Monday, September 30, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/30/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 9/30/2024

Last week's show is here:

Joe Tessitore and Wade Barrett are in the ring talking as we see wrestlers arrive.

We see Jey Uso with the fans in the concourse then we see him head to the ring. Jey takes forever.

Jey says he's in our city and will fight anyone who wants his IC Title. He talks about his family and says he was just a twin his whole life. He says people know him now though. Jey said he spoke to his mom and his mom said to show him who he is. He said his mom told him to go out and do it and he said he did it.

Bron Breakker comes out. He says he's not here to crash the party, he's out here due to the respect he has for the title. He says he has the same amount of respect for Jey that he has for the IC Title. He said the better man should walk out the champ and sid Jey is the better man. He says he won't attack him but says he felt he should be the first one to congratulate him.

Bron offers a handshake. Jey is skeptical but goes for it. Jey says there's some dogs in Indiana.

Thoughts: It took Jey forever to get down to the ring and talk. I'm not real sure what they were going for with Bron coming out.

We see Dom and Liv with Dom's lowrider. JD and Carlito ask Liv if they have seen Finn. Finn calls Dom and says he's having travel issues. He says ti let iv know the business they have is all taken care of.

Rey Mysterio vs Xavier Woods

They lock up. Woods hits a dropkick after a leapfrog for 2. Rey does an up and over with a headscissors then flying headscissors him out. Rey hits la silla off the apron. 

We go to break and return. They trade kicks. Rey hits back elbows and throws Woods out. Rey asai moonsaults Woods outside. Rey hits a top rope la silla then springboard crossbodies him for 2. Rey hits corner punches then ripcords him into a hurricanrana. Rey misses a 619 and they botch a spot. Woods pulls Rey's mask off on accident then pins him.

Thoughts: The finish was weird and kind of choreographed as Rey unhooked his mask prior to the 619 for no reason. They then botched the final spot in the match. The match wasn't anything too special and was kind of weird with it basically being a face vs face match.

Pure Fusion Collective go up to Lyra Zalkyria. Sonya says it's a shame she will be there alone as they will be out there with Zoey tonight.

Xavier Woods talks to Kofi in the back. Woods said he didn't do it on purpose and expected Kofi to congratulate him. Kofi says Jey Uso offered him an IC Title shot next week. Woods says he will be by his side. Kofi said he told Jey it should be Woods. Woods says he can beat Jey and can be IC champ. Woods says to focus as Kofi still has a match. Kofi says they are going 2 for 2 tonight. Karrion Kross watches in the back and they do their cheer.

Lyra Valkyria vs Zoey Stark

Zoey running spears her in the corner then Lyra armdrags her. Lyra armlocks her and shoulders her over. Lyra side headlocks her then takes a backbreaker. Lyra leapfrogs Zoey, sending her out then Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes.

We go to break and return. Lyra hits forearms then crossbodies her. Lyra hit kicks and hurricanrana's her. Lyra hits a step up enzugiri for 2. Zoey springboard dropkicks her for 2. Zoey hits mounted shots. Lyra blocks a Z360 then germans her. Sonya gets on the apron and is hit. Shayna distracts the ref. Lyra rolls her up for 2 then Sonya running knees her. Zoey barely hits a Z360 and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short one here. It was athletic and not bad at all for the women. I'm not shocked by it either as both girls can go.

The heels go to beat her up after. Carter and Chance come down to help out. Chance has a protective mask on. Carter superkicks Shayna and Sonya. Chance kegstands onto her opponents.

We get a video on Bron vs Braun and we see the NXT wrestlers at a car racing event.

Lyra, Chance and Carter talk in the back. Chance says PFC broke their nose and will get what's coming to them. Chance says they will get the women's tag titles back. Isla and Alba walk in and look like giants compared to these girls. They say the tag titles belong to them and complain about them trying to cut the line. Chance then yells at them.

Adam Pearce is in the ring with security with a cell surrounding the ring. He says he plans on delivering a special attraction at HIAC. He says Punk and Drew will go to war and says their war ends at HIAC. Adam say we have to get through tonight to get to HIAC. He says they will let them fire off one last shot in their war of words. 

CM Punk and Drew McIntyre come out. Drew is wearing a suit. He says he has zero respect for Punk and says his wife will have to feed and bathe him after the show. Drew says it'll be a celebration when he's gone and says he won't come back this time, thanks to him.

Drew says Roxanne Perez worshipped this man but spent a few days with him and realized what kind of man he is. Drew talks about hate and says his will die with Punk. Punk says he's voiceless and has nothing to say to a piece of garbage like Drew. He says he's filled with so much rage when he looks at him that he can't go home. He says he's been living in a hotel for 4 weeks as he won't subject his wife to the man Drew turned him into.

He said Drew turned him into a boogeyman and that's the man he needs to be to send Drew to Scotland in a box. He says Drew will be on his knees and praying to him. He says he will see Drew in hell.

Thoughts: It was a decent segment here. We didn't learn anything new but it did what it was supposed to and they kept it brief. 

Cathy Kelly interviews Braun Strowman. Braun says he's not nervous and will show the word why he's called the monster of all monsters. The Miz comes in. He says Bran interrupted his match last week. R-Truth comes in. He said he doesn't remember getting hit with 5 tsunami's. Braun says he has to go and has problems to handle. Truth didn't tell Miz he was coming and says he doesn't like how Karrion Kross has been picking on Miz. Truth says he got a match with them vs AOP. Truth doesn't know who they are but says The Awesome Truth is back as Miz seems concerned about this match.

Sami Zayn is interviewed. He says Gunther's disrespect has been bothering him and he says he should be used to it by now. He says Gunther saying he is not on his level is a sore spot. He says he knows he's good enough to become the champ. He says Gunther can keep running away but he doesn't go away that easy. He says he is coming for him and won't stop until he gets his chance.

The LWO (Dragon Lee, Joaquin Wilde and Cruz del Toro) vs Judgment Day (Dominik Mysterio, JD McDonaugh and Carlito)

They mention that there's Dominik Mysterio toilet paper being sold now on WWEShop. JD shoulders Cruz over then Cruz hits armdrags. They each miss offense. Cruz top rope crossbodies JD. JD hits corner spears on Wilde.

Wilde knocks down all 3 opponents. The LWO get on the ropes together then all 3 do dives one after the other with Wilde hitting a 450 on Carlito.

We go to break and return. Dom hits punches on Wilde then Wilde ddt's him. Lee flying headscissors JD then rebound germans Dom. Lee pumping knees JD. Lee hits combinacion cabron on Carlito. JD is in tree of woe and his buddies are sent into him. Cruz does a coast to coast dropkick on them for 2.

Wilde does a springboard flip dive to the outside then Lee and Cruz do stereo topes. Wilde goes up top and Finn Balor pushes Wilde down. JD yanks Wilde into a backdrop and wins.

Thoughts: It was average. We had a few dives and not too much else of interest. We just didn't get enough of it and who knows what we missed during the break.

We go to break and Judgment Day is still in the ring. Finn Balor grabs the mic. Finn says he has no heart and says he prove to the world that Priest needed them. Liv said she will prove that she is the greatest women's champ of all time.

Rhea Ripley comes out. She says she knows Dom's dirty secrets and brings out the shark cage. She says Dom is extremely claustrophobic. She says Dom will see that Liv is not as good as her. She says Dom will see her win the title she never lost. Damian Priest the comes in and beats up the heels from behind. Rhea headbutts Liv from behind then sends Dom into the rails. Rhea sends Dom into the shark cage. Liv tries to stop her and runs.

Rhea throws Dom into the cage. Liv attacks Rhea. Priest beats up Judgment Day in the ring then takes a slingblade. Priest takes a final cut and then takes a 3v1. Priest is held for a john woo then Finn hits a top rope double stomp on Priest. The heels then leave Priest laying.

Sheamus says the only thing worse than getting cracked by a bat is getting cracked with it by a guy you called a brother. He said he thought he knocked sense into Butch. He said Butch went too far and will find himself on the end of a fight night. He says Butch is dangerous and says lets play rough if he wants. He says he wants a Donnybrook match with Butch.

We get a graphic for Pete Rose, who passed away today.

Damage Ctrl does a promo. Iyo says they added to the teams they took down last week. She says Jade and Bianca aren't ready for them. Sane says they plan on making them fall and challenge them to a women's tag title match. Sane says then they will take over WWE. Iyo says Damage Ctrl is still the most dominant force in the women's division. She says she will be living in Bianca's head rent free forever when they take back the tag titles.

Chad Gable vs Kofi Kingston

Chad takes Kofi down and rolls him on the mat with the waistlock. Kofi headlock takeovers him then Chad shoulders him over. Kofi flips out of a german then hits a dropkick. Kofi does a body springboard splash on Kofi.

Kofi goes to dive and gets hit. Chad germans him on the floor. Chad's head is bleeding. We go to break and return. Kofi dropkicks Chad off the buckles. Kofi dropkicks him and is caught with an exploder.

Chad backrolls and goes for a german. They try pins on each other and Kofi crucifixes him. Kofi hits a dangerous looking dominator for 2. Kofi comes off the top and Chad ankle locks him. Chad blocks a corkscrew kick with an ankle lock. Chad is sent into the buckles then Kofi hits a ranhei for 2.

Kofi goes out then jumps off the steps onto Chad and The Creed's. Woods jumps off the steps on Julius Creed. Woods trips Chad while Kofi goes for a corkscrew kick. Chad backrolls Kofi into chaos theory and pins him to win.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced and good match between these two and they tied in the Woods/Kofi storyline in it. I liked this one a lot more than I thought I would.

Woods tries to explain what happened after to Kofi. 

Jackie Redmond interviews Bronson Reed. Reed congratulates Seth Rollins and says he hopes he is coming back. He said he took months off of his career and will take years off of his life next time. He apologies to Braun for exposing him for the man that he is. He says he's the last monster standing.

Adam Pearce is talking to security and refs in the back. Gunther walks past them and smirks.

We get another Wyatt's video with words over video with them warning someone not to force their hand or go down this path. We see another QR code and maybe Sarah Logan taking off a hood. 

Gunther comes out to talk. He says life as the world champ is fantastic and he loves every aspect of it. He says he hates having to deal with Sami Zayn though. He says he could not ask for anyone more annoying than him.

