Tuesday, June 11, 2024

WWE NXT 6/11/2024

WWE NXT 6/11/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/06/wwe-nxt-642024.html 

Kelani Jordan comes out. She said she won many gymnastic titles but nothing compares to being the first North American champion. She said she will remember grabbing the title forever. She said there's no lineage for this title so it's up to her to build one. She says no one can do it like Lani.

Jaida Parker comes out. She said KJ only proved she can go up the ladder like a squirrel. She says her title reign won't be long once she handles Michin. Michin then nails JP from behind and sends her into the steps and apron.

Michin vs Jaida Parker

Michin takes her down and pounds on her. They roll and hit each other. Jaida hits corner spears then slams her. Michin hits a spin kick and a pele kick. Michin hits a headbutt flurry then corner cannonballs her. Michin sleepers her then germans her.

Michin is thrown into the post shoulder first. JP puts her on the 2nd rope and springboard buttpresses her down.

We go to break and return. JP shoulders her over the Michin rolls her up. Michin dropkicks her in the gut then JP codebreakers her arm. JP chickenwings her then Michin hurricanrana's her. Michin hits a lariat and a kick. Michin then hits a bad tornado ddt. JP gordbusters her then hip attacks her out of the ring in a cool spot.

Anderson and Gallows come down to check on Michin. JP grabs a chair and Karl takes it from her. Michin then rolls up JP from behind and wins.

Thoughts: It was an average match but Jaida had a good showing here. As usual, the execution could have been a little better at times.

New Catch Republic says it looks like Gallus is up to their old tricks. Bate says he's not going to watch his mate get bullied and Dunne laughs at the idea of Gallus Boys on Top

We see Cody Rhodes arrive and see fans greet him.

Chase U and Ridge argue in the classroom. Riley asks him to name one good thing that happened since he started hanging out. All four argue and Thea comes in saying "everyone shut the f**k up and sit down". Thea says Riley was an outsider too but they let him in. Chase says something and Thea says Chase gambled the university away. Thea says everyone thought Duke would stab Chase in the back but he didn't because they gave him a chance. Thea says everyone needs to get on the same page and that's not a teachable moment, that's the truth.

Thoughts: Thea was awesome here and made this segment.

Gallus vs Wes Lee and New Catch Republic

Wolf pounds on Bate. Mark side headlock takeovers Bate. Bate walks up the buckles with his arms and headscissors Mark. Dunne double stomps Mark's arm from the top then kneedrops it. Dunne twists the fingers of Mark and pulls on his ears and chin. Dune stomps the arm. Mark gets his hands stomped on then takes a superkick and an airplane spin. Wes and Dunne then dive out. 

We go to PiP break and return. Joe stops Bate's tag then Wolf sentons Bate. Bate headscissors Wolf then rebound lariats Mark. Bate flips out of a back body drop and tags in Wes. Wes jumps off Wolf's back and hurricanrana's Mark. Wes ddt's Wolf then hurricarana's Mark.

Dunne splits Mark's fingers. Bate punches Mark then Dunne and Bate do dives outside. Wes meteora's Joe for 2. Wes jumps off the top the outside onto everyone then Joe spinning lariats him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a fun tag here and got Gallus the win. We had lots of flying here and they kept this one moving. The faces seemed real inspired here.

OTM talk in the back. Jaida is mad about Michin beating her. She says she would have beat Michin without Gallows and Anderson. Nima and Price said they need to handle them. Jaida says she will handle Michin and run her out of NXT.

Brinley Reece, Enofe and Blade talk in the back. Brin is getting ready for her match. Blade says something is going on with Wendy Choo. Brin calls Wendy a sweetheart and says they will have a great time and a good match.

We see some behind the scenes stuff of Sol Ruca's NXT Battleground experience. We see her design her gear and exercise.

Brinley Reece vs Wendy Choo

Wendy has zombie/horror makeup on and seems to be in a trance. Choo thesz presses her and pounds on her. Choo does a sleeping elbow drop and Brin is scared. Brin punches her then Choo headbutts her. Choo short STO's her for 2.

Brin running lariats her then slams her. Choo hits a pepsi twist then taps her out with a cobra clutch type of submission.

Thoughts: Choo was returning and had to win here. Her new character is indeed something new and we'll have to get some more explanation on it.

We see clips from after NXT last week and see Oro Mensah jump Ethan Page. We then see Oro jump him on Saturday. Ava Raine banned him from the building for this.

Roxanne Perez is interviewed in the parking lot. She said she was put in an impossible situation at Battleground but stays champ. She says she will address where she takes this women's division. Mr. Stone walks up to her and says Ava wants to know what she will be talking tonight. Perez said she didn't find out her Battleground opponent until everyone else did so Ava can wait like she did.

Cody Rhodes comes out to talk. He says NXT is magical. He talks about AJ Styles' credentials and says AJ will say "I Quit".

Trick Williams comes out. He says to make some noise for Cody. Trick said they had similar paths and both had huge mountains to climb to become champ. Trick says it feels different to be on the other side of the mountain and says everyone is attacking them now. Trick asks how you do deal with this. 

Cody says even though they climbed the mountain, there's always a new one to climb. Cody said Ava granted him the authority to tell him his next challenger. Cody says that person will be determined in a 25 man battle royale. He said Trick may know some of them but some may be from different locker rooms. Cody says good luck. Trick asks Cody to come to the cook out. Cody says he is coming.

Dante Chen is interviewed. He says he's ready for the Singapore cane match and will tattoo his body with cane shots. He says his spirit keeps his discipline and he will end the rivalry on his terms.

