Thursday, October 17, 2024

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 10/16/2024 Lunacy Episode 8

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 10/16/2024 Lunacy Episode 8

Last week's show is here:

Note - This is the season finale of Lunacy. I believe they are going to run events weekly moving forward, but they won't be TV shows, just live streams of shows.

Nick Gage and Madman Pondo talk outside. They say it's a shame they never had a match in Japan. Pondo says they should and says they can do it but they can't be friends. Gage says no friends are needed and he will carve that motherf**ker up.

Violent J says he has to come to terms and the terms are that he wants to punch Kerry Morton in the face. He says he will insert himself in a tag match with The Brothers of Funstruction vs The Southern Six. He says he will watch Morton at ringside and make sure there's no funny business.

The Brothers of Funstruction (Silas Mason and Alex Taylor) vs The Southern Six (Yabo and Ruffo)

Ruffo is in the blue and Yabo is in the red. Violent J comes out as promised to watch after Kerry Morton. The fight starts outside and Silas gets bitten. Yabo whips Alex and Silas with his tie. Silas takes a double back body drop. Ruffo tries to hit Silas in the crotch wit ha mallet. Alex falls back and drops it on Silas though the mallet part falls off.

Yabo chops Alex with the tie. Alex takes elbow drops. Yabo juggles and throws the juggling balls at Alex. Silas is tripped into Alex's crotch in the corner. Silas takes an atomic drop. Silas slams Yabo and Alex top rope elbow drops Yabo. Silas atomic drops Yabo.

Yabo takes a suplex then he is choked on the ropes. Alex double underhook suplexes Yabo for 2 then camel clutches him. Alex dropkicks Yabo. Silas sticks a rubber chicken up Yabo's butt then puts it in his mouth.

Silas chokes Yabo via his tie. Yabo puts popcorn in Silas' mouth. Silas pulls Yabo's throat down over the top. Silas backdrops Yabo then misses a 2nd rope move. Ruffo and Alex get in. Ruffo hits shoulderblocks and punches. Ruffo crossbodies Silas. Yabo his a top rope plancha on both opponents outside. Ruffo pump handle sitout slams Alex and pins him.

Thoughts: If you can ignore the clowns using ties and popcorn on opponents, it was acceptable. The heels controlled most of this and The Clowns made their comeback and won.

Violent J and Kerry Morton fight after in the aisle and J get the edge. 

JCW World Title - Willie Mack (c) vs Officer Colt Cabana

Colt has Deputy Dickhead shine his shoes as he enters. They let off some odd fireworks sound and says it's the special ring bell for this match. Colt clubs on Mack and bangs his head off the buckles. Colt hits a corner spear. Mack ducks a clothesline and crossbodies him.

Colt goes up to Deputy near commentary and slaps him. Mack catches Colt's boot and slaps him. Colt is knocked silly and takes a backhand. Colt goes for the sleeper but Mack escapes and hits a thesz press. Mack hits mounted punches then elbow drops Colt.

Mack misses an elbow drop and Colt throws the ref into Mack. Colt ddt's Mack. Colt is caught off the 2nd rope and takes a uranage for 2. Mack comes off the 2nd rope and is hit in the gut. Mack suplexes him.

Mack is caught on the top rope then Mack hits a stunner for the win.

Thoughts: It was a short and average match. They built it like it was going to be a long one but it was not. 

We get a long JCW music video.

Violent J talks. He says he is presenting Madman Pondo vs Nick Gage in a Deathmatch.

Deathmatch - Madman Pondo vs Nick Gage

They each have light tubes as this one starts. They miss tube shots and Nick forearms the tubes into Pondo. Nick is pushed into the buckles and his head banged off a tube. Pondo kicks a tube into Nick's crotch. Pondo stabs Nick with the tube. Pondo slices Nick's head with a knife on the ropes.

Pondo slams Nick onto tacks. Nick low blows him then hits him with tubes. Nick ddt's him on the tacks for 2. Nick stabs Pondo with tubes. Pondo hits him with tubes then russian legsweeps him. Nick spears Pondo through a door. Pondo vader bomb elbow drops the door into Pondo.

Nick facewash kicks tubes into Pondo's head. Nick throws weapons in the ring. Pondo hits punches then uses a saw stick on Nick's nuts and back. Pondo then rakes it on Nick's head. Pondo hits Nick with a stop sign. Nick is layed on a bridged door and Pondo legdrops him through it off the buckles. Pondo then picks up the win.

