Tuesday, February 20, 2024

CMLL 2/5/2024 Arena Puebla

CMLL 2/5/2024 Arena Puebla

Hijo del Perverso and Perverso vs Millenium and Rayo Metalico


The Perverso's look exactly alike. Perverso is older and doesn't have longer hair, I believe. Hijo del Perverso has the longer hair. Millenium is in the blue and Rayo is in the green.

Mil and a Perverso go at it. Mil takes him dow by the arm then is tripped. Perverso grabs his leg and armdrags him. Mil shoulder throws him and armdrags him. Perverso akes him down and they stand off. Perverso armdrags him and they roll before doing a stand off. Hijo and Rayo get in.

Rayo armdrags him and hedscissors him off the mat. They then stand off. Perverso leap frogs Mil. Mil top rope hurricanrana's him then uses the ropes to armdrag Hijo. Mil hurricanrana's Hijo out. Rayo is popped up and dropped by Perverso. Rayo is popped up and armdrags Perverso off of it. Rayo then spinning headscissors him out.

Hijo misses a ocrner splash. Rayo springboards and hits a body scissors then Mil takes a basement dropkick from Perverso. Perverso corner lariats Mil then basement dropkicks him. Perverso lariats Rayo and back body drops him. Mil is hit from behind and then is lariated by Hijo.

Mil takes a rough doomsday device then a bronco buster and basement dropkick. Hijo dropkicks his partner out on accident then Mil tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Rayo does a seated spanish fly on Hijo off the top and pins him. Perverso canadian destroyers Mil and pins him. Perverso double underhook drops Rayo then does a 2nd rope twisting spalsh to win the match.

I thought it was a good opener here. They kept it moving and the big moves lead to pins without excessive kickouts.  

Lightning Match - Fuego vs Prayer


Fuego abomdinal stretches him then Prayer reverses it. Prayers rolls back and Fuego rolls him into a pin attempt. Fuego armdrags him then Prayer shoulder throws him. Fuego locks up the legs and pulls the arms back then Prayer headstands out. They trade more leg holds and Fuego puts him in an octopus.

They go for pins and face off. Fuego lariats him then Prayer hits a flying lariat. Prayer chops him down and corner lariats him. Prayer hits a stiff la silla. Prayer trips him into a leg drop then Prayer michinoku drivers him for 2. Fuego limbos out of a lariat and dances then springboard armdrags him. Fuego then hits a tope con hilo.

Fuego springboard crossbodies him then Prayer la magistral's him for 2. Prayer swinging neckbreakers him then Fuego hits wasteland on him. Fuego does an asai moonsault but Prayer gets his feet up. Prayer gori specials him and Fuego rolls out. Fuego then grabs his leg and rolls him into a pin.

The finish wasn't that good here and it was a pretty weak way to go down. Prayer looked good here, really connecting on his various moves. It ended at about the right time here. I had a feeling Fuego wasn't losing this one as he's the bigger name.

La Jarochita and Lluvia vs Reyna Isis and Tessa Blanchard


1st fall - Lluvia has the red hair. Reyna and Jaro start us off. Reyna hammerlocks her then armdrags her. Jaro goes for a leg hold on her then Tessa boots Jaro to break it up. This really gets the masked girls mad. Reyna trips Jaro then Lluvia breaks it up. This gets Tessa mad and they argue over it.

Jaro camel clutch sleepers Reyna and it's broken up by Tessa again. Jaro and Tessa fight outside. Tessa kicks Lluvia in the back and Reyna corner lariats Jaro. Tessa slaps and codebreakers Jaro. Lluvia takes a double lariat then a double boot. Jaro is tied up and has her face pulled on. Reyna does a nasty package piledriver on Lluvia and Tessa tiger drivers Jaro. Jaro and Lluvia are pinned.

2nd fall - Tessa slaps Jaro then Lluvia is stretched on the ropes. Lluvia's legs are split then Jaro is double spinebustered and legdropped. Tessa slaps Lluvia then Reyna dropkicks Lluvia while she's seated on the 2nd rope. Jaro top rope crossbodies her opponents outside and bites Tessa's foot in the crowd.

