Tuesday, September 17, 2024

TNA Xplosion 9/13/2024

TNA Xplosion 9/13/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/tna-xplosion-962024.html

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Jason Hotch is this week's guest. They talk about eating. He says he doesn't eat well and eats pizza 3x a week. He says Jet's Pizza has the best BBQ pizza. He also puts over Domino's as a cheaper option. Gia doesn't like pan pizza. He says he went to Rally's after the last PPV. He says he eats anything cheap.

Dani Luna vs Tasha Steelz

TS rolls out of a wristlock and puts her own on. Dani side headlock takeovers her then Dani does it again. TS corner spears her and hits chops. Dani does another headlock takeover. TS stalls outside then gets back in and is explodered. Dani sliding lariats her for 2.

TS pump kicks her then elbow drops her. TS rolling snapmares her and PK's her for 2. They trade shots and TS dropkicks her in the knee. TS lariats her. TS sleepers her. Dani throws her off and lariats her. Dani flying kicks her.

Dani germans her then TS does a slingshot blue thunder bomb for 2. Alisha Edwards comes down. Jody Threat argues with her and Dani is distracted. TS throws Jody into the steps. Dani catches a meteora and Alisha trips Dani. TS pins Dani.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything special as expected but atleast it had some storyline purpose and wasn't for nothing.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match and a new interview segment as usual. Neither were good and I wouldn't recommend this.

NWA Powerrr 9/17/2024

NWA Powerrr 9/17/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/nwa-powerrr-9102024.html

Joe Galli and Danny Dealz are our hosts

NWA Exodus Pro Title - Pretty Boy Smooth (c) vs Mims

PB is with a pastor. They lock up and Mims is put in a side headlock. Mims boos him and side headlocks him. Mims flying shoulders him then PB nodowa otoshi's him. PB hits chest slaps then corner splashes him. Blk Jeez (who is with Mims) distracts PB. Mims hits corner spears.

PB misses a corner splash then Mims drives him into the buckles for more corner spears. PB powerslams him and legddrops him. Mims headbutts and slams him. They fight outside and Mims tries to suplex him into the crowd. PB is rammed into the post outside. PB hit a big facekick. Mims gets counted out and PB wins.

Thoughts: It was about average here. The finish was weak but I think they wanted to have PB keep the title and not have Mims take a loss. PB's facekick was nice here.

Mims hits him with the title belt after.

NWA Women's Tag Titles - The King Bees (Dani Bee and Charity King (c) vs Carribbean Flow (Ruthie Jay and La Rosa Negra)

Dani is the thinner Bee and King is the thicker Bee. King is backed up in the corner and Rosa twerks on her. King waistlock takedowns Rosa then shoulders her over. Rosa is tripped into a sliding double knee. Dani is gordbustered onto Rosa for 2. They trade shots and Rosa boot flurries her.

Jay double knees King in the corner. Jay spinning high kicks Dani. Dani superkicks her for 2. Jay takes a double suplex then a senton from King. King back elbows her. Jay jawbreakers her and tags Rosa in. Rosa hits back elbows and waistlock takedowns King. Rosa does a cool spinning alabama slam variation for 2.

Jay hits soul foot on King then Dani codebreakers Jay. Rosa superkicks Dani then misses a frogsplash. Dani rolls her up and wins.

Thoughts: The crowd wasn't into this at all and brought it down. It was an average match but nothing was wrong with it.

NWA Krossfire Title - Juventud Guerrera (c) vs Zyon

Juv comes out with his mask on. He says, "finally, The Juice has come back to Knoxville, Tennessee". He starts a "Juice" chant for himself. Zy backs him up in the corner and trips him. Juv armdrags him and tells him to suck it.

Zy boots and clubs him then Juv flying headscissors him. Juv dropkicks him through the ropes. They get back to wrestling and Zy hits a lariat. He misses multiple stomps and neckbreakers him. Zy fist drops him and does an arm and chin hold. Zy swinging neckbreakers him for 2 then does another arm and chin lock.

Zy hits chops. Juv comes off the 2nd rope and is caught and dropped throat first on the ropes. Zy 2nd rope fist drops him for 2. Juv does a short spike hurricanrana. Juv hits a michinoku driver for 2 then top rope splashes Zy for 2.

Juv is crotched up top and takes a euro. Zy does a z-clutch (cobra clutch variation) and Juv ropebreaks. Zy doesn't let go and the ref throws the match out instead of DQ'ing Zy.

Thoughts: The finish was dumb here and I don't get why Zy wasn't DQ'd for not letting of the hold. The match wasn't much and the finish didn't help it.

NWA JCP Tag Titles - The Stew Crew (Dylan and Zack Stewart) vs The Fixers (Wrecking Ball Legursky and Jay Bradley

WBL = Wrecking Ball Legursky

The Crew is knocked off the apron as they enter and they all fight outside. Zack is the bigger one here and Jay facekicks Dylan. WBL knees Zack in the head. Dylns is sent into the chairs and takes a facekick. Jay throws chairs.

We go to break and return and WBL headbutts Dylan. WBL stands on his gut then hits punches and headbutts. Jay corner facekicks Zack then kneedrops him.

Jay pounds on Dylan and headbutts him. Dylan is held for a WBL elbow drop and headbutt drop. WBL pounds on Dylan. Dylan is slammed then splashed by Jay. Dylan's entrance jacket is still on. Jay shoulders Dylan over.

Zack gets in and WBL bodyblocks him. WBL goes up and over then splashes him. WBL misses a buttdrop and Zack crucifixes him to win.

Thoughts: It was short. The finish was sudden which sucked and it was a very one-sided match. The work wasn't bad but this was not the match it should have been.

The Crew get beat up after.

Overall thoughts: As usual, it wasn't a good show. The matches were random. One had a countout finish and the other had a wrong no contest finish. The main was too short and nothing of note. I wouldn't recommend this.

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/16/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/16/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/wwe-monday-night-raw-992024.html

We are in Portland. Joe Tessitore and Wade Barrett are on commentary.

We see various wrestlers arrive. We see Punk walk into the building and he heads to the ring.

Punk says people ask him how many matches he has left. He says the answer is way more than you think. He said he didn't come here to make friends, but didn't come here to make mortal enemy and that's what he did. He says the only way to end this is with Hell in a Cell. He says he's too stubborn to end this and says Drew's fatal mistake was not getting the job done.

He says he has zero HIAC matches in him. He said his wife and sister begged him not to do it. He said he told Drew that if he was pushed far enough, he could become the devil himself. He says the devil in his heart says this only ends in HIAC. He says he can't promise he won't kill Drew. He says he will make him bleed. He says Drew will have to kill him as he is prepared to die. He says he's prepared for this to be the end of CM Punk and says he will see him in hell if he's prepared for this to be the end of Drew.

Sheamus is interviewed by Cathy Kelly. He says he taught Pete well and says Pete took his dream from him. He says he needs the IC Title to become the 4th Grand Slam champ. He says it's time to inflict pain to his protege. He says Pete becomes "my Butch" tonight even though he doesn't like being called that.

Sheamus vs Pete Dunne

They hit each other at the same time and Sheamus uranage backbrakers him. Sheamus hits shots to the spine and Pete bags Sheamus' arm over his shoulder. Sheamus swinging side slams him.

Pete enzugiri's him then stomps his arm into the mat. Pete plancha's him then Sheamus hits an alabama slam on the commentary table. We go to break and return. Pete running sitout powerbombs him for 2.

Pete hits a big forum and hits mounted forearms. Sheamus hits a big lariat then corner lariats Pete. Sheamus powerslams him. Sheamus hits a top rope diving kneedrop for 2. Pete hits some boots. Pete is caught up top and Sheamus hits a 2nd rope powerslam for 2.

Sheamus hits chest clubs. Pete grabs the shillelagh but takes a pumping knee. Sheamus grabs the shillelagh, the ref takes it from Sheamus then Pete hits Sheamus with a cricket bat. Pete pump kicks Sheamus and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match as expected here with the two stiffing each other. Both took a beating here and some high impact moves. This isn't over as Pete got the win here by cheating. 

Jey Uso walks up to Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley. He says he will have eyes on Priest's match. Xavier Woods walks in. He said him and Kofi have a title shot tonight. Woods says they want to go it alone tonight and asks them to stay back here and handle it. Priest says to whoop their @sses and take their titles. 

The Miz talks to Braun Strowman in the back. He's banged up and Miz says good luck. Miz asks him what he meant when he said Miz is no match for Bronson Reed. Braun says sometimes it takes a monster to beat a monster.

Zoey Stark vs Natalya

PFC is with Zoey and Nat has Vega and Lyra with her. Nat rolls her up and Zoey shoves her. Nat goes up and over then Zoey springboard dropkicks her. We go to PiP break and return. Zoey misses a springboard dropkick and takes a german. Nat spinning lariats her. Nat hits a superkick to the face for 2.

Zoey armdrags her then rolling death valley drivers her. Zoey superkicks her for 2. They trade pin attempts and Nat picks up the pin.

Thoughts: It was short and cut up by the break. I didn't think it was as good as it should have been.

Rhea Ripley is interviewed and Finn Balor interrupts. He says she's as bad as Damien Priest. He says she only cared about herself and says her and Priest are why he wasn't champ last year. He says her and Priest are the reason for everything that has happened to Judgment Day. She says Judgment Day will see how bad they can be at Bad Blood. Finn says he was the devil on Dom's shoulder and told him to forget about her. Jey Uso walks in and asks if there is a problem. Finn says he might want to focus on the IC Title as he is out of his league with Rhea.

Jey Uso comes out to talk. He says he's on his own and can finally win his first singles title. Bron Breakker comes out. He said he told Jey to stay away but here he is. He says there's no doubt Jey is a star but says he did more in 6 months than Jey did in his whole career. Bron says his title is his family, he fihts for it and it fights for him. He says he will expose him and says he is nothing without his family.

Jey says Bron has the dog in him, but he's been on the roster for 14 years while Bron was in diapers. Jey says he will dog walk him next week. Jey says his reign might be short and sweet like his NFL career. Bron gets mad then decks him. Bron runs the ropes and gets speared by Jey.

Iyo Sky yells at Bianca and Jade. Iyo calls them a coward for trying to fight Kairi with an injured eye. She said she doesn't run from fights and says Iyo should step up for Kairi. Iyo says she accepts.

World Tag Titles - Judgment Day (Finn Balor and JD McDonaugh) (c) vs The New Day

Kofi walks up the buckles and diving hurricanrana's JD. Woods sliding lariats JD then hits an elbow drop after a Kofi splash. Woods slams JD then flip Kofi backwards into a moonsault on JD. Finn takes a double bulldog then the heels take superkicks out.

We go to break and return. Kofi hits a ranhei on Finn for 2. Woods lariats the heels and knocks down JD. Woods hits corner punches on JD then Woods russian legsweeps him. Kofi springboard cops Finn and Woods dropkicks Finn out. Kofi tope con hilos Finn. Woods sitout powerbombs JD for 2.

