Soft Ground Wrestling Uganda 1/26/2024 - Jordan vs Kapeeka
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Kapeeka |
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Jordan |
This one is getting around social media and it looks pretty awesome. This is obviously a backyard fed in Uganda, but we watch almost anything here at ProWresBlog. The ring announcer for this is fantastic and the crowd is hot.
They hockey fight to start and Kapeeka gets thrown. Kapeeka leg sweeps him then is leg swept. Jordan hits a nasty spinning lariat for 2. I think we cut ahead here and Jordan is stomping Kapeeka. Jordan kicks him while he's down then takes punches.
Kapeeka takes a spinning slam and the crowd goes wild. Kapeeka aoids the boston crab and they trade punches on their knees. Jordan hits mounted punches and goes to the turnbuckle post. Jordan misses a frogsplash then is stomped for it. Kapeeka elbow drops him and we cut ahead.
Jordan takes a superkick for 2. Jordan takes a double underhook ddt for 2. Jordan hits a backdrop for 2 then hits him with a GTH for another 2. Jordan pumping knees him for another 2 count then knee drops him. Jordan hits mounted forearms. Kapeeka then spinning neckbreakers him for 2.
Kapeeka sentons him for another 2 then is thrown into the bamboo post, taking the ring ropes down with him. Jordan curb stomps him and wins the match.
This was really something. The crowd was really loud and wild throughout all of this. The two wrestlers really beat the crap out of each other, sold some and really did seem to get how to exaggerate their moves and spots. They threw better strikes here than most wrestlers do today and they really showed a lot of fire. This was honestly more entertaining than a lot of matches are that we see on TV and really was a sight to behold. I thought they could have done a little less though and I'm not real sure what was going on with the post-match angle. I obviously don't recommend trying this at home though because let's face it, few of us have the skills of Boss Jordan and Kapeeka.
I love the way u aligned this match in words