Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Marigold 10/13/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 4

Marigold 10/13/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 4

CHIAKI vs. Komomo Minami

KM = Komomo Minami

KM dropkicks her to start. They test strength and Chi gets on top of her bridge. Chi then pokes her over while she bridges. KM is shouldered over and has her head banged off the buckles. Chi rakes KM's face on the ropes then facewash kicks her.

Chi slams her and tries to pin her with her foot. Chi crabs her. KM hits chest forearms then dropkicks her over. KM trips her and rolls her up for 2. KM then armbars her. Chi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her then cartwheel double knee drops her back. KM ddt's her the narmbars her.

KM flatliners Chi while on the 2nd rope then rolls over her back with a ddt. Chi powerslams her for 2. Chi sitout reverse torture rack bombs her. Chi does a spinning torture rack bomb and pins KM.

Thoughts: It was just your usual opener and not too much of note. No one looked bad or anything here. Chi won as expected.

Chi mounts her and they trade slaps after.

Misa Matsui & Rea Seto vs. Kizuna Tanaka & Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz and Misa start us off. Yuz armdrags her and they cartwheel over each other. Yuz springboard armdrags her and they stand off after leg sweeps. Kiz and Rea trade chest forearms then Kiz running knees her. Rea cradles her for 2.

Rea corner dropkicks Kiz then facebusters her. Rea slams Kiz and crabs her. Rea switches to the half crab and Kiz ropebreaks. Misa running knees Kiz on the ropes then suplexes her for 2. Misa camel clutches Kiz and lets go of it.

Misa stands on Kiz's back and dropkicks her in the knee. Kiz armbars her and Misa ropebreaks. Kiz boots Misa out of the corner then rolling armbars her. Misa hits a lariat + bulldog combo. Misa basement dropkicks Kiz then  Kiz pulls her down. Yuz gets in and dropkicks Misa. Yuz flying headscissors her then superkicks her on the ropes.

Yuz dropkicks Misa in the head. Misa kicks Yuz in the leg on the ropes then Misa crossbodies Yuz off the apron. Misa flying knees Yuz. Misa knees Yuz on the ropes then Yuz dropkicks her. Misa rolls her into a double stomp. Misa fisherman suplexes her for 2.

Misa dropkicks Yuz off the buckles then Yuz takes corner attacks. Yuz takes a double suplex for 2. Rea goes for cattle mutilation and Yuz breaks it up. Rea takes a double basement dropkick.

Yuz hip throws Rea three times for 2. Misa runs in and flying knees Yuz then Rea does a pin attempt on Yuz for 2. Rea dropkicks Yuz 4 times then eats a superkick on the 5th attempt. Yuz northern lights suplexes her for 2.

Rea takes a double suplex and Yuz curcifixes Rea for the win.

Thoughts: It was rookies style match and it was fine for what it was. Rea had a better showing here than the day before and Kizuna continues to look good.

Myla Grace vs. Chika Goto

Chika throws her in the corner off the handshake then hip attacks her on the ropes. Myla spin kicks her then basement dropkicks her for 2. Myla corner euros her then dropkicks her through the ropes. Myla twisting suplexes her for 2. Chika slams Myla and spin kicks her. Myla backdrops Chika for 2.

Chika has a bloody mouth and cobra twists Myla. Chika hip attacks Myla. Myla rolls Chika into a submission off a giant swing and Chika ropebreaks. Myla sitout slams Chika for 2.

Myla is stuck on the 2nd rope then Chika giant swings her. Myla gets a 2 count on a pin attempt. Chika snapmares her then Myla superkicks her. Chika hits a big lariat for 2. Myla is on the 2nd rope and is chokeslammed down. Chika picks up the pin.

Thoughts: It wasn't any good as expected. Myla went back to doing all of her spin kicks that don't look that good and there was just little of value here. Both are also essentially faces so there wasn't even any face/heel thing going on here either.

Mai Sakurai vs. Nao Ishikawa

Nao hits Mai as she poses on the ropes and knocks her down to the floor. Nao boots her outside and they trade forearms. Mai is sent into the post then thrown into the seats. Nao gets thrown into the seats and the post. Mai's head is banged off a table then Nao takes a slam on the floor.