Carlee Bright and some other girls talk in the back. She says Kelani is a history maker. They talk to Wendy. Bright introduces herself and Wendy just stares at her.

We see the 2024 NIL Class. There's only 6 people this time and IIRC they had like 12-16 in previous years. I wonder if there's a reason for that.

Singapore Cane Match - Dante Chen vs Lexis King

Chen nails King with the cane before they get in. Chen takes him down and hits punches. Chen back body drops him. They trade cane shots and King throws the cane at him. King hits mounted punches. King back body drops him.

King canes him then slams him. King puts the cane in Chen's throat and drives it into the mat. King pushes the cane into him with his feet. King rams the cane into his throat and hits him with it. 

King chokes him with it then Chen chokes him with it. King running knees him in the back of the head then canes him. King chops him and is thrown into a cane in the buckle. Chen hits him with the cane many times. Chen facekicks him. Chen monkey flips King then lariats him over the top.

Chen topes him, driving the cane into King's throat. King low blows him then hits him in the throat with his own cane. King hits him with it then hits a coronation neckbreaker to win.

Thoughts: I don't see why King could hit him with his own cane. That's not really part of the rules. This was pretty much all cane shots and not much else.

Jacy Jane and Jazmyn Nyx talk. Cody goes up to Jacy and gives her his old faceguard. Nyx says it's dashing.

Eddy Thorpe is playing with fire again and says it's used for healing. He says he's healed, his body is strong and he's reborn.

Michin comes out of Ava Raine's office. She talks to Gallows and Anderson and says she gets to challenge for Kelani's North American title as she beat Jaida.

The commentators get attacked but we can't see who did it. It seems like it was fake but we didn't see it so who knows. No one gets hit as the attacker is stopped before he does anything.

Eddy Thorpe vs Tavion Heights

Eddy wristlocks him then Tav takes him down. They mat wrestle and Eddy crossbodies him. Eddy knees him in the gut then backdrops him. Tav hits a high belly to belly suplex then hits forearms in the corner.

Tav fireman's carry throws him then karelin's lifts him. Tax suplexes him off the front facelock then dragon sleepers him. Eddy hits shots then germans him. Eddy elbow drops him and hits a nasty looking high angle ddt to win.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this. The finish was dangerous and neither guy looked that great here. Eddy needed to win but I wasn't impressed in his return.

The No Quarter Catch Crew watch. Dempsey says Tavion Heights is impressive and tells Myles Borne to go get him. Dempsey says there's strength in numbers and maybe they could use a new member. Kemp makes a joke and Dempsey said he shouldn't have dropped 2 straight falls and lost The Heritage Cup. Dempsey says capice to Myles again and tells him to go get him.

Thoughts: I kind of figured Tavion would eventually get put with this crew. I don't think he's going to add a lot or improve much with them. 

Ava Raine and Robert Stone talk. Ava says Roxanne Perez is unpredictable. Stevie Turner interrupts. She said she was in the locker room and heard Perez say she would call Ava out for an apology.

Je'Von Evans vs Shawn Spears

Shawn hits shots on him then Evans chops him. Shawn hits a thesz press with mounted shots. Evans flying headscissors him then is stungunned. Shawn hits chops and corner spears. Evans hits a nice dropkick. Evans dropkicks him through the ropes then kicks him from the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Shawn single leg crabs him and hits chops. Evans hits a blue thunder. Evans hits shots then spin kicks him off the ropes. Shawn superkicks him on the apron then briding ddt's him for 2. Evans double jump cutters him. Evans hits a tope and a cannonball off the rails. Evans then misses a springboard crossbody and goes into the side of the commentary table. Shawn running death valley drivers him and wins.

Thoughts: It was okay but not that great. I was surprised they had Shawn win here but I supposed he needs a win.

Evans really got his mouth busted open during this.

We see Nathan Frazer and Axiom's photos from Las Vegas with them goofing around with the titles. NF says he can't celebrate anymore and Bate says he can. The D'Angelo Family comes in. Tony says they could use a history lesson on this cup. Ax says his best friend won the cup. Stacks wants to fight. NF says he misses the cup and can defend that and the tag titles at the same time.

Cody Rhodes talks to Shawn Spears. Spears says Cody won The Rumble and got his. Spears says he will get his next week. Ethan Page walks in and asks if Cody wants to wish him good luck. Lexis King says he will win. Cody says it seems like they are in a good place.

This was interesting with 4 ex-AEW guys coming together. It won't happen, but the three heels joining up as an AEW group would be interesting.

Roxanne Perez comes out to give her state of the women's division address. RP said she proved there were levels to this and no one in this world is on hers. She says they are all finding out what she has always known. She asks Ava Raine to come out.

Ava comes out. She congratulates her and doesn't get what she wants her to thank her for. Ava says it's not about what you say, it's about what you do. RP says she will always find a way to win and says there's no one who can take the title from her. Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx come out. Jacy says RP is taking credit for the entire women's locker room. She says it seems like RP lost her sweet an innocent personality and memory. She says she was one of the main reasons people tuned in before she signed here.  Nyx says the biggest threats to her title are here.

Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson comes out. Lash calls Jacy and Nyx "Batgirl and Robin". Lola Vice comes out. She says her fists don't lie and says everyone wants what RP has. She says RP is on a level only Vice is at. Jakara tells her to shake her butt at the back of the line then Vice high kicks her. All the girls fight to close the show.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't that good of a show. It's not an exciting time for NXT and the roster is weak. The trios match was probably the best thing on here.

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