Sunday, June 16, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 1/19/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 1/19/1991

Last week's show is here:

Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper and The Honky Tonk Man welcome us to the show. The Royal Rumble is tonight but this was pre-taped. They are in Tampa but make Disney puns, which is in Orlando. They talk about The Rumble. Honky says he will win it and Piper says not to be goofy. He says he will be dopey, grumpy and sleepy. Vince says not to forget about Warrior's title defense. He says Warrior won't be happy, he'll be bashful and he'll need a doc. Piper asks how he'd like to visit Pluto.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Bob Bradley

Bob makes a goofy wide-eyed face into the camera. Jake backs Bob up on the ropes. Bob knees him in the gut and clubs on him. Jake kneelifts him. Jake does an inset promo. He says he'll be waiting for Martel at The Rumble. Jake back elbows him.

Bob eye rakes him in the bad eye. Bob backflips and misses an elbow. Jake short arm clotheslines him then hits a ddt to win.

Bob was an entertaining jobber here as usual. I liked him poking Jake in the eye as the eye was injured but I don't know if the crowd caught onto it.

Jake puts Damien on Bob after.

WWF Update

Mean Gene Okerlund hypes up The Royal Rumble.  Ted Dibiase and Virgil talk. Ted says we've got the common family. He says double your pleasure, double your fun, beating up on both Rhodes' will be more fun than one. Dusty Rhodes and Dustin Rhodes talk. Dusty says they've got to deal with this family and said the blood in these two bodies run the same. Dusty says Ted's money will not buy this common family.

Earthquake vs Randy Hunter

Piper said he sat down and had skin milk and a burger with Virgil as he tried to talk sense into him. Quake pounds on Randy then hits some headbutts. Quake hits jumping boots then does a big hiptoss. Quake hits a back elbow. Dino Bravo does an inset promo. He says he will go through Quake if it comes down to them only. Quake powerslams Randy and the crowd chants "Hogan". Quake then hits the butt drop and wins.

Randy got nothing in before being put down here and Quake looked good as usual.

Quake hits an aftershock butt drop to Randy after.

The Hart Foundation vs Black Bart and W.T. Jones

Jim slams Bart then hiptosses him. The Hart Foundation do an inset promo. Bret says so be it if it ends up him vs Anvil. Anvil says they will still be the tag champs though if it happens. Bart side headlocks Jim then Jim shoulders him over. Bret hits shots on Bart and hiptosses him. Bret headbutts him then gets some shots in on WT.

Jim clubs on WT then WT takes a hart attack. WT is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a short squash here. Bret's offense looked good in this one and the jobbers got nothing in.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes up The Rumble. Warlord says it's every man to himself. He says every man has a strategy but he doesn't need one. Greg Valentine says he's out for himself. He says he will go after Honky Tonk Man if he has to. Shane Douglas says he knows he's an underdog and said some of the biggest upsets have come from underdogs. He says he's prime for an upset. Hawk says him and Animal have to put friendship aside as it could be the two of them at the end. Hawk says they are both prepared and said he hopes they are all prepared.

Power and Glory talk. Roma says there's 29 men to get rid of including Herc and says that's what Glory is all about. Herc says to take it easy and says he will win The Rumble. He says the power makes Power and Glory great.

Mr. Perfect vs Tony Reno

Perfect grabs Tony and Tony knocks his hand away. Tony escapes a hammerlock and dropkicks Perfect over the top. Perfect catches himself on the apron and talks to Heenan. He says he will make an example of this fool.

Perfect trips Tony then knee drops his leg. Mr. Perfect does an inset promo. He says the other 29 participants will find out that he's absolutely perfect. Perfect chops Tony and hits a perfectplex to win.

Thoughts: I liked Perfect's save on the dropkick here. There wasn't much to this otherwise, just Honky saying he wants to be #1 at The Rumble so he can hit a new person with his guitar every 2 minutes.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks about The Royal Rumble. The Big Boss Man says it comes down to him and The Barbarian. He says Barb's job is to protect Heenan at all costs. He says his job is to make sure that law, order and justice is served. He says his job is more important than his. He says he's coming for Heenan after Barbarian.

Mr. Fuji and The Orient Express do a promo. Fuji says to make The Rockers suffer. He says he wants their bodies in his hand. He says to make them cripple and to make them scream for mercy.

The Rockers say it's time to bring a new year and no one does it like them. Shawn says they are the tag team of the 90's. Marty says once again they have to deal with Fuji guys, but it won't matter, as they will go through them and keep rocking.

The Bushwhackers vs Dennis Allen and The Gladiator

The Bushwhackers do an inset promo. Butch says it's every man for himself and they do some fighting as they argue over who will win. Gladiator backs up Butch and misses a corner charge. Luke headbutt drops Gladiator. Butch stomps Gladiator's arm then clubs Dennis.

Butch back elbows Dennis then Dennis takes a battering ram. Dennis takes a double gutbuster and is pinned.

Thoughts: The BW's promo was hard to understand as usual and they won in a quick squash here.

The ref is licked by The BW's after.  

The Brother Love Show

Love says deadlines come and go. He says Warrior's deadline is up tonight when Sarge beats him. Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan are this weeks guests. Love says it's an honor to have them here and points out his new pointed boots.

Adnan talks in his language. Sarge says he wouldn't want to be in Warrior's boots. He says he will beat him and become the new WWF champ. He says he will wave the title high in the air after and show everyone that he is the greatest champ of all time. he says him and Adnan will then fly to Baghdad for the first of two parades and celebrate with Saddam. He then says he will take the title to NYC and take the title to the United Nations General Assembly. He says he will take down all the flags there and put up the Iraq flag instead. He says Warrior is dismissed.

The Royal Rumble Report.

Mean Gene Okerlund talks about The Rumble. Warrior says he's not worried about preparation as he said he prepared himself to the highest level of intensity. He said Sarge walks in as a sergeant, he walks in a general and he will remain the champ.

Rick Martel does a promo. He says it won't be easy and says Jake Roberts will want revenge. Rick tells Jake not to worry about finding him as he will find him first and be the winner.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan does a promo. He says he doesn't have to see who is in The Rumble as if something moves, he hits it. He said he won it before and will win it again.

Macho King Randy Savage and Queen Sherri do a promo. Macho says he will be the last star in The Rumble when it all goes down and says he will be The Macho King of The Rumble. Macho would actually never end up being in The Rumble for unknown reasons.

Hulk Hogan does a promo. He says the battle lines are drawn and no quarter will be given. He says there's no substitute for victory. He says he's on his way to the top again. He says he will win and be the #1 contender.

The Barbarian and Bobby Heenan do a promo on The Big Boss Man. Heenan says he's easy to find. He says he'll be at The Rumble. He says to get to him, he'll have to get through The Barbarian.

Vince McMahon runs down next week's show. The Mountie will make his first Superstars appearance.

Vince, Piper and Honky talk. Piper says if Honky doesn't pick #30, he won't get through #2. Honky says Sarge will take his place next to Saddam Hussein as WWF Champ. Vince says they belong together one way or another and says we will find out who is the conquered and who is the conqueror.

Overall thoughts:
Like last week, we didn't really learn anything new here and like last week, it was all about hyping up The Royal Rumble. All of the squashes were short. There weren't too many highlights on this one and this one isn't worth seeing.

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