Mai top rope dropkicks her on the inside for 2. Mai leg slices her for 2 then lays on her with a sleeper. Nao ropebreaks. Mai hits facekicks on the ropes then Nao lariats her. Mai facekicks her and Nao dragon screws her. Nao ankle locks her and Mai ropebreaks.

Nao dropkicks Mai's leg on the ropes. Mai facekicks Nao over then Nao blocks a half-crab attempt. Mai and Nao trade chest forearms. Mai forearm flurries the back of Nao's neck. Nao hits chest forearms and Mai flying knees her.

Mai northern lights suplexes Nao for 2. Mai slams her and gets caught up top. Nao superplexes Mai then hits a top rope crossbody for 2. Nao hits an elevated sitout pedigree on Mai for 2. Mai backdrops her. Nao fires up and germans her. Mai hits a shining enzugiri and Nao rolls her up for 2. Nao tries a bridge pin where she lays on her for 2. Nao sitout spinebusters her for 2. Mai STF's her and Nao taps out.

Thoughts: I would have liked a better finish. Nao had one of her best outings to date here and wasn't outclassed by Mai at all. She showed some spirit and does seem to be getting it. I liked this and thought Nao dod a good job here.

Nao and Mai grab each other by the hair after.

MIRAI, Nanae Takahashi & Utami Hayashishita vs. Kouki Amarei, Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki, NT = Nanae Takahashi

Mirai and Kouki go at it. They test strength and Mirai double upkicks her. They trade wristlocks then a side headlock for a hammerlock. Mai side headlock takeovers her and they stand off soon after.

Nat and Utami get in. Nat is knocked over then dropkicks her. Utami drives her into the corner and shoulders her over. Nat takes chops from NT and Mirai then takes a double shoulderblock. Nat then is shouldered over by Utami.

NT works Nat's leg then half-crabs her. Nat ropebreaks. Nat hits chest forearms then NT forearms her over. Nat is beat up in the corner by NT and Mirai. Mirai slams Nat.

Mirai chinlocks Nat and NT ties up Nat's legs while she does it. Mirai reverse figure four's Nat's legs then pushes her up in the air while Utami and NT help out.  Nat step up enzugiri's Mirai.

Kouki facekicks Mirai then falling splashes her for 2. Mirai side headlocks Kouki. Mirai does a drop on Kouki. Utami comes in and sliding lariats Kouki. Utami does a samoan drop on Kouki.

Kouki powerslams Utami for 2. Miku dropkicks Utami in the corner and kicks her in the gut. They lariat battle and Utami goes down. Utami lariats Miku down twice.

NT boots Miku's head and lariats her over. Miku leg kicks NT then NT hits forearms. Miku slap flurries her and NT slaps back. Miku blocks an enzugiri and double underhook suplexes her.

Nat comes in and flurries on NT with various shots for 2. NT hits mounted forearms on Nat then Nat does the same to her. Nat armbars NT and Nat's partners break it up. NT takes corner attacks then NT dragon screws Nat from the buckles. Mirai throws Nat by the leg then NT figure fours Nat.

Nat is held in the air and takes a double bulldog. Nat hits chest kicks on NT then NT lariats her over. Nat rolls NT up for 2. Mirai flying back elbows Nat and gets facekicked for it by Kouki. Utami germans Kouki then gets lariated by Miku. NT takes a sandwich kick then Nat meteora's NT.

NT backdrops Nat then falcon arrows her for 2. NT hits a wrist-clutch emerald flowsion on Nat and NT gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a good tag with Miku and Utami having a good section and NT and Nat having a good section. It would have been nice if some of the leg work went somewhere but it was really good otherwise. It felt like both teams were going for the win and it was really stiff. The crowd wasn't that good for this one sadly which is a shame because these girls put the work in. This was good main event.

NT has words for Nat after on the mic. NT's slaps hands with Mirai and Utami talks to NT. NT then closes the show with Marigold's tag line.

Overall thoughts: The main was strong and easily the best thing on the show. It wasn't must see but it was one of Marigold's better matches and maybe one of their top 20 matches so far. The semi-main was pretty good with Nao stepping up big against Mai. Kizuna's tag was okay and the other two matches weren't. I wouldn't really recommend this one as the crowd was not that loud, a lot of people were missing and the undercard wasn't that good.

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