Wednesday, September 18, 2024

PWA Wrestling on Shaw TV Episode 1

PWA Wrestling on Shaw TV Episode 1

The show is here:

This is from 2017 and from Canada.

Aaron Curran and Erich Aufleger are our commentators.

Nathan Legacy does a promo. He says he has the biggest challenge of his career when he faces Mike Becherer for the PWA Title. He says Mike is big and strong but he wants to show he's the shooting star of the PWA.

Judas Icarus vs Scott Steel

I don't know if this is the same Judas from TNA. They lock up and JI side headlocks him. Scott hammerlocks him and is snapmared over. JI side headlocks him then is taken down by the arm. Scott wristlocks him. JI wristlocks him then Scott reverses it.

JI side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Scott armdrags him then JI armdrags him. Scott hits a Japanese armdrag then JI does as well. Scott side headlock takeovers him then JI does it to him. Scott rolls him up for 2 and JI does the same. They then stand off.

Scott hits a big forearm then leg lariats him. Scott chops him then does a hiptoss neckbreaker. Scott diving headscissors him off the lower apron. Scott pops him up and is dropkicked. JI rolls him up and pumping knees him in the side of the head for 2.

JI fisherman suplexes him for 2 then dropkicks him for 2. Scott flips over JI's back then backrolls him for 2. Scott lariats him and slams him. Scott hits a 2nd rope legdrop for 2. Scott northern lights suplexes him for 2. Scott hits a sky high then surfboards him. Scott pulls the head on the surfboard.

Scott suplexes him then JI gets his knees up on Scott's asai moonsault. JI hits a shiranui for 2. JI does a grounded sleeper. They trade corner attacks and Scott pele kicks him. JI takes a german. Scott misses a top rope move and a springboard. JI springboard knees him. Scott hits a nasty hammerlock lifting ddt and goes up top. TJ Harley pushes Scott off the top rope and JI ripcord superkicks him to win.

Thoughts: It started off okay but kept going and was just a typical indy match by the end of it. I wasn't a fan of this one and though they did too much here.

PWA Pure Wrestling Title - E.O. Mike Becherer (c) vs Nathan Legacy


Mike puts him in a full nelson early. NL hammerlocks him and takes a fireman's carry. Mike wristlocks him and NL flips out. Mike snapmares him and works the arm. NL reverses it and wristlocks him. Mike legdrops NL's arm and armlocks him.

Mike side headlocks him then shoulders him over. NL dropkicks him then spinning heel kicks him. Mike back elbows him then hits a sledgehammer shot on him. Mike then hits a splash for 2. NL release germans him then hits a belly to belly suplex for 2.

NL misses a high top rope moonsault then Mike hits a stiff lariat. NL samoan drops him. They trade shots. NL backdrops him. NL hits a 450 for 2. Mike hits a big uranage for 2. Mike sitout powerbombs him for 2. NL wraparound ddt's him NL nearly kills himself on a missed ssp then Mike fire thunder drivers him for the win. 

Thoughts: Legacy had a nice moonsault that he missed and he nearly killed himself on a missed SSP. Mike's a bigger guy and his offense really looked like it connected. I was okay with this overall and thought it was a decent effort.

Mike shakes his hand after.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 matches here. The main was mostly okay with Mike Becherer having good looking offense. I thought they did too much in the opener (and got close to doing that in the main as well). There were no promos or interviews here, just wrestling. The announcing wasn't bad here. I wouldn't recommend this.

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