Saturday, June 1, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 5/31/2024 Season 2, Episode 11

Mid-States Wrestling 5/31/2024 Season 2, Episode 11

Last week's show is here: 

Ryan Lee and Herb Simmons are our commentators today. Herb is from SICW, which I cover here. 

MSW Missouri Heavyweight Title - Austin Mulitalo (c) vs Johnny Lightning

Stephen E comes out with Austin. He says the fans don't realize how lucky they are. He says they are privileged to see him and Austin. E puts Austin over as the next big thing. He says everyone wants to be like him or with him.

They shove each other and Austin wristlocks him. JL wristlocks him back and armlocks him. JL side headlocks him then side headlock takeovers him. JL chops him and corner back elbows him. JL throws him. Stephen E grabs JL's foot then Austin boots JL from behind. Austin neckbreakers JL for 2 then front facelocks him.

JL lariats him and Austin bumps big for it. Austin chinbreakers him then bulldogs him. Austin snapmares him and chinlocks him. JL slams him and goes up top. Stephen E gets on the apron and JL goes after him. Austin flying knees JL and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was short here with Stephen E getting involved multiple times and involving himself in the Titan Yin does a promo. He says he's the most balanced wrestler on the planet and the most explosive wrestler. He says he will bruise and beat Bobby D tonight.

Bobby D does a promo. he says this is his debut tonight. He says Yin flies everywhere but he will get him on his back and pin or submit him.

Titan Yin vs Bobby D

Yin is side headlocked then puts one on of his own. Bobby armdrags and armlocks him. Bobby knee drops the arm. Bobby trips him and armlocks him. Bobby bangs Yin's arm over his shoulder.

We go to break and return. Bobby chops Yin. Yin hits forearms then stomps on him in the corner. Yin chokes him over the ropes and snapmares him. Yin then kicks him in the back.

They trade chops and Bobby knocks him over with them. Yin dropkicks him in the knee and locks his leg up. Yin kicks him in the leg then bangs it off the mat. Yin knees him in the back of the leg. Yin beats up on him in the corner.

Yin trips Bobby and does a heel hook. Boby reverses it and does a high crab. Bobby powerslams him and suplexes him. Bobby does a northern lights bomb and wins it.

Thoughts: It was just an average match here. Nothing too wrong with it but nothing too great either. We really didn't see the speed or the flying I was expecting from Yin here.

Overall thoughts:
There were only 2 new matches here. Neither was must see and I wouldn't recommend it. As usual, they didn't promote anything for future shows or try to build up any angles.finish.

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