Saturday, June 8, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 6/7/2024 Season 2, Episode 12

Mid-States Wrestling 6/7/2024 Season 2, Episode 12

Last week's show is here:

Herb Simmons is on commentary again. The Top Guns from SICW are facing The Matador's. Big Joe Helms also takes on Atila Khan in another match with SICW talent.

The Top Guns do a promo. Brandon says they wanted to be here for so long. He said they get to prove they are the hardest working tag team. They say they are cutting their teeth everywhere they can. Joe says they have been going everywhere. Brandon says they will prove why they are the best up and coming tag team anywhere they go.

The Top Guns (Brandon Baretta and Joey Vinetti) vs El Matadors (Uno and Dos)

Brandon wristlocks Dos then is reversed. Brandon backdrops him then waistlocks takedowns him. Dos tags out and we go to break. We return and Brandon wristlocks Uno. Uno hits some shots then Brandon backdrops him. Brandon hits a corner spear and sends Joe into Uno. Joe legdrops Uno for 2.

Dos is armdragged by Joe. Joe jumps off of Brandon's back with an elbow drop on Uno. Brandon powerslams Uno then drops Joe on him for 2. Joe sleepers Uno. Uno stomps on Joe.

Joe suplexes Uno for 2. Uno punches Joe and The Matadors's switch. Uno suplexes Joe then nail Brandon on the apron. The Matador's switch again and Brandon lariats one of them. The Top Guns hit a double suplex.

Brandon lariats and back elbows Uno. Brandon spinebusters Uno then Joey is rocket launched onto Uno. Joey picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was an okay tag here with The Matador's doing illegal switches and getting some offense in before The Top Guns came back and won it. 

Stephen E. and Atila Khan are interviewed. E says he wanted Big Joe Helms and says they got him. He says Khan will take Joe to the cleaners and says we will hear 1-2-3. Big Joe Helms does a promo. He says him and Khan have met all over the Midwest. He says he' too much of a man for Khan and E and tells them to bring it on.

Atila Khan vs Big Joe Helms

They lock up and trade some shots. Joe crossbodies him for 2. We go to break and return. Khan hits a shot to the eyes. Khan hits Joe with a foreign object. Khan foot chokes him then hits a palm strike flurry. Khan snapmares him and knee drops him.

Khan gets him with something on the ropes and takes elbows to the gut. Khan is on the apron and is pulled in upside down. Khan camel clutches him then misses a 2nd rope headbutt drop. Stephen E. gets on the apron and Khan hits Joe with a foreign object. Khan then gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was a slower paced match here with Khan doing real basic heel offense and using a weapon. It wasn't that exciting and could have been sped up a bit. It did make sense though.

Khan uses the weapon on Joe after then Jason Jones and Cowboy Bob Orton make the save.

Jones gets in the mic after. He tries to set up himself and Orton vs Stephen E. and Atila Khan. Stephen E. asks if we want to see it then says it ain't gonna happen.

Overall thoughts:
There were only 2 new matches here. Both were average and not must see. I'm not really sure if the Orton tag was set-up or not here as the announcers made it seem like it but then Stephen E. said no. There were no announcements made for next week's show either here. I wouldn't recommend this one.


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