Friday, June 21, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 6/20/2024 Episode #69

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 6/20/2024 Episode #69

Last week's show is here:

Aaron Solo vs Titan

The shake hands and Titan dropkicks him. Solo planchas him then knees him in the gut. Solo chops him then Titan corner lariats him. Titan top rope crossbodies him and dropkicks him. Titan topes him outside. Solo suplexes him. Solo knee drops him for 2.

They trade shots and Solo lariats him. Titan kips up and pele kicks him. Solo step up enzugiri's him then suplexes him for 2. Solo hits a top rope double stomp for 2. Titan ducks a lariat and does a jumping kick.

Titan hits kicks then top rope double stomps him to win.

Thoughts: It was a random one. Titan do his best stuff here and this had a decent bit of flying. It was just average.  

Anthony Henry, Griff Garrison and Cole Karter vs Serpentico and The Infantry

Serp's issues with Griff and Cole are back after not being mentioned for a week or two. It's weird that Angelico isn't involved.

Henry shoulders Serp over. Serp flying headscissors him. Henry takes a backbreaker + 2nd rope knee drop. Cole is double hiptossed into a double fist drop. Serp facekicks Griff off the apron.

Bravo ddt's Henry then Serp misses a top rope splash. Henry shotgun dropkicks Serp. Serp is suplexed and takes mounted shots from Cole. Griff kneedrops Serp for 2. Serp is worked on and Henry straightjacket chokes him.

Griff hits punches on Serp then lariats him. Henry suplexes Serp then gutbusters him. Henry facelocks Serp. Serp headscissors Henry then hits a flatliner. Bravo comes in and hits forearms on the heels. Bravo jumping knees Griff then neckbreakers Cole. Griff is lifted into a double team uranage for 2.

Griff forearms Dean. Henry atomic drops Dean then tornado ddt's him. Serp top rope crossbodies Henry. Serp topes Cole outside. Griff catches Bravo with a facekick. Henry brainbusters Dean then takes a swanton off the top from Serp for 2.

Dean is sent into the steps outside. Serp is tripped by Maria then Serp back rolls Henry. Griff hits Serp with a chair form the outside and Serp takes a reverse sitout slam. Henry picks up the win.

Thoughts: I thought the double team uranage could have ended it. The rest really wasn't needed and the match tailed off a bit after. It was fine overall but just got stretched out too long.

Athena, Lexy and Billie Starkz talk on the ramp. Athena is on crutches and is in a boot. Athena said she took a bad spill. She said she tore some ligaments in her ankle. She says she will be out for 4-6 months. She says this is not how her story ends and says this is not how her reign ends as she will be champ forever.

Queen Aminata comes out with Red Velvet. She calls Athena and Billie "ashy and trashy". Queen says Athena's head and ego are too big for the boot on her foot. She asks if she is really hurt and says she will hurt her for real if she isn't.

Red says Athena is scared and said she knows she is faking the injury like Billie did to win the title. Billie piefaces Red then is pushed into Athena and Athena falls over.

Thoughts: I don't know what to make of this and the announcers didn't either. Athena keeping the title despite not being able to wrestle would be something she would totally do in reality and in kayfabe. Her dropping the title would do wonders for the division though as she puts nobody over. If she can't wrestle, I hope they don't keep the title on her. If it's a fake injury, I don't get the logic of it.

Jacoby Watts vs Brandon Cutler

Watts has a new gospel type of theme. He says he believes in you and says he's the light that will guide you through the darkness. He says praise to be he and he is he. Brandon Cutler comes out. He asks if the people are even educated enough to hear this. He calls Nick a limp noodle and says to put the mic away for him like a good little boy. Nick then headbutts Cutler down.

Cutler chop blocks Watts. Watts punches and back body drops him. Watts hits shots on Cutler then Cutler hits forearms. They trade shots and Cutler cutters him. Watts suplexes Cutler then hits more shots.

