New Japan Pro Wrestling 2/16/2024 CMLL Fantastica Mania 2024 Day 4
Day 2 and Day 3 of this tour were not aired for unknown reasons.
Difunto & Tiger Mask vs. House Of Torture (SHO & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)
Tiger and YK start us off. YK kicks and clubs him then Tiger spin kicks him. YK goes out. Sho waves a Mexican flag outside for some reason then Dif gets in. Dif armdrags him then basement dropkicks him. Dif does a nice armdrag on Sho while Sho is behind him. Dif goes for a dive outside but is pulled down to the floor.
YK unties Tiger's Mask then Dif takes a 2v1. YK elbows Dif in the face then back elbows him. Sho goes to rip Dif's mask. Dif diving hurricanrana's YK off the 2nd rope then tope's him. Tiger double underhook suplexes Sho for 2 then AT locks him.
Tiger rolls up Sho then superkicks him in the gut. Tiger head kicks him. YK comes in, low blows and unmasks Tiger. Sho then picks up the win.
It wasn't anything of note and the finish was lame. The ref seemed to see Tiger get unmasked and did nothing about it.
Dark Panther & Super KOKESHI Machine 2nd vs. Francesco Akira & OKUMURA
Dark and Oku start us off. Oku front face locks him, gets tripped and they stand off. Oku headlock takeovers him. Dark works the hammerlock then picks him up under his knees. Oku lifts himsel up and rolls over him. Dark lariats him then flying hurricanrana's him.
Akira and Machine go at it. They lock up and collide with shoulders. Akira dropkicks him in the knee and side of the head. Machine shoulders him over then misses a falling headbutt. Akira basement dropkicks Honma. Dark takes a 2v1 then takes an iconoclasm. Akira dropkicks Dark into the buckles. Dark hits tilt-a-whirl backbreakers then Dark and Machine hit stereo falling headbutts.
Dark superkicks Akira then topes him outside. Machine and Oku go at it and Machine jumping headbutts him. Oku flying neckbreakers Machine. Dark powerslams Akira then corner splashes Oku. Dark double jump springboard dropkicks him and wins it.
It was an average match and it was nothing memorable. Okumura didn't have a bad showing here.
KAMAITACHI & Tetsuya Naito vs. Brillante Jr. & El Desperado
KT = Kamatachi
KT and Naito rush their opponents before the bell and get shots in. Despy takes a double boot then Brill is popped up into a dropkick on Naito. Brill the nbackflips into a spinning headscissors on KT. Brill tope con hilos outside. KT is stomped on then takes a leapfrog elbow. Naito atomic drops Brill then KT dropkicks Brill onto Naito's knees.
KT chops Brill then goes to unmask him. Naito tries the same on Despy. The faces are put in tree of woe and take dropkicks. Brill does a wild springboard tornillo on KT. Despy spinning backdrops Naito then Naito armdrags him. Naito hits a baseball slide then Despy suplexes him. Naito step up enzugiri's Despy.
KT corner lariats Despy then takes a spinebuster down. Brill hits a nice dropkick on KT. Brill flatliners KT into the buckles then suplexes him into the buckles. KT pretends like Brill kicked him in the crotch while the ref isn't looking. KT then rolls up Brill and wins it.
Brillante had some highlights here but I can't say anyone else really did. The finish was lame and the match wasn't that great.
Hechicero, MUSASHI & Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Atlantis Jr., Hiroshi Tanahashi & YOH
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Kin-chan jump/欽ちゃんジャンプ |
Atlantis chops down Hech then Hech crossfaces him. Hech rolls Atlantis into an armbar then Atlantis ties up his legs. Hech rolls him into an armbar then Atlantis rolls him into a pin attempt in the corner. Atlantis does a nice twist into an arm take down then he superkicks him. Musashi armdrags Yoh then Yoh walks the top rope with Musashi's arm, mocking Hakushi. Musashi flying headscissors him and Yoh rolls out.
RT and Tana go at it. RT screws around and is booted in the gut. Tana 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. RT hip attacks all 3 of his opponents then hiptossses them. RT then hiptosses his own partners and the ref, which should be a DQ. They then do the Super Kendo kin-cham jump spot(欽ちゃんジャンプ).
Tana is foot choked in the corner. Tana takes a jumping knee. Atlantis gets his leg split then take a double basement dropkick. Atlantis has his face banged into Rt's butt. Yoh takes corner lariats then Tana double dropkicks Musashi and Hech in the knees. Tana dragon screws Yoh then Atlantis hits a double crossbody off the top. Atlantis flying hurricanrana's Musashi then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Hech. Atlantis rolls Hech outside then powerslams RT.
Atlantis hits a tope con hilo outside and Yoh puts RT in a paradise lock. Yoh then rocking horse's Musashi into RT's butt. Tana plancha's outside then RT rolls up Yoh for 2. Yoh pulls off RT's mask then does a heavenly lock ala Hakushi and wins it.
I didn't like this. Taguchi should have been DQ'd for throwing the ref and Yoh should have been DQ'd for taking Taguchi's mask. Taguchi also threw his opponents here in a stupid moment. Yoh did a bunch of Hakushi spots to get at Musashi, who wrestlers for Michinoku pro. It's a shame because some of these guys were here to work otherwise.
