Sunday, September 29, 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 9/29/2024 Destruction in Kobe 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 9/29/2024 Destruction in Kobe 2024

Tiger Mask, Tomoaki Honma & Yuji Nagata vs. Dragon Dia, Ryusuke Taguchi & Shota Umino

Yuji wristlocks RT. RT reverses it then takes an upkick. RT hip attacks him in the back of the neck. RT misses a hip attack and is kicked in the gut. Yuji facekicks and exploders him. Yuji crossfaces him and RT ropebreaks.

Honma hits shots on RT. Tiger knee drops RT and they trade chest chops. RT tries hip attacks and is kicked in the butt. RT jumps into an atomic drop and hits a roll into a hip attack. Dia dropkicks Tiger in the knee then legsweeps him. Dia standing moonsaults Tiger for 2.

Dia headscissors Tiger out of the corner then Tiger tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Dia step-up enzugiri's him then Tiger hits a tiger driver. Shota and Honma fight. Honma shoulders him over then misses a headbutt drop.

Honma takes a hip attack + neckbreaker combo. Shota facekicks Honma then takes a headbutt. Honma falling headbutt drops him for 2. RT gets in and hits hip attacks. Dia then helps him do a double hip attack.

Honma rolls up Shota then Shota dropkicks him. Shota hits a double underhook ddt and wins.

Thoughts: It was your usual opener. RT wasn't totally serious here as usual and there wasn't a ton of time for this. Everyone got their segment in and not a lot else.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Hiromu Takahashi & Yota Tsuji) vs. United Empire (Callum Newman, Francesco Akira & Jeff Cobb)

Yota and Cobb stare down. They lock up and Yota is backed up on the ropes. Yota side headlocks him then Cobb shoulders him over. Cobb hits a big forearm and blocks Yota's headscissors. Cobb throws him on a slam. Cobb goes for a spin cycle backdrop but Yota armdrags him and shoulders him over.

Cobb sends Bushi and Yota into each other and double crossbodies them. Cobb steps on Bushi then CN gets in. CN suplexes Bushi then kips up and PK's him. Bushi boots him out of the corner then 2nd rope diving headscissors him.

HT flying headscissors CN then corner lariats him. HT basement dropkicks him. HT superkicks him then takes an enzugiri. Akira and HT chop each other up. Akira germans him.

HT takes corner attacks then is pop up dropped on his chest. Akira headkicks him. Yota and Cobb trade forearms. Yota does a nice spinning armdrag then Cobb hits a muso. Cobb standing moonsaults him. Akira's knee gives out on him and HT drops Akira on the knee. Bushi topes CN over the rails then HT taps out Akira with some kind of cloverleaf legbar.

It seems like Akira got injured here as the knee selling stuff felt out of nowhere. It was on the shorter end of things and nothing was wrong with this one. The Cobb/Yota sections looked good and made me want to see that one.

Cobb and Yota have words for each other after.

Hirooki Goto vs. Gabe Kidd

Gabe nails Goto backstage before he comes through the entrance and shows the camera man. He pounds on him backstage then beats him up on the ramp. They trade on the ramp and Goto sends him into the ring. Gabe then lariats him over the top to the outside. Gabe sends him into the rails and they fight in the seats.

Goto is rammed into a wall and choked and both are counted out. Gabe says he's taking his life for taking out his partner. He says this should restart as a No DQ match.

Non Title No Disqualification Match - Hirooki Goto vs. Gabe Kidd

Goto running lariats him and they trade forearms in the crowd. Goto gets sent into the post and takes a brainbuster. Gabe slaps him then Goto lariats him over. Gabe corner lariats Goto then takes one. Goto backdrops him. Goto hits an ushigoroshi.

They lariat battle and Gabe lariats him over. Gabe backdrops him. Gabe tries to stab him with something but misses then Goto spinning heel kicks him. Gabe rolls him up and they trade forearms. Gabe bites his head and suplexes him. Goto lariats him then hits a GTW for 2.

Goto hits a shouten kai then slices him over the knee to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't much of a match. The spent the first half of this whole thing outside and then got in and just stuck to brawling. It's a shame as if they would have let them go out and do their thing, it would have been good. 

