Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Marigold 8/25/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 12

Marigold 8/25/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 12

Day 11 is here:

Misa Matsui, Myla Grace & Zayda Steel vs. Komomo Minami, Minami Yuuki & Natsumi Showzuki

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki, KM = Komomo Minami

Misa wristlocks KM. KM rolls out of it and reverses it. Misa side headlocks her. KM misses a dropkick and takes one. Zay hits kicks on KM then step up enzugiri's her. Zay gori bombs her. KM takes attacks in the corner and Myla backdrops KM for 2. KM dropkicks her then rolls on her back for a DDT. Nat armbars Myla and Myla ropebreaks.

Nat double knee drops Myla's back for 2. Myla hits a top rope la silla on Nat for 2. Myla michinoku drivers Nat for 2. Nat takes a triple basement dropkick. Misa and Nat knee each other on the ropes. Nat dropkicks her on the ropes and meteora's her on the ropes for 2.

Yuuki corner dropkicks Misa then KM dropkicks Misa as Yuuki goes for a move. KM and Yuuki shove each other over it then Misa hits a lariat + bulldog combo. Misa crabs Yuuki then Yuuki dropkicks her after help. Misa crossbodies Yuuki against the bottom rope for 2.

Yuuki arm throws Misa then wrist-clutch backdrops her. Yuuki cradles Misa then rolls her into a botched pin attempt. Misa rols up Yuuki into a stretch muffler and Yuuki ropebreaks. Misa cross-legged fisherman suplexes Yuuki for 2.

Myla and Zay hit superkicks then Misa bridging ddt's Yuuki for the win.

It was going okay then Yuuki got in and brought it down. She had multiple sloppy moments here. I feel bad for Misa getting wasted in the lower card. Myla had a decent showing here.

The crowd chants for Zayda after and this turned out to be her last match for the meantime in Marigold.

Mai Sakurai, MIRAI & Nao Ishikawa vs. Bozilla, CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki

The heels attack early. Nao is tied up in the ropes and has her chin all wrapped up from yesterday. Nao gets triple boots to the head then Chi spears Nao's back. NN reverse pendulum kicks Nao then Chi facewash kicks Nao.

NN snapmares Nao and rubs her cut on her chin. NN double chops Nao's back then curbstomps her. Chi slams Nao then gets on Boz's back for a double splash. Nao shoulders over Chi then headbutts her. Nao bangs Chi's head off the buckles and boots her.

Mai gets in and hits a top rope dropkick on Chi. Mai running facekicks Chi then shotgun dropkicks Chi. Mai dropkicks Chi and trades forearms with her. Mai hits a forearm flurry and Chi euros her. Chi rolling spears her. NN chairs Mai. Mai is put in a chair and takes a triple boot over.

Mai and NN facekick each other. Mai facekicks her over then NN facekicks her over. NN basement dropkicks her for 2. Mai facekicks NN then NN basement dropkicks her. Mai pump kicks NN. Mirai and Boz go at it with shoulders. Mirai dropkicks her in the knee then Boz boots her in the chest.

Boz uranages her for 2. Boz misses a senton on Mirai then Mirai armbars her. Nao and Mai then put submissions on at the same time. Boz breaks up the submissions. Mirai curbstomps Boz then basement dropkicks her for 2. Nao tags herself in to Mai's surprise and dropkicks Boz multiple times. Nao tries forearms and Boz drops her wih a forearm for it. Nao fires up and tries more forearms. Nao then armbars Boz. Boz powerbombs Nao out of it.

Boz sentons Nao for 2. Boz F-5's Nao for 2. We get a tower of doom spot with Boz being superplexed. Mao top rope elbow drops Boz then Mirai vader bomb corkscrew elbow drops Boz. Nao top rope splashes Boz for 2. Nao fires up and gets dropkicked by her partners on accident.

Nao gets a chair and Boz hits her with it. Boz piledrivers Nao and wins.

Boz throws Nao's ice pack and boots her. Nao tries to fight back and gets stomped.

Thoughts: It was a good tag here. Nao had another good showing and I liked the heels working her injured chin. This was better than I expected.