The rest of Judgment Day come out and The LWO goes after them. Woods superkicks JD. Kofi plancha's everyone outside hten Woods hits a top rope elbow drop on JD but the ref is dealing with the fight outside. JD puts Woods in a grounded choke and Finn top rope double stomps Woods to win.

Thoughts: It was short and had shenanigans on the outside. This didn't get enough time and wasn't much. New Day losing wasn't a big surprise.

Woods gets frustrated with Kofi after, saying "every time" and says he's tired of it.

We get another video from The Wyatts with a QR code though they don't say anything.

Kofi Kingston is interviewed. He said he has to find Woods. Woods is yelling at The LWO for getting involved. Kofi said he told them to get involved. Woods says they cost him the titles. Kofi said he asked them to have their backs incase Judgment Day comes down. Woods said they never needed help before and asks why they need it now. Kofi said they had Big E before and not now. Woods asks if it's not good enough. Woods said he was left in the dark by The LWO coming out and he has had enough of it.

Thoughts: After a few of weeks of no progress and Odyssey Jones getting pulled from TV, it seems New Day are having problems again.

Bronson Reed talks. He said opportunities have been taken from him time after time. Reed said he has to show people how dangerous he really is.

He said he got injured and Braun Strowman was given his opportunity. He said he won't cry about it, he will do something about it. He said the story will be Braun being the victim to WWE's true monster, Bronson Reed.

Bronson Reed vs Braun Strowman

Reed charges at him, misses and pulls the top rope out. We are now without a top rope. Braun chokeslams him and boots him out of the ring. Braun runs around the ring and Reed throws a fan at him. Braun crossbodies him through the rail and both are down. The match is stopped and Braun poses in the ring.

Reed is escorted to the back and Braun chases after him. Braun pounces him into a box and Reed is sent into a wall. Braun flips a golfcart then Reed runs on a box and crossbodies him through tables. Braun then spears Reed through a wall, knocking pans and boxes down. Both are down after we return from break and we cut away.

Thoughts: This was a fun King of the Monsters style war. We only got a few minutes of it but it was memorable and had a bunch of highlights. They totally messed up the spot with the pans and boxes falling down though.

Adam Pearce talks to a ref. Ludwig Kaiser walks in and asks if an opponent for Gunther has been found yet. Adam mentions Sami Zayn and Kaiser doesn't like the idea. Adam says Gunther should talk to him if he has a problem with it. 

Sami Zayn comes out to talk. He puts over Bret Hart and says it motivated him. He says he wants to be the champ like Bret and needs it to be him. He says Gunther has declined every title challenge though because he's not on his level. He says it's because he's in Gunther's head and because Gunther knows he can beat him again.

Ludwig Kaiser comes out. He asks him what he's doing out here and doesn't buy Gunther being scared of him. He says Gunther's trying to save Sami from the worst embarrassment of his life. He says miracles never happen twice and says it won't happen again.

Sami says Gunther and Kaiser don't need each other. He says Gunther doesn't have the balls to speak for himself. Gunther comes out. He asks if there's anything Kaiser needs to tell him. Kaiser says there is then he beats up Sami. Kaiser holds Sami and Gunther says the answer is no to his title challenge. 

Kaiser goes for a ddt but Sami germans him then hits a helluva kick.

Damien Priest is interviewed by Cathy Kelly. Liv Morgan walks in and says it wasn't hard for Judgment Day to move on without them. Priest says he can't believe someone in the group has a set. He says Rhea will shove them down Liv's throat. Priest says he will put Dom down.

Iyo Sky vs Bianca Belair

BB side headlock takeovers her. Iyo headscissors her and does the same. Iyo flips out of a headscissors and rolls her up for 2. They try to dropkick each other at the same time then double kip up together. Iyo cartwheels off the ropes. BB blocks a hurricanrana and Iyo sunset flips her.

BB suplexes her. Iyo springboard armdrags her and we go to break. We return and BB rolls her up. BB shoulders her over then dropkicks her. BB hits corner punches then Iyo hits shotei's. Iyo dropkicks her. BB tilt-a-whirl gutbusters her then Iyo top rope dropkicks her.

They trade forearms and Iyo sunset flips her. BB spinebusters her then handspring moonsaults her for 2. Iyo rebound germans her for 2. Iyo topes her. BB walks her up the steps in the suplex position an throws her in the ring. Iyo blocks a 450 then cradles BB off a KOD to win.

Thoughts: It was a very athletic and fast paced match. It was one of the better things both girls were involved with and this was so much above the usual offerings. This was good and was a major success.

Priest tells Rhea he will rip Dom apart and says they will continue to do it.

American Made does a video. Chad says he's still standing after months of abuse. The Creed's say it's the end of dealing with The Wyatt's. Ivy says it's time to bring respect and honor back to the ring. We see then driving in an army truck with a flag.

Ludwig Kaiser is interviewed. He says he will expose Sami next week. He brings up Kevin Owens and Sami's relationship with them turning on eac hother when the other is more successful. He says he will show the world that Sami is a bitter, jealous man. He says he will never be a world champ.

Jey Uso and Ilja Dragunov talk. Ilja wishes him the best of luck and they pound fists and yeet. Judgment Day walks up to Ilja. Finn says Ilja is getting friendly with Jey and praising Thea and Priest. Finn says to think more about who he chooses as his friends. Ilja says friends is a strong word but he respects them, which is more than he can say about any of them. Finn says this is a friendly reminder and next time, the message won't be delivered so lightly.

Damien Priest vs Dominik Mysterio

DP shoulders over Dom then hits shots in the corner. DP lifts him by the throat and throws him. DP does short arm shoulderblocks then flying back elbows him. Dom hits shots to the knee. DP flapjacks him then chokes him on the ropes. DP hits a big forearm.

Dom goes out to rest and DP drops him face first on the apron. DOm's head is banged of the commentary table. DP nails Carlito. Finn hits DP and Dom topes DP over the commentary table.

We go to break and return. Dom tornado ddt's DP for 2. DOm hits forearms and chops. DP fires up and hits shots. DP spinning punches him and forearms him down. DP lifting flatliners Dom for 2. DP high kicks Dom then hits a broken arrow. Rhea spears Liv over the commentary table into Wade. DP flying forearms Carlito off the steps then sends Dom into Finn.

DP superkicks Carlito. Dom superkicks and 619's DP. DP hits a south of heaven chokeslam and wins.

Judgment Day jumps DP after. Rhea grabs Dom then Liv sends Rhea into the steps. Jey Uso comes out and takes a giant spear from the side by Bron. DP gets beat up on more. Liv hits oblivion on Rhea. Finn top rope double stomps DP.

Thoughts: I'm not sure about Dom losing to DP. Dom had a lot of help and could use a win sometime. The heel did get their heat back though at the end. Wade getting dove on was a cool spot and they had a decent main event.

Overall thoughts: Iyo/Bianca and Reed/Braun were the highlights of the night here. It was a good show overall with them having a lot of solid matches.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Marigold 9/8/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 2

Marigold 9/8/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 2

The last show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/marigold-8312024-dream-star-grand-prix_12.html

CHIAKI & Myla Grace vs. Kizuna Tanaka & MIRAI

Myla's team is attacked at the bell. Myla takes wristlocks from both opponents. Myla is put in an armbar while Mirai stretches Chi over her back. Kiz crossbodies and low crossbodies Myla for 2. Myla drops down to avoid a shot and basement dropkicks Kiz.

Chi throws Kiz by the hair and pulls her by it. Chi facewash kicks Kiz on the ropes then iron claws her. Kiz takes her down and fujiwara armbars her and Chi ropebreaks. Kiz flying lariats her then Mirai hits corner attacks on Chi. Mirai top rope dropkicks Chi for 2.

Chi rolling spears Mirai. Myla corner euros Mirai then hip attacks her on the ropes. Myla suplexes her for 2. Mirai does a samoan drop style move to Myla. Kiz spin kicks and fisherman suplexes Myla. chi eye rakes Myla to block a move and Myla is thrown into the ref by Chi. Chi grabs a chair and Myla pulls it away. Chi grabs Myla by the hair and they get double dropkicked by Kiz. Mirai half-nelson wheelbarrow suplexes Myla for 2.

Myla rolls Mirai off a lariat attempt then Myla spinning neckbreakers her for 2. Myla backbreakers Mirai. Mirai hits a rainmaker style lariat on her and wins.

It was shorter one here. Myla did a decent job and it was okay for what it was. But it was an opener and wasn't designed to be a classic.

We get a 2nd Dream Star Grand Prix ceremony for some reason. We already had one at the beginning of the tournament.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - NORI vs. Chika Goto

Chika wants a test of strnegth and is kicked in the leg several times. Nori runs up the buckles and armdrags Chika down. Nori dropkicks her then Chika shoulders her over. Nori is put on the 2nd rope and Chika buttpresses her down. Chika hip attacks her in the corner.

Nori hits leg kicks then slams her. Nori hair throws Chika then corner shotgun dropkicks her. Nori handstands and double kneedrops Chika. Nori hits kicks on a downed Chika. Nori hits kicks to the back and bodyscissors her.

Chika camel clutches her then pulls her arms backwards. Chika giant swings her. Nori spin kicks her then Chika lariats her over. Nori ankle locks her and bangs her knee off the mat. Nori hits leg kicks then leglocks her.

They grab hands and trade leg kicks for chest forearms. Chika rolls her up for 2 then drops her on her chest/stomach. Nori backdrops her. Nori hits kicks and a high kick. Nori suplexes her for 2. Nori corkscrew kicks her and pins her.

Thoughts: Nori did a bunch of leg kicks here but ended up winning with a kick to the head. I guess her using kicks to win makes sense but then leg work meant nothing. Chika had a better showing than usual and did more than she usually does in this one, maybe showing some signs of grow. It was about average though overall.

Nori hits kicks on Chika after. 

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Utami Hayashishita vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

They lock up. Yuz misses a dropkick then Utami shoulders her over. Utami slams her then gets on her back and chinlocks her. Utami blocks Yuz's headscissors and ram her into the buckles. Utami running back elbows her then Yuz dropkicks her.

Utami hits more back elbows then Yuz flying headscissors her. Yuz basement dropkicks her. Yuz walks up the ropes then facebusters her down. Utami samoan drops her then hits an air raid crash for 2.

Utami drops her while she's on her back. Yuz dropkicks her then hits a lightning spiral. Yuz northern lights suplexes her for 2 then superkicks her. Yuz does like a flipping abdominal stretch bomb for 2. Utami hits a big forearm then lariats her.

Utami germans her. Yuz rolls her up for 2 and Utami flips her with a lariat for 2. Utami does her shocking baszler drop and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here. Both got about the same amount of offense in and Yuz went for the upset then got put down.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Natsumi Showzuki vs. Kouki Amarei

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki

Kouki waistlocks her then cartwheels off the ropes. Nat dropkicks her and Kouki running facekicks her. Nat dropkicks Kouki. Kouki pulls back on Nat's arms. Nat ropebreaks. Kouki misses a facekick and has her leg pulled down over the top rope. Nat springboard double kneedrops her.