Sami Zayn comes out. Sami says there's an easy way to put an end to this and give him his title shot. Gunther says Sami's not on his level but Sami says he beat him at Mania. Sami says Gunther is scared it will happen again. 

Gunther says he's afraid for his reputation. He says losing to him was the biggest embarassment of his career. He said he flew his family over to Mania when he lost to Sami and his dad told him he flew from Vienna to Philly to watch him lose to the bum Sami Zayn. He said Sami's family isued to seeing him fail. Gunther says his family expects everything from him because he's the golden goose of his family and he's special. He says he's something Sami will never be - the world champ.

Sami said he picks himself up when he fails and keeps moving forward. He said Gunther crumbled when he came up short and never asked for a rematch. He said it's all because Gunther's dad made him feel like a loser. He said Gunther's dad is going to see him as a coward now.

Gunther then lariats him and beats him up. Gunther grabs him by the hair and Sami hits punches. Sami struggles to exploder him in the corner but does. Sami runs at him then is caught in a sleeper. Gunther then powerbombs him. Gunther then gives him the match.

Thoughts: It was a pretty predictable segment. I don't think it's smart to officially make a title match at the very last minute like this though. That should have been made a long time ago. 

They also announced that Ilja Dragunov got injured in a match with Gunther and will be out 6-9 months. We'll see how things go after but that's not good news. I'm not totally shocked with how hard Ilja goes in his matches.

Awesome Truth vs The Authors of Pain

Truth hits shots on Razar then flying shoulders him twice. Truth backdrops him and does a five knuckle shuffle. Truth tries to do an AA but can't lift him. Razor dominators Truth.

Karrior Kross stares at Maz from the outside. Truth is double teamed and takes shots to the gut and the back of the neck. Razar is pulled over the top and Truth leg lariats Akam. Miz is tagged in and facekicks Truth, turning on him. Karrion Kross laughs and Miz walks out.

Truth takes a powerbomb + neckbreaker combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: I didn't see that one coming. I kind of liked face Miz. I'm not sure where this leaves Truth now though Awesome Truth had seen better days. We didn't get to see a ton of the match before the turn.

Gunther and Ludwig Kaiser are interviewed. Bron Breakker then walks in and stares at the title. He said he wanted to see it for himself. Gunther says Bron really is a bad @ss. Bron says that's right and says he'll see sooner than he thinks.

Last Monster Standing - Braun Strowman vs Bronson Reed

Braun lariats him as he gets in then Reed crossbodies him. Reed runs at him and goes into the steps. Braun rams the steps into Reed's head then chokeslams him through the commentary table.

We go to break and return. Reed is forearmed off the apron and goes through a 3x3 row of chairs. They fight in the aisle and Bron is sent into the video wall. Braun chairs Reed. They go on some electrical boxes. Reed eye rakes him and death valley drivers him through tables.

Braun throws him over the rails. We go to break and return again. Reed shoulders Braun through two sets of rails. Reed top rope splashes Bron inside.

Reed hits another top rope splash but the ref is outside worried about the front row rail going down. Reed starts beating up security and throws the ref down. Adam Pearce grabs Reed and yells at him. Reed grabs Pearce then guards grab Reed. Braun then does a top rope dive onto everyone outside.

Reed throws a chair at Braun's head. Reed superplexes him and the ring collapses. Seth Rollins comes down and curb stomps Reed into the steps. Reed can't get up before 10 but Braun does and wins.

Thoughts: We missed tons of this one due to various breaks. They weren't PiP breaks either so we really don't know what happened which made it hard to judge. I liked what we saw with both guys busting out stuff they don't normally do and both guys taking big bumps but we didn't see it all.. They pulled out all the stops here. I also liked them tying Seth Rollins into the finish on this one.

Overall thoughts: I enjoyed the show. We got a strong main, Kofi/Chad was decent and there was a lot going on storyline wise. I think they did a decent job building up the Raw PPV matches for Bad Blood here which is later this week though with all the stuff that happened here, Bad Blood kind of feels like a bit of an afterthought. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what they have in store for us next week. While not everything is a smash hit, it really feels like Raw is at the best it has been since The Attitude Era. They didn't waste a single segment here. There's a million different storylines going on and there's a lot of solid in-ring action to back everything up.

WWE Superstars 11/1/2013

WWE Superstars 11/1/2013

Note - I don't have the last three Superstars shows. Hopefully they pop up online someday. The last show I have is here:

Aksana vs Naomi

Ak boots her in the corner then Naomi hits forearms Ak shoulders her over, Naomi leapfrogs and back elbows her. Naomi slams her then legdrops her. Naomi dances and corner splashes Ak.

Ak running forearms her then hits a backdrop. Ak elbow drops her for 2. Ak boots her and chokes her on the ropes with her knee. Ak then does Naomi's dance and pose. Ak side slams her and crawls around. Ak then kicks her while crawling.

Ak pulls Naomi's arms back then chinlocks her. Brodus Clay and Cameron try to cheer Naomi on. Naomi sunset flips Ak for 2 then rolls her up for 2. They then do a double clotheslines.

Naomi flying headscissors Ak then dropkicks her. Naomi high kicks her from the apron and slingshots over her. Naomi then mostly botches a stunner out of the wheelbarrow. Ak gutwrench suplexes her for 2. Naomi hits a hip attack and gets the win.

Thoughts: It started out okay but they got sloppy towards the end and brought it down some. It was still probably better than it should have been though and I felt like both girls tired.

Naomi then dances with her buddies after.

Kofi Kingston vs Santino Marella

They shake hands and Kofi side headlocks him. Kofi flying shoulderblocks him then SM side headlocks him. SM shoulders him over. Kofi leapfrogs then Santino starts slow walking the ropes. Kofi back rolls him then SM legsweeps him. SM hits an armdrag then takes one in return. SM hiptosses him then Kofi hiptosses him back. They then try to dropkick each other at the same time. Kofi kips up and SM tries to as well but falls. The crowd chants "Santino" for that.

Kofi waistlocks him. SM tries to throw him out but Kofi skins the cat. Kofi throws SM out. SM tries to skin the cat but can't. Kofi then pushes him over to the floor.  Kofi then teases hitting a tope.

We goto break and return. Kofi armlocks SM then flips out of SM's monkey flip. Kofi misses a corner splash and SM waistlocks him. Santino pulls on the legs and they stand off. Kofi trips him then does an armlock. Kofi backdrops him and SM kips up. SM splits out of a lariat, hiptosses him and Kofi gets his knees up on SM's splash. Kofi then hits a boom legdrop.

SM avoids a corkscrew kick and goes for the cobra. SM hits him with it and Kofi goes out. SM throws him back in and gets a 2 count. Kofi hits a corkscrew kick when SM goes for the cobra again. Kofi then pins SM.

Thoughts: It was an entertaining bout. I didn't really get the end of this though with Kofi getting hit with the cobra, going out and getting sent in then stopping a second cobra attempt to get in. That hurt the flow of this one and I don't think it would have been a huge deal to give Santino the win.

They shake hands after.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual. There were noticeable technical issues in both matches as the commentators just completely stopped talking for long stretches, so something definitely happened. It was a quick 20 minutes or so of new matches here and the show was fine. Kofi vs Santino would have been really good if they ended it after Santino's cobra attack, but they kept going and it messed the flow up.

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 9/29/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 9/29/2024

Last week's show is here:

Akuma, Los Gemelos Diablos I and II vs Hijo de Villano III, Villano III Jr and Zandokan Jr.

Hijo = Hijo de Villano III, V3 = Villano 3 Jr., Gem = Either Gemelos Diablos as they look the same

1st Fall - V3 has tattoos and Hijo doesn't. Zand and Akuma go at it. Akuma bites the hand and Zand pulls the hair. Akuma trips him and bangs Zand's head off the mat. They then get up and stand off. Zand, snapmares and armdrags him out. The 6 men stand off outside. Hijo and a Gem go at it. Hijo has new tights.

Gem side headlocks him and is tripped and taken down. Hijo rolls out of a wristlock and armdrags him. Hijo flying headscissors him then Hijo chops him. Gem misses a corner charge and takes a lariat. Hijo flying elbows him off the top.

V3 gets in. He flips over Gem's back, ducks a crossbody and running knees him. V3 goes to springboard but gets swept by a Gem. All 6 fight outside and Hijo gets sent into the post. Gem pulls V3's arms back and Akuma chokes Zand on the ramp.

V3 is catapulted into Akuma's spear and pinned. Akuma's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Akuma boots V3. V3 is double hiptossed into the ropes and thrown down, then he takes a basement dropkick. Zand is kicked in the leg on a double team then is abused on the ropes. Zand takes a corner lariat then a Gem and Akuma are popped up onto him as he lays on the top rope rope. Hijo gets triple teamed and takes a triple basement dropkick from the reverse tree of woe position.

Zand takes corner lariats. Zand lifts Hijo into a headscissors on a Gem then Zand double lariats Akum and a Gem. V3 springboard dropkicks Gem and Zand crossbodies a Gem off the apron. V3 step up knees Akuma in the corner then is popped up into a basement dropkcik on a Gem. Hijo does his 2nd rope drop down moonsault and V3 does a seated springboard moonsault off the handstand. Hijo and V3 pick up pins to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Akuma takes corner attacks and a spin kick to the gut. Akuma takes a triple basement dropkick. A Gem takes a step up knee then Hijo top rope splashes Gem on the apron. Zand chops up a Gem. A Gem is held in the air and takes a springboard double stomp from V3.

Akuma takes a running triple gorilla press slam into the ring for 2. A gem cradle shocks Zand for 2. A Gem takes a bronco buster then V3 is flipped into a cannonball on a Gem. Hijo is held for a codebreaker from Akuma. Hijo then takes a double team powerbomb for 2. All 6 men pair off and fight.

A Gem and Akuma are pulled over the top then take asai moonsaults from The Villanos. A Gem suplexes Zand for 2. Zand powerslams a Gem then The Villanos hit stereo tope con hilos outside. Zand back body drops a Gem into a sitout bomb and pins him. Zandokan's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: The first fall was a little slow here. The Villanos did a lot more flying than usual since they were faced. I liked this one.

Euforia, Averno and Valiente vs Atlantis Jr., Esfinge and Hechicero

1st Fall - Euf beats up Hech on the ramp before it starts. Val's team beats up on the faces and Euf facekicks Hech outside. Euforia is maskless here after losing it against Hechicero. Euf lariats Hech and Val bites Esf's foot. Hech is triple teamed and Av bites his hand. Euf hits punches on Hech.

