Wednesday, June 12, 2024

CMLL 6/8/2024 Arena Coliseo

CMLL 6/8/2024 Arena Coliseo

Last week's show is here:

Pequeno Magia and Kaligua vs Full Metal and Pequeno Polvora

Polvora has the chest tattoo here and is shirtless.

Magia and Metal go at it. They do some basic stuff. Magia flips him and shoulders him over. They then stand off. Kal and Pol go at it. Kal headflips over him and Pol blocks a headstand headscissors attempt. Kal sunset flips him and they stand off.

Magia is kicked by both opponents then stomped on. Magia is double hiptossed into the ropes then walks up Metal and drags both down. Kal and Pol go at it. Pol dropkicks him on the apron then splashes him on the floor. from the apron.

Metal spears Magia. Magia takes running corner lariats. Magia is put in tree of woe and Metal jumps off of Pol's back to dropkick him. Kal is double teamed then Metal top rope dropkicks him in the butt. Magia takes a double boot out.

Kal is popped up and flips off Metal. Kal and Metal mess up a springboard headscissors then Kal headscissors Pol. Kal and Magia then do stereo dives outside. Kal sunset flips Pol and Metal tries a pin on Magia at the same time. Magia hits an angel's wings and Kal sitout moonsaults then both pick up wins to the match.

Thoughts: It was nothing special with few highlights.

Vaquerita and La Maligna vs Amapola and Olympia


1st Fall - Mal and Olym go at it. Olym side headlocks her. Mal ties up her legs and armdrags her. Olym armdrags her. Mal shoulders Olym over. Olym flips over her back and they pull each others hair. Vaq and Ama get in. Vaq headscissors her. Olym is back in and Vaq lariats her. Vaq flying clotheslines her for 2.

Vaq kicks Olym in the leg then armdrags her off the casadora. Mal side headlocks Ama then shoulders her over. Mal is pulled down by the hair and takes a basement dropkick from Ama. Olym foot chokes Mal. Mal superkicks Olym then Vaq top rope crossbodies Olym. Olym puts Ama in a submission and Mal back body drops Olym. Vaq and Mal get a submission and pin to win the fall. 

2nd Fall - Mal and Olym chest clap each other. Mal takes a double team and then comes bak with a double clothesline. Vaq hits a tilt-a-whirl armdrag then Mal shotgun dropkicks Olym. Vaq's team is pulled out then they are sent into each other outside.

Mal takes a double shot from her opponents. Olym shotgun dropkicks Mal. Olym kicks Vaq in the leg Olym hold Vaq for a basement dropkick from Ama. Olym squats Mal andthrowsher down. Olym stomps on Mal then Vaq is thrown into Olym.

Olym swinging side slams Mal then Vaq does something like a double armbar to submit Vaq.

3rd Fall - Mal is double teamed and kicked in the leg. Mal takes a double spinebuster. Ama sentons her and Olym springboard splashes her. Olym corner lariats Vaq and the rudas stomp their opponents. Mal and Vaq hit stereo corner dropkicks for 2 counts. Ama and Olym argue with the ref and both are rolled up. Vaq dropkicks Olym then Ama spears her. Mal cutters Ama.

Olym samoan drops Mal. Vaq back rolls Olym into a submission that Ama breaks up. Ama backdrops Vaq. Olym does her handstand pendulum bronco buster in the corner. Olym and Ama both pick up pins and win this.

Thoughts: It was not good at all. The girls weren't moving well and nothing looked good.

Dark Magic, Espanto Jr. and Vegas vs Fuego, Hombre Bala Jr. and Legendario

1st Fall - Bala and Dark go at it. They trade some basic holds and Dark side headlock takeovers him. Bala headscissors him then Dark flips out. Bala hammerlocks him and trips him. Dark armbars him and they get up. Bala throws him over then armdrags him into a pin attempt. Bala armdrags him again and Dark goes out.

Fue and Esp go at it. Esp takes him down by the arm then Fue spins him and armdrags him. Fue hits another armdrag and they stand off. Fue armdrags him out off the casadora. Vegas and Leg go at it. Leg spin kicks him then flying headscissors him. Leg spinning forearms him then and double jump flipping armdrags. Leg tope con hilos Veg.

Bala top rope crossbodies Esp. Esp kicks Dark dark on accident then Bala cradle shocks Esp. Bala handstand pedulum double knees Dark. Dark and Esp get pinned and Fuego's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Bala jumps over Dark then flying headscissors him. Bala fights off a double team then headscissors Esp. Bala tilt-a-whirl armdrags him and poses. Leg top rope tornillo armdrags Dark. Veg nail Esp on accident in the corner then they argue. Leg messes up a flip then headscissors Veg.

Fue and Dark go at it. Fue headscissors him then backrolls into an armdrag on Veg. Fue limbos out of an Esp lariat and dances. Fue fakes out Esp then springboard armdrags him out. Bal and Veg go at it. Veg drops him on his headscissors attempt and stomps him with Dark.

Bala gets his legs split then Fue is triple stomped by the heels. Dark top rope elbow drops Fue and pins him. Ve hits a double underhook backbreaker on Leg and wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Bala has his legs split again. Fue is kicked in the crotch by Dark in the corner. Leg is double teamed. Veg lariats > back elbows > kicks him. Bala is triple teamed. He maks Veg chop Dark then topes Esp outside. Fue springboard crossbodies Veg then pops up Leg into a double dropkick. Fue and Leg do stereo 2nd rope moonsaults outside. Esp backcrackers Bala and pins him to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good but it came across a lot better after the girls' match. Leg and Bala had some botches here and the rudos did very basic stuff.

