Wednesday, September 18, 2024

WWE NXT 9/17/2024

WWE NXT 9/17/2024

Last week's show is here:

Ava is in the ring. She says Sexxy Redd will return at NXT St. Louis and says Randy Orton will compete. She says CM Punk is here and will be in Chicago. She says Wes Lee and Zach Wentz will fight in a streefight. She says we will also get Miz TV, Roxanne Perez vs Giulia in an NXT Title and Ethan Page vs Trick Williams in an NXT Title match.

Trick comes out. He says he's in pain but says Pete Dunne is still a Butch. He says he will beat Ethan Page for the title next week and the crowd will chant "Whoop That Trick". Ethan Page comes out and mocks the chant.

Page says he's Trick Williams' kryptonite and says the NXT Title is the receipt. Trick says Page has been running from him and the running stops on October 1st. Trick says he stole the title and Page says he earned it and won it. Page says Trick doesn't have him figured out. He says he will beat him and put an end to this on October 1st. He says The Era of Ego won't end though and it will still be NX-Me.

Trick says that era will be over then Page hits a razor's edge on him through a table. 

We see clips of Hammerstone and Tony D'Angelo talking last week. Tony says when he gives you money to do a job, you take care of it. Hammer says Oba is a beast. Tony says Hammer will go ask for a rematch and take care of Oba. Tony gets mad at Hammer saying no to him. Hammer says Tony should take Oba out himself. Tony says he should take out Hammer instead of Oba.

I didn't like this at all. Hammer looked weak in losing to Oba and I really can't recall many situations where a wrestler who wasn't a weak heel or a comedy guy turned down a match with someone.

Ava talks to Steview and Stone in the back. She says she has a surprise and tries to say things will go okay today. Je'Von Evans with Cedric Alexander goes up to her and says he wants on the Chicago show.

Wendy Choo and Rosemary vs Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley

Tatum and Rose butt heads and yell at each other. They pull each other by the hair and Rose throws her down. Tatum flips over her on the mat and front facelocks her. Lyra legsweeps Rose then Rose takes a double elbow drop. Tatum hits Rose's arm off the top and is rolled up.

Tatum backrolls Choo then rolls her off the waistlock. Tatum dropkicks her then corner crossbodies her. Tatum's team hits stereo dropkicks then they do stereo dropkicks through the ropes.

We go to break and return. Tatum takes a double team russian legsweep. Tatum step up enzugiri's Rose. Lyra crossbodies Rose then northern lights suplexes Wendy. Choo takes a backbreaker + 2nd rope legdrop combo. Lyra takes a hard fall out then is lariated by Rose outside.

Choo 2nd rope belly to belly suplexes Tatum then Rose spears Tatum for 2. Tatum hits a tequila shot on Rose then Lyra top rope guillotine legdrops Rose on the back of the neck and wins.

Thoughts: I liked this one. It was fast paced and everything looked good. I also do like the Tatum and Lyra team and feel it's better than what they would be doing otherwise.

We go to the trainer's room with Ava and Trick. Ava says the contract for Page/Trick gets signed tonight. Trick says nothing will hold him back when he sees him.

The No Quarter Catch Crew are in the old Diamond Mine dojo. CD says Tav made them proud. Tav says it was a great experience. CD says he needs Tav and Myles to take the tag division by storm. Wren interrupts and CD says Wren needs to make a name for herself. She says she's fired up and chops him then leaves. 

Tony D'Angelo vs Hammerstone

They lock up and go to the corner. Tony hits punches and Hammer lariats him out of the corner. Tony hits belly to belly suplexes and a spinebuster on Hammer. Hammer bends over and tony kicks him. Hammer hits corner spears then belly to belly suplexes him. Tony backs off and goes outside to clear his head. Oba Femi is watching in the back and smirks. Tony then gets intentionally counted out, not wanting to get back in.

Thoughts: This was unusual. At least Hammer didn't lose again.

