Friday, September 27, 2013

WWE Superstars 9/25/2013 Results and Review

WWE Superstars 9/25/2013 Results and Review

Quick results:
Big E Langston and Damien Sandow beat Justin Gabriel and Zack Ryder when Big E hit a Big Ending on Gabriel
After the match, Khali ran in and for no reason whatsoever nailed Sandow with a brain chop

The Real American's beat Tons of Funk when Cesaro rolled up Clay

The Good:
- They actually did an angle on Superstars with Khali chopping Sandow. Even if it was dumb, they actually made something happen on this show.

- Big E leveled Gabriel pretty good with a body smash.

- Tensai looked impressive holding up Cesaro upside down.

The Bad:
- Big E Langston being wasted on Superstars. Why was Big E on this show when he is a future main eventer and star? I can't understand this because it just makes him look like a nobody. There's a reason John Cena hasn't a made a Superstars appearance in a long long time and I wish they would use that reasoning with Sandow.

- Big E Langston running from Khali. Again, why? He's Big E and supposed to be a pretty tough dude. What does he have to fear?

- Khali randomly chopping Sandow. Why? Do they have a feud we don't know about? The announcers had no explanation.

- Tom Phillips as your new Superstars announcer. I'm no Tony Dawson fan but I'm even less of a Tom Phillips fan. The man is worse than Dawson and 10x phonier. Granted, WWE is low on announcers right now but still, Regal was right there as was Alex Riley.

- Under 12 minutes of wrestling action on a 1 hour show. Terrible.

- The tag match being a completely bogus waste of time. It went about 3-4 minutes and had nothing of note whatsoever.

Overall thoughts: This was a completely stupid edition of Superstars. It was a waste of 13 minutes and it left me with more questions than answers.


  1. thanks for the review. I'm digging this new style.

    do you watch superstars just out of habit or maybe just because you have to write this blog ? is the one or two great matches a year (that have no consequenses on the programs that air on TV whatsoever and are dealt with as no more than house shows) enough ?