Cutler spinning lariats him and dab elbow drops him. Cutler is caught off a springboard and takes a faltliner. Watts then stunners him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a weird one here as they had been pushing that Watts doesn't get in the ring yet he did here. Both of these guys were heels so the crowd didn't really know what to do here either. This just didn't make much sense.

Marina Shafir vs Maggie Minerva

MS boots her when Mag goes for a handshake. MS takes her down then hip throws her. MS cartwheels into a side headlock. MS shoulders her over and throws her into the corner. MS hits leg kicks then foot chokes her with the bare foot. Mag pump kicks her and MS no sells it.

MS hip throws her then hits a choke on her and wins.

It was your usual MS squash that likely won't lead anywhere that she has been doing for years.

Matt Taven and Mike Bennett do a promo. Mike says they've been doing this since 2013. Mike says they are never mentioned when they talk about the best teams in the world. Taven asks what has 2.0 done in AEW? He says nothing and calls them Melvin's. Taven says their success is a trend that lasts forever.

The Iron Savages and Jacked Jameson vs Isaiah Harris, Eric Eznite and Jay Marston

Jacked Jameson gets on the mic and calls their opponents anorexic athletes. He says they relocate the three of them since they come from this town. Jacked says they will us all to titty city.

Eric says "no titty city tonight' and says to pray about that. Eric goes to pray and Jacked hits him from behind. Jacked pumphandle slams him then does a prayer pose. Jacked buttdrops his spine then Bronson does it as well. Bronson throws Eric.

Harris dropkicks Bronson. Bronson blocks the sunset flip and butt drops him. Bronson hits mounted punches on Harris. Jay runs into Boulder's boot. Boulder hits a double fallaway slam. Jay is sent to titty city. Bronson lariats Jay. Boulder is rocket launched off the top onto Jay and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a squash but they brought some entertainment to it which made it more interesting than usual.

Lance Archer vs. Deonn Rusman

Lance hits him as he gets in. Deonn hits shots and tries to pull Lance's neck down over the top. Lance crossbodies him. Deonn tries to roll him u pand is facekicked. Lance his a black hole slam for 2.

Lance charges into a big boot. Deonn hits forearms. Deonn runs at him and is footpressed down. Deonn blind springboards over him then lariats him. Deonn spears him then misses a top rope swanton. Lance chokeslams him then hits a blackout to win.

Thoughts: I liked this. They actually let Deonn get some offense in and it wasn't the usual Lance squash where he completely dominates. Deonn came out of this looking good.

Atlantis Jr. does a promo. He says he wants the challenge the winner of Kyle Fletcher vs Lee Johnson in Mexico. He says he wants to show that the best wrestlers are in CMLL.

Diamante vs Leyla Hirsch

Dia refuses the handshake. LH side headlocks her and shoulders her over. LH knocks her. They roll each other and LH backdrops her. LH basement dropkicks her then side headlocks her. LH hits chest clubs in the corner and gets kicked off a corner pendulum move.

Dia gutbusters her then LH abdominal stretches her. LH hiptosses her. LH knees her in the gut then germans her. LH pendulum dropkicks her in the corner then Dia running spears her for 2. LH then cradles her and wins.

Thoughts: It was pretty much a nothing match and got no reaction. The ending was sudden and they just didn't mesh that well.

Dia beats up LH after.

ROH Tag Titles - Matt Taven and Mike Bennett vs 2.0

Mike wristlocks Parker and headlock takeovers him. Mike shoulders him over. Taven and Menard go at it. Menard side headlocks him and wristlocks him. Taven takes a double shot ot the gut. Mike nails Parker form the apron and Taven clubs and stomps on Menard.

Mike hits forearms and chops on Menard. Mike forearms him and Taven elbows Menard in the head for 2. Taven is thrown into the ropes. Parker comes off Menard's back and elbow drops Taven. Taven backdrops Parker.