Zachary Wentz comes out and says he needs to show us something. He says he and Trey were supposed to challenge for the tag titles and didn't. He says to roll the footage. On Sunday 9/8, Wes Lee attacked Trey in the parking lot, slamming a door on him.

Wentz says Wes is a piece of garbage. He says Wes deserves everything he gets in Chicago. He says the pain he will go through will be 10x worse in a street fight. 

Ava talks to Tyrese Haliburton in the back. He says he can get the Trick/Page contract signed. Stevie Turner disagrees and Mr. Stone puts him over and tell him he got this. Tyrese asks who he is. Tyrese says he will get it signed.

Fatal Influence is interviewed by Sarah. Jacy says they just speak the truth and says you can handle it or cry about it. She says Lola is a great fighter who thinks she is a bigger star than she is. They say they left Jaida Parker laying and said if she wanted to find them, she would have. Jacy says it's becoming the Fatal Influence Division and accuses Kelani of sucking up.

Lola is shadow boxing in the back. She stells Brinley that Jaida didn't want her help and she doesn't either. Jaida walks in. They argue over who gets Fatal Influence tonight and Lola says she can have them once she's finished with them.

Ashante "Thee" Adonis vs Eddy Thorpe

AA gives a fan in the crowd flowers. AA nails Eddy as he enters. Eddy hits back elbows and chops. Eddy backdrops him. AA chokes him on the ropes. AA knees him in the gut and back elbows him. They trade forearms. Eddy is tripped into the ropes.

They trade more shots. AA spin kicks him in the face and takes an enzugiri. Eddy is kicked off the apron and AA corkscrew plancha's him outside. AA misses a top rope splash and Eddy implant ddt's him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one here. They kept it moving but it was average for the most part.

CM Punk walks into the building.

We go to Chase U. Thea says Ridge Holland gave them the biggest wake-up call they ever had. They said they wanted to be the ones who said others got him wrong but it was the other way around. They says she doesn't know who he is and says he broke her heart. Riley says he hates that he was right. Riley says Ridge just showed the world who he is. He says he will make things right next week and get Ridge out of their lives.

CM Punk comes out to talk. He says he wants to have fun and says it's cool to be in front of the NXT fans. He says he snuck in to watch the show when he was injured. He ays there's some scouting here and says he knows while he's rubbing elbows with NXT wrestlers now, he will be trading elbows with them soon. He brings up Bron and Ethan Page as examples.

He says he loves NXT and said he begged Shan Michaels to be part of NXT Chicago. He said he had an idea then Roxanne Perez comes out. Perez says 13 year old her would be freaking out right now. She says Punk is one of the main reasons she is here. She said she always preferred his wife though.

She said she should have been a Drew McIntyre fan. She says he is coming to Chicago to get one last hurrah before Drew ends Punk's career. She says she doesn't want Punk in Chicago and says Chicago will be her town when she beats Giulia. 

Perez says she doesn't care about how big Giulia was in Japan as she's big around the globe. She says she'd rather be hated for who she is than loved for who she is not. Punk says he loves her coming out here to take the segment over. He said he had a chip on his shoulder the size of her.

He said he say Iyo and Bianca tear the house down and thought perez might be better than them. They talk about Giulia. Giulia comes out. She says the countdown is on and says Perez has two weeks left. Perez goes to hit her and Punk stops her.

Thoughts: Perez was good here and I enjoyed this segment. We still don't know what Punk's announcement was though.

Kelani Jordan is interviewed. She says she's not ducking Fatal Influence. She says she wants to fight people who excel in the ring and said she should hold her own open challenge like Jordynne Grace did. She said Fatal Influence better appear when she does.

Wren Sinclair comes in. She said Charlie told her to make an opportunity for herself so she's doing it now. She slaps KJ and then runs.

The D'Angelo Family talk in the back. Stacks wants to find Hammerstone. Tony is asked when he will face Oba. He says right place, right time. Tony says nothing is going on. Tony says he's afraid. He says he's supposed to be the guy of NXT and not back down from fights. He says Oba is a machine and not human. He says he can't beat him.

