Wednesday, September 25, 2024

WWE NXT 9/24/2024

WWE NXT 9/24/2024

Last week's show is here:

WWE NXT Women's North American Title - Kelani Jordan (c) vs Wren Sinclair

KJ side headlock takeovers her and takes a headscissors. KJ slaps her then Wren shoulders her over. KJ rolls and Wren blocks her armdrag. KJ side headlok takeovers her. Wren shoulders her over nd hits a low crossbody for 2.

KJ flips out of a hold using the ropes and trips her. Wren does pin attempts and KJ tiger feint armdrags her. KJ dropkicks her then slingshot tornillo planchs her.

We go to PiP break and return. Wren has a grounded octopus on and KJ hiptosses her out of it. KJ hits flying forearms and a cartwheel back elbow. KJ spinning ddt's her for 2.

KJ slingshot kicks her then Wren does a double underhook suplex. KJ is pushed out and stares at the rest of NQCC. Wren tries to dive on KJ but just gets NQCC. KJ spinning heel kicks her then does a split-legged moonsault for the win.

This was a decent opener. KJ did her flying and Wren had a better showing than usual. There was nothing wrong with this.

We see clips of Trick Williams talking about NXT moving to The CW and clips of Trick at a football game.

Ethan Page does a press conference. He says he is carrying a brand on his back and says he is a cut above others when handling pressure. He talks about Trick and personally guarantees CM Punk won't be a factor in the Trick/Page match.

CM Punk and Je'Von Evans talk in the back. Trick Williams comes in to talk to Punk. Trick says the last mount has been crazy and says Page will do anything to keep the title. He says it won't go down like that. Punk puts Trick over and says he knows Page will cheat. He says he won't let either cheat in their match and says he will make sure the best man wins the match. Punk says he hopes Trick wins but says he won't play favorites.

The Grayson Waller Effect

Waller says he can't wait to leave and is back where it all started. Theory is with him and they put themselves over. He says Frazer looks like Kurt Cobain and says Axiom looks like a Power Ranger. He then brings them out.

Waller says Fraxiom would be great additions to individual competitors. NF asks if he's talking about them or himself. NF says they are more than fine. Waller says Fraxiom is done when they beat them. Waller says they are better as singles wrestlers.

Ax says they became the grim reapers of the tag division and NF says they will send A-Town Down Under 6 feet under. Theory says to bring anyone on as they put they will put them down. Waller says they will give them the rub in 2 weeks but take the titles.

NF asks why it's not The Grayson Waller and Austin Theory Effect. Theory says it's a good idea. Waller said it's a trademark thing and happened before Theory was there. Waller then cheap shots the faces to end the argument and the faces are left laying.

Meta-Four talk in the back. Lexis King comes in. He said he could have attacked Oro Mensah. He says Oro's anger comes from his issues with his father. He talks more about Oro's father and says may the best man win tonight. He offers to shake hands. Oro agrees but doesn't seem to buy it.

Hank and Tank talk about The OC. They say they looked up to them before they cost them the shot at gold. Tank says revenge is on their mind. Hank says they hit first and last.

Karmen Petrovic and Brinley Reece talk in the back. Ashantee Adonis comes in and tries to give people roses. Brin asks about it and Donis says she wasn't getting one anyway. He then goes up to Tatum and she says her heart belongs to someone else. 

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger vs The OC

The OC do an inst promo. They say Hank and Hank are nice blue collar boys and say they don't have any friends or want them for friends. Karl says opportunities are flying in NXT and they want a piece of the pie.

The four hockey fight to start.

Gallows lariats over Hank then Hank takes double boots in the corner. Hank boots Karl out of the corner then corner splashes Gallows. Gallows takes a sandwich bodyblock then Tank pounds on Gallows. Tank is thrown into the corner chest first.

Gallows chinlocks then corner lariats Tank. Hank blocks Tank from going into the corner and Tank lariats Gallows. Hank hits a boss man slam on Gallows. Hank is caught up top and takes a flying kick. Karl superplexes him. Tank is spinebustered onto Hank. Gallows takes a powerslam + back elbow combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: This feud feels like it has been going on forever without a conclusion. It was an average match and I hope it's the end of this feud.

Cedric Alexander and Je'Von Evans talk in the back. Evans says Orton is one of his favorites and it's the biggest match of his life against him. Theory and Waller talk in. Theory said he was once the fastest rising star in NXT. He says Cedric is roadblock in his way and can't help him beat Orton. Ced says he has a better chance of beating Orton than they do at becoming NXT tag champs. Evans pretends Kevin Owens is behind them to scare them and sets up a tag match with them.

Oro Mensah vs Lexis King

King side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Oro upkicks him then hits chops. Oro headscissors him then does an exploder into a slam. Oro spin kicks King. Oro goes to springboard and is sent over the top to the floor.

Oro cradles him then King slams him. King backbreakers Oro. King superkicks him then stretches him over the knee. Oro chops King then asai moonsaults him. Oro koppo kicks him. King tries to pin him with his feet on the ropes but opts not to. Oro then pins him with his feet on the ropes.

It was short and not that much of a match. I'm not sure where they are going with King trying to play fair here and I don't think it will work.

The D'Angelo Family go to a gym. Stacks says Tony need to be more man than Oba. We see Tony working out. He then boxes with Keanu Carver I think and Carver knocks him down. Tony fires up and knocks him down by punching him in the crotch. The Family then cheer Tony on and say, "The Don is Back".