Chika Goto, Kouki Amarei & Miku Aono vs. Kizuna Tanaka, Utami Hayashishita & Victoria Yuzuki

Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka, Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Kiz hits chest forearms on Miku. Miku catches her crossbody and shoulders her over. Kiz dropkicks Miku and Miku kips up. Miku low dropkicks Kiz. Kiz takes corner attacks from her opponents then Kouki slams Kiz for 2.

Kiz takes an atomic drop into a facekick and Chika hip attacks Kiz. Kiz pulls Chika down then Utami shoulders Chika over. Miku shoulders Utami over then Utami dropkicks Miku. Miku lariats Chika on the ropes then dropkicks her.

Chika fireman's carry throws Utami then slams her. Kouki facekicks Utami then jumping facekicks her. Utami side slams Kouki. Kouki facekicks Utami. Utami forearms her the Kouki samoan drops her for 2.

Utami hits an air raid crash on Kouki then sliding lariats her. Kiz dropkicks Kouki then rolling armbars her. Kiz stomps on Kouki then Miku swinging twisting slams Kiz. Chika giant swings Kiz then drops Kouki onto Kiz for 2. Kouki backdrops Kiz for 2. Kiz fisherman suplexes Kouki then Kouki cutters her.

Yuz and Chika go at it. Yuz dropkicks and basement dropkicks Chika. Chika chest kicks her over then chest forearms her. They trade chest forearms. Yuz gets on Chika's back with a sleeper. Yuz grounds her with it.

Miku and Kouki eventually help out and hit stereo dropkicks. Chika slams Yuz for 2. Kiz holds Chika for a basement dropkick from Yuz. Yuz does a bad lightning spiral on Chika for 2. Chika drops Yuz down on her chest and gut then Yuz rolls up Chika for 2.

Yuz crucifixes Chika for 2 and the time limit expires soon after.

It was okay but fell apart at the end with Chika and Yuz having a really poor segment with lots of botches. It was yet again another midcard Marigold time limit draw.

Utami seems to challenge Miku after. Miku has words for her then Kouki and Chika get on the mic. Yuzuki has words for Chika on the mic. Kizuna then gets on the mic as well. Chika and Yuzuki fight and Chika bullies her on the stage.

Giulia Gauntlet Match - Giulia vs. Bozilla, CHIAKI, Chika Goto, Kizuna Tanaka, Komomo Minami, Kouki Amarei, Miku Aono, Minami Yuuki, MIRAI, Misa Matsui, Myla Grace, Nagisa Nozaki, Nanae Takahashi, Nao Ishikawa, Natsumi Showzuki, NORI, Rea Seto, Ryoko Sakimura, Sareee, Seri Yamaoka, Shinno Omukai, Tsukasa Fujimoto, Utami Hayashishita, Victoria Yuzuki & Zayda Steel 

G = Giulia

Everyone gets a minute with Giulia here. G and Yuuki start. Yuuki hits chest forearms and is forearmed over. Yuuki dropkicks her for 2. G taps her out with a head and armlock.

Komomo Minami is next in. KM dropkicks and slams her for 2. KM tries dropkicks. G backdrops her and pins her.

Kizuna Tanaka is next in. She runs to the ring and dropkicks G multiple times. The time then runs out before anything else happens.

Zayda Steele is next in. She offers a handshake and boots her. Zay hits superkicks then G cradles her and pins her.

Myla Grace is next in. She boots and corner euros her. G blocks Myla's backdrop then Myla backdrops her. G backdrops her then Myla cradles her for 2. The time then runs out.

Rea Sato is next in. Rea gets G to pose with her. They go to hug and G rolls her up and pins her.

Nagisa Nozaki is next in. They trade forearms. G hits a big forearm and takes a double chop. Nagisa double chop flurries her then G double chop flurries her. Nagisa reverse pendulum kicks her then G flying kicks her. Nagisa dropkicks her and the time limit runs out.

CHIAKI is next in. She brings a chair with her and G germans her. Chi chairs G then facewash kicks her on the ropes. Chi racks her and G headlocks her while in it. The time limit expires and Chi kicks her after. They both give each other the finger.

Misa Matsui is next in. Misa top rope dropkicks her and crossbodies her against the bottom rope. Misa cradles her for 2 then rolls her up for 2. They trade pins and the time runs out.

