Monday, June 17, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 6/17/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 6/17/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see Drew and others in the back.

Seth Rollins comes out. The fans chant welcome back and he says they should be welcomed back. Seth said he's back to be the best and said he can't do that without getting back the title he made. Seth says Money in The Bank is soon and he thinks it's the best way to get in the title mix.

Damian Priest comes out. He says welcome back. He says he wanted to cash in on Seth and wanted to be champ by beating him. He says it's no longer Monday Night Rollins. Seth said DP had a rough week and almost lost a leg in Scotland.

Seth says they are a lot alike. He said both made their names in groups and both won their titles at Wrestlemania. He says at some point, he grew a set and that differentiates them. Seth asks what type of legacy he wants to leave. DP says how about a title match at MITB? 

Seth thinks it's a trap but says he accepts. Seth says the show will always be Monday Night Rollins as long as he's around.

Alpha Academy talk to Adam Pearce in the back earlier in the day. Chad Gable says he's been looking for him and rips Alpha Academy. Chad says he wants a rematch with Sami. Adam says he needs to win his way back to the title. Chad grabs Tozawa and asks if he looks like a back of the line guy. Chad asks Adam to find him someone worthy. Adam says he has the perfect opponent.

Chad Gable vs Braun Strowman

Braun rakes his eyes and gets a shot in. Braun facekicks him. Chad is thrown into the buckles chest first. Chad triangles Bruan over the top rope. Chad calls his crew idiots then is knocked to the floor.

We go to break and return. Braun shoulders him over and throws him. Chad sends Tozawa in Braun's way then Braun throws Tozawa at Chad. Chad hits leg kicks on Braun then Braun spinning slams him for the win.

Thoughts: It was fine for what it was but I don't like Chad losing yet again here.

Chad pushes Tozawa around after. Max gets in the way. Chad throws Max's crutch away and tells her to get out of here. Chad slaps Tozawa down. Otis gets mad then shoves Chad over. Otis then walks out with Max and Tozawa.

Pat McAfee talks about the Dominik Mysterio and Liv Morgan situation last week and shows Finn Balor taking Liv's room key in slow motion last week. 

Judgment Day are in the back. They say they gotta derail Braun Strowman. Finn says he has Priest's back if he has issues with Seth. Priest asks Finn about him taking Liv Morgan's hotel key card. He said her took it to protect Dom. Priest asks what Finn will do if he gets the MITB briefcase. He says he will cash in on Cody. Dom is looking for his vest and can't find it. Carlito says maybe it's in Liv Morgan's hotel room. Priest asks if he has a match he should get ready for. Finn says he hasn't talked to Rhea and wants to stay out of it.

Women's MITB Qualifier - Iyo Sky vs Kiana James vs Zelina Vega

Iyo goes after Vega. KJ hits Iyo. Iyo goes after and is pulled down by the hair. KJ elbow drops Iyo then works on Vega in the corner. Vega headscissors her out of the corner then Iyo dropkicks her. Iyo asai moonsaults outside then takes a meteora off the apron from Vega.  

We go to break and return. KJ takes a superplex Iyo double underhook backbreakers Vega. KJ hits a corner spear on Vega and powerbombs her for 2. Iyo rolls up KJ. Vega knees Iyo then KJ makes Vega hurricanrana Iyo. KJ is sent forward then Iyo springboard dropkicks Vega. Iyo gets on the ropes and takes a 619 to the legs. Vega code red's Iyo for 2.

Vega kicks J off the ropes. Liv Morgan comes down with Dom's vest and Vega gets distracted. Iyo double knees KJ then asai moonsaults her to win.

Thoughts: The crowd chanted "this is awesome" for this but I didn't see it. It just seemed like your average women's three-way with spots that didn't look that great. 

We see clips of Bron taking out Ricochet last week.

Sami Zayn comes out. He says he's happy to walk in still IC champ. He says all the personal stuff with Chad Gable started because he beat him in a wrestling match. He says it's now over though because he beat him in a wrestling match. He says he's moving on from Chad Gable but says it won't be easy to move on from Alpha Academy. He says everyone has to do things on their own time and says Otis and Alpha Academy will leave Chad when they are ready.

 He says he needs to defend his title against everybody and anybody. Bron Breakker comes out. Sami asks if he interrupted him just to stand there or says is there anything he wants to say. Bron says Sami knows what he is out there for and what's he's capable of. He says Sami is next on the list. He says he is taking the IC Title. Sami holds the title up at him then Sheamus comes out.

Sheamus says he's been chasing the IC Title for the last 5 years, putting on banger after banger. He says if he's giving out opportunities for it, he should consider him. Sheamus says he would do anything to get his hands on the title. Bron asks if Sheamus is going to act like he's not even standing here. Bron says nobody cares about the titles he hasn't won and his sob stories. He says we all know what happens when you get in his way. Bron says he's standing in his way and he will kick his @ss too. Sheamus asks if he's going to put him on his list.