Esf takes a kick to the leg and Val boots Esf's leg. Atlantis is triple teamed and takes corner attacks. Atlantis then takes a facekick from Euf and is pinned. Hech has his mask pulled on and untied. Euf rips off Hech's mask and Val joins in. Esf takes an elevatd pedigree and is pinned by Val. Valiente's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Av beats up Atlantis in the ring and Esf is crotched into the post. Atlantis gets triple teamed and kicked in the leg. Val back elbows Hech then elbow drops him. Av knee chokes Esf. Esf is triple stomped on.

Esf corkscrew kicks Euf and Hech step up knees Euf. Atlantis hits tilt-a-whirl backbreakers on 2 opponents and Hech headscissors drops Av.  Esf springboard splashes Val and pins him. Esfinge's team wins the fall. 

3rd Fall - Esf and Hech argue and Atlantis and the ref try to play peacemaker. Hech and Euf chop each other. Hech dropkicks him then they lariat each other down. Val helps out Euf and bangs Hech's arm over the top rope. Hech powerslams Val then flapjacks Av on top of him. Hech then rolls Av around the ring. Euf breaks it up.

Atlantis takes double team stomps from Av and Val. Atlantis flying headscissors Av then step up enzugiri's Euf. Atlantis monkey flips Val then hits triple tilt-a-whirl backbreakers on the heels. Av corner lariats Esf then Esf does it to him. Esf supekricks Av. Esf superkicks Val and Euf dropkicks Val on accident. Esf springboard dropkicks Euf out then hits a tope con hilo. Val runs the ropes and is superkicked by Atlantis. Atlantis topes his partner Esfinge when Val moves. Hech headscissors drops  Av. Euf pulls the ref out on the pin then Val pulls off Hech's mask. Val then pins Hech to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: I didn't like the finish. It should be a DQ to mess with the ref period, yet alone on a pin. It was okay otherwise with them continuing the four-way Hech vs Euf vs Val vs Esf feud. They made sure you knew these guys are rivals and don't like each other.

Templario, Flip Gordon and Volador Jr. vs Soberano Jr, Angel de Oro and Niebla Roja

1st Fall - Roja is the heavier and lighter skinned one compared to Oro. Sob and Flip go at it. They do some mat wrestling and Flip front facelocks him. Flip headflips out of a wristlock and Sob ties his leg up. Flip does a headlock takeover and is put in a headscissors. Sob trips him and rolls him. Sob rolls him while tying upthe legs and Flip goes for a pin.

Sob trips Flip then Flip leglocks him. They then roll into the ropes. Sob trips Flip then bow and arrows him. Sob offers a handshake but pulls his hand away. vol and Oro go at it. Vol counters a double team and flying headscissors Oro. Vol then flying headscissors Sob out. Flip topes Sob and Oro boots Vol. Roja hits leg kicks on Temp.

Temp 2nd rope powerbombs Roja and pins him to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Oro and Temp go at it. Temp flying shoulderblocks him. Temp gets kicked by Roja while running the ropes then is double stomped on. Temp superkicks Oro then powerslams Roja. Temp powerbombs Oro on Roja. Sob is caught by Temp off a crossbody. Temp flying headscissors Sob out.

Flip moonsaults in. Oro and Flip trade chest chops. Flip moonsaults over him then 2nd rope corkscrew slingblades him. Flip springboard dropkicks Roja off the apron and corkscrew kicks Sob. Flip moonsaults over Sob then Flip springboard headscissors Sob out. Flip topes Sob.

Temp top rope double crossbodies Oro and Roja. Temp then powerbombs Oro while Vol backcrackers Roja. Temp and Vol then get double pins and win the match in 2 straight falls.

I was surprised the match was won in 2 straight falls but it ends up leading to a title match I believe so that's why it happened. It wasn't a great main and everyone clearly took a night off here as they often do in these mains. Vol + Sob + Arena Puebla is a recipe for laziness most weeks.

Overall thoughts: The opener or the 2nd match was the best match on here but neither was perfect. The main was a lazy waste of time and far from anyone's best efforts. I wouldn't recommend this.

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 9/29/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 9/29/2024

Last week's show is here:

Drew Abenhaus and Lucky P. Larson welcome us to the show and run down the show.

Sean Santel vs Bobby D

They lock up and Bob wristlocks and headlocks him. Sean wristlocks him and Sean fireman's carry takeovers him. Bob armdrags and armlocks him. Sean side headlock takeovers him. Bob hammerlocks him and Sean reverses it. Bob fireman's carry takeovers him. Bob lifts him up by the arm then Sean does a shoulder throw on him.

Sean does an armlock and Bob side headlocks him. Bob hits a fisherman's suplex out of nowhere and wins.

Thoughts: It was a little slow but they had a technical match with Bobby winning with a surprise move. I did like the finish here and technically it was fine.

Curtis Wylde and Wildfire are interviewed. Curt says Billy McNeil isn't out here as he is getting focused in the back. He says Billy is described as fun loving and crazy but says Billy is violent tonight. He says Billy isn't happy about the haircut. He says he didn't come out with Billy during his hair match as Billy's a man and had a beef to settle. Curt says Glenn Williams couldn't get the job done by himself. He says when you take a man's hair, you take some of his identity and manhood. He says revenge will be sweet as they pick Glenn and Trent apart. He says tonight is personal and says they take their identity and manhood. He says tonight they get good for Billy.

Thoughts: This was a really good promo here by Curt and put over Billy getting his hair cut well.

The Big Texan vs Richard Shaw

Shaw nails Texan as he poses then he pounds on him in the corner. Texan hiptosses him and slams him. Texan stomps on him and throws him out. Kowalski comes out and slaps Shaw to try and hype him up. He asks him what he's doing and Shaw fires up.

Shawn runs in and flurries on Texan, then bites him. Texan boots him out of the corner and hits a big lariat to win.

Thoughts: It was short but fun with Shaw hyping up and then getting stopped right after. Poor Richard Shaw of these days he's gonna get that W.

Promoter's Corner

Herb Simmons interviews The Big Texan. Texan says there's some kind of contract signing on October 5th. He says he feels like he has been doing great things for SICW. He says it's a great company and says he heard Stephen E. is getting his claws into Herb. Texan asks him what he's fighting for and what's going on.

Herb says there will be an agreement. He says E doesn't have his claws in him and Texan asks about the photos online of Herb shaking hands with Stephen E. Herb says his health hasn't been too good and said he missed his first show recently. He says everyone reaches a point where they have to make tough decisions. Herb says he's getting hit from all directions. He says an NDA has been signed. He said sometimes you have to make a deal with the devil to better what you have. Texan asks if him if that's why he gave Herb's wife a bracelet.

Herb says that was a surprise. Herb says he can't disclose everything and said a lot of people are calling him about this. He says he's not giving in but says SICW has to continue and says it will continue on. Texan isn't happy with the response. He says he won't be so proud of SICW if a guy who throws fireballs and injures wrestlers at the helm.

Herb says his attorney will be there and expects Lucky P. Larson to be there for Stephen E. He says to concentrate on his match. Texan says it will be hard to do that until he knows his situation. Texan says many people have Herb's back.

Herb talks about an agreement being signed on 10/5. He says everyone will have time to take it in and says Texan will have time to take it in. Herb tells him to concentrate on his match and said he hopes everyone will understand if it happens the way it is supposed to happen. He says everyone makes wrong choices and if this is one of them, he has to live with it.

Texan tells him to think long and hard before the decision comes out and tells him to think long and hard about this. Herb says SICW needs a champ it can be proud of.

Thoughts: A little lengthy but it definitely made you want to see what's going to happen on 10/5. 

Kowalski, The Professionals and Lucky P. Larson (The Dogtown Underground) are interviewed. Larson says Big Texan has run as far as he could but the big iron man has caught up with him. He says the Classic Title is coming home to The Dogtown Underground. He says Texan tried to escape last time and can't run this time in a Falls Count Anywhere match. Larson says he knows Kowalski is the next SICW Classic champ. Larson says he doesn't want to talk about being handcuffed to the ring during it and tells Herb to extend the belt so it can fit around Kowalski's waist. 

SICW Tag Titles - Curtis Wylde and Billy McNeil (c) vs "Trending" Trent Daniels and Glenn Williams

The faces jump on the heels to start and the four pair off to fight. They all go outside and Glenn/Trent are sent into each other. Billy chokes Trent with his knee and hits forearms. Curt boots Trent in the gut then slams him. Billy elbows Trent off the buckles in the bck of the neck.

Billy goes after Glenn and gets him from behind by Trent. Glenn sliding lariats Billy and Trent pounds on Billy. Trent pulls Billy's arms back. Glenn single arm ddt's Billy. Trent footchokes Billy in the corner and chops him. 

Glenn works on Billy in the corner and Trent chokes Billy there. Billy pumping knees Glenn. Trent suplexes Billy then Billy hits a step up enzugiri. Curt hits punches on Trent then back elbows him. Billy suplexes Trent.

Billy uses the ropes to bulldog Trent for 2. Trent eye rakes him then takes a chinbreaker. Curt spinebusters Trent for 2. Curt spinning backbreakers Trent. Billy ha Glenn tied up in the ropes. The ref tries to stop it and Billy pushes the ref, causing a DQ. Billy beats up Glenn while he's tied up in the ropes then stands on his neck. Glenn is laying on the 2nd rope and Billy elbow drops him off the buckles as another ref comes down to stop this.

Billy attacks Glenn more after.

Thoughts: They got this one right here with Billy going after Glenn and being willing to be DQ'd for it. It made sense and fit the storyline of Billy wanting revenge on Glenn for the haircut. 

The Big Texan is interviewed. He has 2 belts here as he's the SICW Classic champ and the Shriners champ. Texan says he's been the face of SICW for over a year and did it without cheating, stealing or lying. He says anything goes on 10/5. He says when you are the champ, you gotta stay on top of the mountain and he's not falling down. He says he will pin Kowalski like he has done many times. He talks about the contract signing that Herb is doing.

He says he's been kicked out of many companies but Herb let him in. he says he can't imagine working for someone else. He begs Herb not to do anything with Stephen E. Texan says he doesn't want to work for Stephen E. and may be a disgraced champ if that were to happen.

