Tuesday, June 18, 2024

NWA Powerrr 6/18/2024

NWA Powerrr 6/18/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/06/nwa-powerrr-6112024.html

Crockett Cup 2024 Quarterfinal Match - Daisy Kill and Talos vs The Immortals (Odinson and Kratos)

Kratos has a cool "K" painted on his face. Daisy knees Odin in the gut. Daisy side headlocks him then Odin shoulders him over. Odin hits euros then exploders him for 2. Odin euros him in the back of the neck for 2.

Kratos chops Daisy then throws him on a suplex. Daisy throws Kratos out and Talos clubs on Kratos outside. Daisy club flurries Kratos then Talos slams Kratos. We go to break and return. Talos corner splashes Kratos then side slams him.

Kratos lariats Daisy then Odin flying euros Daisy. Odin pounces Daisy and Vampiro buts Daisy's foot on the ropes. Kratos goes after Vamp then Talos nails Kratos. Daisy kicks Odin then Vamp comes off the top and misses a dive on Odin. Odin lariats Vamp. Kratos top rope lariats Talos then Daisy is popped up into a euro from Odin. Odin pins Daisy.

Thoughts: This was unusual. The crowd wasn't too into it and I don't know if it ever found the right flow to it. It still was interesting though. Talos was so much bigger than Kratos and it was the first time I saw Kratos get bullied around. I thought Vamp's team should have been DQ'd for him trying a move off the top.

The Immortals are interviewed after. Kratos says everything is a little bigger in Texas. He says The Crockett Cup belongs to The Immortal.

#1 Contenders to the Women's Tag Titles - Reka Tehaka and Tiffany Nieves vs La Rosa Negra and Ruthie Jay

Tiff and Rosa go at it. Rosa takes her down. Tiff stomps her foot and hits her then Tiff grabs hte hair. Rosa spins her in the air and drops her for 2. Tiff is thrown off the top then Rosa drops Jay on her. Reka boots and foot chokes Jay.

Reka is pushed into the corner and Rosa shoulder throws her. Rosa bites the arm. Rosa spin kicks her in the face and elbow drops her. Jay is pulled down off the apron by Ruthie. Reka headbutts Rosa then suplexes her.

Reka hit shoulders on Rosa. Tiff spinning side slams Rosa. Reka hits corner spears on Rosa then Tiff chokes Rosa on the ropes. Rela spinebusters Rosa then Tiff legdrops Rosa for 2. Rosa pushes back both opponents and tags in Jay. Jay hits kicks and a dropkick on Reka. Jay bulldogs Reka off the casadora for 2. Reka hits a nice powerbomb on Jay and wins.

I liked the powerbomb at the end and Rosa's selling was decent but it was just an average match. It was an average match the last time they did it and it'll be an average match the next time they do it too. It had your usual sloppy women's moments and offense that just didn't look that great.

Crockett Cup 2024 Quarterfinals - The Country Gentlemen (AJ and KC Cazana) vs The Southern 6 (Kerry Morton and Alex Taylor)

Kerry is asked about Silas Mason being his partner but being replaced here. Kerry says Silas is not medically cleared for tonight and says Alex is going to replace him. Joe Cazana says they should get a bye. Kerry says he will lay down and let himself be pinned. Joe says they aren't stupid and says they should get a bye. AJ says he's sick and tired of Kerry. He says the people of Texas came here to beat their @sses then The 6 attack.

KC is sent out then top rope crossbodies Kerry. AJ slams Alex then Alex takes a stomp from both opponents. KC is double teamed in the corner. Kerry knees KC in the gut then KC hits an armdrag. Kerry avoids an armdrag and kicks KC in the gut. KC hits a nice dropkick on Kerry for 2.

Kerry is double hiptossed and we go to break. We return and AJ takes a double russian legsweep. Alex stomps on AJ. AJ's hand is stomped into the turnbuckle connector. Kerry fistdrops AJ then AJ spinebusters Alex. KC gets in and hit shots on Kerry. Kerry takes a back body drop then KC enzugiri's him. KC powerslams Alex. KC goes for a double springboard and they miss a dropkick spot in mid-air.

AJ is sent into the post then KC takes a pumping knee + drop from the shoulder combo.

Thoughts: Some of the work was okay here. It felt like we missed a bunch of stuff during the break or they timed the break wrong and messed up the match with it. I thought they had too many people tagging in and out to really focus on this one.

The Southern 6 are interviewed after. Kerry says he wants to get at Knox and Murdoch. He says they whooped them in the cage and will do it again. Alex says when you're hot, you're hot and when you're not...then he leaves.

Note - Next week's show has 2 intergender matches on it. I am probably just going to skip it since there will probably only be one other segment and it would be silly to cover it.

Overall thoughts: The crowd wasn't that good and they brought down everything. They just couldn't get any sort of flow going. The opener had some good things but was just an unusual situation with Kratos and Odin being smaller than their opposition for a change which messed up some of the logic. The women's match wasn't that good. It felt like we missed a large chunk of the main event and the circumstances of Silas getting swapped out for Alex weren't that great either. I wouldn't recommend this one as nothing really clicked.

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