Thursday, August 29, 2024

TNA Impact 8/29/2024

TNA Impact 8/29/2024

Last week's show is here:

TNA X-Division Title - Mike Bailey (c) vs Rich Swann

Rich wristlocks him. Mike reverses it. We see The Rascalz watching in the back. Mike hammerlocks Rich then side headlocks him. Rich cartwheels over Mike and dropkicks him. Mike dropkicks him back, they dropkick at the same time then get up and stand off. Rich headscissors him. Mike headscissors him through the ropes.

Mike is almost thrown into AJ Francis at commentary. Rich then superkicks Mike. Rich cannonballs Mike off the apron. Rich dragon screws Mike then Mike backrolls him for 2. Rich hits leg kicks. Mike spin kicks him in the gut then axe kicks him. Mike running ssp's him.

They each go for high kicks and high kick each other at the same time. They then corkscrew kick each other at the same time. They kip up together then Mike triangle moonsaults him outside. Rich uses then apron and ropes outside to handspring cutter Mike. Rich top rope splashes Mike for 2.

Mike shoulder throws him then hits a standing moonsault double knee. Mike superkicks him then spin kicks him. Mike is on the 2nd rope. AJ tries to interfere and Trent Seven stops him. Mike misses a move off the buckles and Rich gets a 2 count on him. Mike high kicks Swann then Rich hits a lethal injection for 1.

Rich superkicks Mike in the face. AJ and Trent fight outside and Mike hits a spanish fly counter off a crossbody and wins.

It was a flippy and high flying match here. They didn't overdo it though, they kept it moving and there were multiple points where it seemed like Rich was going to score the upset. This worked and i liked it.

Jordynne Grace is interviewed. Grace says the outcome will be the same tonight and she will prove that nothing can stop her. She says she will walk out still the Knockouts champ.

Joe Hendry said he would usually make fun of Brian Myers but heard some people respect him. He says if you respect Brian, don't chant "Edge's b!tch". Joe says no one respects Brian and says people chant "we believe" when they want to show respect. He says people believe in Joe Hendry.

Joe Hendry vs Brian Myers

Brian side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Joe flying knees him. Brian misses a 2nd rope twisting crossbody. Joe delayed suplexes him then lariats him over the top. Joe fights off Eddie Edwards outside then Alisha goes to slap Joe. The ref sees it and kicks Eddie and Alisha out. Joe is pushed into the steps and Brian rams him into the apron. 

We go to break and return. Brian chinlocks Joe. Joe sunset flips him for 2. Brian back elbows him. Brian trips him into an elbow drop. Brian hits some kicks to the head then hits mounted punches. Brian pulls Joe's arms back.

Brian backdrops Joe. Joe pop-up cutters Brian. Joe hits punches then flying back elbows him. Brian is caught on a crossbody and Joe fallaway slams him. Joe clotheslines him. Joe hits a standing ovation and wins.

It was an average to acceptable match. There was nothing too great about it but nothing bad either. Joe won as expected.

Eddie Edwards comes in and beats up Joe after. Mike Santana comes out to help Joe.

Mike Santana vs Eddie Edwards

They trade chops. Mike back elbows him. Eddie rakes Mike with his nails. Mike hits corner punches. Eddie is back body dropped over the top to the floor. Mike goes out after him and Eddie puts Alisha in the way of Mike.  Eddie backdrops Mike on the apron.

We go to break and return. Mike hits shots to the gut and takes a headbutt. Mike flapjacks Eddie. Mike hits chops. Mike enzugiri's him then backrolls into a cutter. Mike hits doi fives then Doi's sliding kick. Mike tope con hilos Eddie.

Mike goes up top and frogsplashes Eddie for 2. Mike backrolls and gets caught with a blue thunder for 2. Mike rolls him up for 2 and facekicks him. Eddie pop-up drops him and double underhook powerbombs him for 2. Eddie hits a big forearm for 2.

Mike spits at Eddie and Eddie hits knees to the body. Mike spinning lariats Eddie for the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here. both seemed inspired and they put out a good effort. Mike got most of the offense in here.

Matt Cardona says he's not medically cleared to compete at the PPV tommorow. Santino goes up to him and Matt says Santino's doctor's wouldn't clear him. Matt says he has a mystery monster to face PCO. Santino says Matt gave him his word and Matt says he's almost ready. Santino says Matt won't get away with this.

Steve Maclin comes out to do commentary. He calls Eric Young an old dog and says a new dog is getting in the way. Steve says Eric needs to move aside as he has been here 20 years.

Hammerstone vs Eric Young

Eric side headlocks him and is shouldered over. Eric armdrags and armlocks him then does it again. Eric 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Hammer facekicks him off the apron. Hammer nails him from behind, sending him into Steve Maclin on commentary. Eric's head is banged off the steps.