Nat bangs Kouki's legs off the mat then Kouki powerslams her. Kouki falling splashes her. Kouki flying kicks her and Nat sunset flips her off a toyota roll. Kouki facekicks her. Kouki cutters her for 2. Nat fujiwara armbars her. Nat and Kouki each hit mounted forearms.

Nat kicks her hard in the chest while she is seated. Nat cradles her for 2. Nat hits a dropkick and meteora in the corner for 2. Nat meteora's her. They go up top and Kouki guillotine chokes her there. Kouki then hits a dominator for 2.

Kouki misses a 180 splash off the top and Nat crcufixies her for 2. Nat step up nezugiri's her then hits a fisherman's suplex for 2. Kouki backdrops her and hits a 180 splash for 2. Kouki does a dangerous release backdrop and wins.

It wasn't that good. There was no story here and Kouki just did her usual stuff before getting the win.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Nanae Takahashi vs. Misa Matsui

NT = Nanae Takahashi

NT waistlock takedowns her. Misa front facelocks her. NT side headlocks her and Misa headscissors her. NT side headlocks her then Misa puts her in one. Misa leg kicks her then springboard diving armdrags her. Misa dropkicks her.

NT hair throws her the corner splashes her. NT slaps her and hits chops. Misa walks up the ropes and pulls NT arm down over the top. Misa dropkicks the arm then top rope double stomps it. Misa does a grounded abdominal stretch and NT ropebreaks. Misa top rope dropkicks her for 2.

NT side slams her then Misa armbars her. NT does n stf variation and Misa ropebreaks. They trade chest forearms on the ropes and NT backdrops her for 2. Misa rolls her into a double stomp.

Misa does an octopus hold on her then NT throws her over. NT sliding forearms her. They trade forearms and Misa hurricanrana's her for 2. Misa basement dropkicks her for 2. Misa rolling armbars her then crossbodies her against the bottom rope.

Mia fisherman suplexes her then NT running lariats her. NT hits another lariat then Misa la magistral's her into a bridge for 2. NT elbow slices her for 2. NT lays her on her own shoulder and drops her. NT does a wristclutch emerald flowsion and wins.

Thoughts: There was some okay stuff here with Misa working the arm and trying to get the win with it before NT puts her down. It wasn't as good as it should have been though but it may been a time issue. I would have liked to have seen a little more spirit out of Misa in this.

Misa grabs her by the leg after and NT steps on her.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Miku Aono vs. Bozilla

Boz shoves her back off the lock-up. Miku hits chest forearms then Boz shoulders her over. They go outside and Miku is sent into the seats and post. Boz forearms her down then Miku kicks her in the back. They get back in and Boz spinning sitout powerbombs her for 2. Boz dropkicks her off the buckles.

Miku dropkicks her then Boz russian legsweeps her. Miku hits leg kicks and fisherman suplexes her. Miku then ties her legs up and pulls. Boz ropebreaks then lariats her over. Boz pounces Miku then vader bombs her for 2. Boz fallaway slams her then misse sa vader bomb. Miku sliding lariats her fo r2.

Miku leglocks her and buzzsaw kicks her. Boz alabama slams her and rolls her up for 2. Boz lariats her then hits an F-5 for 2. Boz hits Miku's styles clash on her and pins her.

Thoughts: It was a big vs small match. Miku got a little in but the match wasn't really long enough to truly push that she would win and that hurt the match because of it. It was a shorter one here and Boz dominated for most of it as expected.

Miku goes after Boz after the match and they pound on each other with girls trying to break it up. Boz grabs Miku's title and throws it at her.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Sareee vs. Mai Sakurai

Mai hits Sare with her robe as Sare enters. They go outside and trade chest forearms. Mai chairs her in front of the ref then basement dropkicks her. Sare is sent into the post. Mai stomps on Sare then basement dropkicks her. Mai does a grounded armlock.

They basement dropkick each other and Mai is thrown by the hair. Sare double foot chokes her in the corner. Sare slams her then indian deathlocks her. They trade chest forearms and Mai facekicks her.

Sare suplexes her then Mai slaps her. Sare slaps back and they pull each other by the hair. Sare forearms then takes a facekick. Mai northern lights suplexes her.

Mai goes up top and gets hit. Sare 2nd rope fisherman's suplexes her. Mai facekicks Sare off the buckles then top rope plancha's her outside. 

Sare is thrown into the seats. They go back in. Mai top rope dropkicks her and pump kicks her. Mai and Sare trade chest forearms. Mai hits a chest forearm flurry then Sare dropkicks her against the ropes. Sare dropkicks her through the ropes.

Sare fisherman suplexes her then top rope double stomps her. Mai legslices her for 2. Mai goes for the STF and Sare ropebreaks. Sare misses a spin kick and Mai kind of sells it some anyway then Mai rolls her up. Sare backdrops her for 2. Mai facekicks Sare then basement dropkicks her.

Mai hits a top rope elbow drop for 2. Sare headbutts her then forearms her down. Mai crucifixes her for 2. Mai tiger suplexes her for 2. Mai stf's her.

Sare exploders her for 2 then does another and wins it.

It was a good match. The two matched up well together and did what they were supposed to in this one. It got heated and stiff at times and it felt like it should have been the main event at a bigger show. Mai is really stepping up in Marigold as this was one of the better matches I've seen her in. We need a rematch of this one.

They talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall. The main was the best thing on here with Mai Sakurai really stepping up to the plate and looking like a star in Marigold. The semi-main and Nanae/Misa match was okay and Yuzuki's match was decent. I wouldn't recommend this one outside of the main though.

AAA 8/17/2024 TripleMania XXXII: Mexico City

AAA 8/17/2024 TripleMania XXXII: Mexico City

I haven't really wanted to review AAA. It is so far gone that I legit think it's not even wrestling at this point.

AAA Reina de Reinas Title Match - Flammer  (c) vs. Faby Apache

Dalys is with Flammer and Sexy Star is with Faby.Flam takes an armdrag then does a flying headscissors. Flam then topes her outside. Flam hits her with a cookie sheet and Dalys (who is with Flammer) gets some shots in. Faby's head is banged off the post. Flam hits her with a cookie sheet in the ring. Faby tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her then hits her with a cookie sheet.

Faby kicks her in the head. Faby surfboards her. They roll each other up and Flam double stomps her off of it. Faby backrolls her into a german for 2. Flam dropkicks Faby while she's on the 2nd rope then basement dropkicks her. 

Faby rolls her into a double armlock. They boot each other at the same time.Sexy Star and Dalys start fighting in the ring then Star plancha's her outside. Flam backcrackers her for 2. Faby superplexes her for 2. Faby uranage neckbreakers her then flatliners her for 2. Faby dragon suplexes Flam but the ref is pulled out on the count. Karen Jarrett comes out to help Flammer then Flammer hits a la rosa driver on Faby and wins.

Thoughts: It was a total mess with seconds interfering and weapons being used. It was just a total circus with Karen Jarrett getting involved for some reason and the actual match wasn't that good. 

Flammer is given a sash after and a crown.

I won't be covering the cibernetico as it is an intergender match.

AAA World Tag Team Title Three Way Match - Negro Casas & Psycho Clown (c) vs. Dr. Wagner Jr. & Galeno Del Mal vs. Raj Dhesi & Satnam Singh

Jeff and Karen Jarrett are out with Raj Dhesi (who is Jinder Mahal) and Singh. Jeff throws tortillas to the fans. Clown and Galeno go at it. Galendo flying shoulders him then Clow rolls him up. Clown toyota rolls him for 2 then Galeno reverse suplexes him for 2. Clown top rope spanish flies Galeno.

Negro and Wagner go at it. Wagner and Negro chop each other and Negro goes down. They slap each other and shoulder block each other. Wagner takes him down and Negro surfboards him. Jeff Jarrett comes in and nails the other teams with a trash can lid. Clown topes Singh and Singh doesn't move.

Jinder pulls Negro's throat down over the top rope then suplexes him in from the apron. Negro takes a short arm lariat from Jinder and Clown takes a botched double suplex. Singh slams Clown then bangs his head off the mat multiple times. Jinder knees Clown then Singh boots Galeno.

Singh hits a 4 person crossbody. Singh holds onto Negro and Wagner for shots from Jinder and Jarrett. Jinder is crotched into the post then Singh has his legs kicked. Clown is popped up into a dropkick on Singh then Singh takes a double lariat over the top. 

Wagner dragon screws Jinder and a board is brought in. Jinder takes a double spear through the board. Jarrett takes shots from the 4 other people in the match. Galeno corner cannonballs Singh then Clown is overhead suplexed into Singh.

Jinder and Galeno trade shots. Galeno spinning lariats him. Jarrett beats up Galeno and throws him out. Clown and Jarrett trade. Clown spinning lariats him and whips him and the ref with a belt. Clown hits shots then Karen Jarrett comes in to help. Faby Apache comes out and hits Karen with a cookie sheet then a belt.

Galeno facekicks Clown then Galeno is pulled over the top. Clown 2nd rope moonsaults Galeno. Wagner takes a la magistral from Negro for 2. Negro la silla's Wagner. Jarrett hits Negro with a guitar and Jinder pins Negro to win.

Thoughts: Like the last match, it was a complete joke. Jarrett interfered for most of the match. Nobody cared and the heels ended up winning since they had an extra man who could beat up everyone. There was very little wrestling here. 

AAA World Cruiserweight Title Three Way Match - Komander (c) vs. Laredo Kid vs. Matt Riddle

We have AEW vs TNA action here with Komander being with AEW and Kid being with TNA. There was a weird thing with all 3 of them sitting in chairs in the ring pre-match. Riddle hits kicks on both and exploders Kom and Kid. Riddle corkscrew moonsaults both opponents then fisherman suplexes Kom. Riddle germans Kid.

Riddle takes a double hiptoss then a double basement dropkick. Kid hits armdrags on Kom. Kid rolls him out of the ring. Kom goes for a dive outside but Kid hits him on it. Kid suplexes then asai moonsaults Kom.

Riddle and Kid trade forearms. Riddle forearms him then Kid superkicks him. Kid michinoku drivers Riddle. Kom goes to springboard and Kid kicks him. Kom springboard reverse hurricanrana's Kid. Riddle powerbombs Kom and knees him in the face.

Kid neckbreakers Riddle then suplexes him. Kid 450's Riddle for 2. Kom superkicks Kid then Kid phoenix splashes Riddle for 2. Riddle headscossors Kid over the top rope  then is pulled down on a moonsault attempt. Kid hits a big tope on Kom then Riddle hits a corkscrew dive onto both opponents. Kid takes a guillotine legdrop over the neck while he's against the top rope.

Riddle deadlift 2nd rope germans Kom. Riddle hits a corkscrew moonsault on Kom. Kid is supposed to break the pin up but is late and the ref still kind of counts 3 anyway but they ignore it.