Kowalski vs "Night Train" Gary Jackson

Gary ducks Kowalski to start. Gary hits elbows to the head and headbutts him. Kowalski misses a corner splash and Gary hits more shots to the head. Gary jawbreakers him and hits forearms. Kowalski blocks an irish whip and lariats him. Kowalski misses a big splash then Gary rolls him up for 2.

Kowalski rams him in the corner then Lucky P. Larson chokes Gary from the outside. Kowalski chokes Gary and hits a big slam. Kowalski legdrops Gary's arm then stands on it. Kowalski his double throat thrusts then hiptosses him.

Gary hits shots to the gut. Gary gets his knee up on Kowalski's corner charge then chokes him on the ropes. Gary coconut crushes him then dropkicks him in the corner. Gary knee drops Kowalski. Gary gets his feet up on Kowalski's charge. Kowalski goes back and falls into the ref.

Peyton Ayres and The Professionals come out to beat up Gary and triple stomp him. Big Joe Helms comes out to help Gary. Ron Powers and Danny Boy Hawkins then come out with chairs and the heels leave.

Thoughts: It was a simple, slower paced match and wasn't too interesting. It was pretty much there to lead to the faces chasing off the heels at the end.

Drew interviews Gary, Danny, Ron and Joe. Ron says he doesn't know what he will do at this point but tells Herb to watch what he signs and to watch his back. Danny says we've got unity and says they've got the equalizers in chairs for the heels. Danny says he will be there for Herb. Gary runs down his rules saying they will win, won't lose and will be there for Herb then says "don't forget the rules". Gary says they have Herb's back and will take him to the promised land. Joe agrees and says tells Herb to watch what they are signing. Ron says to line them up as they will knock them down.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show. They really hyped up the 10/5 show well and made you want to know what the announcement is going to be. I liked the tag title match best here and the Shaw/Texan match was entertaining.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 9/29/2024 Destruction in Kobe 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 9/29/2024 Destruction in Kobe 2024

Tiger Mask, Tomoaki Honma & Yuji Nagata vs. Dragon Dia, Ryusuke Taguchi & Shota Umino

Yuji wristlocks RT. RT reverses it then takes an upkick. RT hip attacks him in the back of the neck. RT misses a hip attack and is kicked in the gut. Yuji facekicks and exploders him. Yuji crossfaces him and RT ropebreaks.

Honma hits shots on RT. Tiger knee drops RT and they trade chest chops. RT tries hip attacks and is kicked in the butt. RT jumps into an atomic drop and hits a roll into a hip attack. Dia dropkicks Tiger in the knee then legsweeps him. Dia standing moonsaults Tiger for 2.

Dia headscissors Tiger out of the corner then Tiger tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Dia step-up enzugiri's him then Tiger hits a tiger driver. Shota and Honma fight. Honma shoulders him over then misses a headbutt drop.

Honma takes a hip attack + neckbreaker combo. Shota facekicks Honma then takes a headbutt. Honma falling headbutt drops him for 2. RT gets in and hits hip attacks. Dia then helps him do a double hip attack.

Honma rolls up Shota then Shota dropkicks him. Shota hits a double underhook ddt and wins.

Thoughts: It was your usual opener. RT wasn't totally serious here as usual and there wasn't a ton of time for this. Everyone got their segment in and not a lot else.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Hiromu Takahashi & Yota Tsuji) vs. United Empire (Callum Newman, Francesco Akira & Jeff Cobb)

Yota and Cobb stare down. They lock up and Yota is backed up on the ropes. Yota side headlocks him then Cobb shoulders him over. Cobb hits a big forearm and blocks Yota's headscissors. Cobb throws him on a slam. Cobb goes for a spin cycle backdrop but Yota armdrags him and shoulders him over.

Cobb sends Bushi and Yota into each other and double crossbodies them. Cobb steps on Bushi then CN gets in. CN suplexes Bushi then kips up and PK's him. Bushi boots him out of the corner then 2nd rope diving headscissors him.

HT flying headscissors CN then corner lariats him. HT basement dropkicks him. HT superkicks him then takes an enzugiri. Akira and HT chop each other up. Akira germans him.

HT takes corner attacks then is pop up dropped on his chest. Akira headkicks him. Yota and Cobb trade forearms. Yota does a nice spinning armdrag then Cobb hits a muso. Cobb standing moonsaults him. Akira's knee gives out on him and HT drops Akira on the knee. Bushi topes CN over the rails then HT taps out Akira with some kind of cloverleaf legbar.

It seems like Akira got injured here as the knee selling stuff felt out of nowhere. It was on the shorter end of things and nothing was wrong with this one. The Cobb/Yota sections looked good and made me want to see that one.

Cobb and Yota have words for each other after.

Hirooki Goto vs. Gabe Kidd

Gabe nails Goto backstage before he comes through the entrance and shows the camera man. He pounds on him backstage then beats him up on the ramp. They trade on the ramp and Goto sends him into the ring. Gabe then lariats him over the top to the outside. Gabe sends him into the rails and they fight in the seats.

Goto is rammed into a wall and choked and both are counted out. Gabe says he's taking his life for taking out his partner. He says this should restart as a No DQ match.

Non Title No Disqualification Match - Hirooki Goto vs. Gabe Kidd

Goto running lariats him and they trade forearms in the crowd. Goto gets sent into the post and takes a brainbuster. Gabe slaps him then Goto lariats him over. Gabe corner lariats Goto then takes one. Goto backdrops him. Goto hits an ushigoroshi.

They lariat battle and Gabe lariats him over. Gabe backdrops him. Gabe tries to stab him with something but misses then Goto spinning heel kicks him. Gabe rolls him up and they trade forearms. Gabe bites his head and suplexes him. Goto lariats him then hits a GTW for 2.

Goto hits a shouten kai then slices him over the knee to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't much of a match. The spent the first half of this whole thing outside and then got in and just stuck to brawling. It's a shame as if they would have let them go out and do their thing, it would have been good. 

TMDK (Kosei Fujita, Ryohei Oiwa & Zack Sabre Jr.) vs. Just 5 Guys (SANADA, Taichi & TAKA Michinoku)

Tai and Oiwa go at it. They shoulder battle then trade forearms for leg kicks. Tai facekicks him then is shouldered over. Oiwa armdrags and armlocks him. Oiwa sends Tai into his partners then Oiwa dropkicks him.

Sanada and Zack fight. Sanada flips out of a snapmare and they each go for pins. Zack rolls and bridges out of a wristlock. Zack then upkicks him while in the wristlock. Sanata asai moonsaults into a dragon sleeper but Zak reverses it. Sanada goes for a bridge pin then Zack does one on him for 2. Sanada backrolls him for 2.

Zack twists his neck with his feet then Sanada russian legsweeps him. Kosei and Taka go at it. Kosei hits a big slap then springboard dropkicks him for 2. Taka step up knees him then running knees him for 2. Kosei step up enzugiri's Taka.

Taka takes offense from all 3 opponents then takes an olympic slam from Oiwa. Oiwa sleepers Taka then spinning lariats him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter trios match. Oiwa got the win here which was nice. Zack doesn't really feel like any more of a big main eventer than he did before the G1. I'm not real sure where Oiwa fits in with TMDK and we'll have to see where things go. It was fine.

NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Title Match - Hiroshi Tanahashi, Oleg Boltin & Toru Yano (c) vs. House Of Torture (EVIL, SHO & Yujiro Takahashi)

Oleg has a new black robe I think and Tana has a shorter black jacket. The faces get hit as Tana poses.

Tana is tripled teamed by the heels and does a triple twisting crossbody off the 2nd rope. Evil is sent into the exposed buckle. Yano hits Yujiro and Sho in the back of the head then Togo hits Yano with a turnbuckle pad.

Everyone goes outside to fight and Yano is sent into the rail, knocking the ring announcer over. Evil and Sho talk trash on the mic then Evil tries to pin Yano with a foot on the chest. Yano is sent into the exposed buckle by Yujiro.

Yujiro baseball slides Yano then Sho works on Yano's fingers. Sho foot slaps Yano. Yano grabs him by the hair then pulls him down by it. Oleg gets in and shoulders over Sho. Oleg hits a double suplex then Oleg splashes Sho. Sho tries to spear Oleg but he doesn't budge. Oleg then karelin's lifts Sho.

Oleg splashes the exposed buckle when Sho moves. Sho and Oleg trade chops. Oleg hits a big chop on Sho then Sho dropkicks him in the knee. Oleg dropkicks him then Tana flying forearms Yujiro. Tana 2nd rope swantons Yujiro for 2.

Tana takes corner attacks from the heels. Tana nearly takes a chop to the crotch but it is stopped. Tana then 2nd rope chops Yujiro in the crotch. Tana slingblades Yujiro and has it won but Sho pulls the ref out.

Togo comes in with a weapon and takes a dragon screw. Tana dragon screws Sho and Evil then hits a twist and shout on Yujiro. Tana slingblades Yujiro then goes up top. Ren Nariuat comes out and hits Tana with the push-up bar.

Tana is triple teamed then El Phantasmo comes out to help with new looking hair. ELP hits his CR2 on Yujiro and Tana top rope splashes Yujiro to win.

Thoughts: It was your usual HoT BS with them pulling out the ref and not getting DQ'd then multiple people running in to fight. It wasn't that bad up to it but the match just had to be ruined as usual.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match - DOUKI (c) vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru

They lock-up. YK boots him then Douki flying headscissors him. Douki springboard back elbows him then baseball slides him into the rails. YK is sent into the rails. Douki tries to do a handstand handspring on the apron but is caught and dropped on his knees.

YK bangs Douki's knee off the mat outside. YK drops Douki's knee onto his knee several times. YK wraps Douki's knees around the post then bangs his leg off of it. YK kicks him while he's down. The ref gets hold on Douki's leg and Douki's legs are split by YK and the ref.

YK stomps on Douki. Douki hits chops then flying double chops him. YK is sent out then Douki plancha's him. Douki asai moonsaults him outside. Douki suplexes YK for 2. Douki goes for a double arm triangle and YK goes for a pin. Douki slingshots and takes an atomic drop off of it. Douki is then sent into the post. YK and Douki are on the apron. YK lifts Douki's leg and bangs it off the floor. 

Douki is dropped on the mat on his knee then YK figure fours him. YK is caught off the 2n rope then Douki hits a northern light suplex. Douki's knee gives out on the pin attempt. Douki hits a gori bomb for 2 then the douki chokey. YK ropebreaks.

