Sunday, September 15, 2024

AEW Collision 9/14/2024

AEW Collision 9/14/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see Jack Perry arrive in his bus.

TNT Title - Jack Perry (c) vs Christopher Daniels

They say CD hasn't wrestled since May. CD hits chops and corner forearms. Jack chops back then hits a rebound lariat. Jack suplexes him then neckbreakers him. CD hits some punches and Jack hits a dropkick from the buckles. CD flatliners him then suplexes him. CD death valley drivers him for 2. Jack hits a running knee and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like this at all. Daniels got too much in for being a non-wrestler at this point and beating him meant nothing for Jack. It's unknown how Daniels earned this title shot. Daniels got his head busted open here.

Jack says the people who don't like him are people who can't handle the truth in the parking lot. We then see him drive off.

Lexy asks Wheeler Yuta how Bryan Danielson is. Yuta says he's doing the best he can. He says he hasn't talked to the rest of the BCC and is too bothered to talk about Anthony Henry tonight. He says Bryan taught him to go out there and put everything on pause and he says he will try to channel that tonight.

The Conglomeration (Mark Briscoe and Kyle O'Reilly) and Hologram vs Mortos and The Premier Athletes (Tony Nese and Ari Daivari)

Josh Woods and Mark Sterling are with the heels. Mark Sterling says The Conglomeration have been a thorn in their sides and he said he used Ari's cash to hire two horns (Mort's mask) to stick in there. Mark tries to set up an "Athlete, Rule" chant with the crowd but the crowd doesn't follow them.

Nese and Kyle mat wrestle. Kyle wristlocks him. Kyle leg trips him. Mark gets in and is pounded on by The Athletes in the corner. Mark slides under Ari and hits a big punch. Mark gets more shots in and running facekick. Kyle facekicks Ari then yanks on his arm.

Mort gets in and hits an open hand shot on Kyle. Kyle knees him, chest kicks him and slaps him. Mort shoulders over all 3 opponents, nailing Holo while he's in mid-air. Holo does a wild backflip into the ropes from the top and armdrags Mort. Nese gets in, tries to crossbody Holo and Holo does a flipping slam off of it.

Kyle thwarts the heels outside then Nese plancha's Kyle. Kyle gets stomped on by the heels, including Josh Woods and Mark Sterling on the outside. We go to PiP break and return. 

Ari corner lariats Kyle. Mark gets tagged in and beats up The Athletes. Mark flying kicks Mort off the apron then pele kicks Ari. Mark fisherman's busters Nese for 2. Mort comes in, headbutts Mark and is thrown out. Mark then plancha's Mort. Holo canadian destroyers Nese.

Kyle flying knees Ari off the apron. Nese legsweeps Kyle then fosbury flops him outside. Holo hits a nice tope on Nese then Mort tornillo topes Holo. Mark goes for a dive off a chair. Mark Sterling comes in and moves the chair. Mark Briscoe hits Sterling in the crotch then jumps off Sterling to dive outside. Holo does a 720 ddt on Nese then crucifixes him and wins it.

It was your usual wild tag with lots of fast paced action, people coming in and out and various dives. I enjoyed it and thought they had some nice highlights and got out of there before doing too much.

Mort spears Holo then hits punches on him. Mark hits Mort with his ROH Title then Mort is double clotheslined over the top. Kyle says he wants Mort after.

We see clips of Orange Cassidy in Mexico. Renee goes to interview him then Bryan Keith and Big Bill ram OC into the rollaway door. OC has his backpack put over his head then Jericho hits him with the photo he had in his backpack. Schiavone said Jericho beat Mistico at the CMLL 91st Anniversary show which was not true.

We see Stokeley Hathway in a room watching clips of various AEW tag matches on dvd. Then it cuts out.

Mariah May is interviewed by Lexy. She says she will do her title celebration here. Lexy brings up Mina Shirakawa. She said she had a good time with her and needs her here. She said she can't celebrate the title win without her and says she wants Mina. Yuka Sakazaki walks in and introduces herself. She says she wants her belt. May says she can get in line and she will rip her head off. Yuka says okay and bye-bye. 

Thoughts: This was really bad. WWE would have gotten ripped to shreds if they did this.

Wheeler Yuta vs Anthony Henry

Beef is with Henry. Henry rolls him off the lock-up. Henry rolls out of a wristlock then snapmares him. Henry kicks Yuta in the back. Henry blocks a sunset flip and double stomps Yuta. Yuta slams him and misses a senton. Henry forearms him, Yuta tries to skin the cat back in but falls. Henry dropkicks Yuta through the ropes. Henry suplexes Yuta into the rails.

