Saturday, September 7, 2024

WWE Smackdown 9/6/2024

WWE Smackdown 9/6/2024

Last week's show is here:

We are in Edmonton. Corey Graves and Michael Cole are our commentators. This is SD's final night on Fox. I'm glad they are done with Fox. Fox mutes/blacks out the screen constantly and there's no overrun for when the show goes too long.

We see various wrestlers arrive. Cody Rhodes comes out. He said he won at Bash in Berlin and said Owens put up a hell of an outing. Cody brings up Cole and Wade being the announcers and invites Bloodline out since he says they will interrupt him anyway.

The Bloodline comes out. Solo gets in the ring by himself. Solo asks if Cody is done playing around and is ready to defend his title against a real challenger like him. Solo said he could have been champ and had him beat, but blames Roman for the loss. 

Cody said there should be a title match on the season debut of Smackdown next week. Cody says "you do deserve a match". Solo thinks Cody means him but Cody says it's Jacob Fatu who deserves one. He tells Jacob Fatu to step up. Fatu is confused about what to do and Solo has words for him. Fatu tells Solo he loves him and is his tribal chief.

Fatu steps down from the apron and doesn't seem to accept. Solo accuses Cody of getting his enforcer to try and turn on him. Solo agrees to a match next week but says they don't have to wait. Bloodline get in the ring then The Street Profits and DIY get in the ring. Nick Aldis says that's enough unless everyone wants to be fined and suspended. He says they can tear each other apart in an 8-man tag tonight. Nick also makes Cody vs Solo for next week a cage match.

Thoughts: I thought the segment made Cody look foolish. Solo cheated against him last time, lost and hasn't won any big singles matches since. Why should he get a title shot? And then Solo's crew was going to jump Cody anyway even after he agreed to this to further prove that Cody is stupid.

Pretty Deadly is with Tiffany Stratton in the back. Nia Jax comes in and stares down Pd, who then leave. Nia says everyone thought Tiff was going to cash her briefcase in on her. Tiff says she would never do it. She said Chelsea Green is spreading lies about her. Nia says she knows Tiff would never lie to her. Tiff asks if she will be in her corner tonight. She says she will and Nia says she will help her like she "helped" her last week.

Bayley vs Tiffany Stratton

They lock up. Tiff backs her up in the corner. They lock up again. Bayley back rolls her and elbows the arm. Bay wristlocks her and Tiff cartwheels out then reverses it. Bay goes out of the ring and in with the hold on and reverses it on Tiff. Bay armlocks Tiff. Tiff pulls her down by the hair and takes a boot. Bay armdrags her off the ropes and sliding lariats her.

Bay is caught on the top rope. Tiff basement dropkicks her on the apron. We go to break and return. Tiff pulls Bay down by the hair. Tiff cartwheel backflip back elbows her in the corner. Tiff snapmares her then Bay rolls her up for 2.

Tiff trips her and Bay hits a big lariat. Tiff dropkicks her then hip attacks her on the ropes. Tiff bangs Bay's arm off the post then Tiff is sent into the post. Bay bridging suplexes her to the floor. The screen blacks out for the like the 3rd time (I guess due to chants or obscene gestures) and Bay running knees her in the ring.

Bay hits a top rope elbow for 2. Nia Jax comes down. Tiff alabama slams Bayley for 2. Bay hits a belly to belly suplex and Bay topes Nia for no reason. Bay gets back in and Tiff backslides Bay while Nia is distracting the ref. Bay hits a roseplant and beats Tiff.

I didn't think it was anything special and it had a screwy finish. Bay also kind of asked for Nia to get involved since she tope'd her.

Waller and Theory go up to Kevin Owens. Theory said KO proved himself right saying he didn't deserve a shot against Cody since he lost. The heels say KO and Cody aren't friends anymore and says KO didn't go out there to help KO. KO says they are idiots and morons. He says they should go out there and fight each other to prove they are a great team like KO did with Cody. He says it should be a triple threat and suggests it to Nick Aldis. KO then takes the Edmonton Oilers belt that Waller has.

Legado Del Fantasma talks and shuts up as Santos Escobar comes in. Santos asks why Angel and Berto are so excited. They said they won last week over Corbin and Crews. Santos asks if it was a title match. Santos says not to be shocked by success. He says victory is not what they obtain, it's part of who they are. He says they don't find success, they make it. Berto, Angel and Elektra say SD will be their turf and it's their time. Santos says it will belong to him and his family. They then drink.

Giovanni Vinci vs Apollo Crews

This is Vinci's return to SD. He's not doing his NXT entrance with the photos which was cool. Vinci takes his time to get ready and the ref starts the match. Vinci isn't looking and Crews crucifixes him and wins.

Thoughts: What a burial this was. Unbelievable.

Chelsea Green and Piper complain to Nick Aldis. Michin comes in. Green says it's fitting Michin ended her last match in a trash can as that is where trash belongs. Michin brings up Green getting beaten up on NXT. Nick says Green will face Michin 1v1 and Green gets mad.

