Sunday, July 3, 2022

New Japan Pro Wrestling 7/3/2022 New Japan Road Day 6

New Japan Pro Wrestling 7/3/2022 New Japan Road Day 6

I saw 5 of 7 matches here.

United Empire (Aaron Henare & Great-O-Khan) vs Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI & Hiromu Takahashi)

Hiromu and Khan screwed around for multiple minutes to start this. Bushi grabbed Khan by the hair then Hiromu hit a double sledgehammer off the top onto him. Hiromu hits double chops on Khan to mock him then Khan hits him with a bunch.

Henare gets in and kicks down Hiromu then Khan sits on Hiromu's head in the corner. Henare curbstomps Hiromu and controls him until Hiromu dragon screws him. Bushi top rope dropkicks Henare then bulldogs Henare while dropkicking Khan. Bushithen ddt's Henare for 2.

Bushi does a Henare clothesline then topes Khan outside. Henare does a very neat sideslam into a sitout powerbomb then Henare punch combos Bushi. Henare hits him with a big spin kick to the head then Bushi and Hiromu are put in submissions at the same time. Bushi taps to a grounded full nelson.

This wasn't good. They screwed around early and the match just didn't click that well.

Clark Connors, The DKC & Yuji Nagata vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (SANADA, Shingo Takagi & Tetsuya Naito)

DKC puts a side headlock on Naito early. Naito evades a lock up and poses then DKC boots him from behind. Naito hits some karate style punches on him and takes a leg lariat. Clark gets in and wants Shingo. They shoulder battle and trade chops then Shingo hits some nice punches. They push each other off with shoulders and Clark goes down. Shingo then knee drops him and hair throws him.

Sanada double axe handles Clark's arm then Naito hiptosses him into a sliding dropkick. Naito then mocks Nagata's pose. Shingo gets back in then suplexes him for 2. Clark evades a double clothesline and spears Naito then powerslams him. Nagata gets the hot tag in and facekicks Sanada off the apron then kick combos Shingo. Nagata facekicks Shingo and butterfly suplexes him for 2.

Nagata and Shingo trade forearms then Nagata enzugiri's him. Shingo comes back with a sliding D though. Sanada comes in and dropkicks Nagata in the leg then mocks him with his own Nagata lock pose. DKC gets in and hits karata chops on Sanada. Sanada goes down and kind of kicks him in the crotch on accident during it. DKC spinning chops him then Sanada takes running moves in the corner.

Sanada is explodered and DKC top rope rider kicks him for 2. DKC takes a Naito enzugiri, a Shingo lariat then rolls up Sanada for 2. DKC hits Sanada with a crucifix bomb then is rolled into a spinning dragon sleeper. Sanada then grounds him with it and wins it.

This was a good trios match. They did a nice job with the faces here and the hot tags. The action was fast paced and it made sense. 

House Of Torture (Dick Togo, EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi) vs CHAOS (Hirooki Goto, Toru Yano & YOSHI-HASHI)

HoT attacks during intros and throws their opponents out. Evil eye rakes Goto then takes a double shoulder. Yoshi then is hiptossed onto Goto. HoT is piled up on each other then the faces dogpile on top of them. Goto and Yoshi then do their club flurry with Yano. The faces get beaten up outside then Yujiro pounds on Goto. Goto then is beaten up 3v1 in the corner. Togo continues with the punches on Goto then Goto flips him over with a shoulder.

Yano tkes off a turnbuckle pad and him and Togo throw it at each other. Togo pushes Yano into the ref then Yano hits him with the buckle pad. Yano grabs his dog cage outside and tries to put Togo in it. Yujiro facekicks Yano then Yano pulls him down by the hair.

Yoshi gets in and running blockbusters Yujiro. Yujiro gets hung up on the ropes and attacked then Yoshi baseball slides him. Yujiro baseball slides him then HoT clears off the faces. Yoshi takes running corner moves. Evil ties up the ref and pushes him while Yoshi evades Togo trying to choke himn with weapons. SHO rings the bell to distract the faces then the faces take low blows. Yujiro lifting ddt's Yoshi and wins it.

As expected, this was not good with cheating and the ref not DQ'ing Evil when he could have. 

Yano is put in the dog cage after.

CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada & Tomohiro Ishii) vs. Suzuki-gun (Taichi & TAKA Michinoku)

Taka tries to shoulder battle Ishii then just eye pokes him. Taka hits a shin kick and is shouldered down. Okada gets in and slingshot sentons Taka. Taka then takes double chops from both opponents. Ishii hits a flurry of chops on Taka. Okada gets in and Taka criss-crosses him into a pump kick.

Taka does some basic heel stuff on Okada and Okada ropebreaks on a bulldog choke. Okada gets laraited in the corner then choked by Taichi. Okada facekicks Taichi then Ishii gets in and puts Taka into Taichi. Taichi accidentally facekicks Taka then Taichi siekicks Ishii. Ishii hits chops on Taichi then Taichi hits a bad enzugiri on him. Taka knees him in the corner then Ishii shoulders him down.

Okada gets the hot tag in and hits forearms on Taka then running back elbows him. Okada ddt's him then Taka hits a jumping reverse enzuguri, a superkick and knee to the face at 10 minutes. Okada takes a facelock from Taka and Ishii breaks it up. Ishii shoulders Taka over then Okada dropkicks Taka. Okada then taps him with the money clip.

This was a very basic match and I was not real interested in it. It was short and far from anyone's best work.

Alex Zayne, Hiroshi Tanahashi & KUSHIDA vs. BULLET CLUB (Gedo, KENTA & Taiji Ishimori)

Kushida and Taiji mat wrestle to start. Gedo and Alex go at it and Alex grabs him by the mouth. Alex cartwheels over him as he drops down. He then does a nice running corkscrew SSP but gets his dive attempt interrupted. Alex double hurricanrana's Taiji and Kenta at the same time and the faces triple dive spot gets interrupted and the heels tie them up outside.

Gedo bites Alex then Taiji bites him as well. The buckle pad gets removed and Alex has his head banged off the exposed buckle. Taiji then goes back to working the face and Alex is thrown into the exposed buckle again. Alex fights back with punches and a spinning lariat on Kenta and tags in Tana. Tana running forearms Kenta then flipping sentons him off the 2nd rope.

Kenta facekicks him then powerslams him. Tana hits him with a twist and shout then Kushida/Taiji get in. Kushida top rope chops Taiji and hits kicks then crossbodies him. Kushida bicycle kicks him then handsprings into Gedo on the apron. Kushida and Taiji trade forearms then Taiji handspring back enzugiri's him.

Kushida takes running corner moves and backdrops Taiji to the floor. Kushida then handsprings into a double back elbow on Kenta and Gedo. Tana plancha's outside then does does a 2nd rope inside to outisde moonsault. Kushida hipstosses Gedo into a dropkick then pins him with a hammerlock butterfly suplex.

There wasn't anything wrong with this and it was a decent match. The heels worked over the faces until they made their big comeback and won it.

Tana and Kenta argue after.

Overall thoughts: It's a New Japan house show and there's a limit to the quality of it since people aren't going to go all out. I liked the main event and the LIJ trios match but not much else.

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