Monday, February 19, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 6/16/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 6/16/1990

Last week's show is here: 

Next week's show is here:

This one is only about 35 minutes long, meaning 6-10 minutes are missing. I've seen in other listings that there's supposed to be an Earthquake vs Jim Evans match that didn't make the cut on this version of it.

Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura talk about the Hulk Hogan friendship bracelets. Jesse asks if it's like an MIA bracelet and bets his will come off before Vince's does.

"Ravishing" Rick Rude vs Red Tyler

Heenan and Rude grab Howard Finkel and Fink says he was ordered to make the proper introduction, calling him the next WWF champ. Rude slaps him and no sells Red's dropkick. Rude knees him in the gut then just throws him up in the air. Rude hits a punch combination then drops him with one. Rude says "come on Warrior" and does push up's. Rude poses then does a rude awakening neckbreaker for the win.

It was a quick squash here with Rude having no issues against Red. Red got a dropkick in here and nothing else.

Heenan asks Rude if he's ready to make the ladies happy with a rude awakening. Rude says the only thing that would make him happy is The Ultimate Warrior.

WWF Update

Mean Gene says he's wearing his Hulk friendship bracelet until Hulk returns. Earthquake and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart says the letter writing campaign won't work. He said Hulk's ribs are crushed and he will need someone to read the letters for him. Quake says nobody can survive what he did to him and says Hulk knows if he comes back, he has to face him. Quake says Hulkamania is dead and will stay that way.

Tugboat then does a promo. He said he begged last week for people to help out Hulk. He said he did it for Hulkamania, and that's the right reason to do it. Tug says the letters are having a positive effect on him. He said he saw a gleam of light in Hulk's eyes and its the eyes of The Hulkster. He says to keep the letters coming. Gene says he wants Hulk to return but not if he will get hurt physically or emotionally more. Gene says time is important. He says Hulk needs time to heal and we need time to reflect.

The Rockers vs Tom Stone and Tony Leone

Jesse says Hulkamania is dead and he doesn't think Hulk can come back. Jesse said the only people who need to beg are those who need food and said Tug is not hurting in that department. Shawn goes up and over Stone then hiptosses and neckbreakers him. Shawn leapfrogs Stone and Marty knee lifts him. The Rockers do an inset promo and tell The Orient Express to take notes. He said the doctor has prescribed them a dose of The Rockers and they will get a double dose.

Marty atomic drops Stone and Shawn does an interesting variation of the sunset flip. Shawn slides under Tom's legs and The Rockers hit lariats. 

Shawn is eye raked by Stone then Tony takes a nice powerslam. Shawn drops down, Tony goes over him and takes a back elbow. Marty snapmares Tony and hits elbow drops. Marty hits a rocker dropper on Tony then Shawn jumps off Marty's shoulders with a fist drop to win it.

It was a good squash by The Rockers with some creative moves and spots.

Bad News Brown vs Jim Rudy

Brown nails Jim before intros are over. He bangs Jim's head off the buckles and headbutts him. Jake Roberts does an inset promo. He said Brown can stick his hands in the bag and check Damien out. Jake says Damien has always lived on his own and says if he gets his hands on Brown, Brown will leave Damien alone.

Brown hits shots on Jim and back body drops him. Brown chops Jim down then chokes him with his knee. Brown headbutts Jim in the gut then hits a stiff lariat. Brown then hits his ghetto blaster enzugiri and pins him with one foot.

It was all squash here with Jim getting nothing in here. Brown did little but various punches and clubs.

Jim is thrown out onto the floor after.

Sapphire says everyone loves WWF ice cream bars, no matter what they are.

The Warlord vs Scott Fulton

Warlord throws Scott into the corner then flying shoulders him. Warlord has no designs on his tights and looks like a bigger Steve Austin. Warlord hits a high suplex on Scott then fist drops him. Warlord slams him then clubs his back. Warlord lariats Scott and hits a running powerslam for the win.

I liked Warlord's suplex here as it was pretty well done. Scott got nothing in here before being defeated though did sell the lariat well.

Nikolai Volkoff vs Frankie DeFalco

Volkoff is cheered and says, "God bless America". Volkoff flurries on Frankie then hits a nice boot to the gut. Volkoff hits some punches to the body then butterfly suplexes him. Boris Zhukov does an inset promo. He says he is surprised by Volkoff's turn and says he is a traitor. He says they have ways of dealing with traitors in Russia.

Frankie is sent into the buckles then thrown out. Frankie gets some punches in then takes a lariat to the back of the neck. Volkoff then gets the win.

Volkoff threw some nice shots here though him just beating up Frankie wasn't exactly face like.

The Brother Love Show

Love says we should bow to Macho King and Sherri in servitude. Love says maybe if he was in his corner at Mania, Miss Elizabeth wouldn't have intruded. Macho said when she aligned herself with Dusty Rhodes, she confirmed she was a common woman like Sweet Sapphire. He says she is in the danger zone and said she can't assist. Sherri says Miss Elizabeth has gotten involved once too often and says she's a humiliating common woman. She said she will bring down on her the wrath of the sensational queen. Sheri said she's not done with Dusty or Sapphire then says she hasn't even begun to be finished with Elizabeth. Love says if Macho ever needs him, he will be there for him like a guardian angel. Macho says they are more than just a little bit dangerous, Macho says like Sapphire kissed the foot of Macho, Dusty will kiss the foot of Sherri. Love asks Macho if he will make Elizabeth kiss the foot of Brother Love when he gets her and Macho says, "ooh yeah".

Ted Dibiase said he's on this month's WWF Spotlight magazine. He says you won't get a chance to read it though because he will have Virgil buy every copy.

The Big Boss Man vs Jeff Johnson

Jesse asks if that's Honky singing Boss Man's theme. Boss puts Jeff on the ropes and hits punches. Boss then backbreakers him and leg lariats him on the 2nd rope. Boss drops Jeff with a punch that didn't seem to hit. Boss lariats him. Ted Dibiase does an inset promo from Cobb County. He said he lowered himself to come here to prove that Boss is the biggest hick of all, a low-life, country hick. Boss knees Jeff in the back then bearhugs him. Boss hits a side walk slam and wins it.

The inset was something different as it's rarely from another location. It was just a normal squash.

Boss handcuffs Jeff to the ropes then hits and chokes him with the night stick after.

Rick Martel does an arrogance commercial. He said it's the secret to his success and says it's today's man in a classic can. He says it overpowers, overwhelms and pins down the competition. Two girls then pop-up and says, "Arrogance for men, until we meet again". They then walk away.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

They hype up the 7/14/90 Boston Garden show. Haku faces Hillbilly Jim. He says he stinks and doesn't like him. Heenan says he lives with his granny and dirty dogs. He said they don't even have indoor plumbing. He says he will get a lesson about life, a lesson he never had in his life.

Jim Duggan does a promo on Earthquake. He asks who he thinks he is. He said he's not running for cover and says people in the WWF stick together like no one else. He said he hit him once with his board, then will stand over him and chant USA. He said if Jimmy Hart gets in his way, he will hit him with the 2x4 too.

Jesse and Vince talk about next week's show. Vince says there is more than a glimmer of hope in The Hulkster. Jesse gives Jesse a friendship bracelet and tells him to wear it. Jesse says that and 50 cents with get him a cup of coffee...if he remembers the money.

Overall thoughts: Not much happened on this one. The Warrior again was nowhere to be found despite being champ and they didn't do a lot of building here. I wouldn't recommend this.

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