Sheamus says he's cocky and on the run of a lifetime. he says Bron has no skin in the game and is the new kid. Sheamus says to get to the back of the line before he makes him. Sami said it sounds like they need to sort this out. Sami says he wants to see them fight it out later tonight.

Dragon Lee says Carlito cost him the chance to tag with Rey at Mania. He said he took him out like a coward. He says he will get his revenge and says if you mess with the dragon, you will get burned.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn are interviewed. Alba says it was a dream come true to win the titles. Isla says the hard part starts now and the celebration is over. She says they will take on anyone who tries to take their titles. Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark come in. They said they beat them last week and Shayna said she tapped Jade out. Zoey said they are keeping the titles warm for them and says they are coming for the titles. Alba says anytime, anyplace. Shayna says to be careful what you wish for.

Dragon Lee vs Carlito

The LWO and Judgment Day are out there. Lee flies at Carlito and hits shots. Lee headscissors takeovers him and hits a dropkick. Lee step up enzugiri's him out. Lee is caught on a plancha and send into the rails.

Carlito argues with Rey outside. Lee jumps over the top rope and hurricanrana's him off the apron. We go to break and return. Lee top rope splashes Carlito for 2. Lee pumping knees Carlito then rebound germans him. Carlito hits a TKO.

Carlito gets stuck in tree of woe and is double stomped off the top. Carlito back body drops Lee and kneelifts him. Lee wraps around him and ligerbombs him for 2.  Liv Morgan comes out and talks to DOm wearing his vest. Dom asks where she got it. Liv touches him then Zelina Vega attacks Liv. The LWO and Judgment Day fight outside. JD trips Lee up top then Carlito backcrackers Lee. Carlito then gets the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too special and there was a lot of shenanigans going on here.

We see behind the scenes shots of CM Punk putting the ref shirt on and screwing Drew. He takes a shirt from a female ref then heads out.

Drew McIntyre comes out and the screen goes goofy as they continue to hint towards whatever the new Wyatt group will be.

Chad Gable asks what Otis was doing out there putting his hands on him. He says he's sick of Max's crap. Otis says they are leaving. Chad says they are a family and don't leave. Otis says they are done. Chad says they don't say when they are done, he does. He says they are expelled and will be nothing without him. Chad says he will win MITB and will do something the failure Otis couldn't do - cash it in and become champ.

We see Drew McIntyre put his hands on the ref and Corey Graves at Clash at the Castle. 

Drew McIntyre is in the ring. He says CM Punk but says he can't do it anymore. Drew says "Screw this company, I quit". Drew heads to the back and Adam Pearce tries to stop him.

We see Drew talk to Triple H in the back and he says he's done. Adam Pearce follows Drew to the back.

Damage Ctrl (Dakota Kai and Kairi Sane) vs Katana Chance and Kayden Carter

The heels jump the faces. Chance is double teamed then he short facebusters Kai. She dropkicks her. Kai is bridged on the apron and Carter splashes her. Carter is put over the 2nd rope and Kai stomps her down. Sane top rope elbow drops Carter for 2. Lyra Valkyria comes out to check on Chance.

Carter ddt's Sane then boots Kai. Kai takes a neckbreaker + 450 and is pinned.

It was too quick and I was surprised to see the faces pick up the win so quick. I'm not real sure what the Lyra stuff is about except for getting a third for Chance and Carter.

Damage Ctrl talk in the back. Kai says she doesn't understand why Lyra came out. Iyo says Damage Ctrl has to change or she will change things herself. 

Sheamus vs Bron Breakker

They stare down and lock up. Sheamus side headlock throws him. Sheamus goes for an armlock and they both end up going out on the lock up. Bron this shots outside. Bron runs the ropes fast and lariats him. Bron hits corner spears then Sheamus spinning backbreakers him.

Sheamus finlay rolls him then chinlocks him. Bron over head suplexes him. Bron goes into the post shoulder first then is lariated over the top. Sheamus lariats him off the apron. Bron knees Sheamus off the apron. Bron flying lariats him off the apron over the  commentary table.

We go to break and return. Sheamus hits a forearm then Bron fireman's carry gutbusters him. Bron tells him to get left behind if he doesn't like it. Sheamus tells him to come on and they trade shots. Sheamus running double axe handles him then corner lariats him. Sheamus swinging side slams him for 2. 

