Thursday, September 12, 2024

Marigold 8/31/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 1 Afternoon Show

Marigold 8/31/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 1 Afternoon Show

The last show is here:

CHIAKI vs. Myla Grace vs. Minami Yuuki vs. Komomo Minami

KM = Komomo Minami

This doesn't look promising. They all run at each other and hit Chi. Myla ducks a shot and hits Yuuki and KM. Chi pulls Myla out. We get a 3 person headlock spot then Chi rolls all of them over with a crab. Chi tries to pin her opponents by stacking them on each other. Chi then hits a double spear.

Chi hits facewash kicks on Yuuki and KM. Myla dropkicks Chi from behind on the apron. Myla takes a 2v1 with corner attacks. Myla euros KM in the corner and backdrops her. Myla michinoku drivers Yuuki for 2.

Chi chairs Myla then KM dropkicks Chi. Chi takes a double dropkick then Myla dives outside onto Chi. KM cradles Yuuki and rolls her up for 2. KM rolls on Yuuki's back and ddt's her for 2.

Yuuki does shoulder throws on KM then backdrops her. Myla reverse ddt's KM and wins.

Thoughts: It was just a match. It wasn't particularly that good but it was also not the disaster it could have been. I suppose it was okay for an opener. I'm a bit surprised Myla won.

We get a ceremony for all the girls in the GP. 

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Kizuna Tanaka vs. Bozilla

Boz refuses a handshake and is dropkicked in the back for it. Boz forearms Kiz over then rams her into the buckles. Boz corner splashes Kiz then lariats her for 2. Boz forearms her down twice. Kiz armbars her. Kiz gets on Boz's back with a sleeper then Boz throws her over. Boz suplexes her for 2.

Boz misses a vader bomb and catches Kiz's top rope crossbody. Boz fallway slams her for 2. Kiz hits chest forearms on Boz then Boz chest kicks her over. Kiz boots her out of the corner then rolling armbars her. Kiz rolls her for 2 then Boz chokeslams her for 2. Boz piledrivers her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a one-sided match as expected. They gave Kiz some offense here but there was no way she was winning this.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Natsumi Showzuki vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz slaps her hand on a handshake hard. They try pins on each other. Yuz dropkicks her. They trade chest forearms and dropkick each other at the same time. Nat slams her then Yuz slams her. Yuz does a grounded arm and head hold and Nat ropebreaks.

Yuz flying headscissors her then basement dropkicks her. They trade chest forearms and Nat hits a nice dropkick. Yuz runs up the buckles and facebusters her. Yuz then shotgun dropkicks her. Nat puts her in an octopus. They botch some kind of spot where a cradle is blocked and Nat just knees hr in the face.

Yuz puts her in a double arm and collar lock. Nat ropebreaks and Yuz dropkicks Nat against the bottom rope. Yuz does hip throws. They trade chest forearms. Nat hits a bunch of knees to the gut and kicks her in the back. Yuz superkicks her then northern lights suplexes her for 2.

Nat high kicks her. Yuz dropkicks her on the ropes then takes a meteora on the ropes. Yuz slams her and Nat sunset flips her. Nat headlock takeovers her then Yuz rolls her up into a pin attempt for 2. Nat ranhei's her and the time limit runs out.

Thoughts: This was a 15 draw. It had promise at times but just went on too long and dragged. The cradle block botch they had really just killed any momentum than one had. Yuz might be a good rookie, but she's a rookie and she looked like one at times here.

They go after each other after the bell.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - NORI vs. Kouki Amarei

Hey, Nori of LLPW is here. Kouki tries a test of strength and Nori tries to kick her hand. Kouki facekicks her for 2. Nori boots her in the chest then walks up the buckles and armdrags her. Nori basement dropkicks her then Kouki running facekicks her three times.

Kouki falling splashes Nori's back then slams her. Kouki crabs her then lion tmers her. Nori trips her and kicks her in the leg. Nori figure fours her. Nori stomps on the leg and kicks her in the back. 

Nori goes for an armbar. Kouki slams her then sleepers her. Kouki hits chest forearms then dominators her for 2. Nori snapmares Kouki then suplexes her for 2. Kouki facekicks her. Nori leg kicks her then takes a facekick. Kouki hits more facekicks. Nori kicks the leg and Kouki facekicks her. Nori spin kicks her then Kouki powerslams her for 2.

Nori step up enzugiri's her and they trade pin attempts. Kouki dropkicks her. Nori hits a high kick and a spinning high to win.

It went too long and just kept repeating itself with Kouki hitting facekicks and Nori doing leg kicks. Nori did work the leg a lot here but then ended up winning with a high kick, basically defeating the purpose of doing all the leg work. Nori's clearly better than most of the Marigold roster though.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Miku Aono vs. Misa Matsui

Misa hits chest forearms then takes a kick to the body. Misa basement dropkicks her then top rope plancha's her. Misa figure fours Miku then hits kicks to the leg. Miku hits her twisting + spinning slam  then does a buffalo sleeper.

