Wednesday, June 19, 2024

WWE Speed 6/19/2024

WWE Speed 6/19/2024

Last week's show is here:

#1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals - Xavier Woods vs Dijak

Dijak sitout chokeslams him for 2. Dijak hits shots on him while he's on the buckles. Woods top rope dropkicks him out of the ring. Woods dropkicks him through the ropes. Woods flips out of a backdrop and superkicks Dijak. Woods legdrops Dijak for 2.

Woods hits chops then goes up and over. Dijak spinning facekicks him for 2. Dijak hits superkicks on him. Woods rope walk elbow drops him and wins.

I'm not a fan of big guys losing, especially in under 3 minutes here. They did as much as they could with the 3 minutes they had and it was an entertaining 3 minutes. The two matched up well. Dijak's spinning face kick looked good here.

Overall thoughts: Only one short match here as usual and we have started yet another #1 contender's tournament. The match wasn't must see but it was okay for only being under 3 minutes long.

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