Lightning Match - Felino vs Fugaz

They go to the mat and Fug armbars him. Fug armdrags him and Fel stares him down. Fel rolls him up and leglocks him. Fug blocks an stf. They shove each other. Fel shoulders him over and chops him.

Fel armdrags him out then poses. Fel throws Fug off the buckles by the arm then does a drop on him. Fel slams him and shoulder throws him. Fug hits a pump kick and dropkick. Fug topes him outside.

Fug chops him then springboard swantons him. They go up top and Fel throws him off the top rope for 2. Fug top rope spanish flies him for 2. Fug asai moonsaults him for 2. Fel does a back body drop then slams him. Fel top rope elbow drops him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a spotfest with little between the various dives and throws. I don't think Felino really did anything here that wasn't some kind of shoulder throw.

Hijo del Villano III, Mephisto and Villano III Jr. vs Blue Panther Jr. Dark Panther and El Hijo de Blue Panther

HB = Hijo de Blue Panther Jr, BJ = Blue Panther Jr., HV = Hijo del Villano III, VJ = Villano III Jr.

VJ has the tattoos and HV doesn't have the tattoos. HB has no tattoos while BJ has the tattoos.

1st Fall - VJ and HB go at it. HB hammerlocks him then ties up both of his arms. VJ handstand hedscissors him then spins him with it. HB snapmares him and pulls both arms back. VJ and HB armdrag each other then stand off. HV and BJ go at it. HV handstand headscissors him down then BJ chops him down. BJ is triple teamed in the corner. HV slaps BJ then BJ shoulders him. HB pump kicks BJ and rolls him up. BJ superkicks him. VJ springboard dropkicks him. HB slingshots over VJ then VJ kicks him. VJ is hiptossed over the top. Meph boots HB then la rosa drivers Dark. Meph submits Dark to win the fall.

2nd Fall - HV and HB fight in the aisle. Meph corner lariats BJ then bangs his head off the buckles. Meph rips at BJ's mask and HV sends a Panther into the post outside. BJ is triple teamed and double flpajacked. VJ botches a springboard then lariats BJ over the top.

HB is kicked in the leg. HB is held in the air for a VJ double stomp. Dark is held on VJ's knees outside then HV planchas him. HB is double stomped by the heels then double punched. The Villaos miss double elbow drops then BJ slingshot splashes all 3 opponents. BJ double japanese armdrags The Villanos then the Panther's get triple submissions and win the fall.

3rd Fall - Meph and VJ argue outside then hug. Dark sunset flips HV. Meph is pushed into VJ then Dark knocks Meph out of the ring. Dark flying headscissors VJ. HB and Meph go at it. HB armdrags him. HV misses a corner splash then HB body scissors HV over the top.

BJ and HV go at it. BJ is double teamed and step up enzugiri's Meph. BJ tilt-a-whirl armdrags all three opponents. The Panthers all get pin attempts in on their opponents for 2 counts. Dark and BJ do stereo plancha's outside. HB sunset flips Meph and rolls him around for 2.

HB tope con hilos Meph. The Villanos do stereo submissions on BJ and Dark and tap both out to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: I always hate it when The Villanos and The Panthers fight because it's hard to tell them apart and hard to keep track of the names. The match was so-so and nothing too special. Mephisto wasn't moving well here.

Dragon Rojo Jr., Hechicero and Terrible vs Blue Panther, Flip Gordon and Volador Jr.

1st Fall - Rojo and Flip go at it. Flip wristlocks him then Rojo armlocks him. Rojo trips him then camel clutches him. Blue is triple teamed and triple stomped. Hech pounds on Blue with punches and foot chokes him. The faces all get beat up on by the heels and Vol is pinned after a step up knee in the corner. Hechicero's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Vol takes a double boot. Terr corner lariats Flip then Rojo basement dropkicks Flip in the crotch. Blue is held and spears Hech then Hech's partners pound on Blue. Hech hits mounted punches on Blue. Hech flying knees Blue in the corner. Flip takes a spinebuster then is rolled into a double boot. Terr kicks Vol in the leg.

Flip stops a double team and flying headscissors Hech. Hech avoids Flip's dive then Blue cannonballs him off the apron. Flip top rope 450's Rojo then Voll rolls up Terr. Flip and Vol get pins to win the fall. 

3rd Fall - Hech hits headbutts on Blue. Blue snapmares Hech and Terr stops him when goes for the mask. Vol, Rojo and Terr totally mess up a spot and Vol headscissors Terr out. Vol messes up a spot on Hech then flying headscissors him out. Hech goes intoi the post on a failed attack on Blue.

Flip and Rojo fight. Flip springboard slingblades him. Flip flips over Hech, Finlay rolls him then 2nd rope moonsaults him. Flip springboard diving hurricanrana's Terr. Blue gets Hech in the ring.

Hech boots him and Blue headscissors him out of the corner. Blue is double booted out. Flip is popped up into a dropkick on Rojo and Terr then Flip and Vol do stereo topes out. Hech and Blue end up in the ring again. Blue lariats him then 2nd rope crossbodies him. Hech low blows him and pins him. Hech's team wins the fall and match.

Vol had a bad night here but I liked it overall. Thye told the story of Blue Panther and Hechicero fueding well and Blue was great as the sympathetic face here. Flip as usual worked hard here. 

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a good looking card and didn't deliver. The main was the only good thing on here and it wasn't perfect either.

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