Jaro spanks Tessa then Reyna is spinebustered. Jaro basement dropkicks Reyna on the mat. Jaro corner dropkicks Tessa and pins her. Reyna then takes a sunset flip and a jack knife pin. Reyna then gets pinned.

3rd fall - Jaro takes down Tessa then headscissors her. Reyna flying headbutts Jaro and corner lariats her. Reyna hurricanrana's her while using the 2nd rope then rolls into a pose. Lluvia trips and kicks Tessa then tessa is tripped into the 2nd buckle. Lluvia bangs Tessa's head off the 2nd rope buckle and double knees her in the back. Lluvia armdrags Reyna then flying headscissors her.

Reyna nearly falls out of her top. She does a sunset flip then holds her top together as Lluvia double stomps and pins her. Jaro shotgun dropkicks Tessa on the ropes and pins her. Jarochita and Lluvia win. 

I liked some of the aggression and pace here. They really made a lot of out some of the little things which was good. They had some of the usual issues the girls have with things not being hit clean. Reyna also seemed to have had a wardrobe malfunction which messed up the last fall.

Guerrero Maya Jr. & Stigma vs Brillante Jr. & Espanto Jr.

Maya is in the orange. Espanto is in the black tank top. Brillante is in the white and balck with the long hair and Stigma is in all-white.

1st fall - Maya and Esp start us off. Maya trips him and they trade leg locks. They trade shots and Maya snapmares him into a chinlock. Maya does a scissors armbar and Esp ropebreaks. Brill rolls and trips Maya into a rolling leg lock. Brill springbord double axe handles Stig's arm then ties his legs up. Brill blocks Stig's headscissors and is armdragged over. Stig front face locks him and they trade pin attempts.

Brill flips over Stig's back. Stig goes after him on the ropes and is kicked. Brill superkicks Stig then Maya is elbow dropped in the crotch. Brill then pins Maya off of that. Stig takes a wasteland then Brill split legged moonsaults Maya. Brill pins Maya.

2nd fall - Stig is stomped to start the fall and the rudos untie the mask. Stig is double teamed. Maya gets tagged in but the ref doesn't see it. Esp then mocks Maya. Maya is double teamed then has his mask untied. Brill bites Maya and Stig takes kicks from both opponents in the corner. Stig is put in tree of woe and kicked. Stig is popped-up and kicked, then thrown out.

Maya is nailed from behind then takes a double boot. Stig is hiptossed in. Maya tilt-a-whirl backbreakers both opponents. Maya hits a reverse tope while Stig hits a b-driver and Stig/Maya win the fall.

3rd fall - Maya flips Brill. Brill handstand walks into a flip and spinning headscissors on Maya. Stig top rope crossbodies Brill then Stig hits lariats on Brill. Brill takes a dragon screw then Esp running forearms Stig. Esp baseball slides Stig in the corner.

Esp and Maya trade chest slaps. Maya 2nd rope headscissors Esp then does a walk up the ropes armdrag. Esp slides out then Stig la silla's him off the apron. Brill tope con hilos Maya. Brill hits a nice dropkick on Stig for 2. Brill hits something like a stormbreaker on Stig for 2. Maya powerslams Stig and Esp stops the ref from counting it. Esp unties Maya's mask.

Esp sunset flips Stig and Stig rolls through with a basement dropkick. Stig and Maya hit dropkicks then do hurricanrana's on their opponents. Stig and Maya both get pins off of it.

It wasn't too good. The 2nd fall was very long with the rudos getting a lot offense in. Maya was not moving around here and Brillante was having a bad night, being unable to hit things clean. 

Hijo del Villano III, Villano III Jr., Zandokan Jr. vs Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr., Último Guerrero


Villano 3 Jr has black and red tights. I'm going to call him V3. Hijo del Villano III has all red tights. I'll call him Hijo.

