Thursday, April 4, 2013

WWE NXT 4/3/2013 Results and Review

WWE NXT 4/3/2013 Results and Review

Last week's show is here:

Bo Dallas and Adrian Neville vs Luke Harper and Erick Rowan

"You're playing with fire and now, you're burned." - Bray Wyatt

"He's gotta give up. He's got to, to save his career." - Brad Maddox
Bo Dallas beat Luke Harper with the belly to belly suplex. Ugh. The crowd really liked it though and the one or two flying moves Neville did were good. Naturally Bo Dallas had to get the pin.The match wasn't bad.

"I am the Ascension and I will rise." - O'Brian
William Regal attacked Kassius Ohno and beat the crud out of him for his actions last week. Good angle here.
"What's going on here, Tony? That's the hardest you've ever been hit in your life and he wasn't even attacking you." - Brad Maddox
Summer Rae and Audrey Marie vs Sasha Banks and Paige
"There's nothing more vile than tactical twitter war." - Brad Maddox
Paige won with the Paige Turner. Summer Rae ran away before really doing anything and the match was very quick without much to it.

NXT Title - Big E Langston vs Conor O'Brian
If wrestling was just about standing around and looking cool, Conor O'Brian would be a champion. Unfortunately, you have to have some wrestling ability of which Conor O'Brian has none.
"We've seen Big E Langston kick out early, what do you make of that?" - Tony | "Well, that's probably due to the giant size of his chest muscles, Tony." - Brad
"Big E Langston is of course very lucky that I'm taking a break from in-ring action at this moment." - Brad
Big E Langston won in about 8 minutes with The Big Ending. The match wasn't that bad since they kept the pace high and the crowd was into it. Conor hit a decent kick and Big E has explosive offense.

Overall thoughts: The Regal/Ohno segment was the highlight of this show and the hot crowd made the show a whole lot better than it would have been otherwise.

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