Tuesday, June 25, 2024

CMLL 6/21/2024 NJPW Fantastica Mania Mexico 2024

CMLL 6/21/2024 NJPW Fantastica Mania Mexico 2024

Los Viajeros Del Espacio (Futuro & Max Star) & Vegas vs. Dinasta Karonte (Astro Boy Jr., Dr. Karonte I & Dr. Karonte II)

NOTE - The Karonte's and Astro are wearing the same colors and nearly identical outfits so it's a little hard to tell them apart. Astro is thinner than the other two and doesn't have tattoos.

Kar = Either one of the Karonte's, Fut = Futuro

Futuro and Astro go at it. They roll on the mat and Fut wristlocks him. Astro armlocks him. Fut flips out and armdrags him. Fut fireman's carry takeovers him then is popped up and armdrags Astro. Max and a Kar go at it.

Kar trips him then Max armdrags him. Max spinning headscissors him out from the mat. Veg is plancha'd by Astro. Astro cartweels on the ropes and springboard tornillo's him. Astro spinning headscissors him out then springboard tornillos him outside. Fut goes up and over a Kar in the corner then spinning bodyscissors him. Kar armdrags Fut over.

Max handspring corkscrew crossbodies Max then Max flying headscissors him. Kar over the back armdrags Max then Veg dropkicks Kar in the knee. Kar goes for a headscissors and is dropped on his chest. Veg takes a spinebuster then is 2nd rope dropkicked in the butt.

Max is popped up into a cutter then Kar 2nd rope moonsaults Max. Astro does a corkscrew elbow. Fut springboard double dropkicks his opponents. Fut flips over a Kar and topes him into the rails. Max rotation headscissors Astro then step-up springboard tope con hilos him outside. Kar does rope tricks and moonsaults out onto opponents.

Veg corkscrew tope con hilos outside. Fut is put on the 2nd rope then Kar springboard hurricanrana's him down for 2. Fut dragon suplexes him to pin him. 

Thoughts: It was a good opener here. I would argue the Karonte's and Astro were the faces here even though they weren't supposed to be. They got a bunch of dives in and had a good showing on this one.

The Wolf Zaddies (Bad Dude Tito & Che Cabrera) vs. Los Depredadores (Magnus & Rugido)

1st Fall - Rug and Che go at it. Rug abdominal stretches him and Tito breaks it up. Rug takes double boots from his opponents. All four go outside and the faces are dropped head first on the apron. Mag is sent into the rails. The heels are sent into each other inside but stop it. The heels hit stereo tilt-a-whirl backbreakers then stereo F-5's to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Rug is double flapjacked and takes a double hip attack. Che flying dropkicks Mag. Rug is double teamed then he lands on his feet on a springboard. Rug is popped up into a double dropkick on the heels. Rug and Mag then do stereo sunset flips off of F-5's and win the fall. 

3rd Fall - Mag dropkicks Che into the ropes and 619's him. Tito pump kicks Mag. Rug powerslams Tito for 2. Rug is popped up into a spinebuster for 2. Tito is double teamed and takes a double back elbow and double basement dropkick for 2.

Mag takes a double spinning forearm then a double team cutter for 2. Tito and Che are pulled over the top and take topes. Che flying shoulders Mag for 2. Che takes corner attacks and a meteora in the corner. Rug germans Tito and the faces get stereo pins to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: Mag and Rug weren't the most exciting of faces here and it was just an average match. The ending to the match wasn't that interesting either.

NJPW STRONG Women's Title Match - Stephanie Vaquer (c) vs. La Catalina

They lock-up and head to the ropes. They lock-up again. SV takes her down and they stand off. SV upkicks Cat then they go chest to chest. Cat hits mounted forearms and bangs SV's head off the mat.

SV rolls and headflips out of a wristlock. SV armlocks her then Cat hits armdrags. SV blocks an armdrag by grabbing the hair then stomps Cat's arm into the mat. SV kicks Cat in the back. Cat dropkicks SV.

Cat goes up and over SV, corner lariats her and does bad flying clotheslines. SV hits a soul foot. Cat trips her into the ropes and hip attacks her there. Cat crossbodies her off the apron. Cat is on the ropes and SV dragon screws here there. 

Cat is sent into the rails outside. SV straightjacket chokes her over her knees inside then  tries a bridge pin. SV does facewash kicks then bangs Cat's head off the mat with her legs. Cat boots her out of the corner and hip attacks her. SV hits a headbutt flurry. Cat flying knees her.

They trade forearms on their knees and SV headbutts her. Cat hip attacks her on the buckles. Cat top rope splashes her for 2. Cat hits a pedigree for 2. SV ddt's her and gets a 2 count on a pin. Cat dropkicks her. SV springboard crossbodies her for 2. Cat michinoku drivers her for 2.

SV meteora's her in the corner for 2. Cat hits forearms and SV hits superkicks. SV package backbreakers her and wins.

Thoughts: They tried to have a good one here with a bunch of kickouts. The crowd was into it but I thought it was just average and nothing too great. It also could have had a few minutes cut off of it. 

Mercedes Mone comes out after. She says to say hola to your CEO and TBS champ. She says she's not the same SV she faced a year ago. She says she will show her why she is the CEO as money changes everything.

SV has words for her and they fight until the ref breaks it up. Mone holds up the Strong title and throws it at SV after.

