Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 6/16/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 6/16/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/06/southern-illinois-championship_11.html

They talk about SICW at the race track.

The Professionals (Mauler McDarby and Shawn Santel) vs Joey Vinetti and Billy McNeil

Joey starts with Mauler McDarby. Mauler armdrags him then Joey armdrags him back. Mauler goes up and over and is caught with an armdrag and armlock. Billy top rope double stomps Mauler's arm. Shawn Santel and Billy get in. Billy armdrags and armlocks him. Joey fireman's carry takeovers him. Shawn takes a cheapshot on Billy.

Shawn takes a double back elbow then Billy headlock takeovers him. Joey legdrops Shawn for 2. Shawn takes down Joey then Mauler stomps Joey. Mauler is double teamed. Mauler butt drops Billy then Shawn knee drops and chokes Billy.

It's raining hard now as they are outside. The Professionals work on Billy. Mauler gets on Shawn's back and Shawn kneedrops Billy. Mauler headbutts Billy then Billy takes a double headbutt.

Billy double crossbodies The Professionals. Joey fights off The Pro's 1v2. Joey dropkicks Mauler. Joey pushes Shawn into Mauler. Joey hits shots on Shawn then Mauler hits Joey with a weapon. Mauler then pins Joey to win it.

Thoughts: The Pro's were decent here. The faces had a rough though and some of it may have been due to the ring being slippery due to the rain. Props to them though for keeping the match going even when it was pouring out.  

Herb and Brian talk about the last match and take us to break. We return and head to the next match.

Curtis Wylde vs Glenn Williams

Curtis has Wildfire with him as usual. Sean Vincent is out there with Glenn. CW hiptosses Glenn then Sean yells at CW. Glenn takes another hiptoss and says CW pulled his hair. Glenn yells at the fans then CW armdrags Glenn. CW armlocks him. Glenn gets into it with the fans.

CW lariats Glenn twice then hits a mean boot to the side of the head. CW chops and punches Glenn outside then bangs him off the rails. CW misses a corner spear then Glenn hits boots on him. Sean hits CW with his cane then Glenn camel clutches CW between the ropes.

Glenn single arm ddt's CW for 2. Glenn sleepers him then beats up on him. Glenn puts another sleeper on and takes a jawbreaker. Glenn charges in and runs into CW's elbow. CW boots him out of the corner. CW hits some punches and elbows him on the head.

Glenn hugs the ref and Sean throws a weapon in. CW nails Glenn with it right in front of the ref and is disqualified.

Thoughts: It was more of a match for the live crowd than TV. The ending was odd and I didn't like it. I don't know if I've ever really seen a face hit the heel with a weapon like that so blatantly. It would have been better if Glenn had been using the weapon on him or if he missed a shot at CW got it first.

Herb and Brian talk about the next match and say Stephen E's been up to no good lately.

The Big Texan and Gary Jackson vs Devastation Inc (Atila Khan and Peyton Ayres)

Cowboy Bob Orton is with the faces here and Stephen E and his daughter are with the heels. The heels hit the faces from behind. Khan sends Texan out. Gary hits back elbows on Peyton. Khan chairs Texan outside. The ref sees it and lets it go. Peyton shoulders over Gary. Gary is double teamed in the corner.

Khan snapmares and headbutt drops Gary. Gary crossbodies Khan then Khan works him over in the corners. Gary hits uppercuts on Peyton then Texan corner spears Peyton. Texan hits a nice chest slap. Texan hits a nice slam on Peyton then shoulders him over. 

Texan clubs on Peyton then Gary does an impressive water wheel drop on Peyton for 2. Gary's head is banged off the buckles. Gary's choked over the ropes and Khan rakes Gary's eyes. Gary hits some shots then  Khan slams him. Khan knee drops him.

Khan trap holds Gary then stabs him with a weapon. Peyton suplexes Gary. Gary armdrags him. Gary goes for the slam but Khan falls down on him. Khan misses a 2nd rope headbutt. Texan clubs on Peyton then suplexes him. Texan gets ready for the lariat and nails Peyton. Texan then wins it.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with the heels being solid heels and Texan/Gary doing a good job as faces. All of Texan's offense looked really good here.

Texan ties up Peyton with his cowbell after and stomps him.

That's it for the new matches here.

Overall thoughts: It was a different show than usual with taped matches in front of a casual crowd outside. The main was decent. I didn't like Williams/Wylde as it had a bad finish. It rained during the opener but they tried to work through it.

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