TMDK (Kosei Fujita, Ryohei Oiwa & Zack Sabre Jr.) vs. Just 5 Guys (SANADA, Taichi & TAKA Michinoku)

Tai and Oiwa go at it. They shoulder battle then trade forearms for leg kicks. Tai facekicks him then is shouldered over. Oiwa armdrags and armlocks him. Oiwa sends Tai into his partners then Oiwa dropkicks him.

Sanada and Zack fight. Sanada flips out of a snapmare and they each go for pins. Zack rolls and bridges out of a wristlock. Zack then upkicks him while in the wristlock. Sanata asai moonsaults into a dragon sleeper but Zak reverses it. Sanada goes for a bridge pin then Zack does one on him for 2. Sanada backrolls him for 2.

Zack twists his neck with his feet then Sanada russian legsweeps him. Kosei and Taka go at it. Kosei hits a big slap then springboard dropkicks him for 2. Taka step up knees him then running knees him for 2. Kosei step up enzugiri's Taka.

Taka takes offense from all 3 opponents then takes an olympic slam from Oiwa. Oiwa sleepers Taka then spinning lariats him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter trios match. Oiwa got the win here which was nice. Zack doesn't really feel like any more of a big main eventer than he did before the G1. I'm not real sure where Oiwa fits in with TMDK and we'll have to see where things go. It was fine.

NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Title Match - Hiroshi Tanahashi, Oleg Boltin & Toru Yano (c) vs. House Of Torture (EVIL, SHO & Yujiro Takahashi)

Oleg has a new black robe I think and Tana has a shorter black jacket. The faces get hit as Tana poses.

Tana is tripled teamed by the heels and does a triple twisting crossbody off the 2nd rope. Evil is sent into the exposed buckle. Yano hits Yujiro and Sho in the back of the head then Togo hits Yano with a turnbuckle pad.

Everyone goes outside to fight and Yano is sent into the rail, knocking the ring announcer over. Evil and Sho talk trash on the mic then Evil tries to pin Yano with a foot on the chest. Yano is sent into the exposed buckle by Yujiro.

Yujiro baseball slides Yano then Sho works on Yano's fingers. Sho foot slaps Yano. Yano grabs him by the hair then pulls him down by it. Oleg gets in and shoulders over Sho. Oleg hits a double suplex then Oleg splashes Sho. Sho tries to spear Oleg but he doesn't budge. Oleg then karelin's lifts Sho.

Oleg splashes the exposed buckle when Sho moves. Sho and Oleg trade chops. Oleg hits a big chop on Sho then Sho dropkicks him in the knee. Oleg dropkicks him then Tana flying forearms Yujiro. Tana 2nd rope swantons Yujiro for 2.

Tana takes corner attacks from the heels. Tana nearly takes a chop to the crotch but it is stopped. Tana then 2nd rope chops Yujiro in the crotch. Tana slingblades Yujiro and has it won but Sho pulls the ref out.

Togo comes in with a weapon and takes a dragon screw. Tana dragon screws Sho and Evil then hits a twist and shout on Yujiro. Tana slingblades Yujiro then goes up top. Ren Nariuat comes out and hits Tana with the push-up bar.

Tana is triple teamed then El Phantasmo comes out to help with new looking hair. ELP hits his CR2 on Yujiro and Tana top rope splashes Yujiro to win.

Thoughts: It was your usual HoT BS with them pulling out the ref and not getting DQ'd then multiple people running in to fight. It wasn't that bad up to it but the match just had to be ruined as usual.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match - DOUKI (c) vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru

They lock-up. YK boots him then Douki flying headscissors him. Douki springboard back elbows him then baseball slides him into the rails. YK is sent into the rails. Douki tries to do a handstand handspring on the apron but is caught and dropped on his knees.

YK bangs Douki's knee off the mat outside. YK drops Douki's knee onto his knee several times. YK wraps Douki's knees around the post then bangs his leg off of it. YK kicks him while he's down. The ref gets hold on Douki's leg and Douki's legs are split by YK and the ref.

