Saturday, June 15, 2024

AEW Collision 6/15/2024

AEW Collision 6/15/2024

Last week's show is here:

Christian says welcome to Collision and says it's the anniversary of it. He said he put the show on the map when he won the TNT on it. He said people will see that AEW is where the best wrestle. He guarantees Christian's Collision will be special.

Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta and Jon Moxley) vs TMDK (Shane Haste and Mikey Nicholls), Lio Rush and Rocky Romero

Lio and Bryan evade each other. Bryan hits euros then Lio springboard headscissors him. Lio ducks a shot from Yuta and enzugiri's him. Rocky and Yuta trade forearms and chops. Rocky rewind kicks him then is german suplexed for 2. Rocky is popped up and hurricanrana's CC. CC takes a corner lariat from Mikey. He is then snapmared into a Mikey lariat.

CC hits a double bulldog on TMDK. Bryan top rope dropkicks Shane then flying kicks him in the corner. Shane flying back elbows Bryan then Bryan crossfaces him. Bryan hits chest kicks on Shane. Mikey trips Bryan and hits a shot on his head. 

We go to PiP break and return. Rocky hits corner lariats on Bryan. Bryan 2nd rope atomic drops Rocky. CC gets in and hits shots on Shane. He flurries him with punches against the ropes. CC back body drops him then running euros Rocky against the rail outside. CC jumps off a chair outside and euros Mikey. CC double stomps Shane.

Mikey running lariats CC. Yuta dropkicks Mikey out. Mikey blocks his tope and sends him into the rails. Mox cutters Shane and Mikey. Mox hits corner punches on Mikey then piledrivers him. The two lariat each other down at the same time.

Lio goes up top and frogsplashes Mox for 2.  Mox facekicks Lio then Mox takes a uranage + powerbomb combo. TMDK is pushed into each other and everyone starts coming to hit a move. CC giant swings Rocky. Lio sleepers CC then is thrown up and with a death rider by Mox. Mox then wins it.

Thoughts: It was an okay 8-man here. The non-AEW team lost as they always do. The finish was kind of cool here. This was completely random.

Mox gets on the mic says. He says Tetsuya Naito is a survivor but says Forbidden Door is the final conflict. He says it's his last chance. He said he's coming to put an end to him once and for all. He says he's going to bury him once and for all.

We get a video on Rush vs MJF.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn come out to talk. Tony Schiavone is in the ring. Max talks about Bowens being punished by The Young Bucks this week. Bowens says The Bucks should focus on being face to face with them. Bowens says they aren't the same tag team they faced and said they have the same accolades as them. Bowens says they are the winning tag team in the history of the company. Bowens says they are focused on getting their tag titles back.

Brandon Cutler comes out and interrupts. He said this night should be a night of praise for the EVP's. He said they carried this show since Day 1. Brandon says if it's a fine they want, they got it. Brandon says they are fined $10,000. Christopher Daniels comes out and says Tony Khan has reversed these fines. He said that's all we need to hear from Cutler today. Cutler pokes him and shows him the notice. Daniels hits Cutler with the notice then Bowens hits a 2nd rope legdrop to the nuts of Cutler.

No DQ Match - Deonna Purrazzo vs Thunder Rosa

Both girls are wearing jeans and t-shirts. Rosa poses on the buckles and is put in tree of woe. Rosa 2nd rope plancha's her. DP is sent into the post then has her head banged off the steps. Rosa hits DP with a trash can lid. Rosa's arm is put between the steps and the ring and DP kicks the steps.

A chair is put between the buckles. Rosa death valley drivers DP for 2. Rosa gets a table and DP baseball slides it into her. We go to break and return. Rosa boots a chair into DP then chairs her in the gut and back. Rosa samoan drops her on a chair.

DP spears her while she is in tree of woe for 2. Rosa ddt's DP on the chair for 2. DP has a trash can put on her head. Rosa runs up a table and dropkicks the can into DP's head. DP hits a nasty piledriver directly on Rosa's head. DP double armbars her. DP kicks a camera man in the nuts outside and grabs a camera and hits Rosa with it. DP puts Rosa between the ropes and pulls back on both of her arms. Rosa is out and DP is given the win.

It was your usual hardcore match. DP's piledriver is nasty and should never be done again. they were pretty rough with each other and I thought they did a good job with it.

Hechicero vs Dalton Castle

DC = Dalton Castle

The Gates of Agony came out with Hech while The Outrunners were one of The Boys for Dalton. I believe The Outrunners have been injured.

They trade shots and Hech springboard elbows him for 2. DC hits a shot to the gut and short ddt's him. DC spins him but Hech rolls out of the bangarang. Hech flips him and goes for choke. DC spinning back elbows him then Hech corner lariats him.

DC spinning suplexes him. Hech rolls DC up. DC misses a corner charge and takes a step up knee. Hech headscissors drops him and wins it.

Thoughts: This wasn't good. These two didn't match up well together at all and had issues from the start.

Hech and The Gates of Agony beat up on DC after. The Outrunners then come out in Boys masks and are lariated over the top. DC takes a sandwich lariat. DC is lifted then Daniel Garcia and Matt Menard come out with chairs to stop this.

