Thursday, September 5, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 9/1/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 9/1/2024

Last week's show is here:

Drew Abbenhaus and Travis Cook welcome us to the show. Drew is bothered by the events of last week but Cook thinks it was awesome as bodies were left everywhere.

Glenn Williams and Trent Daniels vs The Top Guns (Brandon Baretta and Joey Vinetti)

Trent and Brandon trade waistlocks. Brandon throws him down off of it. Brandon suplexes him then drops Joey on him chest first. Trent is whipped into a splash on Trent and Brandon lariats Trent. The Guns chop Trent then Joey suplexes Trent.

Trent side headlock takeovers Joey. Trent grabs the ropes on an irish whip and Glenn lariats Joey from behind. Glen suplexes Joey. Glenn hits punches on Joey then single arm ddt's him. Glenn clubs on Joey then pump kicks him.

Glenn camel clutches Joey around the middle rope and Sean Vincent poses with Glenn. Glenn hits a big chokeslam on Joey for 2. Glenn trap holds Joey. Trent boots and foot chokes Joey in the corner. Sean Vincent then chokes Joey from the outside. Glenn footchokes Joey then sleepers him.

Glenn takes a jawbreaker then Brandon gets in. Brandon hits some nice lariats and dropkicks Glenn. Brandon rocket launchers Joey onto Trent and Joey picks up the win.

Thoughts: Brandon and Glenn had some nice looking offense here. This got a lot of time and it was about average with The Guns getting the win.

Drew interviews Herb Simmons. Herb talks about about this Saturday's show and hypes up Big Texan vs Kowalski. He says he wants a champ who represents the organization well in Big Texan. Drew asks what happens if the title falls into the hands of Kowalski and Dogtown Underground and Herb says he doesn't want to think about it. They talk about the Billy McNeil vs Glenn Williams Hair vs Servitude match. Herb says Billy is one of the most popular wrestlers and says he hopes Billy comes out on top. He says he can think of things for Glenn to do over 60 days and hopes Billy wins.

Drew talks about Stephen E's crew trying to get Herb to sell SICW and asks if Herb still has promoting in him. Herb says it is stressful and hopes he would just go away like Travis Cook did. He said he was surprised by Cook being brought back and said you live and learn. He says he's been doing soul searching and said he has never seen SICW in the state it is in right now. He asks what would Sam Mushnick, Bruiser Brody and Larry Matysik do. He says he may be tired and the tank may be getting empty, but he'll be d@mned if he gives it out without a fight. Herb said he thought Haku was a true friend but he is no friend at all.

We see Glenn Williams at a barber shop getting ready for his match with Billy McNeil. He says if he beats him, he gets to shave Billy's head. Glenn says he's the king of the streets and says sidewalks were made so people wouldn't have to walk on the streets with him. The guy getting his haircut asks if Glenn is even a barber and Glenn says he took online classes.

Thoughts: This was a great skit and I really liked it.

Gary Jackson and Big Texan are interviewed. Gary says Payton Ayres and Kowalski are not new to them. He says they dealt with them before and are ready to go. Drew says it's brave of Texan to get in the ring with Kowalski before their match. Texan said he asked Gary for a few minutes alone with Kowalski so he can get a taste of what he gets on 9/7.

Gary says he's here to protect SICW and Herb Simmons at any cost. He tells Kowalski and Ayres to be prepared to fight when they come to the arena. Drew asks Texan if he's prepared to step up and fight off the invading force of Haku. Texan says they will step up but they have their own clique that they haven't talked about. Texan then whispers "Ron Powers". He says they broke one arm and think Travis Cook and Stephen E could use a broken arm as well.

Billy McNeil vs Cade Maxen

Cade side headlocks him then Billy works the arm. Cade hammerlocks him. Billy side headlocks him. Cade hits a knee to the gut then Billy trips him and armlocks him. Cook says people like Don Owen and Verne Gagne said the same things Herb said when they fought The WWF. Billy rolls out of a wristlock then side headlocks him.

Billy side headlock takeovers him. Cade headscissors him and Billy chinlocks him. Cade goes up and over in the corner. Billy rolls over his back and they stand off. Cade hits a step up knee then Cade neckbreakers him.

Billy jawbreakers him. Cade hits knees to the gut. Cade meteora's him for 2. Billy swinging backbreakers Cade for 2. Billy hits forearms and Cade slingblades him for 2. Cade sliding germans Billy while he's on the 2nd rope. Cade then hits a sliced bread/shiranui for 2.

Billy misses a pumping knee and high kicks Cade. Billy hits oblivion on Cade then top rope diving elbow drops Cade's neck. Billy then gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here. It got a lot of time and Cade had a good showing.

They pound fists after.

Billy McNeil is interviewed after. He says he's feeling great and is on a roll. He says Glenn Williams has no idea what's in store for him. He said Cade's going to be good some day. He asks Glenn what he knows about beekeeping and giving a cat antibiotics. He says he will need someone to clip his toenails and says there is no way Glenn is cutting his hair. 

Payton Ayres and Kowalski vs Big Texan and "Night Train" Gary Jackson

Jack Doane is the ref for this one. Kowalski and Texan start us off...or not as Kowalski tags out before they lock up. Payton and Texan do a double knucklelock. Texan trips him then elbow drops the leg. Texan single leg crabs him and punches the knee. Payton rope breaks.

Payton's head is banged off the buckles and Texan chops him. Gary gets some shots in on Payton and hits corner spears. Payton hits a big lariat out of the corner. Gary jawbreakers him then texas cloverleafs him. Kowalski breaks it up.

Gary is rammed into the buckles and Payton corner splashes him. Gry is held down for a splash from Kowalski for 2. Kowalski stomps him off the bottom rope then headbutt drops him. Kowalski chinlocks him. Kowalski rams Gary into the corner and taunts Texan. Payton side slams Gary for 2.

Payton headbutts Gary then rakes his back.Kowalski hits shots on Gary in the corner and somewhat hits a splash but Gary escapes. Texan gets in and hits shots on Kowalski. Texan corner splashes Kowalski. All 4 men fight in the ring. Gary and Kowalski get sent into each other. Payton and Gary fight outside and Texan splashes Kowalski inside. Texan hits shots on Kowalski. Travis Cook leaves commentary and gives Kowalski brass knucks Kowalski decks Texan and pins him.

Thoughts: It was about an average tag here with Payton Ayres having a decent showing and them adding a little more to the Kowalski/Texan match. It's a shame Gary couldn't get out of the corner in time on the splash as that was one of the key moments here and it got messed up.

Drew interviews Kowalski after. Kowalski says he's the next champ and says he's the most dangerous man in the business.

Overall thoughts: The show did a good job focusing on the September 7th show with the Big Texan vs Kowalski showdown. The in-ring work is usually about average, but it makes sense with clear faces and heels. It was a decent old school show as usual and I enjoyed it.

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