Kom superkicks Riddle then Riddle knees Kid in the face. Kom 2nd rope tornado ddt's Riddle. Kom is crotched on the top rope. Kom walks the top rope and corkscrew dives onto Riddle. The commentary mics get muted for some reason.

Kom springboard canadian destroyers Kid for 2. Kom hits a rope walk SSP on Kid but takes a stunner from Riddle at the same time. Riddle does like a cradle tombstone and wins.

Thoughts: It was spotfest as expected here. There was no way it was going to be anything else. The ref botched a count here and the commentary mics seemed to go out near the end of this. There were some cool spots but that's about it.

Original Psychosis talks on the stage and Rey Mysterio had a greeting video for him.

Casket Match - Vampiro Canadiense vs. El Mesias

Vamp is brought out in a casket and nailed by Sam Adonis and Jeff Jarrett. Vam ptakes a 2v1 and Jeff hits him wit hthe flag while Sam pounds on him. Jeff hits Vamp wit ha guitar and they fight in the crowd. Vamp is beaten up in the crowd. Chessman comes out and also beats up on Vamp. Pagano and Mecha Wolf come out to help Vamp.

Pirata Morgan comes out and beats up Vamp. Octagon Jr. then comes out to help Vamp and fights Morgan. Cien Caras is brought out in a chair and his family NGD beat up Vamp as well. Konnan comes out and helps Vamp with a barbed wire bat.

Konnan and Cien Caras argue. There is a portrait for Mesias with flowers throughout this match and then he comes out and beats up Vamp. They head back to ringside and go up a ramp. Vamp is slammed on the ramp then various people come to beat Vamp up. A casket is opened up on the stage and someone is dressed up as La Parka (La Parka 2 died and this is not the original La Parka). Vamps buddies then come to help out.

Vamp low blows Mesias then spin kicks him into the casket. Vamp closes the lid on Mesias. The casket gets surrounded by flames then Vamp wins.

Thoughts: It was hilarious watching various people come out to beat up Vampiro randomly. This was all smoke and mirrors with the match never getting in the ring and Mesias only being out there for a few minutes. I thought they did an okay job with it though but this is something that needed some English translations to explain.

Vamp then talks in Spanish after.

AAA Mega Title Match - Nic Nemeth (c) vs. Alberto El Patron

Alberto does a promo beforehand in Spanish and Nic comes out with JBL in a limo. They have the national guard do the Mexican national anthem then they have the US national anthem.

They lock up and go to the ropes. Nick pounds on him. Patron tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him twice. Patron brings a door in. Nic slips on it as he tries to dropkick him. Patron comes off the top and catches a dropkick in mid-air. Nic hits elbow drops then rolls him up for 2.  

Patron gorilla presses him but Nic gets out. Nic rolls him up for 2 then hits a fameasser. Patron does a reverse suplex off the buckles for 2. Patron step up enzugiri's him. Patron goes for a tope and Nic rams the door into him as he dives.

Nic hits a top rope elbow drop for 2. Patron blocks a zigzag in the ring and Nic jawbreakers him. Nic hits a jumping ddt for 2. Nic misses a corner splash and has his head banged off the buckles. Patron is crotched up top.

They fight up top and Nic is pushed off the top through a table. Patron top rope splashes him for 2. Patron grabs a chair and the ref takes it away for some reason. Patron pushes him then nic hits a leg lariat for 2. Patron pushes the ref into Nic's superkick.

Nic superkicks him for 2. Nic lariats him over the top. Nic dropkicks him off the apron. Nic goes to dive and Patron throws a drink in his face. Patron low blows Nic then pins him.

Thoughts: This was a weird one. I have no idea who the heel and face was here. It had lots of shenanigans with refs not allowing chair shots but allowing people to use tables and doors, people getting drinks thrown in their faces and low blows. Oddly, there was no interference in this one. I didn't think it was too good and found the logic of it really hard to follow.

Latin Lover gives Patron the belt after. Patron beats him up and leaves him laying. Patron poses over him and talks on the mic. Konnan comes out with a bat and gives it to Lover. Konnan then low blows Lover (turning for the second time on the show) and hits him with a trash can lid. Patron hits him with it and Lover gets busted open.

Someone in a mask comes out and it's Dorian Roldan, the owner of AAA. He shakes hands with Patron and Konnan. JBL then shakes hands with Patron. Roldan and konnan then do promos after.

Hair Vs. Mask Domo de la Muerte Match - Cibernetico vs. Psicosis vs. Dark Cuervo vs. Dark Ozz vs. Murder Clown vs. Abismo Negro Jr. vs. Dave The Clown vs. Panic Clown vs. El Fiscal


The fight starts before Ciber's crew even gets in. Psic uses a chair on one of the clowns. Ciber chokeslams Dave. Ciber is tripped into a basement dropkick from Fiscal. Ozz then takes a sitout powerbomb. Ciber gets double stompedon then is chaired. Fiscal climbs the cage and is chaired then Negro gets thrown into the cage. Cuervo takes a double spinebuster.

The ref gets hit with whipped cream from a Clown when a wrestler moves. Panic walks up his partners backs and the climbs the ladder to escape. He makes it out. Murder Clown hits a reverse ddt on Ozz and uranages Cuervo onto him at the same time. Murder gets on Dave's shoulders and vclimbs the ladder to escape.

Dave sets up a high ladder to bridge to the ladder to escape but gets knocked off of it. Negro then top rope splashes him. Dave takes a multi-person gorilla press into a board but the camera's miss it. Fiscal and Psic get rammed with a ladder.

Ozz rips up Negro's mask with Ciber. Negro goes to powerbomb Cuervo, but Cuervo grabs the ladder and clims out to escape. Psic bangs a board off Dave's head. Ozz takes a double hiptoss into a powerbomb. Fiscal goes to climb out but his own partner Negro pulls him down. Ciber then takes a triple kick.

Ozz climbs a ladder and escapes. Panic clown sends down a rope with balloons and airlifts Dave out. Dave escapes in a cool spot. Fiscal goes to tombstone Negro. Psic stomps it then Fiscal low blows Negro. Fiscal then climbs the cage and escapes.

Ciber is hit with a trash can by Psic. Psic goes to escape with Negro and Negro kicks him off the cage then escapes on his own. Ciber and Psicosis are the last two and last man remaining loses his hair or mask. Psic chairs Ciber.

Psic low blows Ciber and spears him through a board. Psic climbs the cage and is hit with a trash can. Ciber hits Psic with a baseball bat. Psic spears him then hits him with the bat. Psic climbs a ladder and sentons Ciber off of it but the camera's miss it (it hasto be shown on replay). Psic throws a ladder at Ciber.

Ciber is all bloodied up. Psic climbs the cage and Ciber sets up a table underneath him. Psic is knocked off the cage, goes through the cable and Ciber escapes. Psicosis has to unmask. Psicosis does a speech and is unmasked by Antonio Pena's sister.

Thoughts: The match was shorter, so it never got boring, but was not an epic. People escaped pretty quick and it was mostly just hardcore wrestling. The camera's missed a bunch of spots. Dave being lifted out was a cool spot and I was surprised Psic was unmasked over Fiscal or over someone losing their hair. It was obvious Ciber was not going to get a haircut though. I liked the match and thought they worked around some of the weaknesses of the match well.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a good show as expected. The main worked and Vampiro's match (if you want to call it that) worked too. The undercard had tons of interference and open weapons usage. Nic/Patron didn't make much sense. Riddle's match was a spotty threeway. Konnan turning twice in one night was also something. The camera work was also terrible as usual with them missing big spots and even missing some of Psicosis' unmasking. I wouldn't recommend this.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 9/15/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 9/15/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/cmll-on-televisa-puebla-982024.html

Women's Tag Titles - Tessa Blanchard and Lluvia (c) vs Persephone and Zeuxis

Z = Zeuxis, L = Lluvia

Pers and L go at it. Pers waistlock takedowns her. L rolls her with the arm. Pers flips on L's back then armdrags her. Pers legsweeps her then they pull each others hair. L pulls Z down by the hair and sunset flips Pers, setting her up for a kick from her own partner. L flying headscissors Z out then poses.

Tess and Pers go at it. Tess goes up and over as does Pers. Pers bridges out of a lariat. Tess cutters her. Tess flying headscissors Z then slaps her. Z hits a running corner euro then Tess cutters her. Tess hits chops on both opponents and walks up the ropes, does a seated springboard and double armdrags them. L is caught on an apron dive then Tess topes them over.

Tess and L are rolled up at the same time. Tess is pounded on and Z kicks L in the leg. Tess and L are sent into each other. Tess takes a sandwich superkick. L takes corner attacks. Pers pounds on Tess and foot chokes her. Tess gets her head banged off the buckles. L takes a double boot.

Tess takes a double spinebuster and Pers sentons her for 2. L takes an indian deathlock from Z and Pers crabs Tess. L ropebreaks then Tess ropebreaks. L is put in a half crab and ropebreaks again. Tess cutters Z for 2 then foot chokes Pers. Pers takes hair throws and Z retreats to the ramp.

Z gets hit when she comes back in and then takes a double boot. Tess slaps Pers. Pers is tripped and takes a kick to the head. Pers is put in a camel clutch and gets bitten while in it. Tess stomps on Z. Z is rolled into a double arm submission and Pers breaks it up. L rides on Pers on the ropes and Tess holds Pers for punches from L. Z takes a double hiptoss and a basement dropkick. Tess codebreakers Pers while she sits on the 2nd buckle then L dropkicks Pers in the butt.

Z corner euros L then Pers handstand double kneedrops L while she lays on the 2nd rope. Z kicks L in the head then Z meteora's Tess. Pers hits a top rope frogsplash on Tess for 2. 

L rolls up Pers for 2. Tess hammerlock ddt's L for 2. Pers spears Tess for 2 and L backcrackers Pers. 2 other girls hit backcrackers and Tess takes a codebreaker. Tess top rope diving codebreakers Pers and pins her as L pins Z.

Thoughts: It was a long tag and was basically under texas tornado rules with nobody really tagging in or out. They didn't botch anything, but it was just an average match and nothing really of note. Tessa's team keeping the titles wasn't a huge shock since this is a smaller building and they'd probably do the title change at Arena Mexico.

Angel de Oro, Niebla Roja and Averno vs Atlantis, Volador Jr and Flip Gordon

Av = Averno, Vol = Volador Jr.

1st Fall - Vol gets him from behind by Oro to start then takes a back elbow. Vol and Flip have their arms pulled around the top rope and Oro boots Vol. Roja bites Flip's fingers then kicks him in the leg. Flip takes a double basement dropkick. Av unties Atlantis' mask. Atlantis is held for boots from Av and sent out.

