Sunday, August 25, 2024

Reality of Wrestling 8/17/2024 Episode #408

Reality of Wrestling 8/17/2024 Episode #408

The last show is here:

Andrew Jackson, the ROW GM talks about Summer of Champions 10. He says he's shaking things up for it and says they will create a women's tag division for it to make new women's tag champs. He says the teams will be random.

The Remote Controls talk to Fly-Def. They say they apologize for what was said last time. Fly-Def says let's have a killer match and may the best team win.

The Remote Controls (Jay Knight and Dante Markaysi) vs Fly-Def (Warren Johnson & Zack Mason)

Zack (headband) throws down Dante (long tights, afro). Dante side headlock takeovers him. Dante backrolls him then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Jay and WJ (braids) get in. WJ armdrags him. They lock up and WJ side headlocks him. Jay corkscrew kicks him. WJ goes up and over. Jay takes a double leapfrog then a dropkick from WJ. Zack euros Jay over. WJ snapmares Jay and chinlocks him. Zack double axe handles Jay's arm and yanks on it. Jay takes a double side effect for 2.

WJ chinlocks Zack then lariats him. Jay slingshots in and side headlock takeovers WJ. Jacy springboards and cutters WJ. Dante and Zack get in. Dante hits a springboard dropkick and a spinning heel kick.

Dante is caught on an asai moonsault then tornado ddt's Zack off of it. Jay has words for WJ. They trade forearms. Jay pump kicks him then WJ topes him. Zack catches Dante's crossbody then Dante cradles him. They both try pins and Dante sneaks the pin for the win when WJ isn't looking.

Thoughts: It was a decent, fast paced opener here. I liked the dropkick spot as seen above. It was kind of a face vs face match that started breaking down near the end when tensions got heated. 

Fly-Def attacks The Remote Controls after and knocks them out of the ring. The Controls are beaten up outside and Jay is sent into the commentary table. Dante is in the gori special position and takes a codebreaker from it.

Gigi Rey is interviewed. She said when her back is against the wall, she's at her best. She says it's do or die tonight and she has to be at her best tonight. She says she will win tonight and have the Diamonds belt around her waist and that's a Gigi guarantee.

Gigi gets a title match if she wins - Gigi Rey vs Rache Chanel

Note - Essentially, that's the stipulation but there's a lot more to it that I don't really understand. Gigi and Promise Braxton are somehow like tied in a series and Gigi needed to win to get a title shot.

Gigi wristlocks RC. RC cartwheels out of it and wristlocks her. Gigi rolls and headflips up then is pulled down by the hair. RC side headlock takeovers her then Gigi headscissors her. Gigi flying headscissors her then top rope crossbodies her for 2. Gigi armlocks her.

RC facekicks her in the corner then spinning lariats her in the back of the neck for 2. RC hits forearms then stands on her in the corner. RC russian legsweeps her for 2. RC chinlocks her. Gigi sliding forearms her. 

RC blocks a pump kick and hits a spinning back elbow. Gigi 2nd rope dropkicks her. Gigi corner forearms RC then spinning heel kicks her. Gigi michinoku drivers her for 2. They block each others moves. Gigi goes up and over and backrolls her into a bridge. Gigi gets the pin.

I liked this one. This was a WWE level women's match here. No one did anything too crazy but everything they did looked good. Gigi did a good job as the face here and Chanel was a good partner for her.

Cameron Cole talks to Matty Ice in the back and wants to form a team. Ice says Cole beat him last time, but what else has he done? Ice says if they do things his way, they won't go the way the wants. Ice says there's a better way to do the things he wants. He says he tried Cole's way and says nice guys finish last. He asks him to think about going back to the way that worked. Cole says he will think about it and says it's a maybe.

Alex Gracia talks in a bikini. She said she was born in Texas but was made to be a California girl. She said ROW has gotten new additions to their roster. She congratulates them. She said she used to be a Diamonds champ but has only gotten better and prettier. She says it's time to go be that girl again and says the roster needs to beat her, not the other way around. 

Hoka vs Big Tito Lincoln

They stare down. Hoka hammerlocks him and Tito ropebreaks. Hoka slaps Tito in the back. They lock up and Tito back elbows him. Hoka flying shoulders him then Tito hits a nice lariat.

Tito shoves Hoka's head then chops him. Tito hits corner lariats and short arm clotheslines him. TIto hits corner spears then throws him hard into the corner. Tito sideslams him.

Hoka sunset flips him but Tito holds on. Hoka rolls him up for 1 then Tito hits a big lariat. Tito slams him for 2. Tito does an abdominal stretch. Tito is pushed into the buckles then Hoka hits shots. Hoka hits a sitout black hole slam for 2. 

Hoka samoan drops him. Tito does a pop-up sitout powerbomb and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a solid heavyweight match here. Nothing too great but they did what they were supposed to do and it looked fine. Both guys are definitely over 6 foot and I could maybe see Tito going somewhere if he improves his game. Hoka reminds me of Hikuleo. 

Ryan Davidson is interviewed. He says he's p!ssed off like everyone else who has to see Danny Limelight's shenanigans. He says nobody likes it when Danny goes to the ring. He says we fix it tonight. He said he figured Danny out and says he's trash. He says the walk he walks, breathes and parts his hair is crap. He says he has a dumpster outside of the arena to throw him out and says he will take back the Texas Championship tonight.

This was a solid promo here by Ryan.

Empire State Championship - Danny Limelight (c) vs Ryan Davidson


Dan hits forearms and Ryan shoves him back. Ryan throws him in the corner and flurries on him. Dan hits a big forearm then spin kicks him in the gut. Ryan powerslams him. Ryan misses a corner charge and Dan walks up the buckles and diving headscissors him. Dan then poses.

Dan rolls over Ryan's back then both miss moves. Ryan blocks a PK and Dan slaps him. Ryan blocks a pele kick then lariats him over the top. Ryan ends up going with him.

Ryan bangs Dan's head off the commentary table and chops him. Dan eye rakes him and they go to a double countout.

Ryan takes down Dan and pounds on him. They pound on each other then security and refs come to break it up. Dan hits security then jumps on Ryan as the fight continues. Andrew Jackson comes out and says to contain it. Andrew says this is not how we do things. He says since we didn't get a winner, we will run it back at Summer of Champions 10. Andrew says they will fight in a steel cage match. Ryan then chases Dan out after.

Thoughts:  They only had 4 minutes for this. They did what they could with it and I think they got over Ryan being the face and Danny being the heel, but there's not a lot else to say about it.

Overall thoughts: It was an okay episode of ROW. I had no real issues with it though more time for the main would have been nice. The opener and the women's match were the best things on here. Nothing was truly bad on this.

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