Thursday, August 29, 2024

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 8/28/2024 Lunacy Episode 1

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 8/28/2024 Lunacy Episode 1

We see Willie Mack arrive in a limo with his title and we see fans greet him.

We're less than a minute in and there's been multiple f-words.

W34Pon X, whoever that is, is our ring announcer. He brings out Violent J, who is the commissioner of JCW. They have a cool ring with crazy white lines and colorful colors.

Violent J says welcome to the new era of JCW. He says welcome to the era of Lunacy. He says JCW has been around for 25 years and has been ignored by Dave Meltzer and wrestling media. J says they put 4,000 fans in Milwaukee and nobody cared then ECW did it two weeks later and everyone was impressed. He says they toured the country multiple times while others run the VFW and get more exposure than they do. 

Joe Galli and Manny Fresh are on commentary. No, not that Manny Fresh, but this is the ICP and I wouldn't write it off as an impossibility.

The Southern Six are arm wrestling in the back. Joe Calli interrupts. Silas says the club footed juggalos can stay home. Alex says they are here to kick @ss and make all the money. Kerry says Violent J has a lot of money and asks if he can afford them. Silas says there's no I in team, but if you switch the letters around, it spells Me. Silas says they will make dog meat out of these disgusting juggalos.

Dani Mo vs Alice Crowley

They lock up. Dani is backed up into the corner and AC doesn't clean break her. They lock up again and Dani shoves her in the corner. Dani 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's her. Dani 2nd rope diving armdrags her. Dani is pulled into the buckles and AC boots her.

AC hits chops then Dani chops her back. AC boots her then suplexes her. AC hits some elbows and pump kicks her. Dani hits a high kick. Dani hits lariats then kicks to the body. Dani stands on the 2nd rope and ddt's her for 2. AC fisherman suplexes her for 2.

They trade forearms and Dani springboard back elbows her. Dani rope walk crossbodies her and pins her to win.

Thoughts: It was a pretty average match here with the girls doing mostly basic strikes and the finish being the only real highspot. At least they didn't overdo it though.

Willie Mack talks. He says he came to show up and show out.

JCW Tag Titles - The Brothers of Funstruction vs Facade and Caleb Konley

Yabo has a rubber chicken and swings it at Caleb. Yabo grabs another and it's swatted away. Yabo blows up a balloon, teases giving it to Caleb then lets it fly away. Caleb uppercuts him. Facade wristlocks Yabo and Yabo knocks it away with his tie.

The Clowns and Facade hug. Caleb gets in and boots the clowns. Facade is confused. Caleb is pushed into Facade and Yabo dropkicks Caleb for 2. Yabo slams Caleb and the clown's hit elbow drops. Caleb's head is banged off Ruffo's shoe.

Caleb nails Facade when Yabo ducks. Yabo is banged into Ruffo's boot then Caleb reverses Yabo. Yabo chops Caleb with his tie then chops Ruffo when Caleb moves. Facade beats up The Clown's with kicks. He kips down and kips up out of a leg lariat and hits a kick.

Caleb turns on Facade and superkicks him when they have a double superkick set up. Caleb takes a side slam + top rope double stomp combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. Caleb and Facade weren't fully on the same page but I think the turn could have been done better. It was a weird match with both teams hitting their partners by mistake. I didn't like the clowns using their ties and stuff on their opponents as that's cheating. The ring was a little small for them and they didn't move that well around in it.

Shaggy's Spotlight

Shaggy 2 Dope says we will take a look at The Southern Six. He calls them ruthless redneck bandits. We see clips of the Six

Joe Galli interviews The Brothers of Funstruction. Ruffo only talks by making sounds and Yabo laughs. Yabo says they are the faces of JCW. Yabo says they are always down for a fight and laughs. Joe says they aren't clowning around.

The Southern Six (Silas Mason, Alex Taylor and Kerry Morton) vs Willie Mack, Santana Jackson and Matt Cross

The ring announcer calls Silas "Silas Morgan". Silas calls him a drunk, drug-addicted juggalo. Silas then does his own intro for his team and calls them the greatest collection of talent that was ever put on the earth. Silas says Kerry is the son of Robert Gibson. One of the announcers says "this is the longest f*cking intro I've ever heard in professional wrestling".

Santana does Michael Jackson dances and moonwalks down the ramp and somehow is able to come out to Beat It.

The heels attack before it starts and stomp the faces. Cross goes up and over Alex then hits armdrags. Cross cartwheel back elbows Alex then pump kicks him.

Cross does a springboard double crossbody on the heels. Willie hits punches on Silas then Silas bangs Willie's head off the buckles. Willie hits a big shot and ties up Silas in the ropes with a punch. Willie chops Silas while he's tied up.

Jackson and Kerry go at it. Jackson wants a test of strength and ends up doing a dance off of it. Jackson chops him then walks up the ropes, ropewalks and armdrags Kerry. Kerry hits a big clothesline. Silas backbreakers Jackson and Alex tries to pin Jackson with a foot on the chest.

Alex back elbows Jackson. Jackson hits an enzugiri. Willie and Cross get in. They beat up on the heels and Silas is thrown into Alex in the corner. Alex then falls down and headbutts Silas in the crowd when he falls.

Silas and Alex get their heads banged together. Cross and Willie then do stereo standing moonsaults for 2. The heels are back to back on the mat and they low blow the faces en stereo. Silas hits a thrill ride on Jackson and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was decent tag here. Both teams got a little in and the heels ended up picking up the win. It wasn't the best any of them could have done but it was enough.

"Cowboy" James Storm comes out after. He says it's been a while since he got to hang out with the family. He said last time, he hung out with Violent J at The Gathering and was singing Johnny Cash. He says the world should be like a wrestling crowd as everyone is here having a good time like a family. He said J told him he has a problem and Storm needed to come up. Storm said he was told Kerry Morton was the problem. He says if he wanted Kerry to run his mouth, he'd pull Silas' d!ck out of it. The crowd then chants "you suck d!ck". Storm says the crowd came here to see him whoop his @ss and he'll do it. Storm gets some shots in and Kerry's buddies pull him out.

Storm said Ricky Morton was a big star and ate a lot of pu$$y but didn't know he had a pu$$y for his son. He says the only thing Kerry will hear is "sorry, about your d@mn luck".

Overall thoughts: It was different as expected and average overall. There was a whole lot of swearing and vulgar language here. All three matches were on the shorter end. The main was easily the best thing on here but nothing on this was must see. It was better than I expected though and the production values were pretty good despite this being a smaller operation. We'll have to see what things look like going forward. It seems like this is going to be shorter taped matches without a lot of storylines and such.

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