Douki cradles and crucifixes him then puts the douki chokey on. Sho gets on the apron and distracts the ref. Douki goes after him. YK spits whiskey in Douki's eyes then corner lariats him. YK top rope moonsaults him for 2.

Douki germans him then YK figure fours him. YK 2nd rope diving ddt's him. Douki step up enzugiri's him then lariats him. Douki hits Sho on the apron and topes him. Douki slingshot ddt's Kanemaru for 2. YK rolls him up then takes a running lariat. Douki wheelbarrow's him into a dragon suplex and wins.

Thoughts: Eh. The interference didn't add much to this. Kanemaru worked the knee a bit here. I didn't think it was that great and could have been a bit more focus.

Sho takes Douki's title after and has words for him on the mic. He says he's the next challenger for the title and says he will smash the title if Douki doesn't agree. Douki says Sho has tarnished the title and says he will accept the challenge. Sho returns the title then hits him with a wrench. Sho is then chased off.

NEVER Openweight Title Match - HENARE (c) vs. Shingo Takagi

They collide with shoulders to start and trade forearms. Shingo back elbows him then both get shouldered over. They bang each others heads off the apron. Shingo is sent into the rails and Henare headbutts him.

Henare knees him in the gut then flying shoulders him over. Henare sentons him for 2. Henare does a grounded cobra twist. They trade forearms. Henare snapmares him and kicks him in the back.

Shingo blocks a PK. Then hits an elbow, punch and lariat. Shingo sentons him. Shingo hits a punch and chop combo. Henare no sells it and hits his own strike combo. Henare corner lariats him then Shingo shoulders him over. Shingo suplexes him for 2.

Henare blocks a sliding lariat then hits shots to the body. Henare berzerker bombs him for 2. Shingo hits shots and ddt's him. Henare then takes a ddt on his head. Shingo superplexes him. Shingo hits a sliding lariat but Henare rolls through and knees him in the head. They headbutt battle on their knees then get up and trade headbutts. They trade chops for kicks. Henare pop-up samoan drops him.

Henare uranages him for 2. Henare full nelsons him then Shingo hits a made in Japan. Shingo hits downward elbows to the shoulder then sliding forearms Henare in the back of the head. Henare 2nd rope enzugiri's him then is lariated. They headbutt each other and both go down. 

Henare headbutts him and step up knees him in the corner. Henare PK's him for 1. Henare hits a big spear for 2. Shingo takes a big forearm, takes some back and hits a half-nelson suplex. Shingo hits a forearm combo then a spin kick. Henare hits lariats. They headbutt battle and knock over each other. Shingo lariats him in the back of the neck.

They slap each other. Shingo headbutts and forearms him. Shingo headbutts him and knees him in the head. Shingo lariats him for 1. Shingo running lariats him for 2. Shingo basically hits a nasty botched burning hammer and wins.

Thoughts: It went longer than it needed to and was a bit slower than it needed to. This was all about various strikes and lariats and not much else. I liked it, but it didn't really get to the next level and it may have been better if it were shorter.
IWGP Global Heavyweight Title Match - David Finlay (c) vs. YOSHI-HASHI

DF backs him up on the ropes and hits him. DF side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Yoshi side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Yoshi hits forearms and chops. DF drops him on the ropes throat first and hits mounted punches.

DF stands on his throat then euros him. Yoshi is sent hard into the buckles. DF lariats him over the top and goes with him. Yoshi's head is banged off the apron several times. They fight on the ramp and DF gets suplexed on it.

Yoshi running dropkicks him on the ramp and sends him rolling down it. DF is then sent into the apron edge and bangs his head. Yoshi tope con hilos him then top rope blockbusters him.

Yoshi hits forearms and chops then DF pounces him into the rails. DF powerbombs him into the post. DF throws him on a suplex and takes off a turnbuckle pad. DF is thrown into the post shoulder first. Yoshi lifts him and drops him on his chest and gut.

They trade forearms on their knees then get up and trade. Yoshi superkicks him then DF backbreakers him. DF dominators him for 2. Yoshi ddt's him off the power bomb attempt and DF uranage backbreakers him. DF is hurricanrana'd into the buckles and takes a crucifix bomb.

Yoshi ties up both of DF's arms. DF tries to hit him with a shillelagh but Yoshi gets rid of it. Yoshi then hooks a hammerlock in and DF ropebreaks. Yoshi dragon suplexes him then DF lariats him. They lariat each other at the same time then DF is flipped with a lariat. Yoshi suplexes him.

Yoshi hits a top rope swanton on DF and for 2. Yoshi flips him but takes a stunner out of it. Yoshi cradles him for 2. DF hits oblivion for 2. Yoshi takes a buckle bomb and DF spinning forearms him. DF powerbombs him for 2.

Yoshi blocks overkill then takes a pop-up powerbomb. DF then hits overkill to win.

Thoughts: It was a good match. Yoshi was a good underdog here and made you believe he could win. He almost did too. I wish DF would do less high impact offense though. He shouldn't be doing dominators and powerbombs as he's not some big muscle gut and it just doesn't come across right. Yoshi continues to look like one of the best wrestlers in the company and I'm not real sure why they just didn't have him win here.

DF motions Goto to come after and holds the title up in his face.

IWGP World Heavyweight Title Match - Tetsuya Naito (c) vs. Great-O-Khan

Khan firemans' carry takeovers him early. Naito headscissors him and armdrags him. Khan misses a pump kick and both pose. They do some mat wrestling. Naito grabs a headlock then Khan grabs the arm. They stand off.

Khan headlock takeovers him then side headlocks him. Naito atomic drops him and throws him down backwards. Naito back elbows him and takes a dropkick to the knee. Khan wraps Naito's leg around the ropes. Khan pulls on the leg and Naito ropebreaks.

Naito hits shots then Khan ties up both legs. Khan hits mongolian chops and an uppercut. Khan sits on Naito's neck in the corner then gutwrenches him for 2. Khan pulls the leg nd hits facekicks. Naito dropkicks him in the knee. He armdrags him the baseball slides him in the back of the neck. Naito reverse ddt's him on the knee then neckbreakers him. Naito then does both moves again.

Khan leglocks him then shoulder throws him. Khan shoulder throws and monkey flips him. Khan then hits a double underhook suplex. Khan leglocks him. Khan kneebreakers Naito on the knee then sleepers him. Naito tornado ddt's him and Khan goes out.

Khan is thrown into the rails. They go up the ramp and Naito neckbreakers him. Naito does a koji clutch. Naito then diamond dusts him off the buckles. Khan sheep killer suplexes Naito then leglocks him.

Khan pump kicks him then Naito rolls him up for 2. Khan hits a straight punch. They fight on the buckles and Naito hurricanrana's him off the buckles. Khan backbreakers him and Naito hits destino. Khan flatliners him. Naito hits another destino for 2. Naito hits another destino and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like this that much. They focused on leg work that went nowhere. The match was very slow paced all throughout and didn't have a lot of excitement to it. The finishing stretch wasn't that great either.

Naito grabs the mic and Zack comes out after. Zack talks on the mic and Shingo comes out. Shingo wants to challenge Naito. Ryohei Oiwa then comes out. Oiwa wants to challenge for Shingo's Never Title. Shingo agrees. We now have Shingo vs Oiwa and Zack vs Naito for the next big show. Naito then talks more on the mic after as the challengers leave and Shingo stays.

Overall thoughts: The show was about average. Shingo/Henare and Finlay/Yoshi were the best matches here. Khan/Naito wasn't that good as it was a slower match without a ton of excitement to it. Kidd/Goto disappointed and House of Torture ruined an okay match with interference as usual. I wouldn't recommend this one.

AEW Collision 9/28/2024

AEW Collision 9/28/2024

Last week's show is here:

Saraya's Rules Match - Saraya vs. Jamie Hayter

All kinds of weapons are scattered around the ring. The rules are way too complex to go into here. Harley Cameron is with Saraya and says there's one more rule here - the match doesn't begin until Saraya slaps the slag.

Sar slaps her then JH boots her in the corner. JH throws Harley into the buckles. Saraya fights some plants (one of them was surely Sloane Jacobs of NXT). Saraya hits JH with a VCR and a keyboard (while Harley holds JH down).

Sar chokes JH with the keyboard cord. JH is thrown out and Harley beats up on JH. JH is thrown into the rails then hit with a baking tray. Sar then hits Harley on accident and takes a german on the floor from JH. 

Harley chokes JH with a bat and is rammed into the rails. Sar hits JH with a pipe and sends her into the steps. Sar puts toy cars onto 2 tables. JH stomps on Sar and sends her into the rails. Sar comes off the apron onto JH and gets powerslammed. Sar tries to german JH off the buckles through a table. Sar hits JH's fingers with a chair and both go through one of the tables.

Sar hits her lifting cradle ddt for 2. Sar is rammed through a table in the corner then a chair in the corner. JH tombstones her and wins with a lariat.

Thoughts: It was basically a hardcore handicap match. It was all based around interference and hardcore spots with not much wrestling otherwise. They did okay with it but it was nothing too special. 

We see clips from the Ricochet and Will Ospreay are interview. Ric says he has done this match 1,000 times before and is like Kobe Bryant. Will says Ric forgot who he was and says that's why everyone is bugging him since he returned. Will says Ric is in the ring with the best wrestler in the world.

Tornado Trios Match - The Conglomeration (Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy and Mark Briscoe) vs The Learning Tree (Chris Jericho, Big Bill and Bryan Keith)

Everyone fights to start. OC fights with a backpack on and CJ chops him. CJ runs at him and OC turns around, making him run into the backpack. OC hits him with the backpack and pulls out a brick. BK headbutts OC then exploders Kyle.

OC stunners him. Kyle spinning forearms BK. Bill takes a double team then is thrown over the top. Kyle flying knees Bill off the apron then OC topes Bill. CJ hits an attitude adjustment on Mark on a chair. We go to PiP break and return.

CJ is pushed into BK on the buckles. Bill facekicks OC then black hole slams Kyle. ark fights off CJ and Bill then uppercuts CJ. Bill mocks Mark's kung fu and Mark facekicks BK off the apron. Mark 2nd rope dropkicks Bill. CJ codebreakers a chair into Mark's face.

