Tuesday, June 25, 2024

WWE NXT 6/25/2024

WWE NXT 6/25/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/06/wwe-nxt-6182024.html

Ava Raine talks to security and refs outside. She said anyone could show up tonight and says new issues are coming up. She says she doesn't want anything going wrong.

Winners gets a tag title shot - Tag Team Turmoil

Leg 1 - Edris Enofe and Malik Blade vs New Catch Republic

Bate headlock takeovers Enofe and headscissors him. Bate uses the ropes to headscissor Enofe down. Dunne double stomps Enofe's arm. Dunne takes a bulldog + knee dropkick and Bate is double dropkicked. Blade hits a nice double headhunter. Bate is held in the air and Blade 2nd rope twisting blockbusters him for 2.

Enofe pumping knees Dunne. Dunne step up enzugiri's him. Blade takes a rebound lariat + german. Bate tope con hilos Blade through the ropes. Enofe ddt's Bate for 2. Blade comes off the top and Dunne forearms him. Enofe takes a double tiger driver and is pinned.

Leg 2 - New Catch Republic vs Legado del Fantasma (Berto and Angel)

Dunne and Bate get submissions on them at the same time. Bate does an octopus on Berto. Angel pulls up the ropes and sends Bate out. Bate's head is banged off the apron. Bate takes a gori bomb + slingshot cutter combo. Bate is popped up into a headscissors on Berto.

Angel double underhook backbreakers Bate for 2. Berto springboard enzugiri's Dunne and nails his own head off the ropes. Apollo Crews comes down and is pulled away. Bate knocks Berto off the ropes then Bate tiger drivers Berto. Bate pins Berto.

Leg 3 - New Catch Republic vs The OC

The OC hit a backdrop + neckbreaker combo. Bate takes a drop + flying knee combo. We go to PiP break and return. Bate airplane spins Karl. Luke takes a double punch. Luke high kicks Dunne. Dunne cradles Luke and pins him.

Leg 4 - New Catch Republic vs Chase U (Duke Hudson and Andre Chase)

OTM gets in the aisle and wants some of The OC. Chase and Dunne trade shots. Chase russian legsweeps him and hits C-H-A-S-E-U stomps on him. Dunne clubs on Chase's chest Sheamus style. Chase gets his hands stomped and gets double headkick. Duke uranages Dunne and Bate from the corner. Bate ends up landing on Dunne.

Duke handstand hurricanrana's Bate. Duke hits a bionic elbow on Bate. Duke spinning side slams Bate.  Bate does an impressive suplex on Duke. Dunne rebound germans Chase. Chase takes a 2nd rope sunset bomb from Dunne. Bate backdrops Chase for 2.

Dunne splits Duke's fingers. Bate flips out of a back body drop. Chase is back body dropped over the top. Bate plancha's and Ridge sacrifices himself, taking the plancha for Chase. Chase top rope crossbodies Bate.

Gauntlets are like buffets - you get a little of everything but not the full serving of various items. The finish helped push the Ridge and Chase U partnership and they pushed a new angle with Crews/LdF and OTM/The OC. It was pretty impressive to get all of that done in one sitting and it was good overall.

Various girls watch Perez nailing Vice last week. They gossip and Perez comes in. Karmen says she doesn't like Lola Vice, but she says she's on her game. Perez says she is as well. Perez says Karmen can't reach her level. Perez tells her to go back to watching the stars of the women's division and maybe she will get there one day.

Ethan Page heads to ringside.

They show a graphic of Wild Samoan Sika, who died today.

Dante Chen and Nathan Frazer talk in the back. Chen says he will be in his corner if he wants tonight. NF says he appreciates it and said he hasn't talked to Axiom in a few days. He said he can't go out alone. Axiom comes in. Ax says he is his partner and will step in. Ax says he will be a Heritage Cup champ and a tag champ tonight.

Ethan Page comes out and has a new theme song. 