1st fall - The heels taunt the faces before it starts. Hijo and Stuka start us off. Stuka headflips out of a wristlock and armdrags him over. Stuka figure fours him but it is quickly stoped. Stuka shoulders Hijo over and his hold is broken up again. Stuka knocks Zand off the apron and tells him to come in, then Stuka tags out. Zand trips Gran and is armdragged.

Zand is stomped on by Gran and takes a 3v1. Hijo is laid on the ropes on the ramp and is butt dropped. Both Villano's then get it at the same time. Stuka top rope splashes Zand and Zand is pinned. The rudos win the first fall.

2nd fall - Hijo takes a 3v1 then Ultimo baseball slides him off the apron. Stuka spinning slams V3 and Zand is triple teamed. Zand tilt-a-whril backbreaker all 3 opponents and pins Ultimo. V3 bangs Ultimo's head off the seats then Zand pins Gran with a tiger driver. Zand's team win the fall.

3rd fall - Stuka boots V3. Ultimo is triple teamed in the corner. Ultimo is held upside down and dropkicked in the butt. Gran takes a double boot then is thrown by 3 people into the ring. Stuka is powerbombed onto the Villano's knees. Zand gets his on a failed triple team then Stuka bounces off the ropes and hits a double armdrag. Stuka then hits a tope. The Villano's do double dives and get double pins off of it, winning the fall and match.

Nothing happened in the first fall, the second fall was a little better and the third fall was one-sided but the most entertaining. It wasn't anything must see and they hurried it along here. Both teams were pretty over here. 

CMLL Trios Titles - Barbaro Cavernario, Dragon Rojo Jr. and Terrible vs Atlantis Jr., Star Jr. and Volador Jr. 

1st fall -  Quick action to start here. The Barbaro's miss triple teams and Star does a pop-up double dropkick. Star hurricanrana's Barb then Barb takes corner lariats and corner superkicks. Atlantis top rope frogsplashes Barb then Atlais takes a 2v1. That leads to a fun little skirmish. Atlantis uses Terrible to headscissor Rojo then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Barb.

The faces hit triple topes outside. Vol flying headscissors Terrible then is popped up into a hurricanrana on Rojo. Barb does the worm then Vol headscissors him over. Vol headscissors Barb then is tripped form the outside. Vol is held for a kick to the leg then a kick to the chest.

Atlantis takes a double boot then a sunset flip into a double dropkick. Star takes corner moves then takes a giant swing into double basement dropkicks. Vol takes corner attacks then is bitten by Rojo. Vol avoids a 3v1 and headscissors Barb. Star hits a springboard armdrag then tope con hilos outside. Atlantis is superkicked by Barb.

Barb and Vol trade shots. Barb hits a suplex off of a la rosa and Vol backcrackers him. Rojo hits mounted punches on Vol and Atlantis breaks up Rojo's submission on Vol. Atlantis powerslams Rojo and Terrible camel clutches Atlantis. Star enzugiri's Terrible from the apron then springboard lariats him.

Barb kicks Vol in the back. Vol and Atlantis hit sunset flips for 2 counts. Atlantis and Vol do the rowboat/star and Star hurricanrana's Barb in the middle of it. The faces go for triple hurricanrana's/roll-ups but the heels counter all of those for 2 counts.

Star is popped up into a double dropkick on the heels and he trades shots with Barb. Barb gets put in la atlantida but it is broken up. Rojo corner dropkicks Atlantis for 2. We get a tower of doom spot and Star springboard splashes Rojo off of it. Atlantis hits tilt-a-whirl backbreakers then star and Atlantis do stereo dives. Barb sitout powerbombs Vol for 2, then hits ataxia on him. Barb springboard splashes Vol and wins it.

I liked the main. It was pretty fast paced with a lot of action which is impressive when it's 20+ minutes long. We got a bunch of dives and it was basically what you would want out of this.

Overall thoughts: I liked the opener and main here. Fuego/Prayer wasn't that bad either and there were some parts of the Villanos tag that I liked. A good main always makes the whole show seem better than it was and that was the case here. I don't think this one is worth going to see, but I liked it more than I thought I would.

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