Rocky Romero & Taiji Ishimori vs. Mascara Dorada & Templario

1st Fall - Temp and TI trade wristlocks. Temp armdrags him and is armdragged. MD and RR go head to head. MD armdrags him then RR spinning headscissors him. MD flips over his back an they stand off. RR takes a top rope crossbody from. Temp catches TI's crossbody and double knee gutbusters him. MD 450's RR off the top while Temp flying space tigers on the ramp and both get pins to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Temp shoulders TI over. TI flying knees him. MD corkscrew headsissors TI then sitout powerbombs RR. MD is pushed off the top into the railings then RR topes MD. TI flying headscissors Temp then tope con hilos him. MD is thrown over the rails and flips into the front row.

Temp takes a shoulder breaker from TI then RR unlaces MD's mask. The heels try to take off the faces masks. RR rolling armbars MD off the top then TI border city stretches Temp. The heels get dual submissions and win the fall. 

3rd Fall - The faces take corner attacks. The faces walk up the ropes and hit dropkicks then do stereo topes outside. The heels take spinebusters then MD is flipped onto RR. Temp then jumps off of MD's back and moonsaults.

MD takes a double team. MD is dropped onto TI's knees then takes a running shiranui. Temp powerslams RR then gordbusters TI on him. MD hits a running ssp and the faces get 2 counts on pin attempts.

Temp wheelbarrow germans RR then MD tilt-a-whirl backbreakers TI. RR camel clutches MD and Temp breaks it up. Temp and TI fight on the apron then both are dropkicked off. RR hurricanrana's MD then rolls him up for 2. MD dominators RR off the razor's edge then MD top rope ssp's RR. The ref only counts 2 but RR doesn't move. I have no idea if he is pinned or not. TI drops MD on his knees and pins him.

Temp pumping knees TI. TI pulls dwon Temp's mask and pins him.

It went long and dragged in the 3rd fall. Then the ref ended up screwing up one of pin's. They also did too much in the first that didn't really carry over to the later falls. 

Kyle Fletcher does a promo from the airport. He said he wants to be the greatest and says he'll defend his title against Atlantis Jr. next week. Atlantis had challenged him on ROH TV.

Averno & Volador Jr. vs. Michael Oku & Zack Sabre Jr.

1st Fall - Zack cravates Av then Av does a rolling leg takedown. Av legbars him. Zack ties his legs up and bridges. Zack ties up Av's legs. Vol and Oku go at it. Vol has new trunks and Oku flying headscisosrs him. Oku springboard triangle dropkicks him. Oku fosbury flops outside onto Vol.

Av gets some shots in on Zack. Zack rolls him up then bow and arrows him. Zack cobra twists Av then armbars him. The foreigners get stereo submissions on the faces and win the fall.

2nd Fall - Oku ddt's Av then PK's him. Oku asai moonsaults him for 2. Av chops Oku. Av is hiptossed over the top. Vol superkicks Oku then flying headscissors Zack. Vol topes Zack outside. Av la magistrals Oku for 2.

Av ties up Oku's legs then Zack sleepers Av while he does it. Vol superkicks Zack in the side of the head. Oku top rope dropkicks Zack when Av moves. Oku single leg crabs Av and Zack hits foot slaps on Oku. They argue then both are double teamed.

Oku corner dropkicks Zack on acicdent. Vol backbreakers Zack for 2 while Av 2nd rope angel's wings Oku for 2. Vol basement dropkicks Av on accident then Vol flying headscissors Zack. Av boots Vol in the chest. Vol code red's Oku and Av breaks the pin up. Av low blows Vol. Zack bridge pins Av and then Oku top rope splashes Vol to win the fall.

Thoughts: Well, this was odd with both teams turning on each other and fighting their partners as much as their opponents. I did not expect that.

Av talks to Vol on the mic after. He then boots Vol and KeMalito.

Mistico vs. Hiromu Takahashi

Mistico had new music and was given a plaque. Karonte and Astro Boy (his relatives) came out as did some kids in Mistico outfits.

HT takes him down and is armdragged. Mist springboard crossbodies him then headscissors him out. Mist topes him into the rails. Mist walks up the buckles and is swept on the ropes. Mist is sent into the rails. Mist has his legs banged off the post.

HT locks up his legs then tries to take his mask off. HT death valley drivers Mist on the apron. HT double axe handles Mist off the apron. Mist handspring back elbows HT then HT dropkicks him in the knee. Mist handsprings then flying headscissiors HT. Mist hits a 619 then springboard dropkicks him out.

Mist tornillos onto him outside. HT superkicks him and back elbows him. HT rebound germans him then takes a rebound german. HT falcon arrows him for 2. HT puts on a Mistico mask that he wore for his entrance then he rips at Mist's mask. Mist then takes off the mask HT has.

HT superkicks him then suplexes him for 2. Mist step up enzugiri's him then is superkicked. HT sunset bombs him on the floor. HT then jumps off the top and sentons him outside. HT 2nd rope death valley drivers him for 2. 

Mist walks up the buckles and spanish flies HT off the top. Mist top rope moonsaults and HT gets his feet up. Mist powerslams him for 2. Mist springboard swantons him then springboard crossbodies him for 2.

Mist is nearly pushed in the ref then low blowed. HT rolls him up. Mist crucifix bombs him for 2. HT superplexes him for 2. Mist does a la mistica and taps him out.

Thoughts: It was your usual awful Hiromu match where they do way too much, it goes on forever and no one sells anything. It started off well with basic heel vs face stuff then just became an indy style match. I couldn't wait for this to be over.

The various wrestlers in the ring after and pose for a photo. Mist then talks on the mic.

Overall thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of this. The main had a horrible Hiromu Takahashi main event. The Volador tag was dumb with partners fighting each other and their opponents. The ref messed up the pin in the Rocky Romero tag and the women tried but just didn't have a great match.

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