Vol is kicked in the leg then Vol is popped up into a double boot and pinned by Oro. Flip is double hiptossed into a triple sitout powerbomb and is pinned. Averno's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall -  Flip is held outside and Av dropkicks him through the ropes. Vol is tripped into an Av elbow then he is superkicked by Roja. Av bites Atlantis in the head and pulls on his mask. Atlantis is held for chops from Av then Atlantis hits a big forearm on him. Atlantis chases Av outside. Vol holds Oro and Flip 450's Oro and pins him. Vol then rolls up Roja and pins him. Volador's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Vol hits headscissors on the heels. Av gets Atlantis to look down then punches him. Atlantis fires back and rolls him. Atlantis sends roja into him and Oro into Roja. Atlantis hits a double japanese armdrag and tilt-a-whirl backbreakers on all 3 opponents. Atlantis chases Av out again.

Flip and Roja do a pose-off. Flip superkicks him after moonsaulting over him. Flip 2nd rope tornado ddt's Av. Flip kips down and up then superkicks Oro in the gut. Flip goes up and over Oro then backflips and lays on the top rope. Oro misses a corner charge and Flip double springboard crossbodies him. Flip flying headscissors him dut then triangle moonsaults him outside.

Atlantis top rope crossbodies Av. Av kicks him low, takes his mask off and stomps him. Averno's team is disqualified and Atlantis' team wins the fall and match.

It was fine. Atlantis did alright for being so old and for being broken down. I was surprised to see him do a crossbody off the top. I hated the finish as Av threw match by getting purposely DQ'd. Oro did a good job clowning around here for the faces.

Euforia, Soberano Jr. & Valiente vs. Esfinge, Hechicero & Ultimo Guerrero

Euf = Euforia, Esf = Esfinge, UG = Ultimo Guerrero

Note - This was taped on 9/9 (as with the rest of the card) before the mask match on 9/13.

1st Fall - All 6 men are fighting as this starts. Val kicks Esf in the leg. Sob is wearing gold. Euf unties Hech's mask and Val rips at Esf's mask. Sob throws UG out. Sob holds Hech for shots from Euf. Val foot chokes Esf and boots UG away. Sob chokes UG on the ropes.

Esf takes corner attacks and is dropped with a Sob step up kick. Val elbow drops Esf and chops him down. Hech takes a triple team on the ropes. Euf sentons Hech and pins him with Hech's shoulder clearly up. Euforia's team wins the first fall.

2nd Fall - Euf beats up Hech on the ropes and Val chops UG, sending him down on the ramp. UG takes a double flapjack then Val elbow drops him. Esf is triple stomped. Esf has his mask pulled on then he takes a triple boot out. Val and Hech chop each other up. Val boot flurries him in the leg. Sob step up enzugiri's Hech. UG hits a double lariat then Hech hits a step up knee on Sob. Esf hits tilt-a-whirl backbreakers. Hech swinging hammerlock backbreakers Sob and pins him. Hechicero's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Val chops Sob outside. Hech shoves Esf to the ramp during an argument and UG tries to play peacemaker. Hech and Euf trade chops and Hech goes down. They shove each other and Hech shotgun dropkicks him. Hech pulls on Euf's mask and Sob stops it.

Sob stomp flurries Hech. Sob is caught on a springboard and takes a spinning emerald flowsion from Hech. Hech single leg dropkicks Val in the face. Esf and Hech fight amongst themselves and Esf superkicks him. Sob kicks Esf from behind and stomps on him.

Esf is triple stomped in the corner. Sob step up enzugiri's Esf in the corner then Esf flying lariats him in the corner. Sob misses a corner splash and is superkicked. Esf superkicks Val then monkey flips Euf. Val is monkey flipped as is Euf. 

UG tries to play peacemaker again and Euf pushes Esf out of the ring. UG hits kicks on his opponents. UG holds Euf and Hech springboard dropkicks him on accident. Esf gets kicked by Hech, maybe on purpose and Hech rolls up Euf for 2 when Sob pulls on the ref's legs to stop the count. Esf dropkicks Hech then Euf low blows Esf. Hech low blows Euf. Val takes off Hech's mask and pins him. Soberano's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was effective and amusing with Hechicero's team not being able to get along which further builds up the mask match. It had lots of mask ripping and was pretty much all brawling here. It wasn't great but it worked.

Overall thoughts: I wouldn't recommend this one. The main did work but wasn't a must-see match.  The second match was fine and the opener was too long and average.

All Japan Pro Wrestling 8/14/2024 Summer Action Wars 2024 Day 2

All Japan Pro Wrestling 8/14/2024 Summer Action Wars 2024 Day 2

GAORA TV Title Match - Fuminori Abe (c) vs. Seigo Tachibana

Abe headlock takeovers him and gets headscissored, then the same thing repeats with Seigo. They go head to head, slide under the bottom rope and headbutt each other. They trade forearms on the floor and Abe suplexes him on the floor. Abe slaps him then sends him into the rails. Seigo running facekicks him and they go head to again into the seats.

Seigo is sent into the wall in the lobby qand thye both walk up to the higher seating levels. They run at each other in the walkway and Seigo knocks him over. they then head back down and go to the ring. Seigo goes for a pin when Abe gets back in.

Abe punches him in the head and slaps him. Seigo eye pokes him. Abe hits an enzugiri then spin kicks him in the gut. Abe kicks him in the back. They snapmare each other and Abe kicks him in the back. Seigo blocks a PK then STO's him. Seigo atomic drops him then running facekicks him. Seigo then hits a tope con hilo. 

They fight on the buckles. Abe is knocked down then gets back up. Abe superplexes him then Seigo suplexes him. Abe hits a baseball punch. Seigo facekicks him then takes a dropkick. Abe backdrops him and hooks the leg on it for 2. Abe abdominal stretches him then Seigo hits a beachbreak for 2. They trade forearms and Seigo flurries him.

Abe back elbows him and takes a german. Seigo spears him for 2. Abe hits a hurricanrana and Seigo rolls him up off of it for 2. Abe then rolls him up and wins.

The spot with them going head to head around the arena was silly. It was a weird one with them going up into the seats in the very first match and them not being particularly serious. Then they came in the ring and had a normal match. I wasn't a fan of whatever they were trying to do here.

Naruki Doi & Senor Saito vs. Hikaru Sato & Masashi Takeda vs. Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Shotaro Ashino

Saito is MAZADA. Saito takes a double leglock to start and ropebreaks. Satio has new MMA style shorts and Ashino rusia nlegsweeps him. Saito then tries to pin both at once. Saito is thrown out and Sato ankle locks Doi. Takeda basement dropkicks Doi in the head then Ashino overhead beally to belly suplexes Takeda. Ashino headscissors Saito. We get a multi-person headscissors spot and Takeda tries to stab Jiro's head with scissors while doing it.

Sato hits Saito outside and Doi chinlocks Ashino. Doi flipping sentons Ashino then boots him. Doi stomps on Ashino Ashino hits running euros on Doi and Saito in the corner. He then euros Sato and karelin's lifts Saito.

Jiro misses a top rope dropkick after several people just walk away. Jiro takes corner attacks then a doubel suplex for 2. Takeda shoulders Sato over then trades forearms with Doi. Sato overhead suplexes Doi then pulls out scissors. Jiro gets dropkicked by Ashino on accident then Takeda dropkicks Ashino. Takeda tries to use the scissors on Jiro. Jiro hits a jacket punch and is poked with the scissors in the gut. He treats it like he was stabbed with a sword. He then pulls out a Yuma Aoyagi card from his jacket pocket and says the card blocked  the stab. Doi then rolls out Jiro and pins him.

This was all comedy and wasn't that good. It's not that surprising as Japan tends to treat multi-person matches this way.

ELPIDA (Ren Ayabe, Rising HAYATO & Ryuki Honda) vs. Hokuto-gun (Hartley Jackson, Jack Kennedy & Kuma Arashi)

Honda wore a new mask out with his entrance outfit. Honda side headlocks Kuma and they trade forearms. They shoulder battle and Kuma shoulders him over. Honda chokes Kuma on the ropes with his knee while Rising casually lays underneath.

Hart and Rising go at it. A fan yells "JACKSONNNNNN" which I thought was funny. Hart side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Rising is caught on a jump and pulls Hart outside. Rising gets nowhere with a dropkick then Hart knocks him over with a dropkick. Jack shoulders Rising over for 2.

Kuma slams Rising then sentons him for 2. Hart suplexes Rising then elbow drops him for 2. Jack chops Rising down then fallaway slams him. Rising dropkicks Jack twice. Honda lariats and spinebusters Jack for 2.

Honda hits lariats and forearms on Jack. Jack then hits a big lariat. Hart corner splashes Honda. Hart bangs Honda's head off the mat then sentons him. Honda and Hart lariat battle then Honda hits a big lariat. Hart then lariats him down. 

Kuma and Ren fight. Ren facekicks him and they trade forearms. Ren facekicks him. Hart racks Ren then throws him onto his partners. Ren takes a double shoulderblock  then attacks from all 3 opponents for 2. Ren's team makes a comeback with Rising hitting a springboard dropkick and Honda hitting a pounce. Rising then does a springboard plancha on two people outside and Honda does his one arm running powerbomb on Akuma. Ren hits a raging fire/spinning sitout gordbuster and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay tag. It could have been good maybe with a lot more time. Ren really didn't get in until the end here and Jack didn't get a ton in.

All Asia Tag Team Title Match - MUSASHI & Seiki Yoshioka (c) vs. Dan Tamura & Ryo Inoue

SY = Seiki Yoshioka, Mu = Musashi

Dan and Mu get off to a slow start and Mu dodges a lock-up. Mu plays to the crowd and is side headlocked. Mu trips him and basement dropkicks him. SY and Ryo go at it. Ryo hits boots and SY facekicks him. Ryo kicks him in the gut then they trade chest kicks. Ryo running facekicks him.

SY leg lariats Ryo. Ryo takes kicks from both opponents and a double basement dropkick. Dan pulls his opponents down by the hair. Dan hits forearms on Mu and rocks him good with one. Dan hits hard chest clubs. Dan slams him for 2.

Mu is double foot choked in the corner then Ryo slams him. Ryo snapmares him and kicks him in the back. Ryo chest kicks Mu down. Mu and Ryo trade forearms. Mu chops him him up then hits boot flurries him in the corner. Mu then sends Ryo into the rails outside.

Mu foot slaps Ryo then exploders him three times. SY hits corner attacks on Ryo then kicks him in the back. SY PK's him for 2. SY spin kicks Ryo then Ryo flying kicks him. Dan gets in and beats up on his opponents. He suplexes SY for 2. 

Dan corner splashes SY. SY is bridged on the 2nd rope for a top rope double stomp from Ryo. Dan chinlocks SY. SY knees Dan in the face then codebreakers him. Mu hits kicks on Dan then falcon arrows him. SY misses a top rope swanton and Dan lariats SY. Dan death valley drivers SY for 2. Dan powerbombs SY for 2. 

Ryo spinning enzugiri's Mu then they trade high kicks and go down. SY goes for a top rope hurricarana on Dan. Dan tries to block it but falls over. SY high kicks him down for 2. SY hits a top rope swanton on Dan for 2. SY superkicks Dan then takes a big lariat. SY does a la mistica drop on him then rolls him up to win.