Kyle hits knees on CJ. CJ is put in a chair and OC hits weak kicks on him. BK is put there then Kyle and OC hit kicks and dropkick both over. Bill double lariats OC and Kyle. Kyle dragon screws Big Bill then leg kicks him on the apron. OC hits an orange punch onto Bill, sending him onto BK outside.

CJ hits OC and Kyle with a chair then Mark dropkicks the chair into CJ. Mark flip dives off the chair onto CJ outside. CJ rolls up Mark for 2. Mark hits a jay driller on CJ. CJ is put on a table for shots from Mark. Bill chokeslams Mark through a table and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like OC screwing around here as usual. Otherwise, it was a decent and entertaining trios match with some nice hardcore spots.

Brody King vs. Action Andretti

AA goes after King and hits punches. King shoves him back and misse a corner splash. AA clips him then basement dropkicks him. AA running SSP's him. AA flips over him. AA springboards and runs into a forearm.

Brody corner cannonballs him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short squash and was what it needed to be with AA being the underdog and King being the big bully.

Top Flight are on the stage and aren't real sure about things. Brody then stares at them as he walks past. The Righteous and Lance Archer jump Top Flight after. AA tope con hilos The Righteous and it gets broken up.

AEW TNT Title Match - Jack Perry (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki

We get a long video with Jack arriving in his bus. Jack hits forearms and MS forearms him down. MS laughs at his chops then hits more chops of his own. MS running facekicks him. MS splits the fingers and stomps the arm.

We go to PiP break, full break and return. Jack hits a neckbreaker for 2. Jack hits mounted forearms. Jack eye rakes him and MS sleepers him. Jack back body drops him and MS hanging triangles him over the top rope.

Jack is sent into the rails outside. MS hits him with a chair in front of the ref. MS forearms Jack down then Jack running knees him off the apron. MS is sent into the steps. MS takes a nasty bridging ddt on the floor with his head really hitting hard. Jack running knees him against the steps and wins by countout.

Thoughts: Uh, it was a match alright. MS did his usual chops and forearms and the brawled outside before the countout finish. The ddt MS took on the floor sounded real nasty and Jack winning was no surprise as MS was like an open challenger.

Jack beats up on him more after. Katsuyori Shibata comes out to make the save and Jack goes out. Shibata and MS shake hands after.

AEW World Trios Title Match - Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) & PAC (c) vs. Komander & Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

Kom and PP are wearing matching outfits. Quen pounds on Pac to start then hits a dropkick. Pac stomps on Quen then CC euro flurries Quen. Quen is beat up more in the corner.

Quen hits forearms on CC then is slammed. CC double stomps Quen. CC uranage backbreakers him. Yuta refuses to tag in and does not look pleased at what is going on. Zay tags in and pounds on Pac. CC runs his throat into the ropes on accident. Zay hits a forearm flurry on Pac. Zay is popped up and hits a ddt. Pac botches it and takes a nasty bump.

CC giant swings Zay. Yuta refuses to help. Kom dropkicks Pac and flips out of a chokeslam. Kom walks up the buckles and springboard planchas then Quen does a dive out. Zay rolls up Yuta for 2. Yuta does a suplex on Zay.

Yuta works on Zay's injured hand and bites it. Yuta hits downward elbows on Zay then makes the ref stop it when he puts on cattle mutilation.

Thoughts: I liked this. It told a good story with Yuta not wanting in then flipping out on Zay when forced to. It made sense and was well done.

Pac and CC want to raise hands with Yuta after but he refuses.

We get an Outrunners video with them hanging out on the beach. They say they don't play by the rules and cheat at a carnival game.

The Beast Mortos vs. Dralistico vs. Hologram

Mort hits a double clothesline to start then hits clotheslines in the corners. Holo headscissors Mort into a Dral superkick. Dral flying headscissors Mort then Mort armdrgas him. Holo rolls over Mort' sback and armdrags him. Mort and Holo get out of headscissors then try roll-ups.

We then get a 3 person stand off. Dral tope con hilos Mort outside then Holo topes Dral. We go to PiP break and return. Dral hits a belly to belly in the corner on Holo then springboard headscissors Mort. Holo headscissors Mort.

Dral kicks the buckle into Holo then top rope diving headscissors Mort outside. Holo rope walk tope con hilos Mort outside. Dral springboard codebreakers Holo. Mort pop-up samoan drops Dral. Holo top rope double stomps Mort. Holo stnads on Mort's shoulders and poisonrana's him. Dral springboard crucifix bombs Mort.

Dral reverses Holo's standing spanish fly and Mort double clotheslines them. Holo spin kicks Mort then Mort backbreakers and spinning lariats Holo. Dral and Mort shove each other. Mort powerbomb backbreakers Holo then dral springboard canadian destroyers Holo.

Mort is thrown over the top. Holo crucifixes Dral and wins.

Thoughts: It was a high flying, fast paced three way. There was lots of cool spots and not much selling or story. They didn't overdo it too much here

Dral and Mort push each other after. Rush comes out and plays peacemaker. He then grabs them both and tries ot hug them. Holo forearms Mort and gets nailed by all 3 heels. Holo then takes a Rush headbutt. The heels then do the LFI pose.

Thoughts: This is attempt #3 or so at doing LFI. They never push it that hard then someone gets injured or runs into visa issues and it goes away. I can't say I expect things to turn out any different this time around. This is a problem though because Rush has been with The Don Callis Family (though it was not featured much). It's unclear now what happens with that partnership.

Lexy interviews Kris Statlander. She mocks Lexy. She says she's not insecure and knows what she is and what she does. She does not feel sorry for herself and says she calls her shots. She says she will let her know when she's ready. She says everyone should thank her as when you face her, you either get better or get destroyed.

MxM Collection come out. They have someone in a cloak with them. They rip Max Caster, calling him ugly and said they re-made his jacket. They do a fashion walk with people modelling clothing, holding up pictures of MXM's faces. They then have someone named Hans model Max's new jacket. it has a heart cut out on it and some fishnets on the sleeves. The back of it now says, "Bratinum Max Caster, Best Dressed Alive".

They put over Hans and say he'd be perfect for their group. He asks them to touch their tips. Hans then turns out to be Billy Gunn, who then lariats both over. The models try to stop Billy and MxM beat up on him. The Acclaimed then come out to help and beat up the heels. One of the models takes their double team gorilla press bomb. Max then puts the jacket on after and scissors with his buddies.

Thoughts: I didn't know what to expect out of this one but it made sense and seemed like something the heels would do. It was something different.

Lumberjack Match - "Hangman" Adan Page vs Jeff Jarrett

Satnam Singh, The Bang Bang Gang and The Dark Order are around the ring.

The two trade punches. Page facekicks him and beats up Jeff in the corner. Page fallaway slams Jeff. Jeff stares down The Dark Order outside. Jeff pulls Page over the top and The Orer go to whip him with belts. Tony calls Jeff "Jericho". Page bites Jeff. Jeff is thrown out into his budides and hugs them.

Jeff is then thrown out on the other side and gets whipped. Juice is dressed up like a goofy looking lumberjack. Page belly to belly suplexes Jeff.  

We are supposed to go to PiP break but we do not and the match just continues. Jeff gets knocked off the apron and is whipped. Page then hits an attitude adjustment for 2. Jeff hits shots and the screen goes black. The screen then rewinds and goes black and they say we are are back from PiP break. The screen then says, "AEW Collision #2436: Part 4 - Seg 7, 8, 9, 10". We then go to PiP break and full break.

Page misses a shot and takes a russian legsweep. Page is thrown out and whipped by lumberjacks. Jeff leg lariats him on the ropes then Page lariats Jeff over the top. Page beats up lumerbacjsk outside and nails John Silver. Juice whips Page on a buckshot lariat attempt. Page stares down Juice and grabs him then Jeff dives onto everyone off the top.

Page whips Jeff with a strap. Karen Jarrett gets in the ring. Page holds the strap up at her to hit her but doesn't. Lethal protects Karen and is hit with the strap. Jeff then gets the strap and hits Page. The Dark Order and other lumberjacks hit Page with straps. Karen whips Page with a strap. Page low blows Jeff then hits a deadeye on him. Page then picks up the win.

Thoughts: This was a wild circus here with bizarre production issues and Page seemingly fighting off everyone en route to beating Jeff. The production issues really took away from this one. There wasn't a ton of wrestling especially in the 2nd half of this with so many people getting involved. This was a rare lumberjack match where everyone wanted to beat up the heel.

The Bang Bang Gang help out Jeff after. Page tries to hang Juice and The Gunn's fight off Page. It seems like they are headed for a feud. 

AEW Continental Title Eliminator - Kazuchika Okada (c) vs Sammy Guevara

SG waistlocks him. Okada wristlocks him. SG flips out of it and wristlocks him. Okada snapmares him and baseball slides him. SG backflips him over him as he runs the ropes and dropkicks him. SG then poses while Okada is outside. SG does a corkscrew dive outside onto Okada.

SG jumps off the steps and hits a cutter on the floor. SG misses a moonsault off the apron and takes a ddt on the floor. We go to PiP break and return. SG gets out of a hold and headscissors spikes him into the mat. Okada euros him down then Sg flying forearms him. SG lariats him over the top then topes him. SG hits a top rope moonsault outside.

Sammy pump kicks him outside then takes a back body drop onto the steps. Okada dropkicks him inside then slams him. Okada hits a top rope elbow drop. Okada goes for a rainmaker and SG spanish flies him.

SG superkicks him then hits a GTH. SG corner spears him then springboards. Okada catches it and rainmakers him to win.

Thoughts: The match went over the DVR time here so I had to watch the ending elsewhere. Sammy did too much as always. The back body drop on the steps really should have finished things. Okada got his lip busted open here. Sammy did a lot of flying as usual. I really don't get why this was an eliminator instead of a title match and why they made this the main over Jeff/Page. Jeff/Page was the bigger of the match.

Overall thoughts: They put out some bigger matches than usual and gave us a better card than usual. While I didn't like all the matches, I thought it was pretty good effort overall and most of the matches had some kind of story behind them. They do have to fix the production issues though. I had never seen the issue they had with the PiP break ever happen before and they really do have to let the cable companies know that their show is going overtime so people don't miss the endings.

WOW Women of Wrestling 9/28/2024 Season 5, Episode 3

WOW Women of Wrestling 9/28/2024 Season 5, Episode 3

Last week's show is here:

Sophia Lopez comes out with Dave McClane and a security guard. They talk about The Beast getting attacked a few weeks ago. Lopez has $10,000 in a briefcase and the money is for information on who attacked The Beast.