We go to PiP break, full break and return. Henry hits an air raid crash for 2. Yuta takes a forearm, successfully skins the cat back in and germans him. Henry knees him in the face for 2. Yuta crawls on the outside then Henry flying leg lariats him. Henry hits a top rope double stomp for 2.

Henry slaps Yuta around and says Bryan isn't here. Yuta fires up and hits a bunch of strikes and stomps. Yuta stomp flurries him then hits a tope outside. Kyle is thrown into the rails. Yuta nails Beef for no real reason. Yuta hits a top rope dropkick on Henry then hits downward elbows. The ref then stops it when Yuta puts him in cattle mutilation.

Thoughts: It was a bit corny but it worked with Yuta being ho-hum then getting fired up and exploding on Henry.

Queen Aminata and Serena Deeb are interviewed by Lexy. Deeb says she has potential and is great, but ready. She says the offer to train her still stands and she knows hwere to find her if she wants. Queen says she doesn't have time for this. Deeb says to let her show her how it is done. Deeb talks about Yuka Sakazaki. She says Yuka broke her leg just thinking of getting in the ring with her and tells her to imagine what it will be like getting inside of her dojo later.

Anna Jay talks about her Stardom 5 Star Grand Prix run. she says she was honing her skill and becoming the best she could be. She says she was tired and sore. She learned she wants more. She says she wants a shot at the Women's Title and said she never fought Mercedes Mone. She says to try her if you want to see how evolved she has become.

Private Party and Komander vs Jon Cruz, Ren Jones and Lord Crewe

Kom = Komander

PP and Kom do an inset promo with Alex. Alex says Kom and him finally got an invite to the Private Party (in the match that quickly ended due to Mox's crew jumping them). Quen interrupts and said they got jumped and the match didn't happen. Zay says they never back down from a fight and said the people who jumped them now have a problem.

Ren and Zay go at it. Zay asai moonsaults over him then hurricanrana's him. Zay lariats him and hits mounted punches. Crewe interrupts and is thrown out. Quen pump kicks Crewe from the apron and Kom rope walks into a plancha on Crewe outside.

Cruz takes a pump kick from Quen then is catapulted into a Zay enzugiri. Kom rope walk ssp's Cruz. Ren takes a gin and juice and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash as expected.

Kom and Alex dance with PP after. 

Tony Schiavone talks to Nigel McGuinness about his match with Bryan Danielson. He said he basically volunteered to Tony Khan to fight Bryan if Darby is unable to. Nigel is asked if he can be sure that Bryan wrestle in the match and Nigel isn't sure. Nigel says he would like to face him. He says if Bryan isn't there, it's because he's afraid of him. He says he will show us why and we see clips of him vs Bryan in ROH. Nigel claims Bryan is haunted by him and says he's in better shape than he is. He says Bryan will leave their match as champ but he will try to end his career.

This was definitely a damage control segment to try and fix the reasoning for the Bryan/Nigel match.

Serena Deeb vs Yuka Sakazaki

Mariah May comes out as it starts. Deeb wristlocks her. Yuka gets out and reverses it. Deeb wristlocks her and takes her down by the arm. Deebties her up with a nudo then sits on her. Yuka rolling snapmares her and kicks her in the face. Yuka then rolls her around the ring and gets a 2 count.

Deeb neckbreakers Yuka over the 2nd rope. We go to PiP break and return. Yuka hanging headscissors her over the top rope. Yuka top rope dropkicks her then hits a suplex for 2. Yuka tries to spin her around but Deeb gets out and rebound germans her.

Deeb pepsi twist lariats her for 2. Yuka back body drops her then hits a sliding lariat for 2. Yuka hits forearms on Deeb and they fall over. Deeb powerbombs her into a stretch muffler. They trade shots and lariat battle.

Deeb germans her then lariats her. Yuka northern lights bombs her then hits a springboard splash to win.

Yuka gets on the ramp after and May attacks her. Yuka superkicks her down. Yuka holds up the title, gives it to her and walks away.

Thoughts: Rehashing things that happened a really long time ago without any video clips and so forth has been a consistent issue with AEW. I don't remember if Yuka and Deeb were feuding or even what Yuka and Deeb were feuding over and I doubt many others do either. So even if this is was some built up thing from months ago, it came across as totally random. The match wasn't anything special and going back to trying to get people to care about the joshi girls is a step back for AEW.

We get an 80's style workout video on The Outrunners. They are in a gym and the owner asks if they have membership. They tell him to get out of here and we see them work out more.

