Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Marigold 6/16/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 6

Marigold 6/16/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 6

The last show is here:

The next show is here:

CHIAKI & Misa Matsui vs. Myla Grace & Zayda Steel

MM and Myla start us off. They trade wristlocks. Myla takes her down and goes for a pin. MM armdrags her then is armdragged and they stand off. Zay and Chi go at it. Chi claws her then facewash kicks her. Chi high crabs Zay then single leg crabs her. Chi spears Zay between the ropes and slams her for 2.

Chi misses a cartwheel double knee drop then Zay stomps Chi's head into the mat. Zay superkicks her then Chi hits a rolling spear. MM dropkicks Zay and Myla breaks up a submission attempt. MM suplexes Zay then flying knees her.

Zay step up enzugiri's MM then short ddt's her for 1.  Zay puts mm in tree of woe and boots her. Zay misses a double knee in the corner then MM 2nd rope crossbodies her. Myla backdrops MM then MM cradles her. Myla pushes her into the buckles, forearms her and basement dropkicks her for 2. MM and Chi both go out on a failed charge then Myla crossbodies both outside.

MM bridging ddt's Myla then crossbodies her against the bottom rope. Chi corner spears Myla then Myla takes a double basement dropkick. Chi swinging side slams her for 2. Myla hits forearms on Chi. Myla running lariats her then swinging neckbreakers her. Myla top rope la silla's Chi for 2.

Myla backdrops Chi for 2. Chi powerslams Myla for 2. Myla superkicks her then Chi high kicks her. Chi torture racks Myla then sitout torture rack drops her to win.

Thoughts: Chi had trouble holding Myla up in the air for the finish. Myla didn't botch anything here and just that alone made this one of her better matches. It was a waste of Misa and Chi though who should have been in there against better talent. It was just a very average match.

Chika Goto vs. Victoria Yuzuki vs. Minami Komomo

Chika running boots Yuz, picks her up and swings her into KM. Chi slams Yuz then Yuz hits slaps on her. Chi hair throws Yuz then Yuz hair throws her. Yuz low dropkicks her for 2. KM comes in and is thrown out. Chika chest forearms Yuz then Yuz fires back. Yuz dropkicks her then takes a running hip attack. MK tries to get in and Chika hip attacks her too.

Chika giant swings Yuz then Yuz spinning headscissors her. Yuz dropkicks her against the bottom rop. Yuz and Chika trade forearms then Chika atomic drops her. Yuz does a real funny sell for it then Chika slams her for 2. MK rolls up Chika for 2 then Chika rolls her up and somehow wins despite Yuz seemingly breaking it and MK's feet on the ropes.

Thoughts: It was too quick here and the final pin shouldn't have been counted for two different reasons. Minami got nothing in here and it was a waste of time.

Chika does a taunt after and Yuz goes after her. They fight and Chika knocks her out of the ring. They then fight outside the ring and have to be separated. 

Nao Ishikawa & Natsumi Showzuki vs. Kouki Amarei & Utami Hayashishita

Nao hits a chest forearm flurry on Kouki then side headlocks her. Nao hits more chest forearms then Kouki jumping facekicks her. Kouki hair throws her and holds her in the corner. nao puts a shirt on for some reason then hits Kouki on the apron. They pull each others hair. Utami slams Nao then forearms her over.

Kouki running boots Nao and Nao crossbodies her for 2. Nao slams her. NS running knees Kouki then kicks her in the back many times. NS double knee drops her from the bottom rope. NS fujiwara armbars her then NS takes a double shoulderblock. Kouki falling splashes NS for 2.

Kouki jumping facekicks NS then samoan drops her. NS superkicks her then Kouki powerslams her. Utami gets in and gets some offense in on NS. NS puts her in an octopus and Utami side slams her out of it. Utmai splashes her on the ropes. NS hits a high kick and a pendulum ddt. NS meteora's her on the ropes for 2.

Nao flying neckbreakers Utami then hits chest forearms. Nao and Utami shoulder battle and Nao is knocked over. Nao slams Utami then Utami forearms her as she charges in. Nao takes a double team strike for 2.

Nao running forearms Utami then is knocked over with a forearm. Nao sitout spinebusters Utami. Utami torture rack drops Nao then sliding lariats her for 2. Nao cartwheel headscissors Utmai into a roll-up.

Utami slams Nao and Kouki facekicks NS. Kouki and Utami do top rope moves at the same time then Utami hits an air raid crash on Nao for a super close 2. Nao rolls up Utami off a german attempt then Nao bridge pins her for 2. Utami lariats her over for 2. Utami deadlift germans Nao and wins it.

Thoughts: It ended up being a decent match as they pushed the idea that Nao could beat Utami. It didn't happen, but it made an otherwise average match more exciting. They also pushed that Nao had issues here with Kouki. Nao oddly put a shirt on here during the match and I assume it was due to a wardrobe malfunction.

Nao goes after Utami and Kouki after but is beaten up.