Thoughts: It went long and the structure and flow of this one wasn't that good. It just didn't all connect together and keep you invested in the match. There was some decent work here and lots of stiff shots. It probably would have been better as a more compact match. It was okay but could have maybe been really good with more structure. I think the Dan and Ryo team has potential and I'd like to see more of it.

Abe and Seigo come out after with both holding the Gaora TV Title. They seem to challenge for the tag titles.

Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Kento Miyahara vs. Hokuto-gun (Cyrus & Hokuto Omori)

Davey and Cyrus go at it. Davey fornt facelocks him then Cy bangs Davey's arm off his shoulder. Davey hits euros then Cy returns euros. Cy clubs on his back and Davey blocks a chinlock. Davey hit forearms Cy slams him. Cy misses a legdrop then Davey misses one. They stand off.

Omori and Kento get in. Omori back him up on the ropes and clean breaks him. Ken is pulled down by the hair then facekicks Omori. Omori takes a boot to the gut then Ken facekicks Davey on a failed double team. Ken is thrown out and Omori chinlocks him inside.

Omori rolls up Ken and Davey accidentally boots Ken to try and break up the pin. Cy walks on Ken's gut thne headbutts him in the chest. Cy stands on Ken's gut then suplexes him.

Cy hits a world's strongest slam for 2. Ken rolls out of a lariat then dropkicks Cy in the knee. Cy avoids a dropkick to the head and lariats Ken. Cy misses a senton and Davey gets in. Davey boots and corner lariats Cy. Davey hits corner punches then Cy flying single leg dropkicks him.

Omori top rope dropkicks Davey then Ken facekicks Omori. Ken dropkicks Omori in the knee and the side of the head. Ken northern lights suplexes Omori for 2. Ken nails the ref on accident when Omori moves. Davey lariats Ken over on accident then Cy lariats Davey. Kuma Arashi, Hartley and Jack Kennedy get in the ring. They all hit corner attacks on Ken then Cy corner cannonballs Ken.

Omori tries to get Davey to join his crew. Davey agrees and poses with them. Omori talks trash to Ken then Davey hits backdrops on his opponents. Davey sitout powerbombs Omori then Ken straightjacket germans Omori to win.

Thoughts: It was about average. It was slower paced match here. They had Davey and Kento hit each other multiple times on accident then Omori tried to get them to turn on each other. They opted not to and that led to the finish. 

Cyrus throws ring steps in the ring after then teases throwing the bell in.

Kento gets on the mic after to talk to Davey. He presents him an XXL AJPW t-shirt. Davey gets on the mic. He says Kento is the hottest star and says he's the hottest and strongest gaijin of AJPW. Davey says they will get championship gold and says the sky is the limit. He then thanks him for the shirt and Kento says, "X-X-LARGE". Kento and Davey then dance around some after and pose.

AJPW World Tag Team Title Match - Saito Brothers (Jun Saito & Rei Saito) (c) vs. Hideki Suzuki & Suwama

HS = Hideki Suzuki

Rei and Suwama start us off. They lock up and shoulder battle. Suwama is knocked over. HS gets in and shoulder battles Rei. Jun gets in and clean breaks him. Jun shoulders him over. HS hits euros then takes him down by the arm.

Jun slams HS then HS pushes the brothers into each other. Jun takes an enzugiri and a Suwama ddt. Suwama hits back elbows on Jun in the corner then corner lariats him. Suwama belly to belly suplexes Jun for 2. Jun back body drops him and HS.

Rei shoulders over Suwama and chops him. Rei corner splashes Suwama for 2. Suwama flying shoulders Rei. HS headscissors Rei over the top rope. HS then abdominal stretches him and Rei hiptosses him. HS hits a dropkick on Rei then HS monkey flips him. Rei crossbodies HS.

Jun and Suwama get in and collide. Jun running facekicks him then Suwama suplexes him. Suwama throws HS into Jun. Rei is whipped into a corner splash on Suwama then Jun running back elbows Suwama. Rei splashes Suwama and Jun elbow drops him for 2. 

Suwama and Jun trade shots then Suwama hits a big lariat. Rei knocks Suwama over and HS enzugiri's Rei. HS hurricanrana's Suwama on a failed tower of doom spot and Jun top rope diving lariats HS. Suwama takes a double suplex. HS gets slapped then takes a flying knee from Jun.  Rei running forearms Suwama then Jun jackhammers Suwama and wins.

Thoughts: It was a longer and slower paced tag. Nothing was wrong with it but it was just an average match and nothing was too special about it. HS had a better showing than usual here and didn't really get to do his slower boring technical style which helped things. 

The Saito's get on the mic after and are given cookies for winning Ryuki Honda comes down with Ren Ayabe and steals some of the cookies. They appear to challenge for the tag titles then Honda steals the cookies.

Triple Crown Title Match - Yuma Anzai (c) vs. Yuma Aoyagi

Aoyagi is backed up in the ropes and then he reverses a wristlock. Aoyagi headlock takeovers him and Anzai headscissors him. Aoyagi shoulders him over then armdrags him. Anzai armdrags him back, is put in a headscissors and they stand off.

They each hit some shots and Aoyagi dropkicks him. Anzai is sent into the rails outside. He tries to springboard off them but is hit then Yuma guillotine legdrops him over the rail. Anzai's leg is wrapped around the rail then Aoyagi kicks it.

Aoyagi works Anzai's leg and bangs it off the mat. Aoyagi hits kicks to the leg then elbow drops him for 2. Aoyagi 2nd rope crossbodies him for 2. Anzai flips out of a lariat and hits a butterfly suplex. Aoyagi goes out.

Aoyagi is thrown into the rails. Anzai knees him as he hangs over the apron. Anzai stomps on him in the ring then dropkicks him for 2. Anzai hits a corner forearm then a belly to belly suplex for 2. Anzai sleepers him.

They trade forearms. Aoyagi hits a dropkick. Anzai flying forearms him then Aoyagi top rope crossbodies him for 2. Aoyago does a grounded guillotine. Anzai is sat on the top rope and Aoyagi dropkicks him down.

Anzai dragon suplexes him on the apron. They get back in and Anzai flying corner forearms him. Aoyagi then does it back. Aoyagi dragon screws the leg. Yuma backdrops him for 2. They both no sell release germans then both go down after Anzai hits one.

They trade forearms and Aoyagi hits a rock bottom for 2. Aoyagi hits a top rope elbow drop then grounded guillotines him with an armlock. Anzai back body drops him. Aoyagi springboards and takes a flying knee in mid-air.

Anzai germans him for 2. Aoyagi hits an air raid crash for 2 and a fisherman suplex for 2. Aoyagi hits another for 2. Anzai flying knees him then backdrops him. Aoyagi misses a spin kick and is dropped down into a knee to the face. Anzai flying knees him for 2.

Aoyagi is on his shoulders and crucifix bombs him. Anzai misses a knee and Aoyagi does a backroll with a bridge for 2. Aoyagi hits spin kicks and brainbusters him. Aoyagi hits another brainbuster for 2. Aoyagi spinning fisherman's suplexes him and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like this. Aoyagi's legwork went nowhere. A dragon suplex on the apron meant nothing. They no sold some german's and there was no real story here. I also didn't really get having Anzai get so many big wins prior to this only to lose to Aoyagi. The first half also had little of interest.

Aoyagi talks on the mic after and Kento Miyahara comes out to challenge him.

Overall thoughts: There was nothing must see here. The main wasn't good. The tag title match was just average as was the Kento tag. The opener was goofy and the 3-way tag was a joke. I wouldn't recommend this one.

Stardom 9/14/2024 Stardom Namba Grand Fight 2024

Stardom 9/14/2024 Stardom Namba Grand Fight 2024

Mina Shirakawa vs. Saya Kamitani

Saya jumps over a basement dropkick to the knees. Mina ducks her and poses. They play the in and out game with Saya avoiding her. Mina hits a cutter when Saya gets in. Mina running back elbows her then takes a dropkick. Saya poses in a chair in the ring. Mina is tripped into a chair and takes a basement dropkick.

Saya hits boots. Saya snapmares her and chinlocks her. Saya poses on her on the ropes. They trade forearms and Mina step up enzugiri's her. Mina bangs Saya's knee off the mat then pushes both knees into the mat. Mina ducks a lariat and poses then kicks her in the back.

Mina kicks her off the ropes. Mina forearms her then is pulled down by the hair. Saya slaps her around. Mina upkicks and snapmares her then basement dropkicks her in the back of the head. Mina hits a springboard kick for 2.

Saya slaps her and hits a spinning high kick. Saya spinning heel kicks her. Saya boots her out of the corner then 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Saya northern lights suplexes her for 2. Mina cradles her then dragon screws her. Mina backfists her and rolls her into a figure four.

Mina slap flurries her and hits a bad spin kick to the head. Mina lifting ddt's her for 2. Saya backslides her and pins her with her feet on the top rope.

It was short and wasn't anything special. They did a lot of strikes here that didn't always look great and Saya heeled it up some.

They both talk on the mic after.

Hina & Ranna Yagami vs. Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO & Waka Tsukiyama)

Ran dropkicks Hana and hits chest kicks. Hina dropkicks Hana and Ran knocks her over. Waka hits Ran from the apron then Ran is tripped into a boot from Hana. Hana lifts Waka into a butt drop on Ran. Hana splashes Ran for 2.

Hana slams Ran twice. Waka hits hip attacks on Ran. Ran running kicks Waka in the corner then dropkicks her. Hina is tagged in and she dropkicks Waka. Hina hipthrows both opponents. Hina runs at Waka and takes a crossbody.

Hana corner splashes Hina then backbreakers her. Hana kneedrops Hina then Hana tkes a double dropkick. Hina STO's Hana twice. Hina and Hana trade chest forearms. Hana splashes her on the ropes then Hina neckbreakers her. Hana suplexes Hina for 2. Ran is dropped onto Hina for 2.

Hina trips Hana into a pin attempt then Waka flatliners Hina on the ropes. Hana big boots Hina then torture rack drops her on her chest and stomach. Hana then taps her out with a lifting head and arm choke.

Thoughts: Hana's new finisher is underwhelming to say the least. I figured she'd win here since she just returned. It was nothing special and they didn't do anything too interesting in this one. 

Azusa Inaba & HATE (Natsuko Tora, Rina & Ruaka) vs. Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura, Saori Anou, Sayaka Kurara & Yuna Mizumori)

AI = Azusa Inaba, SK = Sayaka Kurara

SK and AI go at it. SK boots her then takes an axe kick. AI foot chokes her and bullies her around. SK hits chest forearms then AI slams her. SK is tied up in the ropes and worked on by the heels. SK is tripled stomped by the heels. SK takes a shoulderblock from Tora.

Ruaka shoulders SK over then crossfaces her. SK hits chest forearms then Ruaka chokes her on the ropes. SK dropkicks her then tags Yuna in. Yuna and Ruaka shoulder battle then Yuna 2nd rope diving shoulderblocks her. Yuna takes a double shoulderblock then she double shoulders the heels over after help from Anou. Yuna legdrops Ruaka for 2.

