Tuesday, June 11, 2024

NWA Powerrr 6/11/2024

NWA Powerrr 6/11/2024 

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/06/nwa-powerrr-642024.html

There's an intergender match tonight that I won't be covering.

Crockett Cup Play-In - The Spectaculars (Brady Pierce and Slade) vs Cheese and Mike Orlando

The winners go on to fight BFT in the Crockett Cup First Round later in the show. Cheese and Slade go at it. Slade trips him and paintbrush slaps him. Cheese is wearing a fanny pack here. Cheese shoulders Slade over then slams him. Cheese and Mike hit a double elbow drop for 2. Mike forearms Brady on the apron then Slade germans Mike for it.

Mike hits shots on Slade then Slade germans him. Brady hits shots on Mike then double axe handles him. Slade elbow drops Mike for 2 then chinlocks him. Mike misses a corner charge and is german suplexed. Brady corner lariats Mike then chokes him.

Rolando Freeman chokes Mike over the middle rope but can barely reach him. Mike hits forearms on Brady then Brady lariats him for 2. Slade hits punches on Mike then Mike high kicks him. Mike release germans him.

Cheese is tagged in. He hits lariats on Brady then Brady knocks him down with a big lariat. Cheese throws cheese pieces at Brady. Brady tries to slam him but slips on the cheese. Cheese gets the upset win.

Thoughts: The finish was silly here and brought down an otherwise acceptable match. Mike just pretty much got beat up here until Cheese got the hot tag in and Brady slipped on the cheese.

Mike Orlando and Cheese are interviewed by Kyle Davis. Cheese says the slip around the world spells opportunity. Mike says they were overlooked but never counted out. Mike says they proved tonight that they are not a joke. Mike says the titles are theirs.

La Rosa Negra, Ruthie Jay, Miss Starr and Ella Envy are interviewed. Starr says she is all things to all people and all people. She said she is whatever she needs to be, whether it's a manager or wrestler. She says she will be whatever she needs to be in order to be successful. Starr says she sees Ella Envy tearing the house down with Kenzie Page. Ella says Page has been an amazing champ but she didn't become a champ until she came along.

Ella tells Kyle his hands stink. She says we have been living in the pretty era, but it's time to live in The Ella Era. Rosa and Ruthie are interviewed. Rosa's promo was hard to understand but she said she's not here to play wrestling, she's here to do wrestling. Jay said her opponents had to cheat to win last time and said her and Rosa are coming to get the W next time.

Thoughts: Ella was really good here. I hate to see her break up with Kenzie and Kylie, but she is good enough to go solo.

Max the Impaler and Judais beat The Fixers in First Round of the Crockett Cup. I didn't watch this. James Mitchell does a promo with them after. He says they have a destiny to fulfill and will do it. He says Mims and Judais will win the Crockett Cup and says to bank on it.

Cookin' with Carson

Joe Alonzo, Rolando Freeman and The Spectaculars are Carson's guests. Carson has a chicken and says Rolando knows a lot about being a chicken. He puts his hand in bread and says they will get a knucklle sandwich if they don't relax. He says Slade seems like the strong and silent type - I think Slade is deaf, which is the meaning behind that joke. Carson has Joe crack an egg and he cracks it on Rolando's head. Carson tries to give Slade some food and he doesn't really react. Carson then says to kiss the cook.

Thoughts: It's fine if they want to do this but they do have to tie it into wrestling storylines somehow. That's how you get these segments over.

Vampiro, Daisy Kill, Talos and Alex Misery are interviewed. Kyle asks what's going on with Vamp putting all these people together. Vamp says it's from another dimension and other entities are involved. He says he feels strange with Kyle being so close to him. He says this is on another timeline and another way to look at things.

Daisy says what is going on is better explained in song. Daisy sings a song about Vampiro and says he will lead them with his insight and says all the people want is to hear Vamp sing. Vamp then says if he does it again, he will find his family and beat his parents for creating such a stupid @ss kid. He says don't you ever do that again.

Thoughts: It's been months and I still couldn't tell you what's going on with Vampiro. 

Crockett Cup First Round - Cheese and Mike Orlando vs Blunt Force Trauma

Damage pounds on Mike then foot chokes him. Mike takes a double back elbow. Cheese gets in and hits a bionic elbow. Carnage then headbutts him. Cheese gets his boot up on a Carnage charge in the corner. Mike hits shots on Carnage then lariats him.

Carnage running lariats Mike then Damage pounds on Mike. Carnage boots and chokes Mike in the corner. Carnage splashes Mike and Damage spinebusters Mike. Carnage chinlocks Mike. Cheese is tagged in and hits shots on both BFT members. Mike hits corner punches on Carnage then pulls cheese out. Damage nails Cheese from behind. Cheese takes a side slam + 2nd rope elbow drop and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was fine. BFT looked good as usual here and Mike was a solid face who looked really good here with his selling.

BFT and Aron Stevens are interviewed after. Aron says they are returning to Dallas and talks about past Crockett Cup winners. Aron says the brackets are set and says Blunt Force Trauma will win the Crockett Cup.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual, unusual NWA Powerrr show. It's a bizarre mix of comedy, intergender wrestling and serious old school wrestling. I have no idea what this promotion is doing and I wouldn't recommend it.

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