Saturday, June 15, 2024

AEW Rampage 6/14/2024

AEW Rampage 6/14/2024

Last week's show is here:

Toni Storm vs Alex Windsor

Alex pounds on her to start then Toni hits a thesz press and mounted punches. Toni hits hip attacks. Toni forearms her outside then is dropped on the apron face first. Alex backdrops her on the apron.

Alex ends her into the post and hits shots on her outside. Toni sends her into the rails. Toni's leg is banged off the post. Luther gets in the way of Alex then is pushed into Toni and May. Alex then stomps on Toni.

We go to PiP break and return. Toni corner hip attacks her then hits a fisherman suplex for 2. They headbutt each other. Alex lariats her on the ropes then olympic slams her for 2. Alex shining wizards her. Toni hits a storm zero and wins it.

Thoughts: Toni won here as expected. It was just average and should have been a squash.

Harley Cameron is interviewed without Saraya. She says Saraya is not here in protest. Harley doesn't like people declaring they are going to compete in The Owen Hart Cup. Harley says Saraya is the champ and should be the only person who should be declaring anything since the winner of it faces here. Harley then says she declares the interview over.

Thunder Rosa does a promo on Deonna Purrazzo. She says Saturday is the 1 Year Anniversary of Collision. She said she likes to pick fights and is picking one with her. Deonna says Rosa is no virtuosa and said those who don't show respect get it beaten into them. Rosa challenges her to a no disqualification match.

This one has been going on for a while and I thought we were going to move on from it after it hadn't been mentioned for 2 weeks. Instead it's just brought back from out of nowhere.

Cage Of Agony (Bishop Kaun, Brian Cage & Toa Liona) vs Jay Marston, Kevin Gutierrez & Solomon Tupu

Kaun shotgun dropkicks Tupu. He forearms him in the corner. Kaun hits a big lariat on him. Toa hits shots on Kevin Gutierrez who they call "The Corn Man". Toa lariats him the spinebusters him. Cage back body drops Jay then powerbombs him. Cage superkicks Tupu and Tupu is pendulum dropped face and body first.

Jay is triple lifted and dropped. Kaun pins him.

Thoughts: It was the usual squash here with Cage and GoA with their opponents getting nothing in and offering no resistance.

Rocky Romero vs. Shota Umino

Here's a random one. RR cravates him then Shota armlocks him. RR does an octopus to him. Shota pulls on RR's leg then RR chops him. Shota hits a forearm flurry. Shota drops him chest first the baseball slides him. Shota then does Mercedes Mone's dance for some reason.

Shota stomps him then is pulled over the top. RR topes him outside. We go to PiP break and full break. RR hits corner lariats then Shota dropkicks him. Shota slingshot ddt's him on the apron over the 2nd rope. Shota top rope dropkicks him then hits an exploder for 2. RR rewind kicks him then tornado ddt's him. RR hits a running sliced bread for 2.

RR hits forearms and Shota no sells them. Shota pop-up knees him and hits ignition for 2. Shota running euros the back of RR's neck then double underhook ddt's him to win.

Thankfully Shota got the win here. It was fine but a totally random match with no real build or explanation to it.

Satnam Singh vs Rosario Grillo

SS offers a handshake. SS doesn't let go of the hand then SS bearhugs him. SS swings him around and submits him in a complete waste of time squash.

Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal get on the mic after. Jay says Singh is on a roll. Jay says he will beat his opponent tonight and says he can do it faster than him. Jay asks for his opponent be brought out.

Jay Lethal vs Pac

Pac side headlock takeovers him. Jay stomps on him. Pac slingshots in, Jay cartwheels out of a hiptoss and Pac superkicks him. Pac then fosbury flops outside. Sonjay gets on the apron then Singh pulls Pac out to the floor. The ref throws Singh out then Jay pounds on Pac outside.

Pac is thrown into the rails then his back is rammed into the post. Jay dropkicks him. Jay throws Pac out then does the fargo strut. Pac is sent into the steps. We go to PiP break and return.

Pac cradles him. Jay goes to handspring and is basement dropkicked. Pac hits forearms and kicks. Pac flying kicks him. Pac top rope dropkicks him for 2. Jay dragon screws him then figure fours him. Jay lets off and hits mounted shots.

Jay is back body dropped off the 2nd rope. Pac goes up top and Sonjay Dutt distracts Pac. Pac pump kicks him. Jay germans Pac then cutters him. Jay goes for a lethal injection and is lariated. Pac then submits him with the brutalizer.

The submission were random here and didn't really lead to anything. It also had the usual shenanigans from Jay Lethal and friends. It was just a match with no real build to it that is likely not leading to anything more. I wish they would have just let them do their things without the shenanigans.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't that good of a show. We had a bunch of random matches and none of them were that great. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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