Thy trade forearms and Ruaka crossbodies her. Ruaka sentons her. Rina gets in and facekicks then basement dropkicks Yuna. Yuna suplexes her with her head under Rina's leg.

Aya spinning heel kicks Rina in the corner when she gets in. Aya hits chest kicks and they trade chest forearms. Aya drops her with a chest kick and slams her. Aya takes a facebuster from AI then a basement dropkick from Rina. Rina STO's Aya for 2.

Rina is double rolled into a basement dropkick and Yuna sliding lariats Rina. Aya northern lights suplexes then triangles Rina. Aya takes corner attcks and Rina northern lights suplexes her with the leg hooked for 2. Rina 2nd rope double knee drops Aya then Yuna sliding lariats Rina.
Tora and Ruaka go into each other on a failed double team then Anou sprinboard dropkicks Tora. Yuna hits a big lariat on Tora and SK dropkicks AI out. Aya 2nd rope flying knees Rina for 2. Aya hits kicks on Rina then Rina hip throws her.

Rina northern lights suplexes Aya. Anou pulls Rina down from the ropes with a fisherman suplex. Rina takes a lariat then a spear from SK. Aya high kicks Rina then triangles her. Aya does a reverse triangle on Rina and taps her out.

Thoughts: It was an okay tag. It was fast paced and everything looked okay. Anou, Yuna and Tora barely got in here at all as this didn't have much time and had so many people in it.

Kohaku & Neo Genesis (Mei Seira & Starlight Kid) vs. STARS (Koguma, Momo Kohgo & Saya Iida)

Kog wants Kid to do her taunt with her but Kid wants to do her own taunt. They argue over this and do their own taunts. Kog rolls her up then Kid armdrags her off the casadora. They then do their taunt at each other and stand off. Mei kisses a dropkick on Saya and Saya misses chops. Mei stomps Saya's foot then Mei takes attacks from her opponents. Mei takes a triple basement dropkick.

Saya hits chops on Mei then chop flurries her on the ropes. Mei 2nd rope dropkicks Saya. Saya is tripped and takes a double basement dropkick. Saya hits Kohaku in the gut then legsweeps her. They trade chest forearms. Saya chest forearm flurries her.

Kohaku punches her off the ropes then Saya 2nd rope diving shoulders her. Momo springboard dropkicks Kohaku. They escape various moves and Momo headscissors her over. Momo hits a 619 for 2. Mei dropkicks Momo then Kohaku dropkicks Momo through the ropes.

Kohaku suplexes Momo for 2. Kohaku forearms her then Momo superkicks her. Momo does a tiger feint ddt. Kohaku is held in the air and takes a double facebuster. Momo lifts her and does a rolling neckbreaker for 2. Momo takes  double kick from Mei and Kid then Kohaku running knees her. Kohaku does a sitout pedigree on Momo and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. They didn't get a lot of time and Kohaku was not impressive whatsoever. Everyone got their section in here and that was it.

God's Eye (Lady C, Saki Kashima & Syuri) vs. HATE (Konami, Momo Watanabe & Thekla)

Kon = Konami, Syu = Syuri, Thek = Thekla

Kon pulls Syu down as she poses on the ropes then PK's her from the apron. The other faces are sent out. Syu and C are sent into the seats then Syu is choked with a chair. C's head is banged off a seat. Momo hair throws Saki in the ring then footchokes her. Thek and Kon then help out.

Saki is sent into the buckles. Thek snapmares her and kicks her in the back of the head. Thek indian deathlocks her then Syu and C break it up. Thek foot slaps Saki and Saki fights back. Thek spin kicks her in the gut and Saki superkicks her. C shoulders over Thek then does a double abdominal stretch on Thek and Kon at the same time. 

C boots thek out of the corner then does a bulldog + lariat combo for 2. Syu running knees Thek then underhook suplexes her for 2. Thek pulls Syu by the hair and Syu hits knees to the gut. Thek limbos out of a lariat and spears Syu.

Syu is tripped into the ropes and takes a boot. Momo then PK's Syu. Momo and Syu trade chest kicks. Syu knees Momo in the gut on the ropes then running double knees her through the ropes. Momo meteora's Syu for 2. 

Syu sunset flips her then germans her. Momo release dragon suplexes Syu and they high kick each other at the same time and go down. Saki and Kon forearm flurry each other. Kon fujiwara armbars her and Syu breaks it up with kicks.

Saki and Syu take hanging submissions over the top rope. Kon 2nd rope dropkicks Saki. Saki takes corner attacks then is high kicked by Momo. Kon PK's Saki for 2. Saki buzzsaw kicks Kon then drops her with a forearm. Kon slaps Saki then C flapjacks Kon. Kon takes a sandwich kick to the back and chest then Saki sitout pedigrees Kon for 2.

Syu pushes the heels into each other and kicks the ref in the chest on accident. Saki tries to pin Kon but the ref isn't there. Momo hits Saki with a bat then Kon germans Saki for 2. Momo high kicks Syu then Kon kicks Saki right in the head. Kon buzzsaw kicks Saki and wins.

This was almost solely focused on Konami vs Saki. Saki was serious here which was nice. It was about average.

Kon gets on the mic after. Saki goes after her and Saki's team clears the heels off. Syu then gets on the mic after and has words for the heels.

Suzu Suzuki vs. Tomoka Inaba

TI = Tomoka Inaba

They miss kicks on each other and TI headlock takeovers her. Suzu does a headscissors and they stand off. TI is tripped and pulled out. Ti is then sent into the seats. Suzu snapmares her on the ramp and running kicks her in the back. Suzu hits a drive by kick on the apron. TI forearms her then is forearmed down. TI pump kicks her.

TI hits running knees to the gut and head. TI then crossfaces her. Suzu running knees her in the corner then hits a top rope dropkick for 2. They trade forearms and TI forearm flurries her. Suzu hits a big forearm and both get pulled down by the hair. They forearm each other then high kick each other at the same time.

TI dropkicks her and hits knees to the head for 2. TI crossfaces her then does just facelock. TI ges on her back and does a dragon sleeper. Suzu ropebreaks.

TI foot slaps her around then pushes her head into the mat. TI buzzsaw kicks her. Suzu hits slaps and forearms then mounted forearms to the side of the head. Suzu hits kicks to the head then TI michinoku drivers her. Suzu release germans her then TI kicks her in the head for 2.

TI hits another michinoku driver for 2. TI misses a head kick and Suzu rolls her up for 2. Suzu hits a tequila shot for 2. Suzu headkicks her for 2. Suzu germans her then holds on for another german and wins.

Thoughts: It really should have been two girls roughing each other up and being nasty with the other. It never really got into that minus a minute or two. It was mostly all kicks and forearms here and we just didn't get the dramatic strike exchanges and fire up spots that you would hope for in that kind of match.  It was an okay match but not the fiery fight it should have been.

STARS (Hanan & Mayu Iwatani) vs. Neo Genesis (AZM & Miyu Amasaki)

AZM and Mayu start us off. They start us off fast and Mayu armdrags her. AZM armdrags her then Mayu does a headloc ktakeover and is headscissored. They both roll up and stare down. Miyu takes down Han then ddt's her. Miyu basement dropkicks her in the back of the neck. Miyu is stipped into the ropes and Han leg lariats her. Han dropkicks her in the back of the neck.

Mayu snapmares Miyu and kicks her in the back. Mayu camel clutches Miyu then Han basement dropkicks Miyu while she's in it. Han slams Miyu for 2 counts. Miyu hits a chest forearm flurry. Miyu boots Han then 2nd rope facebusters her.

AZM corner dropkicks Han then kicks Mayu from the apron. AZM basement dropkicks her. AZM fujiwara armbars Han then Han hip throws her. Mayu is tagged in and top rope dropkicks AZM. AZM and Mayu trade forearms. AZM misses a corner charge and takes a basement dropkick. Miyu uses AZM to tornado ddt Mayu then AZM buzzsaw kicks Mayu for 2.

AZM la mistica drops her then Mayu slingblades her. Han and Miyu get in. Han dropkicks her and Miyu rolls her up for 2. Han 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her and diving euros her for 2. Miyu and AZM do a double basement dropkick on Han and Han takes a ddt.

Han pops Miyu up into a euro then Miyu tornado ddt's her. Mayu hits a nice dropkick on Miyu when helping out Han. Han goes up top and takes an armdrag down from AZM. Mayu 2nd rope superplexes AZM then Miyu 2nd rope ddt's Mayu.

Han and Miyu trade forearms on their knees. Han chest forearm flurries her and Miyu ddt's Han. Mayu superkicks Miyu then Han cuty specials Miyu for 2. Miyu rolls up Han for 2 and tries a bridge pin. AZM suplexes Mayu. Mayu is thrown out and does a tope then Han hits a leg lariat on AZM. Miyu takes a double team pedigree and Han backdrops Miyu for the win.

It wasn't that good as expected. Hanan and Miyu are just not ready for this spot yet and the quality suffered because of it. They didn't botch anything, but they added nothing to this. It's not a new thing or a surprise, but Stardom insists on pushing Hanan and we will have to deal with average matches until they give up on her.

Mayu and AZM seem to set up an IWGP Women's Title match after.

Toni Storm gets on the tron after. She is at home and is speaking Japanese. She asks if Japan and Stardom forgot about her. She says forgotten. She says she won the Stardom title in 2017. She said some people said it was a mistake and she wants to prove it wasn't. She challenges Mayu for the IWGP Women's Title. She says Mayu is the icon of Stardom and she will ruin her life by winning the title. She says Stardom is now timeless. 

Mayu talks on the mic after and seems to accept the challenge. She then brings up AZM's posible challenge.

Wonder Of Stardom Title Match - Natsupoi (c) vs. Hazuki

They go to the mat. Poi side headlock takeovers her, Haz headscissors her and they stand down. Haz slaps her then does rough hair throws. Haz facekicks her then sleepers her. Haz does facewash kicks and Poi face kicks her against the bottom rope. Poi hair throws her around and basement dropkicks her. Poi does facewash kicks then Haz does them back.

Poi does more facewash kicks. Poi dropkicks her through the ropes. Poi does a top rope plancha and just nails seconds as Haz moves. Haz then topes Poi and the seconds. Haz springboard plancha's her for 2 then crossfaces her. 

Haz suplexes her and they trade chest forearms. Haz forearm flurries her in the back of the neck. They fight on the buckles and Poi high kicks her. Poi hits a top rope plancha outside. Poi top rope crossbodies her then goes for an armbar. Poi misses a 180 splash off the buckles and takes a pump kick. They facekick each other and Poi boot flurries her.

Poi slap flurries her and they hit each other on the ropes. Haz release germans her then pump kicks her. Poi spin kicks her. Poi misses a 180 splash off he top and Haz slams her. Haz then hits a 2nd rope senton. Haz hits a top rope senton for 2. Haz crossfaces her.

