Wednesday, September 25, 2024

WWF Championship Wrestling 1/4/1986

WWF Championship Wrestling 1/4/1986

Bruno Sammartino and Vince McMahon welcome us to the show. Bruno says we are in for a treat with Hillbilly Jim and Cousin Luke. He says Macho Man has climbed the ladder fast and looks like he will stay there.

Hillbilly Jim and Cousin Luke vs Moondog Spot and Al Navarro

Spot and Jim go at it. Jim side headlocks him and eventually lets go. They trade wristlocks. Spot hits a chest forearm and Jim fires up over it. Luke grabs Spot from the apron and Jim hits a shot. Luke does a bad low kick to Spot and double axe handles him.

Spot superkicks him in the gut then slams him. Spot hits some punches. Al tries to shoulder over Luke but is knocked over. Luke double boots him out of the corner then knee lifts him several times. Jim bearhugs Al and taps him out.

The hillbillies dance after. Jim then does a cartwheel.

Thoughts: It was short and not that good. Luke's offense looked did not look good here. This was all squash. 

WWF Update

Lord Alfred Hayes is the host and not Mean Gene. He says the popularity of Hulk Hogan knows no bounds. He also talks about Piper and Macho vs Steamboat getting some fame. He says an animated cartoon has been made of the WWF called, "Hulk Hogan's Rock n Wrestling". We then see clips of it. Al calls it an enormous success and says try to catch it as he's sure you will like it.

Hercules Hernandez vs Jeff Cripley

Freddie Blassie is with Herc here. Jeff is backed up and then hiptossed. Herc drops him with a punch then powerslams him. Herc gorilla press slams him down hard.

Herc stomps on him and drops him on the ropes throat first. Herc elbow drops him and pulls him up on the count.  Herc hits a big slam then a knee drop. Herc torture racks him and submits him.

Jeff is then thrown out after.

It was a total squash here with Jeff getting nothing in. There wasn't a lot to report about on this one. Herc's gorilla press slam was nice.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews "Macho Man" Randy Savage. Gene hypes up the next Boston Garden show and says Macho will defend his IC Title vs Tito Santana. Macho says he's close to being champ and says he will be world champ. He says John Havilceck and Larry Bird are considered good athletes, but he's #1 in the world and the world's greatest athlete. Miss Elizabeth comes in. Macho yells at him for talking to Liz. Macho asks Gene if he trusts him. Gene says he does and Macho says he shouldn't. Macho tells Liz to say, "Goodbye Namby Pamby" (Macho's name for Tito) then tells her to leave. Gene says that's tough and Macho yells at him more.

They tell us we can vote for Best Personality in The Land of 1000 Dances video and tells us where to send the vote.

The Killer Bees vs Barry O and Rick Jacobs

Jim Brunzell has a beard here. Vince says he doesn't think Barry and Rick have teamed together before. Blair side headlocks and hammerlocks O, then he trips him. Blair grabs the arm and does a fireman's carry takedown. Jim does a takedown with an arm hold then does a spinning armlock with his leg. Vince wonders what the "O" stands for.

Blair elbows O's arm from the top and O eye rakes him. O hits a lariat for 1. Rick hits a shot on Blair then takes one. Rick's head is banged off the buckles. Rick is lifted for a dropkick and Blair picks up the pin.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here. The jobbers got a little offense in before being beaten at least.

Roddy Piper and Cowboy Bob Orton talk. Piper says he doesn't like Boston. He says he doesn't have a big, fat pushed in mouth or bad ears but says he gets why people want to cheer for Bruno and Orndorff. Piper says Orndorff doesn't think and will have someone someday who tells him when to go to the bathroom. Piper asks why they are putting a cast on Orndorff like with Orton.

Piper says him and Orton beat up half the town of Boston last time and asks if that's why Bruno is mad at them. He says Orndorff has nothing to lose and just wants to eat meat. He says he will have his bodyguard with him at all times and tells Orndorff to get a bottle of thunderbolt wine with Bruno and enjoy himself.