Top Flight and Action Andretti are interviewed. Dante says he's about friendly competition. Darius says Dante isn't running or scared. He says he's one of the best flyers on the planet. Action says Dante will be the new TNT champ at Forbidden Door. Lio Rush comes in and says long time no see to Dante. He says him and Andretti have a long history. Lio says nice to meet Darius and offers to shake his hand but Darius isn't interesting. Lio says good luck and say maybe he will see them around. Action says it was great seeing him.

Thoughts: It was nice that they brought up the old Lio/Dante pairing but they didn't bother to explain what this history was between Lio and Action.

Mother Wayne is in the ring with Nick Wayne and Killswitch. She brings out Christian Cage. Christian says it's the anniversary of Nick Wayne's dad's death. Christian says Nick's dad dying was the best thing that happened to him as it lead him to Christian. Nick gives Christian a Happy Father's Day card. He then reveals a painting that Nick gave him.

The crowd chants "Luchasaurus" and Christian says its "Killswitch". Christian asks why KS can't be more like Nick. He says he has something important to say. Christian says he has special footage that shows his shoulder was up when he was pinned by Swerve. Christian says he wants to be world champ but the path starts with the AEW Trios Titles.

Christian says he declares AEW his company. He says he's the most important person in the company and says he won't stop until he goes down as the greatest wrestler in history. He says he's Tony's father now and says they are the faces of TNT now and forever.

The Bang Bang Gang do a promo. Juice says they beat Collision. Juice says he broke his back making Collision what it is. Colten says Christian has to get in line to get a shot at the trios titles. Austin says tonight isn't about titles, it's about proving when House of Black can hang with The Collision Cowboys. 

TNT Title Qualifier - Dante Martin vs Lee Moriarty

Dante takes him and down and does leapfrogs. Lee cartwheels over him. Dante hurricanran's him then headscissors him. They go out and Dante dropkicks him through the ropes. Dante gos for a springboard, is stopped and goes down to the floor hard.

We go to PiP break and return. Lee misses a corner charge and Dante double jump twisting crossbodies him. Lee splits Dante's fingers then does a neat drop into a border city stretch. Lee does an underhook drop on Dante.

Dante 2nd rope meteora's him down. Dante top rope frogsplashes him and wins it.

Thoughts: It wasn't long enough for what they were doing. Dante's fall down to the floor was nasty and looked like it hurt. Lee did a real neat looking drop here that I hadn't seen before.

Shane Taylor and Anthony Ogogo jump Dante after. Action Andretti and Darius Martin come out to help. Lio Rush then comes out and thwarts the heels.

Hikaru Shida does a video and says she is entering The Owen Hart Cup Tournament.

Kyle O'Reilly vs Anthony Henry

Roderick Strong is on commentary. They do some amateur wrestling and Henry goes down. Henry throws him over then is taken down. Kyle armbars him and Henry ropebreaks.

Kyle hits a legkick then Henry russian legsweeps him. Henry headscissors him. Kyle hits various strikes and legsweeps him. Kyle suplexes him into an armbar and wins via submission.

It was just a quick one here though not really a squash.

Strong says he needs to remind Kyle who he is and says he is missing something or someone.

The Bang Bang Gang (Juice Robinson and The Gunn's) vs The House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King and Buddy Matthews)

Black shoulders Juice over and Juice armdrags him. Black avoids an armdrag then sits down and stares at him. Juice then pretends to lift his leg and pee on him.

Austin goes after Black then tags out when Brody is tagged in. Black shoulders The Gunn's then lariats both over the top rope. Brody hiptosses Juice over the top onto them. The House teases a triple stereo dive but are stopped. They then nail The Gang and fight outside. Juice is sent into a table and Austin is sent over the rail.

We go to PiP break and return. Buddy top rope double stomps Colten's arm. Colten boots Black then corner lariats him. Black takes a double team that ends in a dropkick and Juice sentons him. Juice stomps Black then suplexes him.

Austin hits punches on Black then Colten boots and punches Black. Juice side kicks Black then misses a corner cannonball. Colten misses a corner splash. Buddy spin kicks, stomps and knees Austin. Buddy pop-up knees Colten then throws Austin into him. Buddy jackhammers Austin for 2. Buddy hits a top rope meteora on Juice. We go to PiP break and return.

Buddy hurt his knee on the meteora and is helped to the back by the medical staff. 

The Gang triple stomp Brody and Black. Brody is stomped in the corner and Juice blows snot rockets on him. Juice corner cannonballs Brody. Brody lariats The Gunn's and black hole slams Juice.

Black hits a nice combo on Austin then asai moonsaults Juice. Black germans Colten for 2. Colten jumping forearms black in the back of the neck for 2. Austin fameassers Black for 2. Brody takes a 310 to Yuma. Juice is on the top rope and Pac comes down. He trips Juice and gives austin the finger. Black spin kicks Austin and pins him.

It's a shame Buddy got injured but they did an okay job keeping things together without him. They had a fast paced match here and Bullet Club Gold were good here. The main problem is that House of Black now gets a trios title shot with only 2 members.

Christian and crew get on the tron after. He says there's only one problem - they aren't a trio anymore. We then see Buddy Matthews down on top of a chair. The Patriarchy then leave. 

Overall thoughts: Dalton/Hechicero was a mess but it was a good show otherwise with them having solid matches all around. I was a little surprised Christian's segment was as tame as it was as I expected some major stunt from him. They still had some random matches here though that could have been booked better.

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