Ridge Holland vs Riley Osborne

Riley tope con hilos Ridge as he enters. Riley hits euros then corkscrew moonsaults him off the 2nd rope. Ridge overhead suplexes him and hits knees to the head. Riley superkicks him and hits a standing corkscrew moonsault. Riley pounds on him.

Riley takes a belly to belly overhead suplex from the ring to the floor. They both go into the rails. Riley is held in the air and takes a ddt inside then is pinned.

Thoughts: It was quick but aggressive and was done well. Riley took some nice bumps for Ridge here to help put him over.

Ridge stomps Riley and boots him out after. Riley fights back then is sent into the steps. Ridge grabs a rail. Riley superkicks him then dives on him off the steps. Security then breaks it up.

The Miz does a promo and says Oba and Tony should be on MizTV next week. He says it sounds awesome.

Oba Femi answers some questions. He says Tony can't fool him and says he can see the truth in Tony's eyes.

Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz do a split-screen discussion. Wentz calls him a b!tch when Wes asks how Trey is. Wes says Wentz had help when he beat him and tells him to make sure Gigi Dolin doesn't watch. Wentz gets mad and Wes tells Wentz to come. They then fight backstage.

We get a video on the history of NXT on USA.

Ava talks to Jaida Parker and Lola Vice in the back. Ava said she called both of them here and says they will team up in a tag match next week. They get mad about it and Jaida thinks she's joking.

Karmen Petrovic and Brinley Reece vs Wendy Choo and Rosemary

Brin armdrags Choo early. KP hits kicks on Choo then spinning lariats her for 2. KP hits shots on both opponents. We see Kelani answering questions on an inset. Brin runs the ropes and is kicked by Choo. Rose sliding D's Brin. Choo headbuts Brin then forward cartwheel forearms her. Choo running facekicks her. Rose hanging headscissors Brin over the top rope. Brin takes a double suplex. Brin hits shots on Choo then forward cartwheel lariats her. Ashante Adonis comes out and gives a flower to someone in the crowd. KP tells him to stop then Rose hits a la rosa driver variation on KP and pins her.

Thoughts: It was a short and average match. It just didn't get enough time.

Sol Ruca talks to CM Punk in the back. Ethan Page walks in. Page says he's isn't happy with Punk interjecting himself in his business. Punk says he's not going to let someone do low blows. He says if Page is the man he says he is, he gets to prove it in Chicago. He says if he's not, then he won't put the title around his waist and raise his hand.

Fatal Influence answer questions as a press conference. They are asked who they will pick to fight Jaida and Lola. Fallon says they will find out next week. Jacy says they need to win championships to be on top of the division. She says Kelani doesn't deserve to be champ. Lola and Jaida then run in and get stopped by security.

A-Town Down Under vs Cedric Alexander and Je'Von Evans

Evans gets his head banged off the buckles and is beaten up in the corner. Evans chops Theory then Theory rolls him up for 2. Evans flying headscissors him and Waller. Evans dropkicks Waller.

Waller gets pulled out and sent into the rails. Evans sunset flips Theory for 2. Theory gets some shots in on Evans. Evans hits an assisted shiranui and Ced PK's Theory. The heels are pulled over the top. Evans hits a tope con hilo and is caught then Ced tope con hilos the heels.

We go to PiP break and return. Waller is in control of Ced. Ced cradles him then takes a leg lariat. Waller 2nd rope elbow drops him. Evans gets tagged in. He hits shots on the heels and topes both heels outside. Evans springboard crossbodies Theory. Evans takes a sandwich forearm for 2.

Ced spears Theory on the apron then Waller slides out and lariats Ced. Ced is sent into the rails. Fraxiom come out and Waller pushes them into each other. Waller rolls in and takes a corkscrew kick from Evans. Fraxiom trip Evans on the ropes on accident. Waller hits his unprettier variation and Theory hits his finisher on Evans to win.

Thoughts: It was okay but average here. It was nothing too fancy and had a dirty finish. The heels winning made sense since they are coming back next week but I don't like Evans losing.

Trick Williams talks at the press conference. He says he wants his title back and says NXT is reaching new heights. He says he wants to be the leader and not Page. He says he will focus on Page and not Punk. He says he needs to control his emotions and be Trick Williams.

Roxanne Perez and Giulia/Funaki have a debate in the ring with Byron Saxton hosting it. Perez interrupts the first question. G talks in Japanese. Funaki translates. G says Perez is called The Prodigy, but her time is up. She says she came to NXT to become champ. She says it's time G passes the torch to her.

Perez says she used to be a Giulia fan and wondered if they would ever fight. She says this is a dream match for Giulia, not her. she says she has never faced anyone who has the equity that she has had. Perez says Giulia came here looking for her and says she built the brand from the ground up and deserves to be on top of it.

G asks her about what will happen when she beats her and Perez says it won't happen. Giulia says she feels good and says moving to America have been incredible. She says everything is new but her being the most feared wrestler in the world is not new. She says NXT gets to feel the beautiful madness.

Giulia talks more and someone talks in Japanese over the speakers. Stephanie Vaquer appears on the tron and says she will be waiting on the other side of the NXT Title match.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this at all. It's clear Giulia can't speak much English and listening to translations wasn't real exciting. I also didn't like Stephanie Vaquer being brought in this way as I don't think a lot of people know her and they haven't done a great job of introducing her.

Overall thoughts: It was about average overall. It's not that it's bad, but they don't have a hot program or any real hot stars right now and it's just hard to get excited about things that aren't that exciting. All roads lead to next week's show and because of it, we weren't going to get any major developments here. The main event segment also stunk and didn't end this show on a high note.

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