Sareee vs. Mai Sakurai

Mai throws her robe at Sare then basement dropkicks her. Mai shotgun dropkicks her then Sare low dropkicks her. Sare then stands on her in the corner. Sare footchokes her and stomps her.

Sare slams Mai then crabs her. Sare pulls on her legs. Sare stands on Mai then boots her. Sare indian deathlocks her. Mai hits chest forearms then facekicks her. Mai running facekicks her then bulldogs her for 2. Mai STF's her.

Mai facekicks her through the ropes and basement dropkicks her. Sare forearms her over then top rope dropkicks her. Sare and Mai trade chest forearms then Sare botches a roll into a pin. They fight up top and Sare headbutts her.

Mai facekicks her off the ropes then Mai top rope plancha's her outside. Mai fisherman suplexes her then misses a top rope senton. Sare running double stomps her. Sare 2nd rope double stomps her for 2. Mai slaps her then Sare dropkicks her on the ropes. Sare fishermna suplexes her for 2.

Mai flying kicks Sare then botches a move. Mai sitout gordbusters her for 2. Mai top rope elbow drops her for 2. Sare spin kicks her then dropkicks her through the ropes. Mai running facekicks her and rolls her up for 2. Sare uranages her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a bit of a one-sided match with Sareee not having a lot of problems with Mai. They had two botches here which sucked. I would have liked to have seen a more even match here and less bullying of  Mai.  

Sare has words for Mai after. Sare goes up to Giulia and Giulia takes off her cast to show her she's okay.

Marigold United National Title Tournament First Round Match - Nagisa Nozaki vs. Bozilla

They had all four girls who are in this tournament come out and get in the ring beforehand.

NN and Boz go head to head. Boz keeps pulling her hand away on a test of strength. NN kicks her and is headbutted. NN gets on her back for a sleeper then Boz rams her into the buckles. Boz splashes her then misses a splash. NN facekicks her then hits a double chop flurry. NN hits her reverse pendulum kick on the apron then NN basement dropkicks her for 2.

Boz slams her then sentons her for 2. NN kicks her head against the buckles then electric chair drops her. NN basement dropkicks her for 2. Boz lariats her down then hits forearms from her knees. NN hits forearms back then is knocked back with one.

NN rolls her into a sleeper on the mat. NN basement dropkicks her three times for a 1 count. Boz hits a big boot for 2. They trade forearms then NN rolls her up for 2. Boz running lariats her then neckbreakers her. Boz then piledrivers her and wins it.

Thoughts: It ended before it really got going here. NN got a decent bit of offense in but it was clear it wasn't going to put down Boz. It was disappointing as I actually thought NN was going to be treated as a serious threat to Boz.

Marigold United National Title Tournament First Round Match - Miku Aono vs. MIRAI


They shake hands and lock up. They mat wrestle and trade basic holds on the mat. Miku wristlocks her then Mirai hammerlocks her. Miku side headlocks her. Mirai snapmares her and basement dropkicks her. mirai twists her arm and throws her into the buckles arm first. Mirai wraps her arm around the rope and pulls.

Mirai hits chest forearms. Mirai boots her then fujiwara armbars her. They trade forearms. Miku dropkicks her then corner dropkicks her. Miku kicks her in the back. Miku single leg crabs her.

Miku leg kicks Mirai outside. Miku misses a running chop/clothesline and hits her arm on the post. Mirai twists her arm with her leg. Mirai low flatliners her for 2. Mirai sits on her with an armlock. Miku swinging spinning slams Mirai.

Miku 2nd rope dropkicks Mirai then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Miku and Mirai trade chest forearms then Miku leg kicks her. Mirai hits forearms then Miku lariats her on the ropes. Mirai running back elbows her and they repeat the spot. Mirai dragon screws her and they botch a move that looked like the stroke. Mirai backdrops Miku.

Mirai lariats her then wheelbarrow half-nelson suplexes her. Mirai seatbelt pins her for 2. Miku high kicks her then hits another high kick for 2. The time limit then expires as they continue to fight. 

They go to overtime and lariat battle to start. Mirai runs the ropes fast and is lariated hard. Miku lariats her on the ropes then sliding lariats her for 2. Mirai rolling armbars her then hits headbutts. Mirai corner lariats her then shoulders her over.

Mirai is german suplexed off the 2nd rope then Miku chicken wings her. Miku lariats her for 2. Mirai goes for a kimura after not bothering with the arm for a while. Mirai backdrops her for 2 then Miku rainmakers her for 2. The time limit then expires again.

They keep fighting after the bell and are pulled apart.

Thoughts: They didn't really figure this one out until overtime. The arm and leg work went nowhere as expected. I thought having them duel lariats and stuff worked out better than the submission stuff did. Having a bye in your first tournament is pretty odd for 2024 booking and I'm sure the purpose of it was to save a Bozilla first time match with someone for a later date. I liked some parts of this but it wasn't as good as I thought it could have been, and it should have been good with Miku and Mirai.

Overall thoughts: It looked like it could have been good on paper but it didn't deliver. Sareee's and Boz's matches were too one-sided and Mirai/Miku wasn't as good as I hoped it would be. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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