Abilene Maverick talks to Jessie Jones in the back. She says she wants to make sure nothing has changed since McClane's announcement. Jones says she has a match with The Beast tonight for the title and is only worried about that. She tells Ab that she needs to get to stepping or hopping.

Siren The Voodoo Doll talks. She said she looked into her crystal ball and many tears will fall. She brings up Santana Garrettt and Americana and says they will soon see.

The All-American Girls (Americana and Santana Garrett) vs Siren the Voodoo Doll and Chainsaw

Angelica Dante is with Siren and Chain. SG has the red hair. She and Siren go at it. Siren works on her in the corner then SG snapmares her. Ameri low crossbodies Siren for 2. Ameri side headlocks Siren and wristlocks her. SG cartwheel back elbows Siren then Chain take a double dropkick. Ameri backflip elbows Chain. SG tries a cartwheel back elbow but is caught.

Siren corner spears SG then Chain chokes SG. Chain pulls SG's arms around the ropes then chopes her on the ropes. Chain hits corner spears on SG. SG hits a soul foot on Siren. Ameri gets tagged in and lariats Siren. Ameri dropkicks Siren for 2.

Chain stomps on Ameri and Angelica Dante interferes. Chain chokeslams Ameri and pins her.

Thoughts: It was an okay opener. There was nothing wrong with this and it was nice to see Chain and Siren pick up a much needed win here.

Samantha Smart talks to The Classmaster in the back. She says something about someone helping her and getting them on the right path, then they catch the camera man filming it and kick him out.

Genesis vs Foxxy Fierce

Roxxy Fierce is with Foxxy. They lock up and Fox backrolls her. Fox trips her then butt drops her back. Fox breaks the full nelson then bubba bombs her for 1. 

Fox misses a corner charge and has her head banged off the buckles. Gen hanging chokes her. Gen legdrops the back of her neck for 2. Gen neckbreakers Fox with Fox's own arm. Gen straightjacket chokes her then does a straightjacket backcracker for 2. Gen misses a corner charge then takes a kick and hip attack.

Fox shotgun dropkicks her. Gen catches a hip attack and does like a full-nelson side effect and wins.

Thoughts: It was a bit shorter and didn't really get enough time. Genesis had some new offense here and Fox didn't get a ton in. Gen winning wasn't a big surprise.

Gen gets on the mic after and mocks the crowd. She says she's alone and she's on top. She says Exile is not a group, it's a way of life and this is her new beginning. She says there will be no more losses in the new Genesis as she has something to prove.

The Fab Four head to the ring.

The Fab Four come out. Lana says she's one phone call away from calling her lawyer who will sue The Mother Truckers for everything they have. The Truckers come out. Holly says she can't go back to jail. She says Betty will do her hair and her nails to make up for the debt. Betty says Holly is a kid and says she got them in this but they don't have money.

Lana wants to know how they will pay her. Betty says they will come clean her mansion. They beg the heels to keep them out of jail, though Holly wants Betty to do the work. Lana says she looks forward to seeing them at the mansion until the debt is paid off.

WOW Title - The Beast (c) vs Jessie Jones

The Beast does not come out for the match. Dave confirms this. Jones says The Beast thinks she will lose if she faces her and is forfeiting. Jones says the belt should be given to her. Dave says no and says this is not the way The Beast acts. Jones says this is the 2nd time The Beast has done this and says how can you let a champ not show up?

Penelope Pink and Lana Star come out. Pink said last time Beast fought Jones, she got hit with a bottle and thinks Jones had something to do with this. Pink won a #1 contenders match recently and said she thinks she's the #1 contender. Jones says everything about Pink and Beast is cheap.

Abilene Maverick comes out on crutches. Ab says her toe is broken as she fell out of a DJ booth. Dave doesn't seem to buy it. Dave says Beast isn't here but they need a main event and sets up Jones vs Pink. Ab says Jones deserves this (behind her) and the match is set.

Princess Aussie and Miami's Sweet Heat (in a title match) will be on the next show.

Jessie Jones vs Penelope Pink

The ref checks for weapons and finds one on Jones. The ref then finds a weapon on Pink. They lock up and roll on the ropes. Jones goes for a test of strength and eye pokes her. Pink stomps on Jones' foot. Jones boots her and side headlocks her.

Pink pulls Jones down by the hair. Abilene Maverick is on commentary here. Jones pulls Pink down by the hair then dropkicks her in the knee. Pink's head is banged off the mat and the buckle.

Jones hits the stroke on Pink. Pink knees her in the gut and lays on her on the ropes. Lana pulls on Jones on the ropes and Jones boots her. Pink knees Jones in the face.

They eye poke each other at the same time then bang heads. Both fall down together. Pink complains to the ref and Jones uses the tights to roll Pink up. Pink rolls her up and uses the bottom rope. The ref catches it and stops her.

Jones misses a corner charge and then blocks Pink's sunset flip. She tries to pin her but is holding onto the ropes. Pink tries to pin her but holds onto the shorts and is caught. Lana distracts the ref on the apron while Jones taps out Pink. The ref doesn't see it. Lana and the ref argue. Ab tries to hit Pink with a crutch but nails Jones instead. Pink puts up the win and mocks Ab after.

Thoughts: It was heavy on the shenanigans here with the heels trying to outcheat the other. It made sense though as that's what heels probably would do, so I was fine with it. The match was mostly all various strikes otherwise. Sometimes up with Ab and Jones and The Beast and we'll have to tune in next week to find out. What is clear though is that Penelope Pink is absolutely the #1 contender right now.

Overall thoughts: It was a different episode than usual as it was more storyline focused and only had 3 matches. I felt they did a good job in making you want to see next week's show as The Truckers will be doing housework for the heels, we have to see what happened to The Beast and there's also definitely something going on with Jones and Abilene. The main was probably the best thing on here. They got the logic right in it though I'd say it was more on the entertainment side of things than the wrestling side, which is fine. It was a decent show overall.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

NWA Shockwave Episode 4

NWA Shockwave Episode 4

NWA TV title - Zicky Dice vs Da Pope

"Uuuuuh, I'm the Pope. I'm the Pope" - Zicky Dice

This match has a time limit of 6:05. Pope gets jumped during his entrance and thrown off the ramp. Then he puts him through a table. Refs come out to attend to Pope and Zicky calls out NWA Owner Billy Corgan. He said Corgan's last music video was embarrassing and there would be no TV Title match. He then said his contract runs out on 12/31 and he may take the TV title elsewhere. He said as champion he was "undefeated and undefended". He mocked the Pope being down.

Pope got up and agreed to wrestle the match. Dice beat him up in the corner but Pope came back with some good punches. Pope tried to splash Dice, but Dice got his knees up. Dice tried to hit some lazy elbows but Pope moved. Dice tried to leapfrog Pope, but Pope powerslammed him. Pope hit triple german's then dropped an elbow from the top.

Dice put the ref in his way and low-blowed the Pope while he wasn't looking. Pope hit the running double knees in the corner and won the match, beating the time limit. 

Thoughts: This was pretty good with Dice being a great heel.

Pope thanked everybody. He talked about the struggles during the epidemic. He said we had a lot of uncertainty this year especially with Dice as champ and now tradition is back with him as champ. This was a good promo.

Nick Aldis vs Jordan Clearwater

Aldis headstands out of a headscissors and does a nice wristlock takedown. Nick catches his crossbody then suplexes him. Jordan made a comeback and hit a nearfall. Nick caught a missile dropkick from the top and put him in a cloverleaf for the win in a squash.

NWA Women's Title - Thunder Rosa (c) vs Serena Deeb

Rosa offers a handshake and Deeb accepts. They lock up and Rosa is backed up in the corner. They go to the mat. Rosa hammerlocks her and Deeb wristlocks her. Rosa rolls out of it and trips her, then puts on a leglock. Rosa then goes back to the hammerlock.

Deeb snapmares her then Rosa does a wristlock. Deeb snapmares her and Rosa does another wristlock. Deeb side headlock takeovers her and Rosa headscissors her. Rosa does a bad shoulderblock then Deeb armdrags her.

Deeb side headlocks her. Rosa armdrags her then slams her. Rosa hits a senton for 2. Rosa misses a corner charge. Deeb guillotines her over the middle rope on the ramp then neckbreakers her over the middle rope. Deeb then rolls her up for 2.

Deeb forearms her in the spine. Deeb hits euros then sliding shoulderblocks her for 2. Deeb straightjackets her and Rosa fights out. Rosa wraps her arm around the top rope and pulls. Deeb is sent into the buckles chest first. Rosa does a grounded dragon sleeper but lets her go.

Deeb neckbreakers her for 2 then straightjacket chokes her. Deeb codebreakers her with it then Rosa throws her down backwards. Rosa tries pin attempts and Deeb rolls her up for 2, then rolls into a head and double arm hold.

Rosa double stomps Deeb in the gut. Deeb is tripped into the 2nd rope and Rosa drops double knees on her there. Rosa dropkicks her against the ropes and northern lights suplexes her for 2. Deeb swinging neckbreakers her then does a normal neckbreaker for 2.

Rosa does an attitude adjustment style drop on her. Deeb boots her then elbow drops the knee. Deeb bangs Rosa's head off the buckles. Rosa hits forearms. Deeb ddt's the knee then does a double leg and double arm lock on her. She then tries to pin her with for 2.

Deeb figure fours her. Rosa reverses it and Deeb ropebreaks. Deeb does a forward drop piledriver on Rosa's chest and Deeb is pushed out of the ring. Rosa kicks her on the floor and sends her into the post. Rosa germans her then flying knees her. Rosa boots her in the head. Deeb gets a surprise roll-up and wins.

It was too long of a match when there was no crowd there. I thought the technical wrestling was great early on but the match kind of dragged after. The work was good but Deeb has so many submissions that she never really gets any targeted limb work going.

They shake hands after.

Deeb gets on the mic after. She said she told us it was coming. She said she came here to change and rewrite history. She says the title sits on her shoulders. She says she kept her promise and will defend the title with all the legacy, pride and honor because she's from the old school. She says she's the new NWA Women's champ.