Kouki Amarei is next in. She facekicks G and racks her. G sunset flips her then Kouki dropkicks her. Kouki backdrops her for 2. G facekicks her and overhead suplexes her. The time limit then runs out. 

Chika Goto is next in. She boots G in the face and giant swings her. Chika lets go and goes for another. The time limit expires.

Natsumi Showzuki is next in. She meteora's G in the corner then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Nat misses a top rope double stomp and G top rope dropkicks her. Nat hits forearms. G hits mounted slaps then Nat hits mounted forearms. The time limit expires and Nat keeps pounding on her. They pull each other by the hair.

Nao Ishikawa comes out reading a book. She hits Nat and G with it. She hits G with it more. G slaps her and cradles her for 2. Nao hits her wiht the book. G headbutts her and the time limit expires as Nao hits a drop on her.

Miku Aono comes out. Miku short arm lariats her. Miku kicks her in the back multiple times. Miku lets G kicks her in the back but G just sleepers her. Miku backdrops her. G no sells it and suplexes her after the time expires.

Nanae Takahashi comes out next. She chokes G with a shirt and snapmares her. NT hits chops. G hits chops and slaps. NT slaps her then backdrops her. NT is on top, the time limit expires and she splashes G anyway.

MIRAI comes out. She lariats G in the back of the head. G double underhook suplexes her off the top. Mirai headbutts her and Gheadbutts back. Mirai hits 2 lariats and the time runs out.

Bozilla comes out. She lariats G then hits a cradle shock for 2. G goes to powerbomb her but Mai Sakurai comes out to help her. Boz takes a double basement dropkick to the knees then headbutts. Mai and G go up top and hit a double elbow drop.

Sareee comes out. They trade forearms. Sareee rolls her into a double stomp and hits more double stomps. Sareee top rope double stomps her for 2. Sareee chest forearms her and the time expires. They shake hands and hug. G then slaps her.

Victoria Yuzuki comes out. Yuz dropkicks her then does a backdrop. G backdrops her. G hits a fire thunder driver and goes for the pin. Yuz reverses the pin and pins her. G gives her a thumbs up.

NORI of LLPW-X comes out. Nori suplexes her for 2. Nori hits kicks. G catches one and suplexes her. They trade forearms and Nori spin kicks her. Nori goes for the armbar and the time limit expires.

Various Marigold trainees come out. I have no idea who is who as they haven't debuted and thye ask to get in. One of them waistlocks G and she trips her. G then taps her out with an STF.

Another trainee comes in and hits kicks on G. Another trainee stops her and slams down G. That trainee hits mounted forearms and G slaps her. That trainee hits more mounted forearms. The time limit expires.

One of the trainees gets on the mic. G slaps her and they all bow.

Tsukasa Fujimoto of Ice Ribbon comes out. I don't condone Ice Ribbon getting involved in this after what Giulia did to them. Tsuka hits kicks to G's back. G hits a big forearm and hits a spinning glorious driver for 1. Tsuka step up enzugiri's her then triangle kicks her off the ropes for 2. They grab each other by the hair and trade forearms. The time limit then runs out.

Utami Hayashishita is next in. They hit each other and Tsuka germans her. Utami hits a drop for 2. G northern lights bombs her and Utami hits a spinning razor's edge. The time limit then runs out and the match is over.

Rossy Ogawa gives Giulia flower after.

G gets on the mic after and has words for Utami. G slaps her. Utami gets on the mic. They hug then all the wrestlers come out as G talks. They pose for photos and throw G up in the air. G hugs everyone and walks under all the wrestlers arms to leave.

Thoughts: Every match was only one minute long so we didn't get much quality wise. There were some nice surprises and stuff, but it was basically a long exhibition and wasn't the most interesting thing ever. This concludes Giulia's run in Marigold for the time being which was one of the shortest runs ever due to injury and due to Giulia leaving to work elsewhere. She likely will be back at some point. I'm sure it'll sell a few extra tickets but unless she was given minority ownership (I doubt it), I don't think we will ever see her back full-time.

Overall thoughts: The Mirai tag was the best thing on this. The main wasn't much quality wise as expected and was little more than an exhibition. The opener and the Yuzuki matches were okay at first then went downhill. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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