Hammer forearms him in the back. EY hits some big forearms. EY death valley drivers him for 2. Hammer bangs Eric's head off of his knee and powerslams him for 2. Hammerstone pump kicks and germans him. Hammer sitout powerbombs him for 2. Hammer misses a kick on the ropes and takes a big forearm.

Hammer hits a big kick to the face and hits a nightmare pendulum to win. 

Thoughts: It was shorter than expected. I didn't like Hammer getting tossed around here but it was fine otherwise. Eric had some nice strikes here. 

Cody Deaner and Jake Something come out. Cody says the people have a choice tonight. Jake says thi isn't about the people, he says it's about them ruling the tag division. He tells ABC to get out here.

ABC vs Jake Something and Cody Deaner

Jake rams Ace in the corner and hits corner spears. Jake buckle bombs Ace. Deaner thesz presses Ace and hits punches. Jake slams Ace then slams Deaner onto Ace. Bey gets in and hits shots on Deaner.

Bey hits shots on both opponents then dropkicks Deaner off the buckles. Ace hits forearms on Jake then Jake lariats both ABC members over. Deaner top rope double crossbodies ABC. Jake is pulled over the top to the floor. Jake trips Ace on the apron.

Bey forearms Deaner over Ace drives Jake's head into the mat. Deaner takes a double kick in the corner then takes the art of finesse and the fold.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too special here. I didn't think they had enough time for this one.

First Class comes out after and beats up ABC. Ace is held in the air for a cutter from Rich. AJ chokeslams Bey.

TNA Knockouts Title - Match By Elegance - Ash By Elegance vs Jordynne Grace

This is falls count anywhere. They have various weapons around the ring that are pink colored or have feathers on them.

Ash nails Grace with a chair during intros. Grace kicks her in the gut then Ash bulldogs her on the chair. George Iceman gets on commentary. Ash throws a trash in with pink feathers on it. Ash knees her while on the bottom rope. Grace hits headbutts then gordbusters her on the bottom of the trash can. Grace then 2nd rope sentons her while she's laying on it.

Ash is thrown out. She hits Grace with a pink trash can lid. Ash tornado ddt's Grace on the trash can lid on the floor for 1. We go to break and return.

Ash top rope crossbodies Grace and is caught. Grace hits a world's strongest slam then vader bombs her for 2. Grace grabs a protein shake and pours "diamonds" out on the mat. Grace is tripped onto chairs then Ash breaks a champagne bottle on Grace's head for 2.

George iceman gets in the ring to help out Ash then Rosemary appears behind Ash. Rose spears Ash. Alisha Edwards and Masha come down. Masha hits Grace in the head with a title then hits a package piledriver on her. Ash gets a 2 count on it.

Spitfire come down to help then do stereo topes outside. Grace chairs Ash while she's on the buckles. Grace hits a muscle buster off the apron through a table. Grace then pins Ash.

I don't get having Ash lose here again. It wasn't totally clean but I think it hurts her. It was your usual hardcore match with some creative weapons and lots of shenanigans going on.  I'm not sure why this was done on TV instead of being done at the PPV.

We get a one on one talk between Nic Nemeth and Josh Alexander. Josh says everyone is on his time from now on. He said he did things the way TNA wanted it and now it's his turn to look out for him. Nic said he waited a long time to have a title in his hand. Nic says he was lucky to win the TNA Title but doesn't plan on losing it. He says he's a fighting champ. He asks why so many people know his name but not Josh's.

He tells Josh if he wants to be the best, look him in the eye and beat him. He says Josh doesn't have it anymore. Josh says nothing is wrong with him, just everyone else. He says he's the best wrestler in the world still. He says Nic isn't champ until Nic beats him. Josh says we are doing this on his time and in his match. Josh tells him to fight him and says he will take the title back tomorrow. He says TNA will be better off for it.

Nic says Josh is the same old Josh. He says the business evolves and you become better every single day. He says that's what it takes to be champ. Nic says Josh never losing his title is a page in a history book. He asks what he did lately and says Josh will never be a true champ. Nic says he can go all night long in the iron man match. Josh says he can do it too and says he doesn't think Nick has what it takes.

They argue more. Josh says what he did for him lately is tomorrow when he wins the title and takes TNA to new heights. Josh says Nic is in for the hardest match of his life. Nic says Josh doesn't have it anymore. Nic says Josh used to be champ but the title stays with him. Nic says he will stay the champ. Nic says every night counts and that's why he's the champ and Josh is not.

Thoughts: Nic and Josh arguing for 10 minutes straight doesn't sound that interesting on paper and it wasn't. This didn't do a whole lot to make me excited for their match.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual decent episode of TNA. There was nothing great or awful on it as usual and it was fine for what it was. While I don't quite get why they did Ash vs Grace here, it was a better match than the usual offerings. I though Bailey/Swann was the best match on this show though. I don't think it was super effective as a PPV go home show though and I think the PPV card is weak overall.

1 comment :

  1. Ash and Jordynne have great chemistry. Their outings have really allowed Ash to show she’s a lot better than WWE allowed her to show she was.