Page says Heatwave is a week from Sunday and says it is heating up. Page says Trick will face Je'Von Evans for the title at Heatwave. Page says the problem is Evans won a battle royale to get this that he was never eliminated from. Page says he pinned him the same night. Page says Evans should be out of the title match and he should be in. Page asks Ava Raine to come out.

Ava Raine comes out. She says All Ego isn't a catch phrase, he really believes it. She says she doesn't like it when wrestlers try to back her into a corner. She says he does have a point and did pin Je'Von.

Shawn Spears comes out. He said he doesn't have a problem with him and says they traveled the same roads. He said it's nice to have someone follow in his foot steps. Shawn says he pinned Evans first two weeks ago. Page says Evans eliminated him at the battle royale.

Shawn says he will beat Trick tonight and make Ava' decision easier. Trick Williams comes out and tells Shawn to sit his goofy @ss down. Trick says it doesn't matter who his opponent is. Trick says people will chant his name when he gets to Toronto. Spears and Page then jump him. Je'Von Evans makes the save and they fight 2v2. The heels are thrown out.

Ridge Holland and New Catch Republic talk in the back. Dunne says Ridge was supposed to go off on his own and is now in Chase U. Hank and Tank said NCR did well out there. Tank says he knows they are bummed but says they should test their energy vs them next week. 

Robert Stone and Stevie Turner talk in the back. They ask each other what they want. Stone says he's helping Ava make big decisions. He says it was only a matter of time until he was seen as an asset. Stevie said she helped her make decisions too. She said she's been doing a better job of it too. She said she fought Jordynne Grace and gets the inside scoop on everything. Stone says, "so you are saying you are a narc?". They both say they aren't going anywhere and Stevie says she will win when it comes to Ava. Stone says she couldn't beat him on his best day.

Thoughts: Stone is now back to being Robert Stone instead of Mr. Stone. Stevie has done nothing since coming to NXT so even this is an upgrade for her.

Joe Coffey vs Wes Lee

Wes jumping double knees him. Gallus gets on the apron. Wes misses a shot on Wolf. Joe flying headbutts/battering rams him. Joe backbreakers him then slips on a springboard elbow.

Joe forearms Wes. Wes does a mean looking wrap around ddt. Wes hits mounted shots on Joe then jumping punches him. Wes double stomps his back. Wes knocks Mark Coffey off the apron then Joe pop-up powerslams Wes down.

Wes rolls him up then Joe headbutts him. Joe hits a flying euro. Wes handspring backflip kicks him and wins.

Thoughts: It was over before it really got started. The ending was quite sudden and I was surprised to see Joe jobbed out like that.

Oba Femi gets on the riser after. He says Wes has cleared his final hurdle and gets to fight him for the last time. Oba says he will see him at Heatwave. 

The D'Angelo Family are interviewed in the back. Tony says he's only concerned about the after party. He says Nathan Frazer is dangerously fast and has more experience. He says Stacks and Luca gave him a gameplan that will work. He says the cup stays in the family.

Ridge Holland and Duke Hudson talk in the back. Duke is given an envelope. Thea jumps at Duke and is thrilled about winning. Ridge steals Duke's envelope. Chase says they will go international at Heatwave and become the 2x tag champs. 

NXT Heritage Cup Title Match - Tony D'Angelo (c) vs Nathan Frazer

No entrance for either guy here.

Round 1 - NF side headlock takeovers him. NF goes up and over in the corner then Tony throws him off the waistlock. NF runs at him fast and rolls him up. NF gets the pin and is up 1-0.

Round 2 - Tony takes him down and rolls him. Tony back body drops him and belly to belly suplexes him. Tony hits shots to the gut. NF comes off the buckles and is hit in the gut. NF flips over Tony then Tony spinebusters him. Tony gets the pin and this is tied 1-1.

Round 3 - Tony corner spears NF. Tony blocks a sunset flip and misses a punch off of it. NF dropkicks him off the apron. Tony catches NF's tope and throws him into the steps. We go to full break, not PiP break and do not get to see the end of the round. We later see that NF hit a step up enzugiri but ran out of time before he could try and get the pin.