Kevin Owens vs Grayson Waller vs Austin Theory

A fan has a "KO please break my sign" sign and KO does. KO lariats Theory over the top and sends Waller there too. KO then cannonballs both off the apron. Theory's head is banged off the rails. KO clubs on Waller then KO is sent into the rails by the heels. Theory is sent into the rails and a table is set up. Waller is powerbombed through the table. We go to break and return.

Theory hits corner punches on KO. KO hits punches back then stomps him. Theory running back elbows him. Theory slingshots and rolls into a ddt. KO hits chops and punches on Theory. KO hits a big lariat on Theory then sentons him. KO cannonballs Theory in the corner. KO hits a top rope swanton on Theory for 2.

Waller hits mounted forearms on KO. KO hits a big forearm on him. Theory rolls into a headhunter on KO. Theory pulls Waller off the pin attempt. They argue. The heels get their heads banged together while on the 2nd rope. KO green bay plunges Theory for 2. 

KO 2nd rope twisting fisherman busters Waller for 2. KO knocks Waller off the apron and Theory rolls up KO for 2. KO hits a stunner on Theory and pins him.

Thoughts: I didn't like KO winning here as it made the heels look bad for losing with the advantage. They teased some dissension here with the heels as expected. They kept things moving but it's hard for three-ways to be great.

Waller attacks KO after. Theory hits a-town down onto KO and Waller rolls into a flatliner on KO. We get a video package on the Carmelo Hayes vs Andrade series.

LA Knight is headed to the ring and then comes out. LA said he has had 2 title defenses in 12 days of the US Title. Carmelo Hayes comes out. He asks if he's really bragging about 2 successful title defenses. He says if anyone should be bragging, it's him for putting SD on his back. He said he had the match of the night and stole the show instead of LA running his mouth.

He said he's up 2 straight on Andrade and is next in line for the US Title. LA says he's worried about winning while Melo is worried about match of the night. Andrade comes out. He says Melo beat him twice but he beat Melo twice too.

Andrade asks who deserves the title show. LA said he doesn't have time for this. Andrade said the title was his and LA says "was" is the keyword. Andrade talks in spanish and a fight breaks out. LA hits a BFT on Andrade.

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller talk to Nick Aldis in the back. They ask for a match against Kevin Owens and someone else next week. Waller says "you're welcome, idiot".

Michin vs Chelsea Green

Michin rolls her off the lock-up and hits armdrags. Green hits a knee to the gut. Green surfs on Michin's bac kand basement dropkicks her. Michin rolls her up for 2 then headscissors her. Michin shoulders he rover and dropkicks her. Michin codebreakers her. Michin gets distracted by Piper and Greens rolls her up.

Green is pushed out. Michin topes her. Green enzugiri's Michin off the apron then Piper sentons Michin outside. Green hits an unprettier and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short waste of time filled with shenanigans.

DIY, B-Fab and The Street Profits are interviewed by Byron. Byron asks if they will be on the same page tonight when it could lead to a tag title opportunity. Gargano says there's respect here. Ford agrees and says there's issues between them and Bloodline. Dawkins says he's okay teaming with them if it means getting a tag title shot.

DIY and The Street Profits vs The Bloodline (Solo Sikoa, Tanga Loa, Tama Tonga and Jacob Fatu)

They all brawl in the ring to start. Fatu takes a double dropkick out. Dawkins gits punches on Loa then flying back elbows him. Ford shoulders Loa over then is flipped onto him. Ford PK's Loa then splashes him. Loa lariats Ford over. Gargano slingshot spears Tama.

Ciampa gets in and forearms Tama. Fatu flying back elbows Ciampa. Solo bangs Ciampa's head off the commentary table and throws him over it. We go to break and return. Ciampa step up enzugiri's Tama then suplexes him. Ciampa escapes Solo's grasps and tags in Gargano and Dawkins at the same time. Solo takes corner attacks from both. Fatu takes a double superkick then takes a tope con hilo. Gargano topes Tama then Dawkins hits a double underhook spinning ddt on Solo.

Solo uranages Ciampa for 2. Solo is pulled out and Tama gets crotched up top. Ciampa superplexes Tama onto everyone outside. Ford hits a 450 on Tama for 2 off the top. Fatu superkicks Gargano and pop-up samoan drops Ciampa. Fatu hits a high ddt right on Ford's head. Solo samoan spikes Ford twice and wins.

Thoughts: It was short for how many people were involved and was a bit tough to follow with lots of action. They got as much they could out of it but needed more time. I didn't think it was that great. The ddt Ford took looked nasty and Fatu looked good here.

Overall thoughts: As usual, it wasn't a must see show. There were no real huge matches here and the show is just lacking star power at the moment. AJ's not around. Lashley was released. Roman isn't around. Orton wasn't here for some reason and nobody really cares about new Bloodline. I didn't like Vinci being made to look like a goof and I just don't have a lot of interest in Legado/Andrade/Bayley at the moment. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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