Haz sits on Poi's back and pulls on her legs. Haz does la magistral for 2. Haz running facekicks her. Poi 2nd rope germans her then hits superkicks. Poi spin kicks her in the face then Poi 180 splashes her for 2. Haz suplexes her for 2. Poi ranhei's her then rolling cradles her and wins.

It was longer and slower than it needed to be. They tried and succeeded in some aspects to have a heated and aggressive match with each other but it could have been better.  I do think they got some of this right but it was not the classic they were going for with the crowd not being very loud. I thought it was mostly good overall.

Poi talks to Haz on the mic after. Thekla comes out, says something in Poi's ear and holds her arm up. Thekla then gives her a shirt. Poi just throws it down and Thekla leaves. 

World Of Stardom Title Match - Tam Nakano (c) vs. Maika

They mat wrestle. Maika side headlocks her. Maika snapmares her and Tam holds on and hits her own. Tam misses a kick and they go head to head. Maika blocks an armdrag, hits her own then is armdragged. They then pose at each other on the mat and stare at each other.

Tam limbos out of a lariat then Maika shoulders her over. Maika slams her twice. Maika corner lariats her and shoulders her over. Maika grounded sleepers her and Tam ropebreaks.

Tam superkicks her then top rope plancha's her outside. They trade forearms on the floor. Maika is sent into the seats. She recovers quickly and they trade forearms outside. Tam clubs on her then Tam is sent into the seats. They trade more forearms and go back in.

Tam hits more forearms. Maika back body drops her over the top rope, perhaps accidentally. Maika forearms her while she is down then Maika misses a diving lariat off the apron. Tam basement double knees her outside.

Tam tries to run down the ramp but her knee gives out then Maika powerslams her on the floor. They get back in and sit on the mat. They kick each other while sitting. Tam maybe hit a hard forearm to the head on accident. Maika misses a sliding lariat against the ropes and takes a pumping knee against the ropes.

Tam backdrops her. Tam does a headscissors + armlock and Maika ropebreaks. Tam tiger suplexes her for 2. Tam spinning high kicks her then Maika powerbombs her when she tries a flying move.

Maika goes for an enka otoshi and is reverse ddt'd off of it. Maika 2nd rope superplexes her then hits multiple suplexes. Maika enka otoshi's her for 2. They fight up top and Tam hits forearms. Maika hits a 2nd rope emerald flowsion/michinoku driver.

Maika michinoku drivers her for 2. Tam falcon arrows Maika for 2. Maika fallway slams her. Tam no sells it and tiger drivers Maika. Maika lariats her over for 1. Tam spinning high kicks her then falcon arrows her for 1. Maika spinning lariats her for 1. Tam high kicks and spinning high kicks her. Tam kicks her in the chest then running knees her for 2. 

Tam ties her arms up and germans her for the win.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of it. They maybe had something going earlier when they were forearming each other and getting rough with the other but they lost it over time. Tam's knee was so hurt at one point that she couldn't get down the ramp then it was forgotten about. They did a bunch of no selling near the end and this was just not that good. Maika should have beat the crap out of Tam. Tam should have survived it somehow, made her comeback and won. It would have been a lot better. Why they had Maika win the GP just to lose here is unknown.

Tam doesher cute pose at Maika after then they talk on the mic. Tam taks to Suzu Suzuki on the mic after and seems ot challenge her. Suzu grabs her by the hair. Tam is pushed over and puts something on the belt.

Overall thoughts: It was a long Stardom PPV as usual. That's no surprise. Suzu/Inaba and Poi/Hazuki were the only real highlights on this one. Both could have been great with some adjustments. They were the only two matches I really liked here. I didn't like the main and Hanan's tag wasn't any good. The undercard was not that good either. I wouldn't recommend this one.

WOW Women of Wrestling 9/14/2024 Season 5, Episode 1

WOW Women of Wrestling 9/14/2024 Season 5, Episode 1

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/wow-women-of-wrestling-972024-season-4.html

It's a new season of WOW. We have new intro music and a new white and black entrance stage with a ramp that looks great.

Dave McClane walks out and welcomes us to the show. Dave brings out Top Tier and has something under a sheet. Top Tier has a new graphic logo. Dave brings some refs in the ring and presents Top Tier with official trios titles. The belts have red straps, with a low of jewels and don't look like the usual WOW belts.

Dave interviews Top Tier. Dave said Coach recommended they get belts. Coach says she knows best. She says trophies are nice but sometimes they break. Dave says like against Ariel Sky's head. Coach says they deserve to be recognized as champs and now they have belts. Coach says they are the greatest team in wrestling.

Lauren Hunkele is out as the ring announcer and Katie Marie Jones is the new ring announcer.

WOW Trios Titles - Top Tier (Coach Campanelli, Gloria Glitter and Kandi Krush) vs Island Girl Kalaki, Chantilly Chella and Holidead

IG = Island Girl

Island Girl is a new wrestler. She has a large hat with feathers, blue hair and blue gear. Holi lariats Kandi over. Coach takes a boot then Gloria tries to crossbody Holi. Holi fallway slams her.

IG armdrags and headbutts Glitter. IG hits a big leg lariat and snapmare drivers her. IG then gets on Glitter's back and pretends to swan and surf. IG is pulled into the buckles. Chella ges in. She has blonde and purple hair, neaw gear and looks good. Chella upkicks Kandi then bangs her head off the buckles.

Chella slingshot sunset flips Kandi and Gloria trips up Chella. Kandi boots Chella then low forearms her in the corner. Coach and Gloria choke Chella in the corner. Coach elbow drops Chella then Chella cradles her. Chella hits leg kicks. Gloria hits knees to the gut of Chella then does jawbreakers.

Gloria lariats Chella for 2. Chella takes a double backdrop and Kandi walks on her. Kandi misses an elbow drop. Holi backbreakrs Gloria and swings her into her partners. Holi hits a triple splash in the corner then hits a nice splash on Coach.

Holi airplane spins Gloria and drops her down. IG does like a quick gutwrench suplex that they call a barrel roll. Chella and Holi are pulled over the top. Gloria double throat thrusts IG then codebreakers her. IG is lifted like a backdrop then is double pendulum dropped down. Top Tier pick up the pin.

Thoughts: It was a decent opener here with everyone looking good. I don't like Island Girl losing on her debut here as that's not a good introduction to her. Chella looks like a new person and I'd say it's an upgrade as she looks good.

Top Tier talk on the mic after. Coach says they remain the trios champ and says "to the greatest team in all of professional wrestling".

Ice Cold vs Fury

I think both have new and improved intro graphics/videos. Fury hits a big lariat to start then hits mounted punches. Fury clubs on her then Ice steps up and knees her in the corner. Ice hits boots to the gut then misses a pendulum double knee in the corner. Fury germans her.

Fury chokes her on the ropes then pumping knees her. They say they have a 24/7 channel on Pluto TV. Fury back hands her then flatliners her. Fury does a reverse koji clutch and Ice rolls her up for 2.

Ice misses a leg lariat and bangs her butt off the mat. Fury clubs on Ice then they swinging facebuster each other at the same time. Ice does a rare asai moonsault and misses. Fury hits a la rosa driver and wins.

Ice throws a fit after, rolling around and screaming.

It was an average match. Nothing was wrong with it but it wasn't great. 

Animal Instinct (Katarina Jinx and Goldie Collins) vs The Mighty Mights (Sugar and Spice)

More new HD videos for the girls' intros here. Kat whips her whip along with her intro music. Spice is in the red and Sugar is in the yellow. Sugar dropkicks her in the knee and is thrown off on a cutter attempt. Spice snapmares Kat and they say Spice is 4'6. Spice crossbodies her then springboards into a casadora bodyscissors takeover.

Sugar walks up the buckles and armdrags Kat down. Sugar monkey flips her then cartwheel splashes Kat. Spice then does a cartwheel splash. Goldie boots Spice and Spice gets her head banged off the buckles. Goldie suplexes Spice for 2.

Goldie boots Spice in the gut. Spice is seated on the 2nd rope and rocks back and forth due to Goldie's forearms. Spice uppercuts Goldie and spinning punches her in the gut. Goldie pulls Spice down by the hair.

Spice is sent into the buckles. Kat and Sugar get in. Sugar hits chest forearms and a double chop. Goldie is rolled up then kicked in the head. Goldie and Kat dosey-do then hit kicks. Goldie puts Sugar on her shoulders in a rack position and Kat does a flipping neckbreaker from it. Kat and Goldie pick up the win.

Thoughts: It was an okay match and there was nothing wrong with it. The heels were heels and the faces were faces. I like Animal Instinct's new finisher.

Ice Cold is in her locker room and is throwing a fit. She throws her cape into the trash can and walks off.

Princess Aussie does a promo backstage. She says Pink thinks she deserves everything while Aussie says she understands you have to earn it. Aussie says she will walk out as the new top contender.

Penelope Pink says here we are again and says Aussie is obsessed with her. Pink says she will get her title back that she never lost and tells Beast to get ready to get in the ring with the best thing WOW has ever seen. Pink says she will see here out there.

Next week has The All American Girls vs Miami's Sweet Heat in a WOW Tag Title match.

Jessie Jones wheels out Abilene Maverick in a wheel chair. Jones gets in the ring and says to cut the music. Jones says she's the #1 contender and is the only person on the roster with a win over The Beast. Dave says there was no victory, Beast never got in the ring due to Abilene Maverick maybe taking her out. Jones says she will watch the match tonight and Dave says she's welcome to do that.

#1 Contender's Match - Penelope Pink vs Princess Aussie

Dave tells Abilene Maverick that she should be healed and out of the wheelchair.

Pink and Aussie shove each other and Aussie is backed up on the buckles. Aussie side headlock takeovers her. Pink headscissors her then shoulders her over. Aussie goes up and over and hits armdrags then trips her. Aussie elbow drops her.

Aussie gets stuck on the 2nd rope and is neckbreakered. Pink trips her then kicks her. Aussie trips her and then they forearm each other down together. Aussie hits lariats and back elbows. Aussie backdrops her.

Pink forearms her against the ropes then buckingham drops her for 2. Aussie hits a neckbreaker while Pink is on the 2nd rope and Lana Starr distracts the ref. Pink hits Aussie from behind and rolls her up for 2. Pink hits a forward flipping dragon sleeper driver and wins.

The match was about average. I kind of expected Pink to win here and wasn't totally surprised. I was surprised Jessie Jones didn't try to disrupt the match though. I really hope Pink wins against Beast but I don't have a ton of confidence in it.

Overall thoughts: I like the new set. It makes the show look fancier and there's some very noticeable upgrades. The show was finebut not great. We got some pre-match promos before the main which I liked and we got a vignette with Ice Cold possibly taking on a new character role. A lot of people weren't on this one, but that's not out of the norm and we'll have to wait a few weeks to see who exactly has stayed and who has not. My guess is that Tiki Chamorro is gone as she was rumored to have quit and Island Girl has a similar gimmick. It's worth seeing if you are a WOW fan as it's a new season with a new look and new ring announcer.