DOUKI, Rocky Romero & Soberano Jr. vs. Mascara Dorada, Mistico & Templario
Dorada and Douki go at it. Dorada sunset flips him then Mistico springboard crossbodies Douki. Dorada is popped up into a hurricanrana then Mistico flying headscissors Rocky. Sob dropkicks Mistico out. Dorada slips on the ropes, moonsaults and is kicked on the way down by Sob.
Rocky drops Temp with a punch then Tem drops Rocky on Douki. Sob dropkicks Temp out then fosbury flops him. Douki trips to rip Mistico's mask. Sob back body drops Temp then ties his legs around the post, biting his foot. Mistico is held and takes a sliding slap. Rocky corner lariats Mistico then Sob runs into a Mistico superkick.
Miustico is popped up into a shoulder block on Douki then Dorada top rope diving corkscrew armdrags Rocky. Dorada and Mistico criss cross each other and do dives. Sob tornillo's nto Temp off the top then Temp walks the top rope and crossbodies him. Sob is popped up into a flipping powerbomb.
Douki and Dorada trade forearms. Douki makes him look up then dropkicks him. Dorada flying headscissors Douki then jumps off of Sob's leg to hurricanrana Rocky. Dorada corkscrew headscissors Sob out. Rocky's team stalls outside.
Douki and Mistico square off and Mistico is stomped by two people. Sob pump kicks Mistico then Mistico handsprings into a double back elbow on Rocky and Douki. Mistico hurricanrana's Sob out then headscissors Rocky with help from Douki. Mistico tilt-a-whirl armdrags Douki then walk-up-the-buckles armdrags Sob. Douki and Rocky hit stereo dropkicks then stereo topes outside.
Sob hits kicks on Temp and kind of pulls down his mask. Temp trips Sob into the 2nd rope and wheelbarrow germans him. Sob then pulls off the mask and gets DQ'd.
I hated the finish here, especially after it happened in the match before and didn't lead to a DQ. The match wasn't the best early but got good by the end, then we had the bad finish.
Temp is beat up after by the heels.
Los Depredadores (Magnus & Volador Jr.) vs. La Fuerza Poblana (Pegasso & Stigma)
Peg and Mag start us off. Mag armdrags him then is armdragged back. Peg spinning headscissors him then armdrags him. Peg leg sweeps him and they stand off. Stig is stomped by both opponents and flips over VOl's back. Mag superkicks Vol on accident then Stig spinning headscissors Mag. Stig superkicks Vol.
Vol takes off his mask then Peg flying headscissors him. Peg flips over Mag then is flipped. Peg tilt-a-whirl armdrags him then Peg and Stig do stereo topes. Stig springboards and takes a Mag dropkick. Stig is swept off the 2nd rope then takes double basement dropkicks. Mag goes to take off Peg's mask then Peg takes a 619.
Peg takes corner lariats then a double basement dropkick for 2. Vol gets on his knees for a handshake from Stig then Mag running lariats Stig over. Stig takes a 2v1 and is superkicked by Vol. Peg is popped up into a double armdrag off the ropes onto his opponents. Stig and Peg do criss cross dives on their opponents outside.
Mag and Stig fight on the 2nd rope. All 4 men get up top and we get 2 hurricanrana's off the top. Mag superkicks Peg then Vol backcrackers Peg and the ref counts the pin for Vol when he's not supposed to.
It was one of the better matches on the show up until the messed up finish. The heels going after the mask again got old, but they tried on some of the bigger spots here.
Interfaction Tag Team Tournament First Round Match - Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI & Titan) vs. Los Guerreros Laguneros (Stuka Jr. & Ultimo Guerrero)
Ultimo hits Titan with a towel before this starts.
Titan snapmares Ultimo to start us off. Ultimo ties his legs up then Titan kips up, cartwheels and headflips to reverse Ultimo's wristlock. Ultimo surfboards him then Titan tries to do it to him but Stuka breaks it up. Titan is worked on 2v1 in the corner. Titan springboard crossbodies Ultimo then topes Stuka outside.
Bushi baseball slides Ultimo in the knee then takes a back elbow. Ultimo and Stula then try to rip off their opponents masks, which is the 4th straight match we've seen it in. Bushi is tripped into a baseball slide. Ultimo baseball slides titan off the apron.
Stuka flipping neckbreakers Bushi then does a bulldog + dropkick combo. Titan walks the top rope, does rope tricks and double dropkicks the heels. Titan hits a tope con hilo outside. Ultimo takes a jumping kick from Titan. Titan corner lariats Ultimo then Ultimo leglocks Bushi.
Stuka gets sent into the post outside then Titan top rope double stomps Ultimo. Titan spin kicks Stuka then Stuka tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him on the floor. Stuka does a blind twisting crossbody off the top to the outside on Titan. Bushi is spinebustered then Stuka top rope splashes Bushi for the win.
It was a short main event here. It was fine for what it was but it wasn't that great. It was essentially a house show main event with no one really going all out.
Overall thoughts: Not the most exciting show. There was little differences between the various matches on the show. Most of the matches had masks being taken off or ripped and bad finishes. No one busted out their best stuff here and I wouldn't recommend it.
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