YK stomps on Douki. Douki hits chops then flying double chops him. YK is sent out then Douki plancha's him. Douki asai moonsaults him outside. Douki suplexes YK for 2. Douki goes for a double arm triangle and YK goes for a pin. Douki slingshots and takes an atomic drop off of it. Douki is then sent into the post. YK and Douki are on the apron. YK lifts Douki's leg and bangs it off the floor. 

Douki is dropped on the mat on his knee then YK figure fours him. YK is caught off the 2n rope then Douki hits a northern light suplex. Douki's knee gives out on the pin attempt. Douki hits a gori bomb for 2 then the douki chokey. YK ropebreaks.

Douki cradles and crucifixes him then puts the douki chokey on. Sho gets on the apron and distracts the ref. Douki goes after him. YK spits whiskey in Douki's eyes then corner lariats him. YK top rope moonsaults him for 2.

Douki germans him then YK figure fours him. YK 2nd rope diving ddt's him. Douki step up enzugiri's him then lariats him. Douki hits Sho on the apron and topes him. Douki slingshot ddt's Kanemaru for 2. YK rolls him up then takes a running lariat. Douki wheelbarrow's him into a dragon suplex and wins.

Thoughts: Eh. The interference didn't add much to this. Kanemaru worked the knee a bit here. I didn't think it was that great and could have been a bit more focus.

Sho takes Douki's title after and has words for him on the mic. He says he's the next challenger for the title and says he will smash the title if Douki doesn't agree. Douki says Sho has tarnished the title and says he will accept the challenge. Sho returns the title then hits him with a wrench. Sho is then chased off.

NEVER Openweight Title Match - HENARE (c) vs. Shingo Takagi

They collide with shoulders to start and trade forearms. Shingo back elbows him then both get shouldered over. They bang each others heads off the apron. Shingo is sent into the rails and Henare headbutts him.

Henare knees him in the gut then flying shoulders him over. Henare sentons him for 2. Henare does a grounded cobra twist. They trade forearms. Henare snapmares him and kicks him in the back.

Shingo blocks a PK. Then hits an elbow, punch and lariat. Shingo sentons him. Shingo hits a punch and chop combo. Henare no sells it and hits his own strike combo. Henare corner lariats him then Shingo shoulders him over. Shingo suplexes him for 2.

Henare blocks a sliding lariat then hits shots to the body. Henare berzerker bombs him for 2. Shingo hits shots and ddt's him. Henare then takes a ddt on his head. Shingo superplexes him. Shingo hits a sliding lariat but Henare rolls through and knees him in the head. They headbutt battle on their knees then get up and trade headbutts. They trade chops for kicks. Henare pop-up samoan drops him.

Henare uranages him for 2. Henare full nelsons him then Shingo hits a made in Japan. Shingo hits downward elbows to the shoulder then sliding forearms Henare in the back of the head. Henare 2nd rope enzugiri's him then is lariated. They headbutt each other and both go down. 

Henare headbutts him and step up knees him in the corner. Henare PK's him for 1. Henare hits a big spear for 2. Shingo takes a big forearm, takes some back and hits a half-nelson suplex. Shingo hits a forearm combo then a spin kick. Henare hits lariats. They headbutt battle and knock over each other. Shingo lariats him in the back of the neck.

They slap each other. Shingo headbutts and forearms him. Shingo headbutts him and knees him in the head. Shingo lariats him for 1. Shingo running lariats him for 2. Shingo basically hits a nasty botched burning hammer and wins.

Thoughts: It went longer than it needed to and was a bit slower than it needed to. This was all about various strikes and lariats and not much else. I liked it, but it didn't really get to the next level and it may have been better if it were shorter.
IWGP Global Heavyweight Title Match - David Finlay (c) vs. YOSHI-HASHI

DF backs him up on the ropes and hits him. DF side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Yoshi side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Yoshi hits forearms and chops. DF drops him on the ropes throat first and hits mounted punches.

DF stands on his throat then euros him. Yoshi is sent hard into the buckles. DF lariats him over the top and goes with him. Yoshi's head is banged off the apron several times. They fight on the ramp and DF gets suplexed on it.

Yoshi running dropkicks him on the ramp and sends him rolling down it. DF is then sent into the apron edge and bangs his head. Yoshi tope con hilos him then top rope blockbusters him.

