Sunday, July 17, 2022

AEW Dark Episode #152 7/12/2022

AEW Dark Episode #152 7/12/2022

I can think of better ways to spend my time, but I want to see the All-Atlantic title match.

Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs Bear Country (Bear Boulder & Bear Bronson)

Quen has a blue beard and Bronson is in better shape since I last him saw. Bronson threatens a punch and Kassidy backs off. Kass then rolls under his punch and threatens him. Bronson slams his head off the mat and splashes him. Bronson hits a nice punch in the corner and spinebusters him. Bron mocks PP's taunt.

Quen side headlocks Boulder and Boulder lifts him. Boulder shoulders him and they suggest Quen got the blue beard from putting his face in a port-a-potty. Quen is caught by Boulder and thrown down from his shoulder. Boulder then hits lariats and back elbows. Quen then collapses. Bronson headlocks Quen and does his taunt again. Kassidy tries to trip Bronson then PP hit the silly string into a spinning ddt for 2.

Quen gets help with a slingshot elbow on Bronson then Kassidy slingshot sentons Boulder. Kass shows off his shows as he stomps Boulder. Bronson tries to fight out of a 2v1 but PP gets him in the leg and Kass dances. Bronson tries to fight out of a 2v1 again and pulls them into each other. He flips Quen and lariats Kass. He finally tags out. Boulder gets in and beats up the heels with lariats and slams. He then splashes both in the corner.

Kass jumps off the 2nd rope and is caught by Boulder then he catches Quen too and fallaway slams both for 2. Boulder backpacks his partner but Quen dropkicks them to prevent it. Bronson then hits a blackhole slam on Quen. Bronson gets on Boulder's shoulders then Kass springboard cutters Bronson. Kass tope con hilo's Boulder then Quen SSP's Bronson off the top to win.

This was good, but it could have been a little better. I don't think they got the most out of Bear Country here and I think it could have been a little shorter. PP were good here though with the screaming and being heels and Bear Country was fine as usual.

Captain Shawn Dean vs Conan Lycan

When you have the name Conan, you better look like one and this one does. He is a thick dude despite not even being super ripped. Conan shoulders him over and Dean hits armdrags. Dean then dropkicks him out. Dean plancha's Conan and Conan is supposed to catch him but both fall down. Conan then goes into the post. Dean slingshots but is caught then swung into an STO.

Dean chinbreakers him then lariats and back elbows him. Dean then wrap around ddt's him and hits a nice football tackle for 2. Conan rolls over his back then spinning blue thunder bombs him for 2. Conan goes up top and Dean avoids his 450. Dean then shotgun dropkicks him in the corner and top rope splashes him for the win.

Dean was a good face here. Conan didn't have the greatest night, but he's big, he's agile, he looks like a wrestler and he needs to return.

Rohit Raju was interviewed. He introduces himself and his nicknames. He said Dark is getting brighter with him and says he is a walking bag of money. He says Baron Black will be a walking bag of pain and suffering. He said his mom calls him son because he shines like one.

The Jericho Appreciation Society (Angelo Parker & Matt Menard) vs Jake St. Patrick & Sage Scott 

Sage isn't the tallest but he's big. Jake and Sage get jumped and beaten on then Safe goes into the rails and apron. Menard lariats Jake then Jake takes a double elevated ddt for the quick and pointless JAS win.
Willow Nightingale vs Mila Moore

Mila looks a lot like AJ Lee and isn't a bad looking girl. She has very shiny gear that looks good. Mila wristlocks her and gets slammed. Willow poses then crossbodies her as she is seated. Willow hits a running hip attack to her body in the corner. Willow then perfectplexes her for 2. Mila hits corner boots and does a nice pump kick.

Willow cartwheels out of an irish whip the nenzugiri's and lariats her. Willow then spinebusters her. Mila blocks a gutwrench then side backcrackers her for 2. Mila slaps her then Willow hits a pounce from the side. Willow corner cannonballs her then gutwrench powerbombs her for the win.

It was short and was okay for the time it got, but it couldn't have been that much more due to its length.

Rohit Raju vs Baron Black

Baron gets a small chant going. He rolls out of a wristlock but Raju rolls with him. Raju headlocks him then is put in abdominal stretch. Baron rolls him into a nice pin attempt for 2. Baron atomic drops him and spinning lariats him.

