Sunday, September 8, 2024

Reality of Wrestling 8/25/2024 Episode #409

Reality of Wrestling 8/25/2024 Episode #409

Last week's show is here:

Erik Lockhart is with Andrew Jackson. Andrew says every title has to be defended at Summer of Champions. He has Chandler Hopkins and Clay Roberts there as well. Clay and Chandler argue who should get the next TV Title shot. Andrew says they should fight and the winner will get the shot. Clay tells Chandler that they should agree that Eric won't leave Summer of Champions as champ.

"The Rocket" Josiah Jean vs SemSei

No, that's not a typo on the Semsei name. He comes out in karate gear. They lock up and Sem wristlocks him. JJ rolls and headflips out. They say SemSei was on American Ninja Warrior. They trade waistlocks and Sem rolls him up. JJ armdrags him then is armdragged.

Sem takes him down and side headlocks him. JJ shoulders him over then crucifixes and armdrags him. They miss jumping kicks. Sem hits some shots and JJ flying crossbodies him. JJ flying knees him. Sem hits an armdrag and a pump kick.

JJ hits mounted palm shots for 2. Sem camel clutches him.  then hits a belly to belly suplex. Sem hits knee drops then JJ fisherman suplexes him. Sem sunset flips him. JJ spin kicks him in the chin then Sem pele kicks him. 

They trade shots and Sem is back body dropped over the top. JJ plancha's out and takes a kick. JJ does a side kick and gets the win.

Thoughts: It went longer than it needed to. It wasn't awful and they didn't botch but I think this would have been more digestible with less time. There were no clear heels or faces in this one and they mostly just did kicks.

Promise Braxton is interviewed. She says she didn't come this far to lose and is on the way to becoming a 3x Diamonds champ.

Will Allday comes out and Kennedy Smith welcomes him. Kennedy said she was told Will has an announcement. Will said he got a call from the doctor and is not cleared to compete tonight. He said he had a setback with his surgery. He said he was told his style would catch up to him and then shows off his arm brace. He said he got married and is about to start a family.

He says the fans make him feel invincible and said it isn't time to run off into the sunset yet. He says he will be back at Summer of Champions. Terrale Tempo comes out and is supposedly making his return too after a while. Tempo asks if the crowd missed him and said he missed them too. He says he needs a match at Summer of Champions and said there is no bigger match than him vs Will Allday. Will says he likes the sound of it and it appears to be on. They shake hands and Tempo kicks him in the nuts.

Tempo stands on Will's arm and bangs Will's injured arm on the mat. Tempo takes the brace off and poses with it, then throws it at Will. Will then is sent into the post shoulder first.

Danny Limelight is interviewed. He is told he will face Ryan Davidson in a cage at Summer of Champions. Danny says he's tired of Ryan thinking he deserves this. Danny said he had his chance and got put down. Danny says the outcome will be the same no matter the mach and says he will walk out Empire State champ.

TV Title #1 Contenders Match - Clay Roberts vs Chandler Hopkins

Erik Lockhart is on commentary here. Clay backs up CH in the corner. CH is tripped and Clay grabs the leg. CH headlock takeovers him. CH headflips out of the headscissors. Clay then kips up. CH headlock takeovers him then flying headscissors him. CH goes for a tope and takes a euro. Clay slingshot elbow drops him for 1.

Clay grabs the arm and chin. CH hits a jumping knee and a standing spanish fly. CH sleepers him. Clay hits chops. CH goes for a handspring and is backrolled. CH hits upkicks then Clay flying kicks him for 2. CH hits some kicks. CH hits a suplex but Clay holds on and suplexes him back.

They trade punches. Clay is thrown out and takes a hard bump for it then CH topes him. CH argues with a fan and a Fan throws something at him. CH throws the fan over the rail then another fan goes after CH. Security then breaks it up. The ref throws out the match and the wrestlers still try to fight.

Thoughts: This was kind of more of an indy match and I wasn't a big fan of it. The finish was lame here and likely just used to force some kind of three way for the TV Title. I don't think I've ever seen this kind of finish before.

Erick Lockhart and the announcers want to know what's going on.

Warren Johnson and Zack Mason are interviewed. Warren says they want to interview him and Zack now after they attacked The Remote Control's last week, but weren't interested otherwise. Zack says they have been here for 6 years and says The Remote's have no respect for the people who came before them. Zack says they are done talking and it's over.

Edge Stone and I think The Nature Boyz talk. They said Gaspar was a good start but Oro Mensah of NXT is coming in 2 weeks and they gotta be ready for it.

Promise Braxton vs Maya World

Note - Like last week with Gigi Rey, there is some kind of way for Promise to get in the title match at Summer of Champions by winning this. They didn't really explain it and  I don't fully understand it.

Gigi Rey is on commentary. They lock up. PB arm and wristlocks her. Maya rolls through and is thrown down by the arm. PB yanks on the arm  then Maya flips the by the arm. PB lariats her then side headlocks her.

Maya backrolls her then PB legsweeps her. Maya rolls over her back and basement dropkicks her. Maya diving armdrags her off the buckles and PB goes out. Maya dropkicks PB through the ropes then topes her. PB spin kicks her and Maya flips out of a backdrop. Maya is tripped into the buckles and PB leg lariats her against the buckles.

PB suplexes her then cravates her. Maya rolls her off then superkicks her for 2. Maya goes for a headscissors and takes a backbreaker for 2. PB chinlocks her. Maya rolls her up for 1 then they try various pin attempts. They bridge up together and try more pins.

They double clothesline each other down. Maya hits clotheslines and bridges out of one. Maya hits an os cutter for 2. Maya is thrown out then sent into the rails and sent into Gigi Rey at commentary. PB tries to pin Maya with her feet on the ropes but Gigi stops it. PB gets distracted and Maya rolls her up for the win.

Thoughts: The execution could have been a little better but it was a solid match. They worked well together and kept this one moving. The booking also continued whatever is going on with Gigi and Promise.

Overall thoughts: The show was so-so overall and nothing really worth seeing. The main was probably the best thing on here. The finish to the Hopkins/Roberts match was really weird and I've never really seen "fans" cause a no contest before. The opener went a little long and would have been okay if it was shorter. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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