Eli Drake and James Storm vs Aron Stevens and The Question Mark

Aron is dressed weird like Johnny Depp. He said he promised The Question Mark. He says he doesn't know where he is. Kratos then attacks Eli and Storm and Aron says you can't prove it's not him. 

NWA Tag Titles - Aron Stevens and JR Kratos (c) vs Eli Drake and James Storm

They fight outside. Aron's head is banged off the apron by Drake. Drake chokes Aron with a jacket. Kratos gets a bell rang on his head. Aron's head is banged off a table.

Storm foot chokes Aron on the ramp. Drake bangs Kratos' head off the commentary table. Aron and Storm fight to the  back of the arena then go back onto the stage. Aron takes a punch and wobbles down to the floor. Drake eye rakes Kratos and punches him. Aron running lariats Drake outside . The match then officially begins.

Drake flying lariats Aron then powerslams him for 2.  Aron takes corner attacks and has his neck pulled forward. Storm stomps on Aron then hits a coconut crush. Storm tries shots on Kratos and Kratos no sells them. Kratos is pushed into the buckles and takes a neckbreaker from Drake off of it.

Drake top rope asai moonsaults Kratos. Drake is pulled off the buckles and Kratos lariats him. Kratos boots Drake in the head. Aron boots Drake in the gut and Drake is double teamed in the corner. Aron knee drops him and Kratos stomps on Drake. Drake hits chops on Kratos then takes a lariat for 2.

Aron suplexes Drake for 2. Aron bulldog chokes him. Drake hits punches then Aron lariats him. Drake is held for a shot from Kratos. Kratos corner splashes Drake. Drake hits a knee out of the corner then hits a 2nd rope blockbuster.

Storm is tagged in and hits punches on Aron. Storm boots him out of the corner then lariats and atomic drops him. Storm flying forearms him for 2. Storm crossfaces Aron and Kratos breaks it up. Aron headutts him in the gut.

Kratos fights off Drake then Drake runs the ramp and flying clotheslines Kratos while Storm has him lifted. Storm single leg codebreakers Kratos and Aron uses a chair on Drake outside. Storm and Aron fight over the chair. Kratos low blows Storm and wins. 

We then immediately cut to the end of the show the second it is over.

Thoughts: It was rough without a crowd but it was an okay tag. There was nothing great here but the moves all looked okay and it made sense with clear and face and heels roles. The finish could have been a bit better.

Overall thoughts: The show was only an hour but felt a lot longer than that. Everything just had a slower pace to it and in front of no fans, everything felt longer. The announcing was really good here. I'd say it was above average overall and would have been better in front of fans.

Marigold 9/20/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 5

Marigold 9/20/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 5

The last show is here:

Handicap Match - Bozilla & Myla Grace vs. Komomo Minami, Nao Ishikawa & Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki, KM = Konomo Minami

Boz refuses to shake hands to start. Boz pushes Nao back. Nao's partners try to help her push on a lock-up but all 3 are pushed back then thrown into each other. Boz corner splashes Nao then spears her. Nao cradles her for 2.

KM tries dropkicks on Boz that go nowhere then Boz chokeslams her. KM gets on Boz's back and sleepers her. Boz breaks it up then suplexes her. Boz throws Myla onto her for 2. Myla dropkicks KM's head through the ropes then KM cradles her.

KM dropkicks her then rolls over her back with a ddt. Yuz dropkicks her and Myla hits a flying lariat and swinging neckbreaker. KM dropkicks Myla then northern lights suplexes her.

Nao and Boz shoulder battle. Boz forearms her over then Nao fujiwara armbars Boz. Boz powerbombs Nao out of the triangle attempt then neckbreakers her. Boz hits corner splash then Nao stunners her over the top rope. Boz catches Nao's crossbody off the top and fallway slams her. Boz takes a dropkick + suplex combo for 2.

Boz F-5's Nao for 2. Boz hits a double lariat on her other two opponents. Boz and Myla then do stereo cradle shocks on KM and Yuz. Nao rolls up Boz for 2 then Boz lariats her. Boz piledrivers Nao and wins.

It was what it was. It made sense and all but it was a handicap match with the heels having the disadvantage here. 

We get another Grand Prix ceremony with Kouki talking on the mic. 

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Nagisa Nozaki vs. Chika Goto

NN = Nagisa Nozaki

They lock up. NN knees her on the ropes then gutbusters her. NN boots her around and stands on her. Chika hits chest forearms on her and hit some shoulderblocks. NN facekicks her then Chika shoulders her over. NN hits knees to the gut and a sleeper.

NN shotgun dropkicks her and Chika hits a lariat in the corner. Chika totally misses a running corner hip attack but it is sold anyway. Chika slams NN then does hip attacks. NN sleepers her and Chika ropebreaks.

NN suplexes her for 2. Chika cradles her for 2 then throws her over. Chika hits facekicks then slams her for 2. Chika lariats her for 2. NN facekicks her then meteora's her for 2. NN running facekicks her.

Thoughts: It was not that good as expected. Chika didn't have good looking offense here and NN is more of an average wrestler. 

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Miku Aono vs. Kizuna Tanaka

Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka

They shake hands and lock up. Miku chops her on the ropes and Kiz forearm flurries her on the ropes. They trade wristlocks. Miku side headlocks her then dropkicks her. Kiz hits running knees for 2. Miku then kips up and kicks her.

Miku hair throws her. Kiz is laid on the ropes and Miku kicks her in the gut. Miku corner dropkicks her then slams her. Miku kicks her in the back then Kiz misses a flying lariat but it is sold anyway. Kiz indian deathlocks her. Kiz dropkicks her while she's between the ropes.

Miku fisherman suplexes her for 2. They trade chest forearms and Kiz armbars her. Miku powerbombs her thne top rope dropkicks her for 2. Kiz dropkicks her then does a rolling armbar. Kiz fisherman suplexes her for 2. Kiz rolls her into a pin attempt for 2.

Miku lariats her then sliding lariats her for 2. Miku buzzsaw kicks her for 2. Miku double underhook suplexes her and wins it.

It was basically a rookie vs vet match. There were no real heel or face alignments here and Miku didn't really beat Kiz up much, which affected her comeback. It was acceptable but nothing great.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Nanae Takahashi vs. CHIAKI

NT gets hit with a chair as she enters. Chi bangs her head off a table and the apron. Chi uses the bell hammer on her then chairs her. They go backstage and fight then Chi comes out with NT's jacket mocking her. NT boots Chi over the ropes into the ring.

NT hits snapmares then shoulders her over. Chi hair throws her then corner facewash kicks her. NT shoulders her over then has her head banged off the buckles. Chi's head is banged off the buckles. Chi chairs her then dropkicks a chair into her.

NT lariats her then blue thunders her for 2. NT hits slaps then Chi eye rakes her. Chi cradles her for 2. NT elbow slices her for 2. NT sliding lariats her for 2 then hits a northern lights bomb for the win.

Thoughts: I didn't like all of the open weapons usage here. I don't know how neither girl was counted out early. Chi did her usual heel tactics and NT fought back before winning. It was fine I suppose but would have been a lot better if Chi just got to wrestle clean.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Sareee vs. Misa Matsui

Misa running dropkicks her to start htne hits more dropkicks. Sare catches her crossbody and slams her down. Sare armdrags her then Misa armdrags her back. They trade dropkicks. Sare bodyscissors her. Sare slams her.

Sare stomps the leg then indian deathlocks her. Sare boots  and foot chokes her. Sare hair throws her then Misa crossbodies her. Misa rolls her into a stretch muffler.

Misa hits a top rope dropkick for 1. They trade chest forearms and Sare drops her with one. Misa rolls her into a double stomp then they each hit one. Misa hits a double stomp flurry on her gut.

Sare 2nd rope superplexes her then double stomps her off the buckles. Sare wheelbarrow germans her then dropkicks her through the ropes. Sare fisherman suplexes her the nMisa rolls her up for 2. Misa low crossbodies her then crossbodies her against the bottom rope. Misa la magistrals her into a bridge for 2.

Sare pulls back on both of Misa's arms and taps her out to win.

Misa hits some shots after but is knocked aside.

Thoughts: It just didn't really get to the next level like it could have. It was too even and the armlock finish wasn't well built to. I thought there was a chance of an upset but it was not to be.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Natsumi Showzuki vs. Utami Hayashishita

Nat rolls her up to start then Utami knocks her over. they trade chest forearms. Nat knees her on the ropes then meteora's her against the bottom rope. Nat running knees her then bangs Utami's arm over her shoulder.

Nat armbars her and Utami ropebreaks. Nat springboard double knee drops her for 2. Nat guillotine chokes her and Utami suplexes her out of it. Utami running lariats her then dropkicks her. Nat does an octopus stretch on her. 

Nat corner meteora's Utami then fisherman suplexes her. Nat does an octopus on the buckles and 2nd rope meteora's her for 2. Utami lariats Nat then hits an air raid crash for 2. Nat rolls her up off a razor's edge attempt. Nat 2nd rope diving ddt's her then rolls her up for 2.

Nat hits a crucifix bomb for 2. Utami wheelbarrow germans Nat and wins it.

Thoughts: I didn't think Utami got enough offense in here. The crowd was not too good for this one and it just wasn't as good as it probably should have been.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - MIRAI vs. Kouki Amarei

Mirai front facelocks her and they lock up again. Mirai chops her on the ropes then Kouki facekicks her. They trade chops for facekicks. Mirai hits a chop flurry then double chops her.

They fight on the stage, trading more chops for facekicks.  Mirai running chops her and hits a chop flurry on the stage. They get in the ring and trade facekicks for chops.  Kouki facekicks her on the ropes.

Kouki facekicks her outside many many times. They then trade facekicks for chops. They come back in the ring and continue with the trading. Mirai dragon screws her then single leg crabs her. 

Mirai hits chops then Kouki powerslams her. Kouki facekicks Mirai twice, puts a hold and hits another facekick. Mirai takes a spinebuster then lariats her. Kouki backdrops her then facekicks her. Kouki then wins with a jumping facekick.

Thoughts: I didn't like this. It was a 2023 Minoru Suzuki style match where they did nothing but chop for facekick exchanges. Kouki barely did anything that wasn't a facekick and it got old after a while. It made the match look like an exhibition more than a fight and showed how limited Kouki is.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like the show. They didn't have a good turnout or a loud crowd which brought down everything. Nobody really tried to do anything great here and nothing but the main got a lot of time. It just wasn't anything special and was just a totally average show.