Saturday, June 22, 2024

AEW Rampage 6/21/2024

AEW Rampage 6/21/2024

Last week's show is here:

This is maybe the most random Rampage card ever and that's saying something.

Private Party vs Metalik and Komander

Metal = Metalik, Kom = Komander

Zay side headlocks Kom then armdrags him. Kom boots him then 2nd rope diving headsicssors him. Kom tilt-a-whirl armdrags Zay then dropkicks him. Zay takes a double hiptoss then a double basement dropkick. Metal chinlocks Zay.

PP hits silly string and Zay tornado ddt's Metal off of it. Quen dropkicks Metal then slams him. Metal handspring double back elbows PP. Kom springboard double crossbodies PP then seated flips off the ropes and double armdrags PP. Kom headscissors Quen.

Kom backrolls into a headscissors on Zay then Metal tope con hilos both PP members outside. Kom corkscrew asai moonsaults outside onto PP. 

We go to PiP break and return. Zay hits a big forearm on Metal then spinebusters Kom. Quen gets in and back enzugiri's Metal. Quen top rope moonsaults Kom then superplexes Metal. Quen top rope 450's Metal. Metal superkicks him then slingblade bulldogs him. Metal rope walk 2nd rope dropkicks him.

Metal and Zay trade forearms. Zay flurries on him they double lariat each other. Quen and Kom miss stereo ssp's off the top. Quen poisonrana's Kom. Metal takes a gin and juice and wins.

It was a highflying match. It was fine for an opener and had some fun spots. The match was totally random though. 

The Learning Tree come out. Private Party go up the ramp and fight with them. Security then breaks it up.
We get a video on Ultimo Guerrero vs Kazuchika Okada.

Rey Fenix vs Turbo Floyd

Turbo shoves him and poses. Rey hits chops then Turbo shoulders him over. Turbo elbow drops him for 2. Rey double springboard twisting crossbodies him then rope walk kicks him. Rey top rope splashes him for the win.

Thoughts: It's a shame this was short as I thought it could have been a good one.

AEW TNT Title Qualifier - Action Andretti vs Lio Rush

AA drops down and Lio puts him in a hold. Lio springboard hurricanrana's him and AA headflips out. AA is thrown out. They both jump on the steps at the same time then jump off together. They get back in and crossbody each other at the same time.

We go to PiP break then full break. AA forearms him then facekicks him off the apron. AA seated moonsaults him outside. AA misses a springboard 450. AA hits kicks then falcon arrows him for 2.

Lio armdrags AA off of his shoulders. Lio strike combos him then AA spanish flies him off the crossbody attempt. Lio back rolls him into a spinning kick. Lio bottom rope stunners him. Lio top rope frogsplshes him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a short and fast paced match with lots of flips. They didn't overdo it though so I was fine with it.

Top Flight come out then Lio and AA shake hands. Darius and Lio then slap hands. Lio shake hands with Dante.

Shingo Takagi vs AR Fox

Fox hits him while he's taking off his gear. Fox dropkicks him then plants off the post and moonsaults him outside. Fox top rope swatons him for 2. Shingo back elbows, punches and lariats him. Shingo ddt's him.

Shingo hits downward elbows. Fox hits kicks to the head and cutters Shingo as Shingo is kneeling. Fox top 450's Shingo for 2. Shingo blocks a seated spanish fly. Shingo lariats him. Fox kips down out of a lariat. Shingo pop-up death valley drivers him then lariats him. Shingo then hits a made in Japan and wins.

Thoughts: Like the last match, it was a short one and was fast paced. It was completely random. Fox did a bunch of flipping here but it was so short that they couldn't overdo it.

Bryan Danielson comes out. Bryan offers a handshake. Shingo slaps his hand away and leaves.

Women's Owen Hart Tournament First Round - Serena Deeb vs Willow Nightingale

Debb backrolls out of a wristlock and Willow waistlock takedowns her. Deeb side headlocks her. Willow shoulders her, slams her and low crossbodies her for 2. Willow suplexes her then misses a dropkick. Deeb goes for a single leg crab and Willow ropebreaks. Deeb dragon screws her and forearms her off the apron. Deeb spinning neckbreakers her on the floor.  

We go to PiP break and return. Willow corner lariats Deeb then boots her in the chest. Willow spinebusters her. Deeb single leg crabs her then rebound germans her. Deeb pepsi twists her for 2.

Willow superplexes her then running lariats her for 2. Willow misses a corner cannonball then Deeb hits a detox for 2. Willow pounces her from the side then doctor bombs her. Willow then wins.

It was fine but nothing too special. Deeb did some holds but didn't really connect them together towards working a limb and Willow got the win here as expected. I really don't get what they are doing with Deeb or why. They get in the mood to push her every few months, then starts taking losses again and disappears. It sure seems like that's going to happen again here.

Overall thoughts: It was a super random edition of Rampage with matches really being thrown out there for no reason. The matches were okay though and it was a decent show overall.

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