Friday, September 20, 2024

TNA Impact 9/19/2024

TNA Impact 9/19/2024

Last week's show is here:

Alisha Edwards comes out to talk. She says what happened at Victory Road is a travesty as she is no longer a tag champ in TNA. She said if Masha Slamovich thinks she will embarrass her in front of the world, she has another thing coming.

Masha Slamovich comes out. She asks if she will hurt her even though she is not cleared. Alisha says she can't do it as she is under concussion protocol. Alisha says she was the brains behind her team and Masha is nothing without her. Alisha says Masha doesn't speak English and doesn't understand a word she is saying. Masha talks in Russian then says she understands everything Alisha has ever said. She said she's sick of hearing her voice and sick of her. Alisha begs off and Tasha Steelz nails Masha from behind.

Tasha boots Masha then Masha fires back. Alisha hits Masha with a kendo stick. Tasha goes for a shot then Jordynne Grace comes down to help out. Grace blocks a kendo stick shot with her title belt then The System come out. The Hardy's then come out after The System.

Santino Marella then comes out. He says it's enough of the chaos. He says they can fight tonight in a 6-person intergender tag.

Arianna Grace then comes out. She says she's shocked by the chaos and says Jordynne Grace can take on Rosemary and Wendy Choo next week with a mystery partner. Santino said he likes the way she thinks and reminds him of himself.

Eric Young and Josh Alexander talk. Eric says he's been in Josh's position. He says they come from the same place and says it's about respect and learning. Eric says sometimes it's bigger than you and Josh needs to really think about what he is doing. He says he's a leader here and needs to take it serious.

Masha is in the back and Jordynne Grace goes up to her. Grace says she's been holding open challenges and had hoped Masha would answer one. Masha said she has other business to take of now and knocks on The Hardy's door. She thanks them for having her back and shows a photo of her with them as a kid. She said she never thought this would happen. Matt says he never thought they would team with Michael Hayes and said they need Masha to focus for tonight and need Grace to focus for next week. Matt says they need to remind people why TNA is white hot.

First Class (AJ Francis and KC Navarro) vs Sinner and Saint (Travis Williams and Judas Icarus)

TW and KC go at it. KC flips over his back. TW goes to shake hands and shoulderblocks him. TW is double hiptossed into the ropes then takes a double basement dropkick. JI hits chops on KC. KC poses on the ropes and AJ shoulders JI over. AJ pops up KC into a splash on JI.

AJ running knees JI in the corner. KC pulls JI's neck forward then double stomps him for 2. KC is back body dropped out of the ring then JI ddt's AJ. TW and KC get in. TW running forearms KC then 2nd rope dropkicks him. TW goes for a tope, KC moves to the other side then TW topes him on that side. KC is flipped from the reverse ddt into a facebuster.

AJ throws JI into TW then AJ chokeslams TW. KC top rope splashes TW and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short but decent tag here with them keeping things moving. I like that reverse ddt facebuster and KC took a big back body drop out to the floor here.

Mike Santana talks. He said he's been digging himself out of a hole this entire life, but we don't know how comfortable he feels in this world. He asks if he's willing to walk through the fire as he may baptize him in his own world. He says JDC is locked in this world with him.

Mike Bailey is interviewed. He said he won the title in his hometown and said it shows the X-Division is the most competitive division in the world. He said his match tonight will be a match nobody will forget.

Thoughts: Bailey's one of the worst promo guys in wrestling and this was as generic as it gets.

Steph de Lander and PCO talk in the back in a taped segment. Steph tells him to be patient about getting his hands on Matt Cardona.

Matt Cardona vs Rhino

Rhino hits a corner spear then hiptosses him. Matt goes out. Rhino suplexes him on the ramp. They get back in and Matt double throat thrusts him. Matt hits a dropkick off the buckles. Matt hits corner punches then Rhino powerbombs him. Rhino brings a chair in and Matt hits him in the gut with it.

Matt hits a leg lariat after and grabs a chair. The lights go out, PCO chokeslams him. Matt leaves and PCO moonsaults a chair for fun. PCO then pounds on the chair and yells, "Cardona".

The match was short and not much of note before the finish.

Arianna Grace comes out. She congratulates Spitfire for winning the tag titles. She says she has new competition for them and brings out Carlee Bright and Kendall Grey. Nobody reacts likely because they are so new and unknown. 

Spitfire vs Kendall Grey and Carlee Bright

Grey and Jody go at it. Jody waistlock takedowns her. Grey doe a nice fireman's carry takeover. Grey does a backdrop off a side headlock. Dani corner lariats Grey then Grey rolls her up. Dani fallaway slams her and Grey takes a double delayed suplex.

Grey tags out and CB hits dropkicks on Dani. CB flying headscissors her. CB cartwheel kicks Dani. CB 2nd rope diving headscissors her then standing moonsaults her for 2.  Dani hits a top rope cannonball on both opponents then Grey is thrown into a sitout powerbomb. Grey gets pinned.

Thoughts: Well, at least Spitfire got the win here. It was fine for what it was with everything looking fine and I think Bright got over a bit here. 

Ash By Elegance is talking in the dressing room and George Iceman puts her over. Heather Reckless walks in. She said she's been calling them and leaving messages but got no reply. Heather says she wants to fix her look and says they are the right people to help her. George says they are busy and will think about it. Heather says she will wrestle Xia Brookside next week and asks them to watch and make a decision. Ash says she's busy and George says she will let her know. Ash then goes back to posing in the mirror. 

