Monday, September 30, 2024

WWE Superstars 11/1/2013

WWE Superstars 11/1/2013

Note - I don't have the last three Superstars shows. Hopefully they pop up online someday.

Aksana vs Naomi

Ak boots her in the corner then Naomi hits forearms Ak shoulders her over, Naomi leapfrogs and back elbows her. Naomi slams her then legdrops her. Naomi dances and corner splashes Ak.

Ak running forearms her then hits a backdrop. Ak elbow drops her for 2. Ak boots her and chokes her on the ropes with her knee. Ak then does Naomi's dance and pose. Ak side slams her and crawls around. Ak then kicks her while crawling.

Ak pulls Naomi's arms back then chinlocks her. Brodus Clay and Cameron try to cheer Naomi on. Naomi sunset flips Ak for 2 then rolls her up for 2. They then do a double clotheslines.

Naomi flying headscissors Ak then dropkicks her. Naomi high kicks her from the apron and slingshots over her. Naomi then mostly botches a stunner out of the wheelbarrow. Ak gutwrench suplexes her for 2. Naomi hits a hip attack and gets the win.

Thoughts: It started out okay but they got sloppy towards the end and brought it down some. It was still probably better than it should have been though and I felt like both girls tired.

Naomi then dances with her buddies after.

Kofi Kingston vs Santino Marella

They shake hands and Kofi side headlocks him. Kofi flying shoulderblocks him then SM side headlocks him. SM shoulders him over. Kofi leapfrogs then Santino starts slow walking the ropes. Kofi back rolls him then SM legsweeps him. SM hits an armdrag then takes one in return. SM hiptosses him then Kofi hiptosses him back. They then try to dropkick each other at the same time. Kofi kips up and SM tries to as well but falls. The crowd chants "Santino" for that.

Kofi waistlocks him. SM tries to throw him out but Kofi skins the cat. Kofi throws SM out. SM tries to skin the cat but can't. Kofi then pushes him over to the floor.  Kofi then teases hitting a tope.

We goto break and return. Kofi armlocks SM then flips out of SM's monkey flip. Kofi misses a corner splash and SM waistlocks him. Santino pulls on the legs and they stand off. Kofi trips him then does an armlock. Kofi backdrops him and SM kips up. SM splits out of a lariat, hiptosses him and Kofi gets his knees up on SM's splash. Kofi then hits a boom legdrop.

SM avoids a corkscrew kick and goes for the cobra. SM hits him with it and Kofi goes out. SM throws him back in and gets a 2 count. Kofi hits a corkscrew kick when SM goes for the cobra again. Kofi then pins SM.

Thoughts: It was an entertaining bout. I didn't really get the end of this though with Kofi getting hit with the cobra, going out and getting sent in then stopping a second cobra attempt to get in. That hurt the flow of this one and I don't think it would have been a huge deal to give Santino the win.

They shake hands after.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual. There were noticeable technical issues in both matches as the commentators just completely stopped talking for long stretches, so something definitely happened. It was a quick 20 minutes or so of new matches here and the show was fine. Kofi vs Santino would have been really good if they ended it after Santino's cobra attack, but they kept going and it messed the flow up.

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