Miku lariats Misa on the ropes. Misa dropkicks her in the knee then crossbodies her against the bottom rope several times. Misa hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Miku lariats her then corner lariats her. Miku hits a kick flurry to the back.

Miku fisherman suplexes her. Miku blocks a hurricanrana then Misa rolls her into a stretch muffler. Misa la magistrals her into a bridge. Miku double underhook suplexes her for 2 then sliding lariats her for 2. Miku hits a styles clash and picks up the win.

Thoughts: This was short for these two. The two are pretty similar wrestlers and I didn't think they really got to do the underdog face stuff that they are best at here. They also didn't get to show much fire. It never really got to mature into anything that great and was just an undercard match. This was disappointing.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - MIRAI vs. Chika Goto

Chika trips her and Mirai avoids a giant swing. Mirai side headlocks her. Mirai front facelocks her and they get up. Mirai hits boots to the gut then pushes Chika's arm against the ropes. Mirai yanks on Chika's arm then pounds on it. Chika takes her down by the arm then stomps it into the mat.

Chika hits chest forearms. Mirai hits a forearm flurry on her for 2. Mirai tries to criss cross her and is shouldered over. Chika slams her. Chika does a reverse giant swing then drops her on her chest.

Mirai side headlocks her for a while. Chika gets out of it and atomic drops her. Chika knees her in the head then throws her over. Chika facekicks her twice for 2. Mirai stunners her then backdrops her for 2. Mirai wheelbarrow's her into a half-nelson suplex for 2. Chika facekicks her then hits a landslide slam for 2.

Mirai blocks a uranage then fujiwara armbars her. Mirai pulls her arms back and pulls her collar. Mirai then pulls n the arms and stretch mufflers her at the same time for the submission win.

Thoughts: It wasn't great but was better than Chika's usual offerings. Their styles somewhat go together so I wasn't too shocked that it worked to some degree. It still wasn't anything great though.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Nagisa Nozaki vs. Utami Hayashishita

Utami forearms her on the ropes then NN returns the favor. They trade forearms and NN sleepers her. NN reverse pendulum kicks her. Utami lariats her on the apron. Utami 2nd rope dropkicks her, NN no sells it and facekicks her. They trade forearms for facekicks. Utami lariats her. NN facekicks her and meteora's her for 2.

NN grounded sleepers her. They fight on the buckles and Utami 2nd rope air raid crashes her. Utami samoan drops her and sliding lariats her. NN hits a nice facekick then Utami lariats her. NN basement dropkicks her then Utami germans her.

Utami corner lariats her then uranages her. UTami drops her off of her shoulders her for 2. NN facekicks her then basement dropkicks her for 2. NN cobra clutch suplexes her. NN flying dropkicks her for the win.

Thoughts: I liked this one. These two have rougher styles and they matched up well with each other. They didn't get a ton of time but there were a lot of hard shots in this one and it really couldn't have gone better than it did. 

Nagisa has words for her on the mic after.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Nanae Takahashi vs. Mai Sakurai

Mai nails NT while she poses on the apron and chokes her with a towel. Mai cutters her on the apron, bangs her head off of it and sends her into the seats. Mai basement dropkicks her outside. Mai hits facekicks. NT lariats her from behind and throws her over the top.

NT throws a chair down on her. NT bangs Mai's head off a table outside then sends her into the seats. NT beats her with an umbrella then slams her on the floor. NT works Mai's leg. NT hits forearms to the head inside and footchokes her on the bottom rope.

NT dragon screws her and hits chops. Mai is on the 2nd rope and NT dragon screws her down then NT does a leg lock with a figure four. Mai ropebreaks and NT hits hard forearms. NT forearms her down then Mai hits facekicks. NT lariats her. 

Mai bulldogs her and running facekicks her. Mai hits a top rope dropkick. NT superplexes her then Mai does a grounded guillotine choke. Mai hits facekicks then top rope plancha's her. Mai hits a top rope elbow drop on NT for 2.

Mai hits forearms then NT fires back with a flurry. NT slaps her then Mai slaps her back. NT lariats her then Mai running facekicks her. NT lariats her for 2. NT backdrops her. 

NT comes off the top and lands on Mai's double boots. Mai crucifixes her for 2. Mai gamengiri's NT and hits kicks and a uraken. Mai single leg dropkicks her for 2. NT does an elbow slice reverse ddt for 2. NT goes for a driver but Mai turns it into a reverse ddt. Mai STF's her.

Mai northern lights suplexes her then does another STF.

Thoughts: It was a good match here. They roughed each other up well and had a nice stiff match. I didn't love the finish but the rest of this was well done. Mai continues to step up big when Marigold needs her and Nanae has been one of the best in the world for over 20 years now. 

Mai and Nanae talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: The top three matches worked with the main being good and the semi-main going well. The undercard wasn't good though. I'd have to put this one as average due to that. The crowd was not very loud for most of this and long singles matches isn't exactly the best use of some of these more limited girls.

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