Bron walks up the buckles, slips and ends up doing a bodyscissors to him. Sheamus hits a white noise for 2. Bron runs at him and takes a pumping knee. Sheamus hits chest clubs on Bron. Ludwig Kaiser then comes out and attacks Sheamus for the disqualification. They fight and Kaiser goes into the post and commentary table. Kaiser is sent over the rail then Bron spears Sheamus on the floor.

Kaiser runs around the ring to kick Sheamus' leg against the steps then Bron spears him. Sami holds his title up at Bron and Bron shoves him.

Thoughts: We were getting a good match here and then it sadly got interrupted. The two matched up well. It was a hard hitting and high impact match. Bron can't be botching stuff though. It just totally blows his character if he looks foolish. Bron spearing Kaiser was an interesting twist here. 

Dominik Mysterio asks if anyone has seen his vest. Liv then appears with it. Liv says she will give him the vest back but says he has to take it off himself.  Dom unzips it. Priest comes in and isn't happy. Priest says to get his stuff and go to the clubhouse. Priest tells Liv to leave him alone and says he wants nothing to do with her. Liv says he wants everything to do with her.

Karrion Kross and Scarlett talk about New Day. He says they cost AOP a shot at the tag titles and gave him a taste of his own medicine 2v1. Kross says he was thinking of doing something out of control tonight but has a great idea that doesn't involve him going to jail. Kross challenges either Kofi or Woods 1v1 next week. He says he hopes it him Kofi and says Kofi would rather have Woods in the back anyway.

The New Day respond. Woods said the first thing he did was his sights on them. Kofi said Kross hasn't done anything here but win the NXT Title. Kofi says they are the best tag team of all time and asks who he is to give them advice. Kofi says he accepts his challenge.

Thoughts: I still don't know where the Kross/Woods thing is going but it's been the best use of Kross yet.

Jey Uso is with fans in the concourse. He says he needs the W in the MITB Qualifier tonight. He says he will win, get the briefcase, cash in and become the new champ. 

MITB Qualifier - Jey Uso vs Finn Balor vs Rey Mysterio

Finn slides out. Jey shoulders Rey over then la mistica drops him. Rey sends Finn out then baseball slides him. Jey is swept on the apron and hits his head off of it. Finn bangs Jey's head off the apron. Rey plancha's Finn.

We go to break and return. Finn stomps Rey off the ropes then side headlocks him. Jey is sent out and Finn basement dropkicks Rey. Jey hits shots on Finn. Jey kicks him and hits an uppercut. Rey top rope la silla's Finn then springboard twisting crossbodies him. Rey crucifixes Jey. Jey is pulled over the top and Finn rolls up Rey.

Finn flying lariats Rey then pele kicks Jey. We go to break and return. Rey crotches Finn. Rey 2nd rope hurricanrana's Finn. Jey spears Rey for 2. Rey 619's Finn in the gut on the apron then slides into a splash on him outside. Rey flying headscissors him then 619's him. Rey 619's Jey then hits a rare double diving headscissors off the top. Rey double 619's his opponents.

Dominik Mysterio comes out and trips Rey on the ropes. Rey la silla's him then Judgment Day jumps Rey. Braun Strowman comes out and chases Judgment Day away. Jey superkicks Finn for 2. Finn slingblades Jey  and corner death valley drivers Rey. Finn top rope double stomps Rey then Jey top rope splash Finn. Jey picks up the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't the best they could have done but it was an entertaining three way. I liked Rey's double diving hurricanrana here. I don't know if I've ever seen it done that way before. They also furthered the Bron vs Judgment Day feud here and got some Dom vs Rey stuff in.

Jey celebrates with the fans then the lights go out. There's a door with smoke and lights. The door is opened and then the lights go out. Some female with a mask and a white out crawls through the smoke and grabs Bray Wyatt's lantern. The back is all filled with smoke and Eric Rowan is wearing a bunny mask wit ha mallet that says "help" on it. Everyone is down and the lights are messed with in another area. We see blood on the walls and someone in a mask with a long nose and blonde dreadlocks. We then see another thing in a mask and with flannel clothing. We see Chad Gable all bloodied and see Uncle Howdy. Howdy grabs all the of the masked people and we see a Wyatt logo on a TV screen.

The masked people all come out. Howdy picks up Bray's lantern and they pose with it. Howdy says "we're here" and blows out the lantern. We then see someone flash on the screen before the show goes out.

I haven't been following the Wyatt stuff too close but it was a pretty cool ending here and something really different than usual. I'm really excited to see what this is and where it goes. It's going to really add a different twist to things on Raw and will definitely test Triple H's booking crew in some new ways.

Overall thoughts: We had 2 decent matches here and a lot of good stuff going on storyline wise. The Liv/Dom angle is interesting. The new Wyatt faction is interesting and The Alpha Academy stuff is interesting. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what they have for us next week. It was a good show overall.

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