Parker is thrown out hard. Mike is sent into the steps. Taven tries to dropkick through the ropes but is caught. Taven spinning heel kicks Menard then he suplexes Parker for 2. Mike dropkicks Parker in the spine.

Parker takes a blue thunder from Taven for 2. Parker takes a death valley driver and a running knee from Taven for 2. Parker single leg dropkicks Mike. Taven stops Parker from making a tag and neckbreakers him. Taven is crotched on the ropes then Mike is pushed into them.

Menard comes in and cleans house on Kingdom. Menard hits corner punches on Mike. Menard crabs Mike and Parker lariats Taven over the top. Mike takes a double team snake eyes and a double ddt for 2. Menard and the ref fight over a title belt. The ref lets go and Mike pins Menard.

Thoughts: It was an okay tag. Not the greatest match ever but 2.0 really put some effort into this one and they made it seem like they had a shot at winning.

ROH World TV Title - 2/3 Falls - Lee Johnson vs Kyle Fletcher




1st Fall - Lee tope con hilos him as he enters. Lee blue thunders him for 2. Kyle goes out while Lee's on top and Lee top rope plancha's him. Kyle is sent into the rails. Lee's throat is pulled over the top rope and he is leg lariated off the apron. Lee is sent into the rails and dropped on the apron.

Kyle kicks him in the back. Lee is popped up and dropkicks Kyle. Lee neckbreakers him for 2. Kyle half and half suplexes him then running knees him in the corner. Lee hits superkicks > rolling death valley driver > standing moonsault for 2.

Kyle michinoku drivers Lee for 2. They spinning forearm each other. Kyle lariats him over the top and goes with him. Lee moonsaults him off the apron. Kyle brainbusters him on the apron then sitout powerbombs him for 2.

Kyle leg lariats him on the ropes and Lee rolls him up for 2. Kyle battering ram throws him into the buckles then running facekicks him. Kyle brainbusters him for 2. Kyle then hits his nasty piledriver and wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Kyle hits kicks to Lee's chest while he's on his knees. Kyle hits superkicks. Doc Sampson comes to check on Lee. Lee gets back up and hits lariats. Kyle flips him with a lariat. Kyle is sent into the buckles and Lee backrolls him to win the fall.

3rd Fall
- They trade forearms. Lee sunset flips him for 2. Lee gets on the buckles and is kicked. Lee dives off the 2nd rope and catches him with a canadian destroyer. Kyle is standing outside and Lee dives over the top and sunset bombs him on the floor in one movement. Lee hits superkicks then top rope crossbodies Kyle. Lee top rope splashes Kyle's back twice and of course Kyle kicks out.

Lee is almost pushed into the ref then Kyle lowblows him. Kyle brainbusters him on the top buckle and wins.

Thoughts: It was probably the worst match of 2024. It was just nothing but people kicking out of head drops on the floor and on the apron. Lee kicked out of an apron brainbuster and powerbombs while Kyle kicked out of a diving canadian destroyer and a diving code red outside. And while none of this could put these guys down, a simple backroll was all it took to beat Kyle in the 2nd fall. It was stupid, brainless and dangerous wrestling on a show that absolutely nobody will ever see. 

I also just didn't get this one from a booking standpoint. Lee lost to Kyle at the PPV and now he has lost to him in a 2/3 Falls match. Meanwhile, Kyle loses to people on the main roster all the time and is hardly some strong champ. I have no idea what you do with Lee now and Kyle's getting under as champion, so that's not really working either.

Overall thoughts: ROH shows have been running around 50-70 minutes lately and this one went an 1 hour and 49 minutes. I was definitely surprised when I was watching this and realized it was a long way from behind over. Only two champs wrestled on this one with Mark Briscoe (the ROH champ) being MIA for a while. It was a better effort than usual and as they worked some storylines into this one and gave some matches enough time to play out. The main was one of the worst matches of the year and was as indy as indy gets and I wouldn't recommend this one.

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