Thoughts: You know what this was. It was nothing but hardcore spots at a slow pace. There was little wrestling involved here. 

JCW Bloodymania 17 8/17/24 - JCW American Title - Battle Royale

Violent J comes out with the title. He thanks everyone for coming. He says this isn't the United States championship, it's the American title. He says we will have an ultimate throwdown in the form of a battle royal for it.

We have Breyer Wellington, Superbeast, Kongo Kong, Kaleb Konley, Deputy Dickhead, Painful Paul, MLB, The Backseat Boys, Ominous Ramirez, Chris Maludo, Matt Cross, The Green Phantom, 2 Tuff Tony, Kerry Morton and Alex Taylor competing in this. J says may the best man win.

Everyone fights. Ramirez and Alex Taylor are thrown out early. Dickhead is sent out and Cross grabs Kaleb by the crotch. Morton and Paul get thrown out. Beast and Kong go at it. Kong throws Beast out.

Tony hits chops on Phantom. Cross headscissors Tommy of the Backseat Boys out. The Phantom is sent out with the hel of 3 people. Kong is gets pounded on by 4 people and breaks it up. Kong chokeslams and eliminates JP of The Backseat Boys. Tony back body drops Kong over the top.

Conley is beaten up on by Tony and Cross. Tony lights his hand on fire and punches Cross. Kaleb throws Cross out and punches Tony in the nuts. Kaleb throws out Tony and picks up the win.

Thoughts: Battle royales are tough to film due to all of the action and we likely missed some of the eliminations here. Battle royales are also rarely great and this was not the exception. Thankfully it didn't go too long though. Tony lighting his fist on fire to hit a punch was one of the dumbest spots I've ever seen.

JCW Bloodymania 17 8/17/24 - JCW World Title - Willie Mack (c) vs Matt Cross

Mack does a pre-match promo from the parking lot. He says he has to go up against one of his best friends. He says he's up 2-0 by him and says he was told this is Matt's last chance. He says it's go hard or go home. He says he plans on carrying the title on to the new millennium.

Matt Cross does a promo. He said his quest began 21 years ago in 2003. He says he's been all over the world, trying to do what he does on his terms. He says he gets a shot against Mack tonight. He says Mack has everything it takes but says there's no more friendship for one night only. He says this is his destiny and says third times the charm. He says he's coming for Mack.

Mack flying headscissors Matt but he cartwheels through it. Matt then tries it and Mack cartwheels through it. Matt wristlocks him then Mack armdrags him. Mack step up enzugiri's him. Mack misses a corner cannonball.

Mack's head is banged off the buckles. Mack gets his feet up on a split-legged moonsault then pop-up forearms Matt. Matt pump kicks Mack twice. Matt 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Mack. Matt top rope double stomps Mack's back then hits a standing moonsault for 2.

Matt is caught on a crossbody and takes a slam. Mack standing moonsaults him for 2. Matt takes a shot while on the ropes. Matt backslides Mack for 2 and hits a handspring cutter. Matt top rope ssp's him and wins.

Thoughts: The match wasn't anything special. They didn't play up the friendship angle much at all and there wasn't a lot of build for Cross winning the title. They got a decent amount of time for it but it was an indy style match. They were also outside and not in front of a true wrestling crowd which hurt the heat.

They shake hands after. 

We get a music video on Cross' time in JCW and him winning the title. Jerry Lynn, Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Glacier, Nick Gage, Facade, Dani Mo, Matt Riddle, The Kiss Demon, Sonny Kiss, Vanilla Ice and George South congratulate Cross for winning the JCW Title.

Thoughts: It was a nice video. They put over Cross and the title win big, probably better than they actually put over the road to the title.

Overall thoughts: It was a longer episode at 1 hour and 23 minutes. 2 of the 5 matches were taped a week before the show started airing. None of the matches were that great. They told a nice story with Cross finally winning the title but they didn't do a great job building up to it and didn't get the most out of it that they could have which hurt it. There also wasn't any interaction between Cross and Mack since their last meeting when promos between the two to build this match would have helped the story and program out. 2 Tuff Tony lit his hand on fire in a stupid spot in a battle royale. Colt Cabana vs Willie Mack was average. Nick Gage and Pondo had a deathmatch. And The Brothers of Funstruction vs The Southern Six was acceptable. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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