Yoshi hits forearms and chops then DF pounces him into the rails. DF powerbombs him into the post. DF throws him on a suplex and takes off a turnbuckle pad. DF is thrown into the post shoulder first. Yoshi lifts him and drops him on his chest and gut.

They trade forearms on their knees then get up and trade. Yoshi superkicks him then DF backbreakers him. DF dominators him for 2. Yoshi ddt's him off the power bomb attempt and DF uranage backbreakers him. DF is hurricanrana'd into the buckles and takes a crucifix bomb.

Yoshi ties up both of DF's arms. DF tries to hit him with a shillelagh but Yoshi gets rid of it. Yoshi then hooks a hammerlock in and DF ropebreaks. Yoshi dragon suplexes him then DF lariats him. They lariat each other at the same time then DF is flipped with a lariat. Yoshi suplexes him.

Yoshi hits a top rope swanton on DF and for 2. Yoshi flips him but takes a stunner out of it. Yoshi cradles him for 2. DF hits oblivion for 2. Yoshi takes a buckle bomb and DF spinning forearms him. DF powerbombs him for 2.

Yoshi blocks overkill then takes a pop-up powerbomb. DF then hits overkill to win.

Thoughts: It was a good match. Yoshi was a good underdog here and made you believe he could win. He almost did too. I wish DF would do less high impact offense though. He shouldn't be doing dominators and powerbombs as he's not some big muscle gut and it just doesn't come across right. Yoshi continues to look like one of the best wrestlers in the company and I'm not real sure why they just didn't have him win here.

DF motions Goto to come after and holds the title up in his face.

IWGP World Heavyweight Title Match - Tetsuya Naito (c) vs. Great-O-Khan

Khan firemans' carry takeovers him early. Naito headscissors him and armdrags him. Khan misses a pump kick and both pose. They do some mat wrestling. Naito grabs a headlock then Khan grabs the arm. They stand off.

Khan headlock takeovers him then side headlocks him. Naito atomic drops him and throws him down backwards. Naito back elbows him and takes a dropkick to the knee. Khan wraps Naito's leg around the ropes. Khan pulls on the leg and Naito ropebreaks.

Naito hits shots then Khan ties up both legs. Khan hits mongolian chops and an uppercut. Khan sits on Naito's neck in the corner then gutwrenches him for 2. Khan pulls the leg nd hits facekicks. Naito dropkicks him in the knee. He armdrags him the baseball slides him in the back of the neck. Naito reverse ddt's him on the knee then neckbreakers him. Naito then does both moves again.

Khan leglocks him then shoulder throws him. Khan shoulder throws and monkey flips him. Khan then hits a double underhook suplex. Khan leglocks him. Khan kneebreakers Naito on the knee then sleepers him. Naito tornado ddt's him and Khan goes out.

Khan is thrown into the rails. They go up the ramp and Naito neckbreakers him. Naito does a koji clutch. Naito then diamond dusts him off the buckles. Khan sheep killer suplexes Naito then leglocks him.

Khan pump kicks him then Naito rolls him up for 2. Khan hits a straight punch. They fight on the buckles and Naito hurricanrana's him off the buckles. Khan backbreakers him and Naito hits destino. Khan flatliners him. Naito hits another destino for 2. Naito hits another destino and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like this that much. They focused on leg work that went nowhere. The match was very slow paced all throughout and didn't have a lot of excitement to it. The finishing stretch wasn't that great either.

Naito grabs the mic and Zack comes out after. Zack talks on the mic and Shingo comes out. Shingo wants to challenge Naito. Ryohei Oiwa then comes out. Oiwa wants to challenge for Shingo's Never Title. Shingo agrees. We now have Shingo vs Oiwa and Zack vs Naito for the next big show. Naito then talks more on the mic after as the challengers leave and Shingo stays.

Overall thoughts: The show was about average. Shingo/Henare and Finlay/Yoshi were the best matches here. Khan/Naito wasn't that good as it was a slower match without a ton of excitement to it. Kidd/Goto disappointed and House of Torture ruined an okay match with interference as usual. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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