Saturday, June 8, 2024

AEW Collision 6/8/2024

AEW Collision 6/8/2024

Last week's show is here:

Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta) vs FTR

You would think The BCC is cool with FTR after they teamed with Bryan recently. FTR is weaing long black tights here. Cash side headlocks Yuta then Yuta side headlocks him. Cash and Yuta trade armdrags then Yuta dropkicks him.

Dax and CC go at it. CC hits a big euro. Dax chops him then CC slams and double stomps him. Dax hits strikes on Yuta. Yuta slams him and sentons him. Yuta throws him and FTR botch some move with Yuta hitting his head of the ropes. Yuta takes a double shot. Cash euros Yuta then backdrops him.

Cash basement dropkicks him in the face then Yuta is double catapulted into the bottom rope. Yuta enzugiri's Dax. CC hits euros on Dax. A little later, CC runs into a boot from Dax outside then euros Cash when Cash tries to dive on him. CC shaprshooters Cash then Dax sharpshooters Yuta. They stare down and slap each other. They trade forearms and CC forearm flurries Cash. We go to PiP break and return. 

CC gutwrench suplexes Dax off the 2nd rope. CC Tries to sunset flip Dax but Cash holds on. CC back rolls Cash then is rolled up for 2. Dax spinebusters CC.  They do a powerplex spot but both Cash and Yuta land on knees when they jump off the top. CC giant swings Cash after a failed shatter machine and Yuta dropkicks Cash as he swings.

Cash cradles CC then takes a euro for 2. CC flips out of a back body drop and takes a shatter machine for 2. Cash sharpshooters CC then CC sharpshooters him. CC hits a neutralizer on Dax then Yuta topes Dax. Cash piledrivers CC for 2. CC 2nd rope superplexes Cash then neutralizes him for 2. CC crossfaces Cash and the time limit expires.

Cash asks for 5 more minutes. Brandon Cutler comes out. He says he's here on behalf of the EVP's. He has the contract for this match and it says 20 minutes only. Cutler gets in the ring and CC giant swings him. Yuta then dropkicks Cutler as he swings and Cutler is catapulted into a shatter machine.

CC gets on the mic after. He says whenever they wanna run it back, anywhere, anytime, they are on.

Thoughts: I'm not a big fan of long opening matches. It just gets you tired out from the start. The match was okay with lots of strikes and just them trying to put a good one on.

Kyle O'Reilly is interviewed about facing Orange Cassidy tonight. He says it's easy to see why OC is the face of AEW. Roderick Strong and The Kingdom come in. Strong says Kyle has looked okay but not good. He says it seems like something is missing with him since he came back. Strong says he is rooting for him tonight and says he beat OC twice, so he has advice. Kyle says he doesn't need his support and Strong tells him to remember what he told him when he returned.

Kris Statlander vs Robyn Renegade

Kris hits euros and throws her. RR jumps at her, is caught and takes corner spears. Kris lariats her over and punches her. Kris hits a sitout powerbomb then hits saturday night fever to win it.

It was just a quick squash here as expected.

Stokeley Hathway grabs a mic in the ring after. He says she's an inspiration and says he wishes he had the strength and speed she does. He said he and Tony were on the same page for the first time today when he said she was the past, present and future of AEW. Stoke says she will make history and be the first person to win the AEW Women's Title and the TBS Title. Stoke says Kris is the first entrant in the Owen Hart Foundation Cup. He says she will win and says there is no one who can stop her. 

Willow Nightingale says she's also entering the Owen Hart Foundation Cup and hopes to see Kris there. She says she's here to keep an eye on the action.

Johnny TV vs Dustin Rhodes

JTV is backed up in the corner then hits forearms. DR goes down then fires back with uppercuts. They somewhat botch a leapfrog then DR goes out and scares Taya Valkyrie outside. DR then cannonbals JTV off the apron. DR goes after Taya more and she calls him a disgusting man. JTV tornillo topes DR. JTV and Taya kiss as Taya stands on DR.

We go to PiP break then full break and return. They trade shots. JTV tries DR's drop down uppercut and misses. DR running boots and bulldogs JTV. DR powerslams him then JTV hits a moonlight drive. DR canadian destroyers JTV.

Taya gets on the apron then DR hits shattered dreams on JTV. DR hits a cross rhodes for 2 as Taya puts JTV's foot on the ropes. Taya goes to slap DR but DR blocks it. Taya is ejected from ringside by the ref. JTV kicks the rope into DR's crotch then superkicks him.

JTV hits mounted forearms and misses starship pain. DR shining wizards him and twisting brainbusters him for the win.

I don't like JTV losing here as it's Dustin and he isn't around much nor does he need big wins. It was okay but not great. Dustin's kind of starting to age in the ring and some of his moves looked stiffer than they were supposed to be. 

Dustin gets on the mic after. He thanks everyone and said they have the best camera men in the business. He wants to talk about Jack Perry. He said he missed him when he was gone but when he came back, he attacked his boss. He says Tony signs their checks and gave him a 2nd chance. He said he disgusts him.

Dustin says Jack was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never worked a day in his life. He says Jack has never sacrificed. He said he took a picture of him as a kid and thought he was a cool kid, but says he's a spoiled brat. He says Jack is a follower, not a leader. He says they have a match on Dynamite. He says Jack can't beat him fair and square.

This was out of nowhere. Dustin did a good job with it though.

Zack Sabre Jr. challenges Orange Cassidy for Forbidden Door.

The Premier Athletes (Tony Nese and Ari Daivari) vs Dante Leon and Trip Jordy?