Texas Death Match - Mike Santana vs JDC

They trade shots outside and Mike pounds on him. They trade more punches inside. Mike hits corner attacks. Mike hits a step up enzugiri. Mike hit corner facewash kicks. Mike hits a tope con hilo on JDC. Two chairs are set up back to back and JDC is sent into the corner. Mike hits corner punches then Mike takes a powerbomb on the chair top edges.

Mike has a trash can on his head and JDC hits kendo stick shots on it. JDC top rope legdrops a trash can into Mike's head. Mike is bleeding and hits JDC with the handle of a barbed wire baseball bat. Mike then puts the bat in JDC's head.

We go to break and return. They are fighting somewhere in the production area. JDC is bloodied and he hits mounted punches. Mike piledrivers JDC on the stage. JDC jumps off steps and tornado ddt's Mike on the stage. JDC gets back body dropped onto a rail.

Mike rams a box on wheels into JDC. JDC goes onto a table. Mike gets on top of a ladder on the stage and top rope splashes him. Mike then gets the pin and wins as JDC can't answer the 10 count.

Thoughts: A lot of this got lost due to the break. What we saw of it looked good and they tried to have a dramatic and bloody match here. But I just felt like we missed too much of this one to really put it over.

Moose hits Mike with a chair after and poses over him. 

Sinner and Saint talk in the back and Josh Alexander goes up to them. He says they have potential and can't let a loss like that get to them. Josh says to keep grinding and says to reach o ut if they need help or advice. 

We get another Xia Li video. She says she's reborn as her stronger self and is playing with swords with fire in the background. Her new name will be Lei Ying Lee and she debuts next week.

Joe Hendy comes out to talk. Joe says it's been a big year for him and says Victory Road was special. He said he made a statement when he beat Josh Alexander. He says his goal is still to be the TNA champ. He said he has support but a lot of people don't want him to be successful. Joe syas he's going to be lifted up to the TNA Title.

Frankie Kazarian comes out. Kaz laughs at the idea that the fans will lift Joe up. Kaz says Joe only beat Josh because he had a weapon stuffed in his crotch. Kaz called him a one hit wonder. He said people get sick of one hit wonders and he's sick of him. Kaz says Joe sounds like a cross between Shrek and Groundskeeper Willie.

Kaz says he should get the next shot and says he believes in Frankie Kazarian. Kaz said if Nic Nemeth is any type of man, he will grant him his title shot.

Nic Nemeth comes out. Kaz says he has him scouted and will take his strap when they fight. Nic tells him to shut up. Nic puts over Joe and says he's looking for big things from him and says he has his eye on him.

Nic says Kaz calls himself The King of TNA. Nic says the only crown that matters is the TNA Title and says that's as close as Kaz will get to it. Santino Marella comes out and sets up a Kaz vs Joe Hendry match in a #1 Contender's Match. He says the winner faces Nic Nemeth at Bound For Glory. 

Thoughts: Well, I assume Joe wins that match and hopefully would go on to the win the title after.

Tasha Steelz & The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards) vs. Masha Slamovich & The Hardys (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy)

Note - There's almost no male vs female segments in this, so I'll cover it but you guys know how I feel about intergender stuff.

Alisha Edwards is with The System. Masha and Tasha hockey fight. Masha slaps her and hits shots to the gut. Tasha forearms her. Masha hits a facekick and lariat. Masha wants to fight Eddie. Eddie nails Matt instead. Matt asks to get in, preventing any intergender crap.

Matt side headlocks and shoulders over Eddie. Matt punches eddie then chinlocks him on the ropes. Matt leg lariats Edide on the ropes. Eddie takes a double back elbow and a double elbow drop. Jeff jumps off Matt's back and splashes The System in the corner. The System are hten lariated over the top. Tasha hits some shots on Matt then Masha clubs on Tasha.

Masha jumps off Matt's back onto Tasha in the corner. Masha does a top rope flip dive onto everyone. We go to PiP break and return. Eddie chops Brian on accident on a failed double team. Jeff is tagged in and hits a double clothesline. 

Jeff misses a whisper in the wind. Edide russian legsweeps Jeff. Jeff is held for chops from Tasha and Tasha does his dance then twerks at him. Matt suplexes Eddie. Jeff hits whisper in the wind on the heels. Matt works on the heels then neckbreakers Eddie. Matt bangs Eddie's head off the buckles then hits a side effect for 2. Alisha trips Matt and is ejected for it.

ABC comes out and carries Alisha to the back. Matt goes after Eddie and Masha throws Tasha out. Masha corkscrew topes Tasha. Jeff and Matt hit twists of fate. Jeff hits a top rope swanton on Brian and wins.

Thoughts: It was okay for what it was and similar to other Hardy matches. It wasn't great or anything and men and women being in the match at the same time made sure the match was going to have to be set up differently which was going to limit the quality of it. 

Overall thoughts: It was the usual average to okay Impact. There was nothing must see here but nothing awful either. Santana/JDC looked like it was the best thing on here, but it was cut up by a break and it's hard to know how good it really was. The main had men and women involved in it and was always going to have limitations because of it.

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