Raju double knees him against the ropes. He drops him on his chest and hits a nasty lariat to the back of the head for 2. Baron euro uppercuts him then chops and spinning chops him. Baron then hits a spinning emerald flowsion for 2 and crossfaces him. Baron spins and takes a jumping knee. Raju then facewash kicks him in the corner and cannonballs him in the corner. Raju top rope double stomps him and wins it.

Nothing wrong with this. It was short but they kept it moving the whole time. Raju was very crisp here and really looked like a total pro. Baron got a little in but lost like he always has.

Angelico vs Logan Laroux

Logan rolls and kips up out of a wristlock then Angelico armdrags him. Angelico takes him down with an armdrag and cravates him. Angelico pulls his arms behind his legs and pushes forward on the mat in a neat submission that I've never seen before. They trade waistlocks and miss shots. Logan then flying forearms him. Logan then rolls into a spear for 2. Logan lariats him and slides to the floor then misses a top rope dropkick. Angelico then does his spin into an ankle lock and wins it.

It was short but not bad at all. Angelico's submissions are always nice and Logan did okay with what he got. 

The ref tries to dance with Angelico after.

Dante Martin (w/Matt Sydal) vs Nick Comoroto (w/Aaron Solo & QT Marshall)

QT Marshall gets on the mic and says Sydal's peace, love and pro wrestling is a bunch of crap. QT tells Dante to watch what a real coach does. Nick blindside forearms Dante and corner lotheslines him. Dante springboard but is caught then bottom rope springboard dropkicks. He then dropkicks him. He gets caught on his tope and is thrown into the apron and the stage. Nick then gorilla presses him into the ring.

Nick slingshot elbow drops him and throws him hard into the buckles. Nick backbreakers him and Solo takes a cheap shot on Dante on the ropes. Dante takes some forearms to the lower back and Taz rightfully complains that Dante is wearing The Factory's colors. Nick slams him and twists his neck with his feet. Nick butt drops Dante's lower back and Date comes back with forearms and kicks. Nick corner spears him and throws him.

Nick then poses as he tries to pin him. Nick backbreakers him again an stretches him there. Dante headscissors Nick over and Dante top rope crossbodies him. Dante dives on Solo outside then springboard dropkicks Nick. Dante goes for a twisting springboard but is caught and neckbreakered over the knee for 2. Dante is hanging off of Nick in the alabama slam position then spins around his shoulder and rolls him up for the win.

QT beats up Sydal after and throws him in the ring. Fuego del Sol then makes the save with a chair.

I thought it was a decent match. It could have been a little better with a big Dante comeback with some impressive spots but it didn't happen. Nick did good here and continues to be wasted here on Dark.

AEW All-Atlantic Title Match - PAC (c) vs Shota Umino

This is from Revolution Pro in England and this is the first ever defense of this title. Pac shoulders him over and Shota elbows him. Pac goes outside and throws him into the rails. Shota then is thrown hard into the buckles. Pac hits a nice slam on him then Shota drops him from the slam position and diving euro's him. Shota throws him into the rails outside multiple times. Shota then slingshot ddt's him for 2.

Pac gets back in and eye pokes him then chokes and stands on him with his boot. Pac bullies him around for a bit and slams him. Shota back elbows him and basement dropkicks him. Shota hits a running euro then backdrops him. He hangs on and hammerlocks him but Pac hits the ropes. Shota then dropkicks him into the rails outside and top rope dropkicks him. Shota then perfectplexes him for 2.

Pac spin kicks him in the gut then flyins kicks him in the head. Pac hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Pac footslaps him around and they trade forearms. Pac rebound germans him then facekicks him. Shota hits a nice enzugiri then is superkicked. Shota then hits a peach sunrise. Shota runs into a superkick. Pac goes up top and Shota hits the ropes with Pac taking a hard fall down. Shota then tornado ddt's him and holds on a brainbuster. Shota elevated reverse ddt's him for 2.

Pac facekicks him and tries to roll him into a pin but is countered. Pac does a head and arm hold on Shota was he is hanging from him and Pac gets the win.

I didn't think it was anything special. Going outside early hurt some of the flow and it was just a moves match without any real story to it.

Overall thoughts: It was a decent edition of Dark. I liked Bear Country vs Private Party and I liked Dante vs Nick. Raju looked good and Shawn Dean did as well.

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