Top Flight's crew talk about eating food in the parking lot. Andretti says he's p!ssed off. He said they lost chances at becoming champs and Andretti said he lost his Rampage match. Lio says it's just a loss. Action says they have a lot of potential together. He points to a House of Black photo on the truck and asks why they can't beat them. Leila says they need to get it together and Andretti agrees then leaves. 

The Bang Bang Gang (Juice Robinson and The Gunn's) vs The Cage of Agony (Brian Cage, Toa Liona and Bishop Kaun)

Juice and Toa go at it. Juice slaps him in the back then is slammed. Colt takes a knee from Toa then Kaun chops up Colt. Colt armdrags him. Kaun takes a combo with a kneelift and a lariat. Austin elbow drops Kaun. Austin trips Kaun then pulls his head forward into the mat.

Kaun hits a big lariat on Austin then whips him into the apron and rail. Toa running back elbows Austin. Cage 2nd rope deadlift superplexes Austin. We go to PiP break and return. Colt hits punches on Toa then dropkicks him.

Colt hits lariats on Cage and Kaun then full-nelson slams Cage. Colt eurostep neckbreakers Kaun and bangs him on top of his head. Austin suplexes Kaun and Cage. Austin cradles Toa but the ref doesn't see it.

Toa pounces Austin then Colten is thrown into a sitout Cage powerbomb for 2. Colt hits a double ddt off a double suplex attempt. Toa misses a crossbody and Juice is tagged in. Juice hits a top rope crossbody on Cage then hits punches. Cage spinning lariats Juice then F-5's Colt.

Cage pop-upp powerbombs Austin. Cage takes a 310 to Yuma then Juice hits a ddt on Cage and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like Cage's crew losing but it was a solid match. They kept it moving in this one. I wish it could have gotten more time.

Lexy interviews Serena Deeb. Queen Aminata goes up to her and asks if that's how it's done.

Queen Aminata vs Robyn Renegade

They are in RR's hometown here. I still don't like her chances. Queen bodyscissors rolls her and RR front facelocks her. Queen side throws her then crossfaces her. Queen drops her with a chest forearm and running facekicks her. Queen swinging facebusters her then takes a stungun.

RR bangs Queen's head off the mat and dropkicks her. RR ddt's her for 2. Queen hits a swinging fisherman's neckbreaker and then headbutts her for the win.

Thoughts: Queen won as expected here. It wasn't anything to ospecial and RR got a bit more in than I expected. The headbutt finish didn't really work. 

Deeb clips Queen after and half-crabs her. 

The House of Black talk. They say it seems like everyone wants a piece of them and says there's 7 of them. Buddy says come one, come all.

FTR vs The Grizzled Young Veterans

Zack takes a swing at Dax and is headlocked. The four then stand off in the ring. Dax side headlocks Drake then shoulders him over. Dax hits headbutts and Drake forearms him. Dax hits chops then Cash shoulderblocks Drake for 1.

Cash shoulders Drake over then armdrags him. Zack drops Dax with a euro. They trade shots. Dax takes a dropkick to the knee into a basement dropkick. Drake jumps off his partner's back and dropkicks Cash. Dax sunset flips Drake, Zack tries to save Drake but Drake is pulled over.

Dax top rope backdrops Drake. We go to PiP break and return. Zack takes a back body drop from Dax. Dax takes corner attacks and a spinning heel kick. Zack hits forearms on Dax. Drake and Dax double clothesline each other.

The ref doesn't see Cash get tagged in and Dax is double teamed in the corner. Dax ducks a spinning heel kick and tags out. Cash diving double clotheslines The Vet's. Cash pounds on Zack and dropkicks Drake. Cash powerslams Zack. He goes for one on Drake but Drake cradles him.

Cash takes a step up enzugiri. Zack rolls up Cash then Cash short arm clotheslines him. Zack ddt's Dax then Dax sharpshooters Drake to win.

Zack attacks FTR after and Cash takes a high/low. The Outrunners come out and fight The Vets, then clear them out.

The Runners try to shake hands with FTR. FTR moves away but then does. FTR then poses with The Runners.

It's rare that a Collision main event doesn't get enough time, but this didn't get enough time. It was a shorter version of the match they should have had. It was fine but anything other than great was going to be a disappointment here. It seems like they will have more matches together and hopefully the next one will be better. It was nice to see The Runners be treated like a big deal. I waited a long time for that day to come. I didn't like The Vets losing though as they are new and a win over FTR would have helped them.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show and it has been better lately. It wasn't perfect - Deeb vs Yuka was brought back out of nowhere and Daniels should not have gotten a shot at the TNT Title. But it's hard to complain about a Conglomeration trios match, FTR vs The Vets, The Outrunners being treated seriously and The Bang Bang Gang vs The Cage of Agony. I liked this one.

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