Sunday, June 23, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 6/22/2024 Season 4, Episode 41

WOW Women of Wrestling 6/22/2024 Season 4, Episode 41

Last week's show is here:

Spring Break 24/7 (Sandy Shore and Crystal Waters) vs Chainsaw and Siren The Voodoo Doll

CW = Crystal Waters

24/7 laughs at Siren, mocking her. Sandy is in the green, CW is in the pink. Siren gets double tripped and CW rolling sentons her. Sandy hits something like a shining wizard on Siren. Siren headbutts her in the gut then Chainsaw grabs Sandy's hair. Chain flings her off the ropes and sends her flying.

Chain stomps on Sandy then throws her on a gutwrench. Chain chokes Sandy and hits corner spears. Chain cobra clutches her and fish hooks her. CW crucifixes Siren with help from Sandy.

Chain throws Sandy out. Chain snapmares CW. Siren gets in and CW hits forearms. Siren headbutts her in the gut then CW ddt's her. Angelica Dante (Chainsaw's sister) pulls Shore off the apron. Chain tries a ripcord move but it gets botched. Chain then splashes CW and wins.

Thoughts: It was going okay but then they had a bad botch in the 2nd to last move in the match and that made this one hard to put over.

Chain chokes CW after. Roxxy and Foxxy Fierce make the save for the faces. They dance and Spring Break 24/7 just leaves. David McClane interviews The Fierce Sisters. Foxxy said she had a long recovery from injury but although she was down, she was never out. Roxxy says it's incredible to have an amazing sister like Foxxy. She said Foxxy taught her everything she knows and he's excited to be here in WOW. Foxxy says their dreams are just starting here in WOW. They want to make their family and the people proud. They want to do it with style, grace and without a hair out of place.

Thoughts: It was kind of an unusual segment as The Fierce Sisters saved 24/7, then 24/7 just completely disappeared.

Ice Cold vs Ariel Sky

Sky side headlock takeovers her then Ice headscissors her. Sky side headlocks her then Ice side headlock takeovers her. Sky headscissors her then Ice goes for a crab. Sky tries a forward cartwheel lariat but slips and lariats Ice low. Sky hits knees to the gut. Ice side slams her for 2.

Ice stomps on her and hits some shots. Sky knocks her back with a forearm and gives her her leg for an enzugiri in an obvious botch. Ice step up knees her then hits boots to the body.

Ice corner meteora's her. Sky hits a step up enzugiri. Ice facebusters her. Sky rolls her up from behind and gets the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't good with multiple botches/sloppy moments. Sky just didn't look like she was feeling well here. She seemed tired and just out of it.

Top Tier beats up Ariel Sky after. Santana Garrett and Americana save Sky. Sky does a promo after. She said she can't believe what Coach Campanelli did to her a few weeks ago. She said she's sick of being her water girl and says Coach should be her water girl. She said she's sick of her and says her and her new friends of Americana and Garrett should take her on in a 3v3 match. Sky says "Top Tier is Bottom", likely meaning Bottom Tier. 

Thoughts: I don't get why Sky is now with Americana and Santana when she was with The Mother Truckers last time. I also don't get why she's not with Team Spirit either.

Keita Rush vs Exodus

Ex rakes KR's face on the ropes and boots her. Ex snapmares her and chinlocks her. KR goes the triangle she tapped Ex out with in their last match.  Ex picks her up and buckle bombs her then boots her in the corner.  Ex elbow drops her for 2.

Ex slams her for 2. KR hits shots to the gut then flying headscissors her. KR hits nice dropkicks  then Ex suplexes her. Ex clubs on her and throws her out. Ex yells at the crowd then KR pulls her throat down over the top. KR springboard crossbodies her and wins.

Thoughts: It was short and nothing special here. It was over before it really got started.

Keita Rush is interviewed after. She said she feels like a champion of life. She says with patience and persistence, anything is possible so don't give up.

Next week's show has The Classmaster vs The Beast for the WOW Title.  

Princess Aussie vs Genesis

Aussie waistlocks her and gets her foot stomped. Aussie hammerlocks her then flying back elbows her. Gen boots her for 2. Gen chokes her over the ropes then headscissors her. Gen spinning heel kicks her in the corner then Aussie rolls her up. Aussie misses a kick and hits a bad pumping knee. Aussie dragon suplexes her. Gen backbreakers her for 2. Aussie hits a double underhook ddt and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. It had a slow pace to it from the start, things didn't hit clean and it was just not the showing Genesis would want to have as a new singles act. She needed to impress here and didn't.

Princess Aussie gets on the mic after and does the "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi" chant.

Overall thoughts: It was just not a good episode of WOW. The matches weren't good with a lot of botches and they are having a rough time finding direction with so many of their factions breaking up.

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