Tuesday, June 18, 2024

TNA Xplosion 6/14/2024

TNA Xplosion 6/14/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/06/tna-xplosion-672024.html

Around The Ring with Gia Miller

AJ says Gia isn't very mean (she calls herself Mean Gia Miller). AJ is mad she didn't call him TNAJ Francis. AJ talks about the Drake vs Kendrick Lamar feud (two rappers) spending several minutes on it. He thinks it's a work and says it's great for hip hop. He doesn't get to say much else and the segment ends.

Jonathan Gresham vs Leon Slater

Leon has well over a foot on JG and he's not exactly Andre the Giant. Leon rewind kicks him then handspring back elbows him. JG stomps his foot and pushes him over. JG then stomps on the knee. JD side headlock takeovers him. Leon headscissors him and JG dropkicks him in the knee.

JG ties up Leon's arms and twists his foot. JG gets his knees up on Leon's splash. Leon handsprings and ends up in a backslide. Leon blue thunders him for 2. Leon stomps him then hits a leg lariat. Leon sells the leg and back body drops him. Leon corner dropkicks him for 2.

Leon's leg gives out on the buckles and JG bites him. JG is knocked off the buckles then Leon misses a swanton 450. Leon cradles him for 2 and sunset flips him. JG hurricanrana's him and Leon reverses his pin into his own. JG knocks the ref's face mask off and kicks Leon in the crotch to win.

Thoughts: Leon really tried to sell the knee here but it didn't really lead to anything. The finish was different but Gresham shouldn't really have to resort to that with this new character. 

Overall thoughts: As usual, there was only one new match and one interview. Neither were that great and I wouldn't recommend this one.

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