Thoughts: This was all over the place and was a pretty poor promo.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs Don Driggers

Macho has Miss Elizabeth with him. Macho backs Don up on the ropes. Don side headlocks him. Macho hits a knee to the gut and Don throws him out. Macho comes out of the other side of the ring and flying knees Don from behind. Don goes out. Macho jumps out and beats up on him, sending him over the rail. Macho hits a top rope double axe handle then slams him. Macho then hits a top rope elbow drop and picks up the win with a foot on the chest.

Macho then says something on the mic after. He throws Don out and beats him up outside. Macho rips up a fan's sign.

Thoughts: It was a short but entertaining squash with Macho moving well and looking like a wildman.

Piper's Pit

Piper and Orton are there and are interviewing The Fabulous Moolah. Piper says she's the greatest and prettiest women's wrestler ever. Piper says lady wrestlers don't get to learn amateur wrestling and have different body parts. He says it must be hard to protect them. Moolah says it's hard but she can do a lot of things well.

Moolah said she said "no" to Hulk asking her for a date. Piper says they have a special way to congratulate ladies champions in Scotland. He then hugs her and kisses her.

We get an ad for the 1/11/1986 Boston Garden show with Bruno/Orndorff vs Piper/Orton in the main and Tito/Macho.

Corporal Kirchner vs Gino Carabello

Gino hits some punches. Corp messes up a leapfrog and slaps him. Corp hits armdrags and then a bodyslam. Corp does a bad hiptoss and slingshots him in. Corp suplexes him then elbow drops him. Corp hits a double underhook suplex for 2.

Corp samoan drops him and gets the win. They talk about him and Nikolai Volkoff having an upcoming "Peace Match". Vince says that means it has to be a scientific match.

Thoughts: It wasn't good with Corp having some bad execution here. Gino kicking out on his suplex didn't do much for him either.

We are then told that there's a vote for Best Singles Performance on The Wrestling Album.

The Dream Team (Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake) vs Tony Stetson and Paul Dose

Johnny V is with The Dream Team. The crowd chants "Fruitcake" at Beefcake. Greg pushes Paul back and slams him. Greg hits a nasty looking shoulderbreaker. Beef hits a double underhook suplex on Paul then does a mean looking guillotine on Tony. He then suplexes Tony with it.

Greg suplexes Tony then headbutts him in the crotch/stomach. Greg armlocks him. Beef foot chokes Tony on the bottom rope nd Greg pulls Tony down to the floor for a slam. Beef slams Tony then spinning toe holds him. Greg elbow drops Tony and submits him with the figure four.

Thoughts: It was a squash here with the heels having some fun beating up the jobbers.

Mean Gene interviews The Junk Yard Dog. JYD says he's moving on up and says it'll be a night to remember when he teams with Kirchner against Volkoff and Shiek. He says he can't go wrong in 1986.

Freddie Blassie and The Iron Shiek are interviewed. Fred says Kirchner and JYD bit off more than they can chew. Shiek calls Gene "Gene Mean". He talks about Boston having "Italian paizan" and "intelligent Jew people". Shiek doesn't know Kirchner's name and says Gene knows Boston better than he does. He says he heard JYD and that punk Kirchner has a lot of support so he will get in the gym and get ready.

Thoughts: Oh my was this is an Iron Shiek promo. We could have used a translator for this one.

Bruno and Vince close the show. Bruno says George Steele will have the night of his life against Macho Man on SNME and says he will team with Junk Yard Dog next week. Bruno says it'll take quite a couple of tough opponents to beat them. Vince also promises Terry Funk and Magnificent Muraco next week.

Overall thoughts:
The matches were all squashes here though the jobbers did get a little in. The promos were wild here with everyone talking nonsense. And then Roddy Piper made out with The Fabulous Moolah in a wild moment. This was an unusual show. I'd almost recommend it for how goofy the promos were but I wouldn't call this one good.

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