Round 4 - We join this with about 2 minutes left in the round. Tony is lariated over the top to the floor then NF topes him twice. NF slingblades him then superkicks him in the face. NF enzugiri's him from the apron and is caught on a springboard.

NF rolls him up for 2 then is spinebustered for 2. NF is rammed into the buckles and put in tree of woe. Tony spears the post. NF top rope dropkicks him and the round ends.

Round 5 - Tony blocks a kick and punches him. Tony corner lariats him. NF superkicks him for 2. NF comes off the 2nd rope and is caught with a spinebuster for 2. NF flips out of a half-nelson suplex and enzugiri's Tony out. NF shotgun dropkicks Tony into the steps. Tony gets in and NF coast to coast dropkicks him for 2. NF back elbows him off the ropes and hits a phoenix splash. The round ends as he goes for the pin.

Round 6 - Last round. NF needs the pin or submission. Tony wins if it goes to a draw. NF sunset flips him then cradles him for 2. NF lifting and spinning suplexes him. NF boots Tony then Tony does a 2nd rope belly to belly suplex. Tony hits a high spinebuster and wins the round and match 2 falls to 1.

Thoughts: Tony's not a top flight worker and it wasn't anything too special. He wasn't bad or anything but he still hasn't really figured out what his logic is in the ring. These matches are better on taped shows as we wouldn't miss parts of it like we did here.

Trick Williams and Je'Von Evans talk in the back. Evans says he can't let him go out there by himself. He says he will be in his corner. Trick says Evans has a match with him coming up and needs to focus. He says he has seen people lose their mind over the title. He said he's cautious when people say they have his back (a subtle Melo reference) and he'd rather him not be out there. Evans is okay with it.

Roxanne Perez vs Karmen Petrovic

Lola Vice comes out before this starts. Lola joins the commentators.

RP takes KP down with a hammerlock then bridges while putting it on. KP misses a high kick and RP stares at her. RP misses a punch but it is sold anyway. RP foot chokes her in the corner. KP then superkicks her. KP is swept off the buckles then RP flails on her.

KP's head is banged off the buckles. RP russian legsweeps her for 2. Lola pulls on KP's hair then pulls backwards on a chinlock. KP spinning lariats her. KP legsweeps her and RP blocks a screw kick. RP hits a code red and wins it.

It was another short one here. They did a lot of spinning around for various strikes and those strikes often didn't look that good. RP won as expected here.

Lola gets in the ring after. RP goes for a uraken. Lola blocks it and hits her own, dropping RP.

Noam Dar talks on facetime. He says Ethan Page ripped a tendon on his leg and he's out for a while. He says he knows Oro, Lash and Jakara will keep Meta-Four strong. Oro says this is more than just Page, this is for Noam. Oro says he loves this group. He says he would never guess that he'd be here when he grew up in Nigeria. He said his dad had to run through fire in a car accident and got burned. He said they had to move to Switzerland to get care. Oro said they went to foster care for a while. He said he didn't feel like he fit in there and said he didn't feel like he fit in anywhere until he met them. He says he won't rest until he gets revenge for Dar.

We go to the back and The OC hit OTM with chairs. Michin then goes after Jaida Parker.

Ava Raine talk to a ref in the back. The ref says OTm look banged up. Ava talks to Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright. She says Carlee faces Wendy Choo next week. Lola Vice comes in and says when Perez wakes up, she can give the title back to her. Lola says to tell her she wants a title match at Heatwave.

If Tavion wins, he joins No Quarter Catch Crew - Damon Kemp vs Tavion Heights

We get a bio sidebar on both guys. Tav hiptosses Kemp then armdrags him. Kemp sleepers him. Tav hits a shoulderbreaker. Dempsey pops Kemp's shoulder back in. Kemp lariats Tav on the floor. Kemp bangs Tav's head off the mat.