No Quarter Catch Crew (Myles Borne and Tavion Heights) vs Je'Von Evans and Cedric Alexander

Tav goes at Evans and they trade shots. Myles knees Evans in the gut then CA basment dropkicks Myles. CA takes a double attitude adjustment. Tav armlocks CA then hip throws him. Evans hits an assisted shiranui on Myles then an assisted headscissors on Tav. He then dropkicks Tav out. Evans topes NQCC outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Borne chinlocks Evans. Borne powerslams Evans. Tav is thrown gut first onto Borne's knee. Tav and Evans trade forearms. Evans corkscrew kicks him off the ropes. CA gets in and hits offense, making NQCC dragon screw each other. CA michinoku drivers Tav for 2.

Tav flying lariats CA. Borne ddt's CA. Kelani Jordan comes out, chases Wren around and hits her. CA backbreakers Borne then Evans double springboard tornillo splashes Borne and wins.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced match with a lot of action. I had no issues wiht this and liked them tying Wren/Kelani into it.

 Randy Orton challenges Je'Von Evans via twitter.

Ridge is interviewed in the back. He said he told everyone he would destroy Chase U. He says there's two down and one to go with Riley. He says he'll see Riley next week.

We see Shawn Spears wish Brooks Jensen good luck. BJ asks if we are doing this and asks if he's with him.

Dion Lennox vs Brooks Jensen

BJ throws him around then Dion throws and hiptosses him. Dion dropkicks him then spinebusters him for 2. BJ backdrops him then hits some shots. BJ spinning heel kicks him then suplexes him.

BJ grabs Dion's glasses and puts them on. Dion gets mad and hits a nice short arm clothesline. Dion back body drops him. Shawn Spears grabs the glasses and Dion says not today. Dion rolls up BJ for 2 then bJ ddt's him and wins.

Thoughts: No real surprises here with BJ winning as expected. Dion looked decent here and probably is going to be a big player someday.

Brooks shakes hands with Shawn after.

Wes Lee said he took Trey Miguel out so his fight with Wentz would be free of interference and fair.

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory challenged Axiom and Nathan Frazer on twitter, saying they never held the titles before and wanted some gold. Fraxiom accepted via twitter. 

Tony D'Angelo and Adrianna Rizzo talk. Rizzo tells him not to be scared and says they will support Tony win or lose. Tony said he let The Family down by losing. Rizzo said maybe he needs special training and they hug.

Jacy Jayne vs Lola Vice

I lost my review of this one. It was short and not that great. I didn't like Jacy losing as she should be treated as a bigger deal. Lola got jumped by Fatal Influence after then Jaida Parker came out to help. Lola and Jaida almost fight and it gets broken up.

Tyrese Haliburton comes out for the contract signing .He says he brought enforces of his own and has some teammates in the front row. The fans boo and he said he would boo too if he was an Orlando Magic fan.

Trick Williams comes out. He says it must be a big deal with bring Tyrese out. Trick says he will go get gold like Tyrese did in Paris. Trick tells Page to come out and sign the contract.

Ethan Page comes out. He said he gave Trick an out but he came out anyway. Page says he will sign the contract. He says when it comes to the title, he's the Boston Celtics and says Trick will be like the Indiana Pacers and the rest of the NBA as they watch him be victorious. He says The Era of Ego will continue to make history.

Page says it and Tyrese says to hit the music. CM Punk then comes out. Punk says he was rudely interrupted earlier but wanted to talk about this match. He says a match this big determines the future of the NXT Title. He says a match that big deserves something special - a special guest referee. Punk says he's that man and will be the special ref. He says the only rule is to listen to the official. He says since he's the official, they can fight now. Page and Trick fight and security breaks it up.

Thoughts: Well, we found out what Punk's special announcement was. I assume Drew McIntyre will be involved in this one some how.

Overall thoughts: All roads lead to the NXT CW debut here. That was what this whole show was based around and they did a good job pushing it. There was nothing great here and the Perez/Punk segment was maybe the best thing on the show. It was fine overall though.

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