Thursday, September 26, 2024

WWE Main Event 10/9/2013

WWE Main Event 10/9/2013

Last week's show is here:

Handicap Match - Tons Of Funk (Brodus Clay & Tensai) vs. 3MB (Drew McIntyre, Heath Slater & Jinder Mahal)

Slater and Clay go at it. Slater catches him with a punch and Clay grabs him by the hair. Clay slams him and suplexes him. Slater grabs the ropes to avoid a double team and tags out. Mahal hits shots on Tensai and is shouldered over.

Tensai hits a monkey flip on Mahal then does a delayed double underhook suplex. Mahal takes a double back elbow and Clay elbow drops him for 2. Tensai headbutts Mahal and misses a corner charge. Mahal flying knees him.

Drew corner lariats Tensai then sick kicks him for 2. Drew chokes Tensai on the ropes. Slater hits punches on Tensai then dropkicks him in the knee for 2. Slater chinlocks him.

Slater hits punches then Tensai uppercuts him. Slater is thrown out. Clay is tagged in. He lariats and headbutts Mahal. He then exploders him. Clay hits an avalanche splash on Mahal then 2nd rope splashes him for 2. Drew breaks the count up and is thrown out. Slater boots Clay in the head and slingshot tornillo splashes him to win.

Thoughts: It made sense and was what it was with 3MB getting the win. Handicap matches aren't particularly known for being a great match type. You really wouldn't have know it was a handicap match as they got nothing out of the concept and just had a normal tag match for the most part.

Tamina Snuka vs. Aksana

Aksana takes off a shirt she had on. Tam shoves the shirt in her face and hits her. Tam hits chops and boots to the gut. Tam misses a corner charge and Ak throws her down by the arm. Ak stomps on her and works the arm.

Ak armlocks her and throws her down by the arm. Ak side slams her. Tam stomps on her then does a nice snapmare. Tam kneedrops her for 2. Tam chinlocks her.

Ak hits some shots and neckbreakers her for 2. Ak kicks her in the head while kneeling on the mat. Ak misses a basement dropkick. Tam backbreakers her and facekicks her for the win.

Thoughts: The ending was a bit sudden here. What we got up to it wasn't bad with Ak working the arm some. I guess Tamina was supposed to be the face here (though it could have been heel vs heel) but she was not a real compelling face. 

Zack Ryder vs. Big E. Langston

E throws him back off the lockup and they slap each other. Zack hits forearms then E shoulders him over. E side headlocks him and forearms him down. E side headlocks him and hits a hard forearm. E bends over and gets kicked then Zack flying forearms him. Zack dropkicks him out then dropkicks him through the ropes.

We go to break and return. Zack has a front facelock on. E throws him off and hits a shot to the gut. E hits corner spears then bearhugs him. E belly to belly suplexes him for 2. E slaps him around and hits shots to the gut.

E misses a splash. Zack double knees him out of the corner then 2nd rope dropkicks him in the back. Zack hits a facewash kick in the corner and E slides out. E sends him into rails. E throws him into the ropes from the outside then lariats him when he lands.

E rams him into the corner then takes a sunset flip for 2.  Zack runs at him in the corner and takes a uranage. E then running lariats him. E hits his big ending and gets the win.

Thoughts: Like the last match, I'm not real sure if this was heel vs heel or heel vs face. Zack kind of bumped around like a jobber some here and E was the power guy making him bump around. It would have been better if we had clearer faces and heels here. They also should have gotten the crowd a bit more involved.

Overall thoughts: There were 3 new matches here only but none were must see. None were awful though. The handicap match was maybe the best match though the handicap rules weren't much of a factor in it. I wouldn't recommend this.

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