Leon's team is jumped before the bell and he is double pounded on in the corner. Leon's partner then takes double shots in the corner and is thrown out. Ari flips Leon with a lariat then Tony throws Leon out. Nese then hits a fire thunder driver and wins it.

Thoughts: I was okay with this. The Athletes needed some kind of win if they are going to use them on TV and this fits that.

Scorpio Sky does a promo. He says all of the heroes have fallen in AEW. He says he will be our hero, voice and champion. He says he's here for you. 

Toni Storm vs Lady Frost

Toni armdrags her. Lady cartwheels out of a wristlock and armdrags her. Toni wristlocks her. Lady tells her to freeze and Toni poses with the camera going to black and white. Lady back flips into a headscissors. Lady kicks her from the apron then apron moonsaults her. Lady argues with May and we go to PiP break.

We return and Lady misses a cartwheel cannonball in the corner. Toni corner hip attacks her for 2. Lady rolls her up for 2 then cartwheel air raid crashes her for 2. Lady is stuck on the 2nd buckle and Toni backcrackers her. Lady jack knifes her for 2. Toni hits a sky high for 2.

Toni hits a storm zero off of Lady's cartwheel and wins it.

Finally, Lady Frost had good showing on TV. It was okay here and better than the usual offerings. Toni won as expected and maybe it helped Lady out a bit.

Toni talks to Mariah May after. She says she will face Mina in a few weeks. She says she loves May so much and is so proud of her. She said she never had someone to look out for her. She demands May enter the Owen Hart Tournament. Toni says she will be with her always. They then hug.

Shane Taylor Promotions, Action Andretti and Top Flight talk. Lexy says Dante and Lee are long time friends. Dante said he was Lee's first match in AEW but says the results will go the same. Lee says he beat him last time they fought. Shane says it's history and the past. He says Lee is rolling with the baddest fight team in AEW. He calls Top Flight glorified stuntmen and says Andretti is the only one with heart.

Samoa Joe and Hook have Shibata filming them. Joe asks what lacrosse is and Hook says it's the oldest sport in America. Joe and Hook then jump The Premier athletes in their locker room. Joe puts Mark Sterling on his knees and tells him we did this to you. Okay.

Daniel Garcia vs Tate Mayfairs

Tate was on NXT UK in its final days. He was a jobber who sold well. No entrance for Tate here. DG tkaes him down and rides his back. DG wristlocks him and Tate cartwheels into an armdrag on him. DG holds on. Tate hits chops and knee chokes him.

DG lariats Tate then Tate flying lariats him for 2. They trade shots and Tate steps on his knee to punch him. DG hits twists and shouts. Tate boots him out of the corner. DG backdrops him then john woo's him in the corner. DG guillotine chokes him and lifts him into an underhook codebreaker.

It was close to a squash but Tate got a little in. It was short and okay for what it was.

DG dances on the rails after and says it's for "the sickos" which is a line Tony Khan used on twitter htis week.  

We get a video on Zeuxis, who will lose to Mercedes Mone on Dynamite next week.

Lexy interviews Orange Cassidy. He says he's got the match tonight, his friends are gone and trying to piledriver him. He says he's alone and says Zack Sabre Jr. is talking about Forbidden Door. He says he has to get through tonight. He says he has to go.

Orange Cassidy vs Kyle O'Reilly

Strong, Taven and Bennett are at ringside. Kyle wristlocks OC. OC flops over then bck rolls out. Kyle trips him  then side headlocks him. They both sit down and Kyle kicks him. OC monkey flips him. OC armdrags him out of a blocked hiptoss. Kyle goes for a pin attempt and OC ropebreaks.

We go to PiP break and return. OC side headlocks him then side headlock takeovers him. Kyle slepers OC then OC bridge pins him for 2. OC tries to put his hands in his pockets and Kyle stops him. OC slides out of his bearhug.

OC puts his hands in his pockets and flips him with his feet. Kyle legsweeps him. Kyle's head is banged off the buckles then he dragon screws OC over the middle rope. Strong, hugs Kyle and whispers something to him. OC hits shots on Kyle then OC is dragon screwed into the rails. Kyle dragon screws him and we go to another PiP break.

Kyle hits strikes on OC then OC pele kicks him in the arm. OC arm throws him down then kicks him in the arm. OC topes Kyle outside. OC top rope crossbodies him and tries a pin. OC superkicks him then Kyle germans him.They trade germans and both go down. OC and Kyle trade kicks to the body. OC goes for the stunner and Kyle goes for the armbar. OC puts his hands in his pockets then Kyle ankle locks him. OC michinoku drivers him for 2.

Kyle spinning forearms him then OC PK's him. Kyle puts his hand in OC's pocket and chokes him. OC hits an air raid crash for 2. Kyle jumping knees him and axe kicks him. OC hits an orange punch and wins.

Thoughts: It had the usual OC match issues with OC putting his hands in his pockets during what is supposed to be a serious match. It would have been okay without it, but that's just not OC's way. Lik the opener, it had a lot of different strikes

Trent Beretta and Kyle Fletcher jump OC after. O'Reilly sees it on the tron and helps OC out. Trent puts OC in the gogoplata. Kris Statlander comes out and shake hands with OC. Kris grabs OC then Willow Nightingale comes out. Kris then leaves with Stokeley Hathaway.

Overall thoughts:
It was your usual Collision show. There were lots of squash matches and matches mostly for the sake of matches. They had a few more storylines than usual but it wasn't anything must see. I was okay with it overall but I wouldn't recommend it.

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