Kemp germans him. Kemp olympic slams Tav for 2. Tav goes up and over in the corner. Kemp hits headbutts then Tav overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Tav belly to belly suplexes him again and wins.

Thoughts: It was too short here and wasn't much before it ended. Tav joining NQCC was expected here. I'm not a big fan of NQCC as this is not the group for people who struggle getting over as characters and all of these guys are struggling to get over as characters.

Kelani Jordan is interviewed. She said she wants to be a drama free champ and move on from one superstar who wants a chance to the next. She says Sol is chill but Arianna Grace is the opposite. She says props to her for getting a match.

Jaida Parker walks in. She complains about Michin jumping her and challenges her to a street fight.

Brinley Reece, Enofe and Blade talk in the back. Brin says she's proud of them and says they did good. Enofe complains about not winning. Izzi Dame comes up to them and says being happy go lucky does nothing for them. Izzi says they don't want her around. She says they won't amount to anything with her and neither will Brin. Brin asks them if it's true and Blade says no.

Axiom talks to Nathan Frazer. NF said he thought he had it. He says he has a WWE Speed match tomorrow and will focus on their team after.

#1 Contender's Match - Sol Ruca vs Arianna Grace

Sol headscissors her on the mat and side headlocks takeovers her. Sol shoulders her over, flips out of a hiptoss and facebusters her. Sol slingshot codebreakers her. Sol trips her then surfs on her back.

Sol goes to springboard and is pulled down. Grace boots Sol in the corner and suplexes her for 2. Sol cradles her for 2. Grace 2nd rope elbow drops Sol's neck. Grace running knee lifts her for 2 then grounded cobra twists her.

Sol shoulders her over then springboard shoulders her. Grace backrolls her. Sol slips on the ropes and superkicks her in the chest. Sol then hits a sol snatcher and wins.

Thoughts: Sol botched the finish here which brought this down. It was short and there was nothing too special about it. 

Kelani Jordan holds up Sol's arm after.

Roxanne Perez talks to Ava in the back. She accuses her of taking the title. Ava says Lola brought it here after laying her out. Ava says she can get he revenge on Lola when she faces her at Heatwave. Perez isn't happy.

Kelani Jordan and Sol Ruca talk and walk in the back. KJ says she's excited she is going up against her. Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx catch that and mock it. Fallon Henley walks in and says they are overlooked. Jacy agrees. Karmen Petrovic walks past them and they say she got opportunities she hasn't earned too. Jacy says they should do something about it and Fallon agrees.

Trick Williams vs Shawn Spears

Ethan Page is on commentary. Trick hits punches on SS then SS slides out. They fight outside and Trick chops him. SS hits a thesz press with punches. Trick hits chops then lariats him out of the corner.

Trick goes up and over and they pump kick each other at the same time. Oro Mensah jumps Ethan Page and security quickly comes in as we go to PiP break.

We return and SS has Trick in a crossface. SS hits shots and Trick no sells it. Trick gives him the Hulk Hogan finger point and hits punches. Trick hits leg lariats then flapjacks him. SS superkicks him then single leg codebreakers him.

Trick pop-up uppercuts SS then upkicks him from the mat. SS backcrackers him then Trick hits a uranage. Trick kips up and pounds on his chest. Someone tries to get in the ring and is stopped by security. SS is thrown out. Trick plancha's SS. The guy who came in hits Trick with the table top and Trick is death valley drivered in the corner. SS then pins Trick.

Thoughts: I'm not a fan of Trick losing, especially to Shawn Spears. Having Trick take losses is taking a risky bet with how over he is and it's not a bet I'd be making.  The match was just average and I have no idea who interfered.

Shawn sits down and stares at Trick after.

Stevie Turner and Stone asks what Ava will do about this. Ava sets up a fatal four way at Heatwave and the show ends.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall with them setting up a lot of stuff for next week and Heatwave and giving a nice mix of in-ring and outside the ring happenings. Nothing was too great here but nothing was awful either.

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