. Oro runs the ropes fast and basement dropkicks him. Oro back elbows him Mist is tripped and kicked by Oro. Oro corner lariats and corner euros Mist. Oro basement dropkicks him in the back of the head.

Mist is popped up and dropped then Oro armbars him. Oro submits him and wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Oro rips at Mist's mask. Oro rolls him into a legdrop. Mist superkicks Oro then 619's him. Mist springboard diving hurricanrana's him then christo's him for the submission win. Mistico wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Mist handsprings off the ropes then springboard diving hurricanrana's Oro. Mist plancha's out and diving hurricanrana's Oro on the floor. Mist springboard crossbodies him inside for 2. Oro goes up and over Mist then spinning headscissors him. Oro then triangle moonsaults Mist outside.

Mist is popped up and hurricanrana's Oro. Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags Oro out. Mist topes Oro. Oro superkicks him from the apron then triangle moonsaults him inside for 2. Oro is on the 2nd rope and Mist springboard hurricanrana's him. Oro moonsaults Mist off the top for 2. Oro michinoku drivers Mist.

Oro goes up top and Mist walks up the buckles into a spanish fly on him. Oro of course kicks out. Mist moonsaults and gets double boots to the face. Oro surfboards Mist then Mist springboard twisting crossbodies him. Mist does a spinning la mistica and submits him to win the fall and match.

It was the usual fare from Mistico. Oro flew around a bit more than usual. I didn't like the kick out on the top rope spanish fly here. It was just okay overall and they didn't go for a classic in this one. I also would have liked them to speed things up more between spots here.

Overall thoughts: What we saw of this looked good. We will have to see what the CMLL version of this later in the week has. The trios match with Neon was really about as good as it gets and the Robin trios match was good lucha. The main was fine and they tried in Averno/Esfinge but it wasn't a classic. I liked this show.

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